Post subject: Hi ! I'm new and I have a few questions
Joined: 4/16/2012
Posts: 5
Hi ^_^ First, my native language is not English so sorry in advance if i misspell or phrase badly. I saw a lot of TAS speed run but never done one. I tough i would be nice to try to make one. I have read lot's of page on this website so far that my eyes starts bleeding :p Nha they are ok don't worry. ^_^ So here my questions. 1) which games are the best to start? I wanted to start with brainlord because that was a game i really enjoyed when i was young. not very popular but I still like it. 2) I read that 1snes is the one I should use.. but everyone use Snes9x ? (I always used snes9x to play my snes game.. should I switch? 3) Where can i fin a good tutorial on how to set that said emulator (1snes or snes9x) I tried to Google but it always show me some very old video that is not updated on the current version the site have. and none can be found for 1snes :( I tried to search answer from myself and couldn't find it so I try the forum. I'm sorry if that have been asked multiple times. *Cheers* Morgana
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lsnes is an extremely accurate emulator, so that's why it is preferred. Unfortunately it is also very slow, which is why (among other reasons) many people don't like it. If you don't mind that, you should use lsnes. If it becomes a significant problem, you may wish to switch to snes9x. lsnes can be found here .
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Another reason why "everybody" uses snes9x is that lsnes is a rather recent development. If you're going to use snes9x, use 1.51, not 1.43
Post subject: Re: Hi ! I'm new and I have a few questions
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1149)
Joined: 5/1/2010
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Morgana wrote:
1) which games are the best to start? I wanted to start with brainlord because that was a game i really enjoyed when i was young. not very popular but I still like it.
There is List of Ideas page. But not every game there is a good game choice (those things actually can get rejected for bad game choice). Oh, and the standard method to determine if game is good or not: Make a TAS of the first level or first few levels and post a link to forums (if there is no existing thread for the game, you can create one). Oh, and regarding speed of lsnes. When playing carts that don't contain accelerator chips, even bit oldish computers can get 200% speed. But that is signaficantly slower than what snes9x gets (I think it is about half of newest snes9x versions). Then some games use various chips. Pretty much all those tank the speed. Cx4 is legendary for doing so much more than others (and woe if the game is some weird hack that uses multiple chips, fortunately, no official game does).
Joined: 4/16/2012
Posts: 5
Thanks a ton for the information :) I might use snes9x looks easier to map 1snes I didn't like the f ac that mapping a button is in a drop down menu instead of just typing the key you want, but like you guys said it's because it is on early development. I have the version 1.51 of snes9x. But someone know where is the option to see the frames one the screen? I saw a video of someone showing it on a Mac on probably older version and they moved the option. in this video at 1:30 the frame counter. Never found it on 1.51 if someone can tell me where it is. The rest I have found it. I just saw the list, thanks for pointing it out. Brain lord is pointed a couple of times. But my, question was more... If it was a good choice to starting TASing or I should go like smb1 and ch Eco what have been done and trying to do it to understand the way it works? Again thanks for the quick answers :) can't wait to start my first TAS Morgana
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Did you get SNES9x from this page? The TAS versions might be different than the official ones. Btw. the other emulator is spelled "LSNES" in lowercase. Blame Ilari for the name choice ;)
Joined: 4/16/2012
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Yup I got it from the page you linked :) but still the option is not on the same place as in the video I posted >.> If someone could just tell me where the frame counter is on 1.51 i would be very happy :) And in the same page its clearly say 1snes and no Lsnes -_- this is a odd name for sure. the 1 L and i are character easily mixable depending the font used XD. Morgana
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Then it is your font that is the problem :P Because the name is "LSNES" just as creaothceann and Ilari (the creator of the emulator) said. When in doubt, refer to the emulator with the same name as the creator uses.
Joined: 4/16/2012
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Lol didint knew he was the creator ^^ sorry for my font lol! well I finally got me set with evrything. I just hope i picked up a good game to start and not to hard to do =) Thanks a ton guys
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Morgana wrote:
well I finally got me set with everything.
So you found the frame counter option? I just checked and in "snes9x-1.51-rerecording-svn147" - the hotkey is in "Menu|Config|Hotkeys...|Movie/Display" - the option is in "Menu|Config|Emulator|Display|Frame Counter" In "snes9x-1.52-rr-r185" (which should be used) - the hotkey is in "Menu|Input|Customize Hotkeys|Page 1" - the option is in "Menu|Options|HUD"
Joined: 4/16/2012
Posts: 5
yup got it. i downloaded the 1.43 on this site because i already had 1,51 but the 1,51 on this side was different from mine. So i tried to DL yours and now have the good options ^^ Was my fault lol
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the best to start with for me was smb. try that.
So yea, how's it going? Currently TASing: Nothing
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The best to start is SMW ^_^