Hi! I am ColdStardust. We are not nearly new to the whole TAS thing. We're just new to this site. We refer to ourselves as Madison and Billy. We are best friends, even though we've never met in real life. We met on the TAS community, and joined YouTube accounts and everything. We share secrets, make videos, and blah blah blah. By the way, we're sorry for any inconvenience that happened when we were younger. The trolling, the copying videos, the being immature (actually most of that wasn't trolling, we were just young) but we want to start over and be completely serious on this site, if you will just let us do that instead of banning us.
So anyway, this is User 2, or Madison typing this message, but Billy is just watching me type and giving me suggestions on what else to type. I am 13 years old, and Billy (User 1) is 11 years old, but don't worry, he's about as smart as I am at 13. We've both been doing the TAS thing for about 3 years (he's been doing it longer than I have), but we've learned slowly, so we're about average right now.
As for my TASing skill as User 2: I am fairly good at TAS, but not the best. I think very black and white and all technical about everything I do, because I'm very OCD, so I will just spend hours trying to get the exact frames just right on my TASes, but sometimes the best way to do something is over my head, so I get incredibly frustrated. I do my very best on all my RECENT TASes. And yes I am also very technical about my grammar and punctuation. I never try to get that wrong.
As for User 1: I think you'll have to ask him about that. I don't want to judge him about his work.
Anyway, sorry for last time I was on the site. I didn't really know what the purpose of a forum was, but now I do. I will try my best to keep everything on this site as serious as possible.
Well, the TASes I plan to make are these:
1,) (NES) Adventures in the Magic Kingdom any% (estimated time: 10:03)
2.) (NES) Adventures in the Magic Kingdom 100% (all stars all candles) (estimated time: 15-20 minutes)
3.) (GBA) Donkey Kong Country 3 any% (estimated time: unknown)
4.) (Wii) Super Mario Galaxy any% (61 star) (estimated time: 1:00(likely 1:30)-2:00)
5.) (Wii) Super Mario Galaxy 100% (121 star) (estimated time: 3:30(likely 4:30)-5:00-6:00-7:00)
When TASing on Dolphin comes out (which we've already tried to do and it didn't work) we will make this. I am the one destined to make all the SMG TASes, because I consider ourselves the best in the world at the game. I don't mean to brag about that, but Billy R. and I have played that game and rejected SMG2 (because to be honest I think it kinda sucks) and we've found so many shortcuts that other people (even speedrunners) haven't yet found (and trust me, we've looked everywhere I tell you. EVERYWHERE). So I'd like to be the one to do this projects. I don't think I'll give up, and if I do, I'll just leave the Dolphin video file on this site so other people can finish it if they want to, but I won't quit the TAS until I'm quitting the entire TAS community.
Also, about my OCD, that's the reason I do not like speed/entertainment tradeoffs. The reason is that it makes me nervous just thinking about it. It makes me feel good to think about things like making an atlas (I'm into geography) and putting a whole entry for every secondary government of every country in the world instead of having a section about just each country. Most atlases don't even go that far. :O
As for TAS, I imagine a perfect TAS to be the fastest it can possibly be, even if it's not so entertaining. For me, this is the way I think. My mind won't stop fantasizing in a black and white way.
Well anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this introduction, since it took about an hour and a half to write. Anyone I meet on this site, If I make any good friends on this site, then I am very glad of that, because that means my work will have paid off in some way! Well that's all there is to be said. Thanks for reading this, and I hope this gets some kind of response, since I worked hard writing this. Thank you! :)
How can I help you King Dedede?
I need a monster that can help me get Kirby.
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Location: Windfall Island
Welcome to TASVideos! All I can say is you seem very ambitious and hopefully that will get you far in your work. Dolphin may not be the most reliable, but it works to an extent. I personally haven't done SMG, but hopefully it will sync reliably enough in the near future for a full TAS. I've got to tell you though, TASing is not only tough work, but takes a lot of practice. When you make your first TAS, it most likely won't be optimal to the fullest extent. Even though you've been TASing for 3 years, if you haven't been in a community like TASVideos (which I don't know of any others), then you haven't met the wrath of other users for squeezing out every single frame possible.
Adventures in the Magic Kingdom is on the list of bad game choices, so you won't have to worry about speed/entertainment trade-offs.
Donkey Kong Country 3 has already been TASed on SNES, I'm not sure of the version differences though and if they are enough to make TASing it good enough.
SMG is currently desync prone, so I wouldn't put my bets on it becoming sync-friendly for a while.
All I can say is good luck, work hard, and keep us updated. Actually, I'm kind of interested in seeing links to your previous TASes and work in progresses, over the past 3 years.
Edit: I'm confused, are you two brothers?
Billy wrote:
My brother and I are going at it together because we are brave and we are a TEAM!
Edit 2: Sorry, can't make up my mind.
I don't mind if you guys are back and you are mature and won't troll here. But I don't know how I feel about two people sharing an account. Not only is it confusing, but it seems like a way to avoid for one person's actions. I personally would prefer it if you each used separate accounts. It doesn't seem to violate any Terms of Use or such, but still. I hope in the future you won't troll. I still find 13 and 11 to be young. You said you were "just young", but that wasn't even a year ago. We were all young once, and I did stupid things when I was younger. I don't even know what I'm rambling on about now. Whatever. Just be mature here and you'll be fine. Lay low, learn about TASing, submit a couple of crappy TASes and get feedback about how it can be improved. That's how I started. Now I'm busy making a huge TAS that is pretty optimal.
Oh yeah, try not to be too cocky.
ColdStardust wrote:
I am the one destined to make all the SMG TASes, because I consider ourselves the best in the world at the game. I don't mean to brag about that, but Billy R. and I have played that game and rejected SMG2 (because to be honest I think it kinda sucks) and we've found so many shortcuts that other people (even speedrunners) haven't yet found (and trust me, we've looked everywhere I tell you. EVERYWHERE). So I'd like to be the one to do this projects.
I'm sure there are people who are more eager and more experienced than you wanting to TAS that game. TASing with Dolphin certainly isn't easy. Just because you are good at a game doesn't mean you are going to be good at TASing it. Perhaps these "shortcuts" you've found aren't even faster in speedruns because of the route they take, so they don't matter. It's important to stay humble, especially with people here.
IronSlayer wrote:
Your counterargument would be like me saying that the Earth is round and then you telling me that I need to show it's flat so I can "prove us all wrong".
No, I don't have any brothers. I was immature back then, and told lies like that such as what country I was from (I lied and said I was from Italy at one point but I can't remember when or where) and the same thing goes for the brother thing (I was referring to my old best friend Qasim who I also met over the internet), but that was all because I was lonely, and I kind of still am, but I know that lying does not make yourself feel better about who you are. Anyway, aside all that drama, I'm much more mature than I used to be, and I'm glad you respect my existence in this community! Thank you very much! I will do my best! :)
Oh, more edits. I actually tested these shortcuts, and they do in fact beat yoshifan28's single star segmented speedrun of SMG because I look like all day just for glitches and such on some days, but I have a session of playing the game every day possible, so if someone tried to make a TAS of the game, I would probably do a better job even if I had to make another one after or around the same time as another person. I will start as soon as I possibly hear that Dolphin works with SMG now.
Also, sorry we're sharing an account. I just don't know how I will cope with anyone, even on the internet, without help from a friend. I am kind of socially awkward in real life, or an outcast if you will. At least I feel that way. I don't really trust anyone except my best friend on the internet and a few other people as well (on the internet) but that's it. So that's why I feel it is necessary for me to partner accounts with my best friend!
How can I help you King Dedede?
I need a monster that can help me get Kirby.
That´s what we do best at NME.
You better give it with a money-back guarantee!
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Location: Windfall Island
Please read my Edit 2 on my previous post. I need sleep now, best of luck to you here.
IronSlayer wrote:
Your counterargument would be like me saying that the Earth is round and then you telling me that I need to show it's flat so I can "prove us all wrong".
How can I help you King Dedede?
I need a monster that can help me get Kirby.
That´s what we do best at NME.
You better give it with a money-back guarantee!
I don't mind if you guys are back and you are mature and won't troll here. But I don't know how I feel about two people sharing an account. Not only is it confusing, but it seems like a way to avoid for one person's actions. I personally would prefer it if you each used separate accounts.
The forum rules used to say
Multiple users may not share the same account. Accounts are personal.
Joined: 3/8/2012
Posts: 398
Location: Windfall Island
The confusing part is one of the users already has an account, what do?
IronSlayer wrote:
Your counterargument would be like me saying that the Earth is round and then you telling me that I need to show it's flat so I can "prove us all wrong".
So how will two authors under one username be credited? There are a few fields in the submission form that say "author". It would just confuse people if there was one name for two different people. An account should be treated as one person, to help credit everyone involved accurately. You wouldn't want to say "Thanks to ColdStardust, user 2 for helping me plan the route". Who would that be? And if you just included the person's name, like "Thanks to Billy G.", how would we know what his account name is?
And if you just included the person's name, like "Thanks to Billy G.", how would we know what his account name is?
By saying "Billy G., User 2 of ColdStardust".
How can I help you King Dedede?
I need a monster that can help me get Kirby.
That´s what we do best at NME.
You better give it with a money-back guarantee!
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Accounts at TASVideos are so expensive people gather into groups to afford one.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.