Post subject: Controller question...
Joined: 3/8/2005
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What sort of controllers are you guys using for your runs? A picture of and/or a link where you can buy the controller would help greatly as I need to buy one ASAP. I searched and couldn't find anything regarding what the general consensus is as far as the best controller to use with FCEU. Thanks
Player (68)
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In my experience, it's best to use a keyboard. If you have a newish one, you probably can't hold down too many buttons at once, but I found it to be good to use the arrow keys for the directions, X and C for A and B, and TAB for frame advance. Then set SPACE to pause/unpause, S for save, Delete for load and whatever buttons you feel like for start/select (V and B are good). I tried using a SNES gamepad once, but it felt very imprecise and awkward. OFF TOPIC: Is this a good time to brag about my keyboard? Since my friend spilled soda on two of my previous ones, I'm now using an ancient relic I found in some "all kinds of crap" store (don't know what they're called). I realized just now that I can press as many buttons at once as I want! Pretty neat, huh? Also, the spacebar is REALLY FREAKING LONG. Damn, I love my keyboard. If I ruin this one, I'm going to kill myself.
Editor, Player (91)
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Here's the keyboard settings I use. In snes recording, there are additionally X,Y,L,R keys in a cross formation around the Save key. (Actually, the positions of A,B,X,Y are interchanged a bit to make it more comfortable in some games.) movie load/save/stop and savestate slot selection keys are combinations of shift/alt and numbers.
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lol, when I first saw the picture, I thought it was the Periodic Tables of the Elements.
Player (68)
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Nice picture. I wanna make a picture too. *shoddily edits Bisqwit's picture* Ta-da! I was a little bit bored, why do you ask?
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My settings for when I'm not being lazy :P z = b x = a a = select c = start space = pause v = frame advance f5 = save state f8 = load state f6,f7 = change save state up,down.left,right = up,down,left,right
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(Genesis controls): a, s, d: a, b, c buttons enter: start arrow keys: directions w: quickload numpad 0: quicksave esc: pause spacebar: Frame advance
Player (248)
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i use on fceu q = save / e = load z = a / x = b / d = select / c = start enter = pause / ctrl = frame advance a playstation gamepad for player 2
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FCEU for time attacking Directions: Arrows B: D A: Space Start: A Select: Tab Pause: RShift Frame Adv.: RCtrl Savestate: F1 Loadstate: F4 Increase State: Num+ Decrease State: Num- I use a Plastation 2 controller when I'm just playing.
If for honesty, you want apologies, I don't sympathize.
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i hate using increase / decrease savestate slots, i prefer picking it by number. if i use inc/dec i often load a wrong state
Player (208)
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Up is Up Down is Down Left is Left Right is Right Z is B X is Save C is A V is Load D is L F is R [ is Select ] is Start
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Player (248)
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i dont understand how can you guys use save and load so close to b and a Alternatively!! dont you often accidentaly bump those save or load keys????
Player (208)
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That's the whole point! You want those save and load keys nearby for when you need them. Maybe I should move my Start and Select keys closer, too...
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Editor, Player (91)
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
That's the whole point!
I thought you were continuing your post like, "That's the whole point! Movies are too boring to make unless you subject yourself to accidental mistakes!" :P
Player (248)
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Mine are close, but not adjacent (the save and load keys). Big hands will accidentally hit adjacent keys and its a good idea that those are dead keys.
Player (208)
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What, is your finger so big that it hits 6 keys at once? :| :\ :/ :p
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Player (248)
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didnt you know i play with my feet!? seriously, sometimes i hit 2 keys at once by mistake, and i wouldnt like the wrong pressed key to be a save or even worse, a load key
Joined: 3/8/2005
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Thanks for the replies. :D