Post subject: turbo keys?
Joined: 1/24/2005
Posts: 15
I just tried to assign a key to turbo b and it just doesn't register at all, I've tried assigning to the keyboard and to joypad. Neither work at all. Has this been stated before?
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depends on the speed i think, i have noticed instability with the turbo key too
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I was just playing at normal speed, maybe they just don't work?
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When do you disable sound, turbo works. You must go to timing and set high-priority thread.
I am a Mega Man fan that hates Megaman X8.
Post subject: Turbo help
Joined: 5/7/2005
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How do you use the turbo keys? I've tried many thing none work. I've even tried these Help! :(
Post subject: Re: Turbo help
Editor, Player (91)
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How about reading the FAQ? Specifically, the "How do I properly use emulator tools? How does the (something) feature work? How do I (something)?" link.
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tried that didn't work
Editor, Player (91)
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PPK wrote:
tried that didn't work
What exactly you tried?
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In Config>Input... you can specify a separate button for autofire-A and autofire-B
Editor, Player (91)
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I didn't ask which instruction you 'followed', but what you actually did. Considering your line "ok 've renamed it disksys.rom now how do I use it?" in the other topic I think this is an important difference.
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ok I set the turbo A to a button and turbo B to a different button and they don't work. I've tried differnt keys, slowing down the emulator, and things said in that other tread on turob problems.
Editor, Player (91)
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[Moderator action] I joined this thread to the existing thread because they are the same topic. No reason to discuss them separately as if they were different topics. PKK should have posted the question as a reply to the existing thread, not as a new topic. As for the actual question, I don't know anything about turbo keys in FCEU. Somebody else?
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I've noticed that the turbo function lacks of functionality at 100% speed. I solved it by playing at 50% when I needed to test something with turbo.
/Walker Boh
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Tried every speed doesn't work.
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Even 37.2%?
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Maybe it's a problem in the codeing. Maybe who ever it was that modified it for the movies here on the site inputed something that conflicts with the turbo. Now I have no knowledge on codeing or stuff like that so maybe I'm just talking nonsense but thats the only thing I can think of.
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And no disrespect to Blip. Maybe I'm just blowing hot air.
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I also haven't been able to get the turbo keys to work. The only solution I've found so far is to disable sound, but what fun is that? Any idea why there'd be a conflict? I've changed the timing to "set high priority thread" but as long as sound is enabled, turbo does not work. I'll try older versions of FCEU and see what happens. Turbo keys are really helpful for casually playing games like Double Dragon (damn abobos!).
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In version 0.98.13 (nitsuja) turbo buttons work properly.
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Ah... interesting. Just tried it out and works. Thanks for the help! This is more specific than anything... I find the turbo works for everything except the ENTIRE Double Dragon series. Anyone else have this problem? I have the (USA) version of the DD games. edit: I think the problem is Double Dragon-specific. Even the SNES Super Double Dragon on ZSNESW or SNES9x has this problem. I cannot imagine turbo gamepads didn't work on the original games. I know some FAQs even mention using a turbo gamepad on Double Dragon games, so it must be possible.
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Press the comma , key to turn on input display. That's how to quickly confirm that turbo is working properly. Double Dragon and probably some other games require the A or B buttons to be released for 2 frames before being pressed again in order to count for an additional punch/kick. Implementing an option to allow the turbo function to use a configurable number of frames would solve this, but I don't think there's much demand for such a feature. What's the point of using turbo in a game like Double Dragon?
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1313)
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The autofire presses the button for 1 frame every other frame. Double Dragon requires the button to be held (or released) for multiple frames to do anything. (I've also noticed that the autofire stops working in many other games when they lag, since then the game thinks the button is either held down or never pressed.) If turbo gamepads work on Double Dragon, it's probably because they autofire at a slower rate.
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I found a way to circumvent the problem in ZSNESW now. You need to check "change to 30hz for turbo" in the options. Play Double Dragon without turbo against the abobos (the big shirtless dudes). It's very difficult to consistently hit them uninterrupted unless you're already a speedy button masher.
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if can autofire in the fceu. my version is 0.98.12 method:config-video-sync method, select wait for vblank or lazy wait for vblank. hope it can help you :)
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Seeing as how Luke's excitebike run required a button press every four frames, I think it would be beneficial to add an option that allows you to choose how many frames are in between each button press when using tubo keys.
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