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I can close or erase is thread but I don't know how to "combine" it with the others. The other two seem to be slightly different, actually.
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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You need to activate the sequence in which Marin is at the beach in order to get her to wake the Windfish. This sequence is not activated until you give the Bear in Animale Village the pineapple.
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TSA wrote:
You need to activate the sequence in which Marin is at the beach in order to get her to wake the Windfish. This sequence is not activated until you give the Bear in Animale Village the pineapple.
ah. This explains everyting. Strangely how those non-related things are coupled. I assume brining home that lonely ghost has the same reason behind it? Besides that: Congratulations for another very good run! I've really enjoied it - especially how you killed the last boss. I remember how difficult that was for me the first time I've played the game back then. Philip
Joined: 8/1/2004
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TSA: You never fail to impress. Keep up the great work, dude.
Love, Ev
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Can you please send me the link to the movie? I can't find it on the SDA site.
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Love, Ev
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That was really well done! I really liked the running jumps in the temples which were used to skip sections; I didn't know you could do that. I'm glad that once again the wait has been worth it.
Emulator Coder
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Very nice again TSA. This time I got an additional bonus, that I have never played or seen this Zelda game before, and well, that made it extra entertaining.
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There is a lot of room for improvement on a natural run of this game. Better Turtle Rock and Catfish Maw routes have been discovered, and a boss trick. Additionally, I got one too many chests. I think 1:42 run is possible on DX. I think a 1:39 run is possible on standard. This is one game where time attacking will allows a lot of advantages...maybe as much as 15 minutes I would guess...
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I actually need a favor from somebody who can do this on emulator with save states and slow downs. In Level 7 - Eagle's Tower. You know the room with the 3 penguins that have card suits (Diamond, Heart, Clover, Spade) on them that rotate? Get to the top of that room, and see if you, with Pegasus Boots, can dash jump across that gap. 4 square jumps have been done so far...just not here on an unaltered gameplay run. Many thanks in advance.
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TSA : you might have more luck with an answer if you ask in this thread i would do it but i dont have to patience to play through a game for 1 thing heh
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Didn't see TSA's post. I'd do it if I had a save file nearby the area...
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Lucid's 1:42 LA standard run is up.
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seemed to me this was a big topic of discussion in the "other games" forum before a re-recording GB emulator was out. now that VBA supports it, the topic is suddenly dead... is someone secretly working on this game, or do i have to do it myself? :P
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here's a quick example of the teleport glitch, up to the sword right here use the "Legend of Zelda, The - Link's Awakening (V1.2) (U) [!]" rom EDIT: now it's up to the shop I haven't played this game in 7 years so I remember next to nothing, so I'm just mimicing the run at SDA (original b&w version). If anyone has any phenomenal advantages I could use the teleport glitch for drop me a line.
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I hear you can use it to skip right to the wind fish's egg. Try searching around David Wonn's site or something. EDIT: Ah, here we go. Source:
Complete the game in FIVE MINUTES sent in by glitcher I originally sent in a walkthrough on how to finish the game in fifteen minutes. But now I’ve found a way to beat the game in a third of that time. This method is theoretically ‘safer’, but technically less reliable. Here’s what to do: - Start a new game and speak to Tarin to collect your shield. - Exit Marin’s house and go to collect your sword on the beach. It’s faster if you warp directly south from where you start. Also, you can avoid the owl’s speech by warping the sword onto another screen and collecting it there. - Go a screen left and up, then warp south twice. You will appear in the mountains where you find the Turtle Rock warp hole. - Save and quit to restart at Marin’s house. - Now go north-east and warp to the prairie warp hole. It should deposit you back in the mountains. - Enter Turtle Rock, then save and quit to restart at the beginning of the dungeon. - Go up one screen, then warp south three times to appear in the final nightmare’s room. - Instead of fighting it just yet, warp south then back north again to reappear at the top of the final nightmare’s room. - Warp north once (the final nightmare will follow you) and wait until the gel appears and starts to attack you. - When it is on screen, warp south back into the final nightmare’s room (for the third time). Now you are facing TWO final nightmare’s. This will cause the battle to get all screwed up. - The gel battle won’t occur (if it does, you have to start again) and you will be facing two Aghanims. Once you’ve defeated one (the other is invincible), it will explode and transform into Ganon (the Moldorm battle won’t occur either). If all goes well, the second nightmare will turn into a bo staff and spin aimlessly around the room. If this doesn’t happen, you have to start again. - Wait until Ganon throws his staff; it will follow the other one and never return to him. Spin attack Ganon twelve times, then spin attack the Lamnola WHEN THE TWO BO STAFFS ARE OFF THE SCREEN! (this will make the final battle much easier) - When the Lamnola transforms into the Shadow Dethl, the two bo staffs should transform too, but one of them will mysteriously self-destruct. This will cause the stairs to appear. - Lure the on-screen Shadow Dethl away from the stairs, then make a dash for them when you think you have the time. The hardest part is getting Link to walk up the stairs without him being killed by the Shadow Dethl’s flailing arms. - That’s it! If you’ve followed the walkthrough above, you should have finished the game with only your sword and shield in hand and ZERO INSTRUMENTS, all within five minutes! Give yourself a pat on the back if you manage to accomplish this feat!
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okay, here is the finished game using the instructions posted by Bladegash I guess it could be seen as an appendix (if it is published) to any actual full run, like the up/down left/right glitch in the SNES zelda in a way sort of.
Joined: 4/11/2005
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Can't see the run now but I think using that kind of glitch-warping will just ruin the game. I'd rather see a run where the game is defeated like it was supposed to be played than a run where you just use glitches to skip the whole game.
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Well, if their is a Link's Awakening DX run too, you can see the game beaten without warping. In more color.
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But the text is so slow
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Ego Buff wrote:
Can't see the run now but I think using that kind of glitch-warping will just ruin the game. I'd rather see a run where the game is defeated like it was supposed to be played than a run where you just use glitches to skip the whole game.
I fully concur. Just the only reason the -5 min run I posted was a demonstration of the glitch and why it would be pointless to use it in a 'full' run when you can easily finish the game in less than 5 minutes if the glitch is put to use. Much like the SNES zelda, the left/right up/down glitch used in the full run (submitted in the workbench) was somewhat of a turn-off because you know the game can be finished in less than 5 minutes IF it was used and it wouldn't be plausible in a console-based run anyways. If someone was to do a full run, it would need to be teleport glitch-free. Not one use of it would be permittable. But I still prefer the black and white original since you can skip over unimportant text.
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finished the 1st dungeon click here to get the movie
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Ok, looks fine (better than my OoS run, which is no miracle) but couldn't you have used the restart sequence to get outside the library or some other house after getting the key? You would have needed to enter it first, thought.
I won't give up unless my victory is assured!
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I wish you hadn't replaced the glitch run with the one you uploaded.
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