Recorded with Gens9j
  • Does not take any damage
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Does not manipulate luck
Death Duel is a first-person perspective combat game for the Sega Genesis. Fight through a series of nine enemies using various weaponry to win the tournament. Each enemy you face has certain weakspots which, for the most part, can be blown off.
Between each battle is a shop where you can purchase weaponry and make repairs. No damage is taken throughout this run so the repair screen never appears, saving precious time.
Missiles are used almost exclusively as they are inexpensive but very powerful. Homing Missiles are also used when needed, as they are extremely expensive.
You must purchase weaponry for each battle based on the credits you have earned. You can gain credits in three ways.
  • Destroy the enemy's body parts. You will be awarded credits based on the damage dealt.
  • Destroy the enemy quickly. You are awarded credits based on the time remaining.
  • Earn credits in the Qualifying Round.
Qualifying Rounds are shooting gallery levels where you must shoot critters to earn a certain number of credits. There are seven Qualifying Rounds, one between each battle.
Note that even with rerecords and frame advance it is damned near impossible to hit those flies worth 5000.
Round 1: Shanox Moisail
You begin with default weaponry, though only missiles are used in this run. Although Shanox's wings, arms and legs are vulnerable to attack, it is not neccessary to destroy them. Two quick shots to the head and it is blown clear. A further two missiles blow the remaining stump of a neck away and it's on to Qualifying Round 1.
Round 2: Forsal Jeraba
Instead of destroying Forsal's limbs with seperate shots, a single homing missile does all the work. It's a few quick shots to the headcannon and head and we stroll past the remains and on to another Qualifying Round.
Round 3: Krax Xarkton
A pair of missiles quickly destroys Krax's fake head. Instead of taking the time to destroy the limbs to make the second head vulnerable, a single Homing Missile does him in.
Round 4: Darrius Morb
Glorious Missiles! Darruis doesn't even get to blink before he's dissected by a precision salvo of deathdealing projectile goodness.
Round 5: Borb Eubistapcia
What a serious waste of time. Borb is fought very similarly to Shanox, although he is able to regenerate his head and most of his limbs. Thankfully, a single Homing Missile destroys all his limbs at once. I blow off the first head and his second pair of legs so that he can't run away. Destroying the second head kills Borb but it takes a really long time for him to die. While I wait, I blow off his forearms for extra cash and carnage.
Note that I fire a missile into the wall on purpose, as it provides just large enough a hole to fire through.
Round 6: Karl Borgas
A pair of Homing Missiles takes out his limbs and a quick cluster of Missiles to the head leaves the cockpit exposed even before Karl can move. One final missile to the now-exposed cockpit finishes him off. Normally, he would bail out of his mech and run along the ground, firing at you but it seems the Homing Missiles "killed" him beforehand.
Round 7: Kuros Tizrak
Walk without rhythym and it won't attract the worm! Kuros can be very deadly to an uneducated foe. It seems that Kuros is blind, unless you move around. I blow off one of the pincers before Kuros can react, then switch to "stationary mode." I blow off the second pincer, both arms and both heads with my remaining missiles.
Round 8: Yorgik Somtix
Time to start spending that surplus cash! What is normally a difficult battle is completely trivialized by a pair of Homing Missiles followed by a pair of Missiles to the face.
Round 9: Simas Julies
Simas is the ultimate foe - extremely difficult to kill and able to dish out massive amounts of damage quickly. Too bad for him I've got FIVE Homing Missiles for him to chew on.
Note that when the battle ends, the battle does not end. He waves the white flag and "surrenders."
If you do not destroy him quickly and completely, he retaliates by transforming into a massive set of cannons and obliterates you in a single barrage. He then taunts you with "A cyborg never surrenders!" and your game is over regardless of any remaining lives you may have had. We, however, do not even wait for him to land on the ground before he is pulverized by a pair of Missiles.
And so our hero becomes the new champion and earns his prize!
This is my first submission and my first TAS. I hope you will enjoy it!

Truncated: It looks very well played, but the qualification rounds kill most of the entertainment. Since voter feedback has been negative, I'm rejecting this. Like I said in the topic, you seem to have talent, so good luck with your next project.

adelikat: Unrejecting and accepting for publication to the Vault

nanogyth: Processing for publication...

Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15448
This topic is for the purpose of discussing #1291: Trask's Genesis Death Duel in 08:24.73
Former player
Joined: 8/1/2004
Posts: 2687
Location: Seattle, WA
...That was it? For a game called Death Duel, I would expect more than this. While I don't doubt that this is a fast completion of what seems to be a fast game, I just couldn't find anything particularly interesting. Voting meh. Also, Death Duel (U)[!] works for this movie.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
Player (82)
Joined: 9/16/2006
Posts: 63
That was one of the things I was a little worried about with this game. It's not well known, so I get the feeling people may not know what to expect from the game. I'd recommend trying the game yourself, just to get a feel of it because there really is a farily deep combat system to the game.
End of Line
Editor, Expert player (2476)
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Heh, it's funny how fast you destroyed the enemies. It makes the game look stupid (which is good) and repetitive (which is bad). Sadly, there's probably not much audience for a movie like this. I'm going to give it a weak "yes", but I have a feeling it won't be published.
Active player (367)
Joined: 10/17/2005
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I played the game first, so it made the movie much better to understand and appreciate, but if only there were no bonus stages to fast forward through. It seemed, when I was playing, that I could fire something else while a missile was reloading, though I don't know if there's anything more involved with that or whether it actually would be faster, or of course whether I'm just wrong, hehe. Mmm I'm not sure whether to yes or meh, the movie is almost entirely bonus stages and fadeouts between other screens.
Player (37)
Joined: 9/9/2006
Posts: 388
Hmm, wasn't terribly entertaining I'm afraid, although welldone on completing the game so fast. I would vote a "Meh" but alas, am still not allowed to.
A whisper in the wind~~
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Twisted Eye wrote:
I played the game first, so it made the movie much better to understand and appreciate, but if only there were no bonus stages to fast forward through. It seemed, when I was playing, that I could fire something else while a missile was reloading, though I don't know if there's anything more involved with that or whether it actually would be faster, or of course whether I'm just wrong, hehe.
You're very much right. In fact, I use this technique on several of the fights (Especially Round 4 against Darrius Morb) but all in all it results in being slower overall. The reason is that the final battle against Simas Julies is ruthlessly difficult, but since I am able to purchase five Homing Missiles for the fight he is all but dead before getting to move. If I had purchased anything other than Machine Gun ammo for the empty slots I'd have had too few credits at the end.
Twisted Eye wrote:
Mmm I'm not sure whether to yes or meh, the movie is almost entirely bonus stages and fadeouts between other screens.
Yeah, it's unfortunate that there isn't just some way to skip through the junk to get to the meat and bones of the game. EDIT: Fast forwarding throught the Qualifying Rounds is probably best. :)
End of Line
Player (81)
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Avast! Since it seems I be the only one of ye lubbers what says this movie should be sunk t' Davy Jones' locker, mayhaps I've got me a bit of of explainin' t' do. Ye see, there be little that may interest one of them that's never seen this 'ere game before. To them (and I be in this group too, yarr) the game be lookin' like a handful of well-planned shots with some mildly interesting bonus stages in between 'em. Them enemies may be more fierce than the dread pirate Roberts, but I ain't seen none of it, what makes it look more like Duck Hunt. Ye may be smart as paint t' find such a quick dispatch fer ye enemies, but 'tain't much in 't worth watchin' fer lubbers such as m'self. I thinks this be an example of them games what should nay be tas'd.
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
Active player (436)
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Sorry but this submission and game is too slow and uninspiring for me, voting no.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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AngerFist wrote:
Sorry but this submission and game is too slow and uninspiring for me, voting no.
That's fine. :) Just wondering, though... by "game is too slow" do you mean that it takes too long for anything to happen or that it is played slowly?
End of Line
Editor, Reviewer, Experienced player (978)
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I have played this game before. Most of the time then I was dying. This beats everything very efficiently, but the bonus rounds destroy it for me. With only the fights and some more tempo (and perhaps, music?), I could vote yes. You seem to have the skills, so I recommend trying another game. I can't see this one being published.
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om, nom, nom... blech, stale!
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [2219] Genesis Death Duel by Trask in 08:24.73
Active player (409)
Joined: 10/4/2015
Posts: 99
For what it's worth, these old comments about killing the boss faster are correct. Two missiles will kill the dragon head. But so will 1 missile, 1 spanner and 1 machine gun bullet. But the second method takes less frames. The head has 0x14 life (20), as does the Neck. Missile does 12 damage. Spanner does 6 damage. Machine Gun does 2 damage. The hit boxes are very precise, so I recommend monitoring the ram addresses to get a more accurate understanding of if you actually hit the right body part or not. I bet the later bosses could be optimized too, unfortunately I didn't want to try the shooting gallery. You can see my WIP on left 1 here.