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how the hell are you able to jump "halfway" to 6? for some reason, i can do a "halfway" jump to 7 in the first level, but after that i can only get to "edge crawling" 6, or "high jump" to 6. never even got the halfway 6 you seem to get alot, and never even got to 7 at all. also what would be slower: high jump to 6 edge crawl to 6 wait for edge crawl on 7 and what would be the time difference approx. remember that there's quite alot of levels, so this time adds up in the end.
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qFox wrote:
how the hell are you able to jump "halfway" to 6?
Just accuracy. I always tried many times to get the shortest flying. I have not actually compared the times so this is just completely unscientific.
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qFox wrote:
but if memmory serves me well, the ufo disappears at the end of each level so that would kinda suck, unless you can get a double enemy at the beginning of the next level.
There's a glitch to get around that, allowing you to keep the UFO for potentially the entire game... :) 1. Get a weapon that either changes your appearance, or that you can carry around. (Meaning UFO, hammer, sword, or parasol...ball might work too, but I haven't tried it, and it's nowhere near as useful as UFO, so why bother with anything else? :p) 2. Go to a level you've beaten. (Obviously, since, as described above, you lose the UFO at the end of the level, if you want to try this with UFO, you'll need to pick a beaten level containing a UFO, and get the UFO there.) 3. This is the tricky part. You have to hit select to drop your weapon, then hit start to pause, AFTER the star is visible behind Kirby but BEFORE the weapon name display changes back to "Normal". 4. If successful, go ahead and exit the level. You'll now have that weapon until your next death, or until you drop it (by select button, or getting plastered with one of those ugly special "This WILL hurt you and there's no way out of it" attacks like DeDeDe's "inhale you, then spit"...since your weapon is now considered to be a glitched version of Normal, you can't get it back by inhaling the select-button star).
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oh very nice we might be able to use that glitch later on, i'm sure the ufo is more usefull at some points in the game. also i counted frames at the level end (and if i'm not mistaken, i read that famtasia displayes every 3 frames, so multiply by 3 if so) counting the frame containing kirby in the doorway as number 1: climbing up the edge of 6 = 50 frames high jump in 6 = 47 frames let it go to climb up 7 = 58 frames so i'll go with edge of 6, if i cant get the halfway jump onto 7 (i guess thats level specific then?)
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just finished my first real attempt on level 1 and it looks good. i compared it to yours and am happy to report there are several differences (just so you'll know i'm not being a copycat). i might check out those fmv files later and tweak my jumps (at the level ends) to be precisely what i want them to be... is that allowed at all btw? i'll compare my time later, when i'm completely done with my first attempt at kirby.
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From what I've seen, it's faster to get 1 or 2 at the goal. That's assuming you're playing for speed though.
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no 1 is defo longer, since there's a long you-made-the-top-dance thats longer then all the others 2 is longer since it takes time to get up there, sure you're faster, but the total takes time. 7 is the fastest as far as frames, i'm certain, although i havent actually counted 7 yet.
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I'm having trouble with your Kirby's Adventure fmv. When the game starts, it seems all you do is jump right and suck in air a bunch. I'm thinking it's something to do with using the wrong buttons. What buttons do you use?
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You either have the wrong emulator (unlikely) or the wrong ROM (I'm pretty sure Bisqwit used one of the PAL versions).
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster. I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
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YtterbiJum wrote:
What buttons do you use?
Irrelevant - the fmv file stores NES buttons, not keyboard keys. I use the right buttons to control the character. Doublecheck that your fmv file is 159994 bytes in size and that your ROM is the European version.
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The .fmv is the correct size. I don't know about the .nes, though. How do I check if it's the PAL version or not? I'm new to Famtasia :)
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ok i have a question concerning random if the playback file only records keystrokes, then how random is kirby? especially at boss number 2, the painter on blades. what he draws, appears to be completely random but i have thought about dropping my skill (which is that hjump), and to inhale the car (which will give you wheel). but if that is indeed all random, then when played back, what he draws might not be a car. if this isnt the case, then that means that the game has no random whatsoever, and it merely depends on what keys you press...
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for the love of.... it appears i have just wasted hours on level 3 because i kept backing up the file after 3.1, i watched the vid after taking a wrong door in 4.2 (and saving), and now i cant find any save beyond 3.1. and i backed up like i did the whole time grrrrrrrrrr ok, one last try, perhaps its something else the files are increasing in size, indicating they are in fact correct files could he for some reason stop playing at this particulour point? any at all? :| omg... i looked at the file and compared it to the 3.1 file and there's a whole set of 00's at the end point after that it continues as normal so either he didnt record the keys and put 00's in for every frame, or he put in a whole bunch of 00's before contineuing.... gahhhhh i'm gonna try at a manual fix, but somehow i dont think i'll be able to sync it :( :(
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If you load an earlier save while in play/record mode, there's no way you can recover the later play if you don't have backups. Lesson: Don't load a quicksave unless you intend to play from that point. Lesson 2: Don't load a quicksave that is from a later point than where you are now, if recording.
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yes but i think i somehow did do that, and backed up a file saved that way. i didnt play it back and i've just figured out, he's missing 3 levels (its kinda easy when you're only looking for a point at which you pushed select :) kinda studid mistake then :( i wonder either i should do the three levels and then attempt to paste it together, or just screw it and restart from 3.1 the thing about pasting is that, in a vid, you cant just jump to the ending. thats very time consuming :( ok just checked other saves. appearantly my error creeped at the savegame of 3.4, meaning i'm missing frames from the start of 3.4 untill the "semi-boss" of that level. i think i'm better off by just playing from 3.4 onwards again, rather then playing 3.4 and pasting it all together :\ i almost managed to do so! the "offset" was quite easy, as i had kirby pushed in a corner, waiting for an enemy to walk over the edge, so i could use that jump skill to kill it. i copied the rest of the part over it, and it finished those "semi-bosses" smooth, also got the mix in the next part (parasoll and sword together) to get wheel, and the level-end-jump to 7. but then in 3.5 he somehow manages to fuckup :(
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ohwell i just did a comparison and your vid is much faster, and i'm only halfway :\ it seems as if your movement is smoother then mine, sometimes even quicker, especially flying upwards. i have some probs with entering keystrokes, especially the double tap dash fails ALOT :\ well for anyone who cares, http://members.home.nl/qfox/kirby.attempt.one.fmv i'm going to start from scratch. there were a few things that can be much smoother anyhow, and by the looks of it i wont even get close to beating your time :)
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qFox wrote:
if the playback file only records keystrokes, then how random is kirby?
There's no randomness in NES games. I don't think there's any way for a NES game to create purely random events (a system clock which runs independently of the CPU may allow doing this, but I don't think a NES has that, and even it it has, the emulator will probably always start it from exactly where the game started anyways). What you see may look random, but isn't. Everything is consequence of your keystrokes (either their timing, their order, or both). If a NES game wants to make something look random, it will have to use the only thing that resembles randomness as its seed: Your keystrokes. Since the emulator will replay your keystrokes with 100% fidelity from the fmv, all the "randomness" in the game will be replayed exactly the same way as well.
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qFox wrote:
well for anyone who cares, http://members.home.nl/qfox/kirby.attempt.one.fmv
Is this really for Kirby? I couldn't get it working on European or USA (PRG 1) version. Anyway it didn't take me three tries to learn fluent controlling without reason :) And I still learned things during the creation of the released version. For example, I should have been more careful with autofire. From sound effects you can hear that I often start the "wheel" two or three times in row. It's slower than to start it once. I should redo it sometime.
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i had a lot of problems with giving it keystrokes. not so much starting the wheel at the exact times, but more like double-tap (for running) and so forth. i'll do a proper run some day.... :)
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Bisqwit, what is the GoodNES name of the rom you used for your run ? I tried it with all valid ones, including the two europeans ones, and at best it desynced at level 2.
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GoodNES name appears to be "Kirby's Adventure (E).nes". MD5 sum is 6118e4f266604fc1d7312d083008e923.
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bisqwit> my rom is "Kirby's Adventure.nes" i cant seem to find any "rom info" option in famtasia... size is 786448 bytes (last changed may 97, according to these records... ;)
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Odds are, you have the US version. Search for the name that Bisqwit posted earlier.
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ok will do later
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ok got it and indeed, fmv didnt work on it
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