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Tilus wrote:
Yeah, I meant easytype, which is the same as what you were doing. I wound up with about the same amount of time as you did (0:58-0:59), so maybe my strategy isn't really any better than yours, but basically what I did was levelled up Rydia a little bit between when I get Tellah in the waterfall cave and the save point where the tent cutscene occurs.. just enough to get high enough level for Rydia to use Lit-2. I would then use the extra MP Rydia gains for extra chocobo summons, which would make the Octomamm, Antlion (it can't counterattack magic, and Chocobo summon is your strongest weapon), and MomBomb fights faster.
I've been working a little more on this, and since you were right about harvesting globes, I decided to check this out since it does seem faster. I assume you mean Lit-1 since Rydia doesn't get Lit-2 until she's older. Since you have a little bit of area in between Tellah and the tent scene, you can level her up to 5 in 3-4 fights, all of which should be won with 1 Tellah spell. The thing is, when I did it this way, I got 0:59 for Paladin, and if anything, I killed Milon a little faster than normal. It's been a while, so I went back immediately and did it with no leveling and got 0:58 again. So I think not leveling is better. The thing is, with no leveling, Octomamm is a bit slower, but Antlion and Mombomb is basically no difference, meaning Rydia doesn't run out of MP. I pick up these chests: Cure1 near the end of the Mist Cave, Ether1 in a pot near Rosa, and Darkness and another Ether1 near the end of the Waterfall. Rydia gets off a Chocobo during the Octomamm fight. After the battle, use the Cure1 and Rydia's last MP to cure Cecil and Rydia once, and the Ether1 to bring her up to max. During the Antlion fight, Edward uses the last Ether1 on Rydia, letting her Chocobo some more. Speaking of Chocobos, I ride a Yellow outside Baron, a Yellow back from Mt. Ordeal, and the Black. I also forgot to say earlier that I set my speeds to 1 in config and Warp/Exit out of everywhere possible, both of which should be obvious enough. Finally, you can get to Paladinhood with only having to set your Form once, if you put Rydia in the back in the 1st position and Cecil in the 2nd position as soon as you get her. Everything else just happens to fall into place somehow.
Tilus wrote:
The rest of the game, though, your strategy is almost certainly better than what my idea would've been (which is to level Cecil a little coming down Mt. Ordeals, live on that until you get to the Tower of Bab-il and harvest monsters off an Alarm there, then use that EXP to cruise until the Giant, where you harvest Attackers/Defenders until you're high enough level to beat the game).
Yeah, my RPG run philosophy has always been to only level up when absolutely necessary, and this works for most cases. I need to fully realize this is a tool-assisted speedrun and not a low level legit run. With luck manipulation, you can end every battle with exactly who you want to survive and get better level-ups that way. Also, again with luck manipulation, I managed to beat the Elements without leveling (I had a save there), so that would save a good bit of time. Basically, if it were possible to do the whole game without leveling, that would be optimal, but I think some amount of globe harvesting is necessary to survive Big Bang. Giving everyone Jump, I managed to beat Ex-death in FF5 with min levels and no chemist/whatever abuse (because I didn't know you could heh), but sadly I don't think keeping Kain forever in the air here would be feasible or even a good idea. Since I just remembered and I can't think of anywhere better to put this, I'm unsure as to whether or not it's really best to get Rydia's Tiara, get/dupe/sell?/dart Excaliburs, and buy Summoned Monsters/Dwarf Town equipment given that you could luck manipulate. I'm guessing the answer is still yes for the Excaliburs (this depends on what level you end up in after globe harvesting, which I don't know), most likely not for the Tiara (kill bosses by tanking until you can just buy 2), and a hesitant probably for the other gear.
Tilus wrote:
But 4 hours to beat all of FF4.. I'm impressed. The cheat-filled "walkthrough movie" on zophar, which disables all random combat and cheats to obliterate bosses as fast as possible, is about 3 hours long, so that's not a whole lot of extra time you spend to build up legitly. I'll be looking forward to this movie.
Thanks for the kind words, but I doubt I'll be doing this speedrun any time soon. I have a lot of coursework this semester, but more importantly, just messing around with this again reminded me of just how annoying this is. The first time, it was still somewhat annoying but kinda cool, since I was doing it on a console and I didn't know if it was feasible to make such a low level run. Throw in luck manipulation, and the fact that I've done this game too much before, and it starts to feel like work instead of play, which I could be doing instead. So I'm putting this on the backburner. I've never recorded any runs before, and besides having to deal with the logistics for the first time, I wish either ZSNES would get rerecording or Snes9x would get some of the features I'm used to. (Not to be taken as a complaint, though, keep up the good work guys!) My current speedrunning agenda would look like this: secret SNES RPG idea that wouldn't be as annoying to do Breath of Fire 5 Ico Ogre Battle FF2 Although there are still games I haven't played yet that would take precedent over speedrunning of course. "Thankfully" though, the only PS2 games in the pipeline I'm really interested in are Radiata Stories and Wanda and the Collosus, and neither is even out yet in Japan, so I might have more time in the future. I don't have a Gamecube, but if I ever got access to one I'm pretty sure my running days would be over. =p Anyway, my main objective was to get my FF2 speedrun ideas out for anyone else who was planning such a thing. As DukeNukem007 said, the Japanese dialog probably takes less space anyway, and you have already started, so I think I'll be looking forward to your movie! ;) "Thank you for your reading!"
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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Is everyone sure that easytype is the way to go? The extra moves in hardtype could be interesting. Extra magic with Rydia, recall with Tellah, dark wave with Cecil... I would love to see a weak party walk up to Octomamm and bamm!--Tellah suddenly remembers Lit 3. Some early fights can also be faster with properly used dark waves. Plus, damage-dealing items are available for extra damage from otherwise useless bitches like Rosa and Edgar. I think a well-planned jap run could be interesting, even though no one would understand the dialogue. Hell, as an American, I don't even know English that well, so...
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Not really, anyway it looks like nobody is planning to work on an easytype run anytime soon. I haven't heard anything recently about progress on a hardtype run either, though. (I'd rather see a hardtype run, myself.)
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Im starting a test run on this game. I dont know if i'll go insane before i finish it but anyways, i dont have much of a plan yet except for the first part of the game Basicly just run from every fight till i get Tellah and fight like 4-5 fights to level up rydia in the cave, before the tent scene. I'll get the darkness sword too to kill Octo faster. anyways i dont have a plan for the rest, except the posts already in this thread.. so if u got any time savers / good tricks let me know
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Well.. All i can say is.. as soon as you get the Mist dragon killed, or anything big like that. post it up. Ive played this game ever since it came out so.. i may be able to give a few pointers once i see how your comming along with it.
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I killed the mist dragon already, im up to 11 or so mins @ kaipo i lost maybe 2-3 seconds @ mist dragon cause i made kain jump instead of attack for last hit and cecil had to finish him off no big deal though only a test run, but thats my biggest screw up yet.. i dont have an host though so i cant post smvs, sorry =[
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Well.. Hmm...Maybe you can ask DeHackEd if you can use his. The link is in the Battletoads BattleManiacs topic, because he let me post mine there.
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alright thanks btw i got a question when i meet rosa in kaipo , do i need to talk to the old man about the antlion or is it fine if i go without doing that?
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as far as i can remember, i just only talked to rosa.. try just talking to her
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i did, ill post the smv when i get an host, waiting for dehacked's reply i already see a few minor optimizations that can save me a few frames but i guess thats what test runs are for right now im stuck on octo, he always kills rydia 1st thing anything i try so i'll have to try and manipulate him for a while
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Ok well.. Make sure Rydia is in the back row.. (Hopefully you already done that..) and make her Parry. I think that lowers the damage. Not quite sure. If he keeps attacking her, try moving Cecil into her spot, or Tellah, so he will attack them instead. try moving them around right?
Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 325 This is what i have done up to now, didnt work on it since last time but heres the smv.. i realized while doing this it takes a lot of work and i dont have too much time to work on this so im not sure if ill finish this run but i will work on it once in a while.. just dont expect udates Anyways, the things i marked down are: -Make Kain do a normal attack on last hit against Mist Dragon instead of jumping -Optimize Text speed, some places are a bit slower than other -Move Rydia and Tellah to back row when i equip the dark sword in cave *Thanks DeHacked for hosting
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Hmm.. I will watch this as soon as possible. You say you do not have alot of time? Maybe i could start one to let you get some time =D. NOTE: I may have said im doing alot of these "speed runs", but i wont get the 2P battle toads finished since my partner dont live near me.. Maybe ill leave it to Phil/Genisto. And about my SML........ Theaxeman claims his run is already faster then mine. So.. Ill let him do that rather then using up my time trying to make it better then his. So.. I may start this. if not, ill head back to SML.
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It would be cool if you start this.. not many interest in it yet i guess , maybe only the lurkers, but once RPG runs pick off usually a lot of people leave useful pointers and tricks, although i guess those are already in the thread i must warn you though even if theres alot less need for rerecords in 20 mins of RPG then platformers, its still a lot of work since its ~4 hours heh
Joined: 7/20/2004
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One thing you didn't do was increase the battle/text speed. For a time attack, that's absolutely necessary. Also, there was no manipulation for critical hits. Kain is fine jumping, but Cecil could be doing a lot more damage.
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well it IS a test run, as in not being the real deal. Im not crazy enough to bother with that in a rest run Although i guess not changing battle/text speed is pretty stupid indeed.. but lets just forget that one
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Yeah.. I know this will be alot of work and optimizing, but im up for it. even though Manipulating the criticle hits may take some time.
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Vatchern wrote:
Yeah.. I know this will be alot of work and optimizing, but im up for it. even though Manipulating the criticle hits may take some time.
Yeah i tried for a while with that but i didnt have much luck as the damage seemed the be the same evertime.. i think it depends when you enter the battle or who attacks when.. ie skip cecil's turn go the kain jump then attack with cecil will be different then attacking with cecil and making kain jump. Thats what i concluded but you may be able to find another way, i could of been just unlucky since i only tried it in the Mist Dragon battle
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I just checked SDA and a new run of FF2 was posted, beaten @ 4hrs and 15 minutes. Thought I'd let you guys know if you're wondering how fast a console run would be.
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Guys, I have decided to make a run of this game.
Enhasa wrote:
Also, for anyone wanting to speedrun this, reading the algorithms guide on Gamefaqs is a must. In fact, I haven't done so myself in a long while, so hopefully I don't say anything wrong.
I don't see that at Gamfaqs site.
Enhasa wrote:
In general, it's a waste of time to buy any equipment. Armor tends to do stuff like improve your defense by 1 in this game. I'll mention any time I feel it would help to buy something. Curative items, like in any Square game and most RPGs in general, are ridiculous, so you'll want to spend your money on that. Mostly Life potions, as we'll get to later.
I will try that no one die at all.
Enhasa wrote:
The Float trick and the equip a shield trick don't come into play here.
I am not sure what this trick is. Can someone explain?
Enhasa wrote:
I would first like to get this out of the way and say that while it's not worth the time to do just this, Kain should typically be placed in the back row if possible since it doesn't affect his Jump. If you have the need, however, place him in the front with 3 back people for even more aggregate damage reduction.
Since he is almost always jumping and doesn't receive any damage, why putting him in back? I think it will be better to put him in front.
Enhasa wrote:
I typically get the Black Sword or whatever in the caves; it's right in the way. When you get to Octomamm, let Rydia get off all the Chocobos she can before she dies. It's not worth reviving her. (If she somehow survives long enough, start using the Rod.) However, you'll want to have Tellah Life1 her during the vacuous part at the end. This is to make Antlion quicker with more Chocobos.
I don't know if it will be so beneficial to obtain the black sword since Cecil will almost always do critical hit at each hit.
Enhasa wrote:
I don't remember Baigan too well but I think Twin is good versus his Wall. For Kainazzo, his Big Wave will wreck your team, so the Lits need to be timed so this never happens. If you can pull that off, he dies incredibly fast.
They will be no match.
Enhasa wrote:
Now we get to do some stuff with the Airship. The only thing I can think of is to go to Rydia's house and get the gear, namely the Tiara. I think the rod might be worth it too for any extra magic damage? I mean, it's right there.
I don't know. I know that I will make some enemies to drop some special items like the lilith rod or even the Zeus gauntlet. Well, I will see myself if the worth it.
Enhasa wrote:
When I went through the game, I didn't do this, but in retrospect I recommend getting weapons in the Tower of Zot for Cecil and probably Cid. I know when getting the sword for Cecil, you fight guys who die easily to Ice3, and if and only if the same is true for Cid I'd do the same. The Magus Sisters is the first place you need a bit of luck to go quickly, and lack of bad luck if you want to not die. You basically need Tellah to Whatever3 whoever has Wall and hope it hits the fat one. Twice would be nice as well.
I'm not hoping if it will hit the fat girl, I am hoping if it will be easy to manipulate the luck. :P
Enhasa wrote:
Before fighting Edge's parents, get the treasure chest to the left, because I remember it's got LOTS of money. While fighting, just sit there to speed it up. Don't worry about healing, Rubicant's got you covered. Now most people think Rubicant is hard, but the truth of the matter is, like Behemoths, he mostly counterattacks, and with AE moves, which kill the tanking strategy. Rosa heals, Kain Jumps, Edge and Rydia hit him with Flood and Ice2 respectively. Now here's the key: Cecil can't either attack or parry, for tanking purposes, so sometimes you just gotta cast Cure1 or something. Because he's not attacking, feel free to put Cecil in the back along with Rosa and Rydia.
I will see if this start is necessary in a TAS.
Enhasa wrote:
Now is where the game finally gets a bit non-linear. Also, we can now buy our final equipment with all the money we have. First go to the Sealed Cave and then go to the moon and come right back, for Excalibur reasons. Now go through the Cave of Summoned Monsters and don't heal from the damage tiles. Get the rat tail, and buy 2 Aegis Shields and the Summoner's Robe. In the dwarf town, buy 1 Gauntlet, 2 Rings, 1 Tiara, 1 Diamond Armor, and 1 Diamond Helmet. I think that's about right, I just looked at some ZSTs to try to figure out what I did. Now make the Excalibur. Now make some more. Outside Baron is the best place for the dupe trick. Because your guys are at 1 from the tiles, non-Cecil people can kill themselves off and it'll go by blazingly quick. I made 20 and won with 7, so 15 sounds like a nice number. I don't think any need to be made for money. I can't remember if I used them or Edge's magic against the Elements, but I'm getting ahead of myself. I will say that Edge should now typically be in the back row for Darting, given his poor defense.
I also think that getting the excalibur is a good idea.
Enhasa wrote:
Get FuSoYa. Rosa will then pimp him and take all his gear. Now in the Giant is where you want to finally level, so I guess the fact that you couldn't beat the Elements at this stage is irrelevant. Go to the save point and walk around. You are looking for those alerter guys, who summon dragons. Harvest dragons really quickly by using FuSoYa's Weak. If the timing is impeccable then the dragons won't even get to do anything; otherwise, they hurt you and you need to heal. When FuSoYa is low on MP have him Psych from your teammates. Whenever you run out of MP, go ahead and win the fight. You should level like a madman. I stopped when my guys got up to the low 40s. This took 2-3 harvests.
I will see if it is a good idea to level up that much.
nitsuja wrote:
Personally I think a run of the hard-type (FF4j) would be much more entertaining than a run of the easy-type (FF2 US).
I have never played the hard type + I don't know anything about japanese.
Tilus wrote:
Also, in the Giant, what kind of dragons does the Searcher summon? If it were Red Ds or Blue Ds or some other dragon that gives 20000+ EXP/kill I could understand this being the fastest way, but if not, then why not harvest Attackers/Defenders off the CPU? They give 50000 EXP each and can be killed fairly quickly as well.
fuwafuwa wrote:
Items: Excalibur is worthwhile because you can dupe it and give Edge the ability to repeatedly dart a 160 power weapon. Spoon is more powerful, but takes far too much time to acquire and can be used only once. The next most powerful weapon he'd have to dupe and dart would be (IIRC) the Gugnir spear, which is only half as strong.
I remember having the original cartridge and for some reason Edge had always refused to throw that spoon. A bug??
nitsuja wrote:
Supposedly Edge can steal a Dark Matter from the final boss to greatly reduce the damage all its attacks do... this is probably worth doing, can maybe get away with less HP that way. Also, I think luck can be manipulated to get some enemies to drop HP-increasing apples.
Well maybe that Dark Matter may help. I didn't know that item exists even if I beat the game more than once.
nitsuja wrote:
Well, like I said I'm not sure the cleaner one would be more interesting, but I wouldn't mind there being a run for each... I wonder which one would be faster? FF4 has more stuff to abuse, while the FF2 enemies (and status ailments) are easier to deal with.
I don't think it's as easy as you said.
Tilus wrote:
Yeah, I meant easytype, which is the same as what you were doing. I wound up with about the same amount of time as you did (0:58-0:59), so maybe my strategy isn't really any better than yours, but basically what I did was levelled up Rydia a little bit between when I get Tellah in the waterfall cave and the save point where the tent cutscene occurs.. just enough to get high enough level for Rydia to use Lit-2. I would then use the extra MP Rydia gains for extra chocobo summons, which would make the Octomamm, Antlion (it can't counterattack magic, and Chocobo summon is your strongest weapon), and MomBomb fights faster.
Don't worry, Cecil will do a lot of critical hit. My current speedrunning agenda would look like this:
Enhasa wrote:
secret SNES RPG idea that wouldn't be as annoying to do Breath of Fire 5 Ico Ogre Battle FF2
So, what is that secret run? And I wish good luck for Ogre Battle because I won't let someone beat me so easily. :P
Vatchern wrote:
NOTE: I may have said im doing alot of these "speed runs", but i wont get the 2P battle toads finished since my partner dont live near me.. Maybe ill leave it to Phil/Genisto.
I will do it alone. Genisto is working on some secret project. Also, I am wondering, if it will not be best to gain some special items from monsters instead of buying them.
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Posts: 57
I heard (read ._.) that the dark matter doesn't actually do anything but waste space in your inventory.
I won't give up unless my victory is assured!
Joined: 1/14/2005
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The recent SDA FF2 release caught my attention, and from there, I came here and saw this. By the way, if anyone cares about the console speedrun, which I feel can be significantly improved, here is the thread. I'll try to post there soon. Well, I was waiting for ZSNES to become ready for serious runs (maybe by the next WIP), and then I was going to attempt this. But since Phil is on it, I know that being a veteran, he'd likely do a much better job than I would, and I know he'll follow through with this. When I get my SNES back in the fall, maybe I'll take on the SDA run instead. =p I have finished watching the SDA run, and I'll try to offer some tool-assisted advice now considering some of Peter Tiernan's strategies. Tool-assisted here, console advice in the SDA thread. First off Phil, I gotta defend myself a bit, my original post was regarding a console low-level run I did before, so of course a good bit of it doesn't make sense. ;) The algorithm guide I am referring to is by BSiron. Although you probably already know most of the material inside. Uh, it does explain the equipping any sneakable weapon or shield trick at the bottom, although like I said, it seems pointless. On the SDA thread, Red Scarlet of Metroid fame said she likes to equip Rosa with the Earth hammer, but Peter Tiernan tested and it wasn't worth it. Now that we're talking about a tool-assisted run, I am even more sure that you want to gain as few levels as possible due to luck manipulation possiblities. I think that in general, people tend to overestimate the amount of good that "cool" extracurricular stuff does, like getting Eggs in Lufia 2 or max INT in Ogre Battle. I'm a fan of minimal levels, items, and fooling around, so I'm glad to see that from the Ogre Battle thread, you have a similar mindset. In FF2, definitely leveling before Paladin Cecil seems wasteful, as you are reset to 1. Afterward, new party members' levels are based on Cecil's, which is what Peter relies on in his run. However, through testing, I don't think it's worth it. The difference in Yang's level based on a level 1 Cecil and a level 9 Cecil? 13 and 14. However, I am positive that no amount of luck manipulation will let you survive Big Bang, so leveling has to occur somewhere, and I think that is with the Globes as mentioned earlier in the thread. Also, it is very important that you manipulate the correct people to die during fights to maximize XP. Now what levels are needed for a TSA is up for debate, since Big Bang seems to do wildly varying amounts of damage at times. Speaking of luck manipulation, this isn't DW. I wish you all the best, but I'm not sure if you'll be able to prevent everyone from dying at low levels without tanking. If you could though, that would be optimal. Now time to address some of your points: I think you should get the Darkness (mistakenly said Black before, that is what you get automatically from the King of Fabul) sword AND critical hits. You do a LOT more damage with it. I also suggest getting the Fire sword and Earth hammer in the Tower of Zot, and buying the Blizzard spear in Cave Eblana, which I forgot you could do until I saw Peter's run. (Peter gets similar stuff for his run; you can see exactly what he does in the SDA thread.) Most battles, magic will do the majority of the damage, but there are fights where better weapons make a significant difference. Don't mess with buying armor, of course. You get what you need from people joining your party. I don't think it's worth getting any random drops, especially since you have to fight the battles. Drops pretty much suck; this isn't Lufia 2. About the Excalibur, well more on that later, but the reason why I dupe near Baron is because of all the wasted time with enemies attacking you while duping while running. BUT if you can manipulate for first strike each time, then I think that would be best. Now, originally I was sold on Excalibur, but after watching Peter's run, I'm not that sure anymore. What bothers me is that he got a similar time to my ZSNES test run with what I feel was a lot of wasted time. He saves time on me by: Warping and Exiting more (I didn't know about towns for example), better weapons, one less harvest, and... Excalibur. It really does take a good bit of time to do all that, and I think the time saved in battles might not be worth it, especially in a TAS. HOWEVER, I think that with Excalibur, globe harvest XP can be given to just Edge and Rosa, speeding that up a bit, so I dunno. Also like I said, the first striking. But like I said, from a battles standpoint, duping Excalibur wastes MINUTES. It's hard to imagine saving that much time compared to criticaling a lot. Edge is pretty much deadweight without it though. To me the two key decisions are Excalibur or no, and who to give Globe XP to. Both affect primarily the Zeromus fight. I ask anyone with INFORMED opinions to contribute. I suspect however, that you will have to take a greedy algorithm approach, and use a lot of trial and error. Fortunately, most of the game would not be part of the trial and error bit. The secret run was Lufia 2, which is now taken by quietkane, who is quite competent. BoF5 I tried, and I'll make a post later, but unless I figure something out I was so close but yet so far. And Ogre Battle you are doing. I am considering Valkyrie Profile, but there will be a new thread for that later. Ok, that's it, and I should stop anyway because I'm tired. =p Edit: oh and one last thing, since you are from Quebec, does my avatar mean anything to you?
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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Obtaining that Excalibur avoid to kill that Wyvern to obtain the crystal sword + Edge can throw it. Well I will check that later. I think acquiring special armor from monsters may help reduce the time to level up characters and can prevent Zeromus to kill members because of that Big Bang. We must have in mind that I can possibly do critical hit vey often so it compensates for the level up I didn't gain but for HP/defense it will still be low. So having good armors may help. Again, I will check for that later. It's been a long time that I haven't played so I am not sure right now. Well, I will start the run and when Cecil will become Paladin, it will be easier to make a good strat. Your avatar doesn't mean anything to me. The picture is too small to see what it is.
Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 325
well just to make sure, dont compare your time to my start of a run because i forgot to change text / battle speed, you should be quite faster heh
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Isn't Dark Matter only in FF4?