Post subject: X-Men 2 - Clone Wars
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Welp, There wasnt any topic for this game yet even though there is a published run of it. So here it is! I wonder if the run is even improvable though.
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Hi there, I just found this thread after stumbling on the published run for this game (I use the "Random Movie" feature fairly frequently to watch stuff). Thanks for creating it, Sonikkustar! I definitely imagine the movie's improvable, though I haven't tested anything specific. For one thing, some parts are pretty laggy, and TASing tools for monitoring lag have improved a lot since the publication of the current run. I'd also be curious if different character choices sped things up, like using Beast in the elevator stage.
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. ( Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! ( Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
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I am interested in running this. It's been on my list for a long time. I think there are a lot of improvements, the run is old and didn't have memory watch. since there are a lot of different methods of movement, this can mean big improvements over the length of the game. I am not interested in doing it alone, though. anyone want to team up?
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I guess you can gain some helpers after finding improvements.
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So is there any news on a possible improvement? If I have any spare time, I will try & do the new run.
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At the moment, I haven't started anything. If you are interested though, we could do it. Let's talk on IRC.
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For anyone interested, this project is now off the ground. We have researched movement and damage of the different characters, basic lua script is up, and recording has begun. Sonikku has found a movement glitch which will make the movie look very different and be a lot faster.
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Truncated wrote:
For anyone interested, this project is now off the ground. We have researched movement and damage of the different characters, basic lua script is up, and recording has begun. Sonikku has found a movement glitch which will make the movie look very different and be a lot faster.
While not being interested in making this TAS, I'm very interested in any founds as I love the game. Can you post a gif of this glitch?
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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Installing popcorn...
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If anybody is curious, the latest WIP of our run is on my SVN. I will be improving a bit of the current WIP, so stay tuned!
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You page gives no links. EDIT: Thanks Google, EDIT 2: OMFG, the WIP is insane!!!
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
Post subject: xmen 2 wip-1: youtube
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WOW now that is a WIP!!! Stopped by to share a link. A runner over at SDA came across something that allowed 2-2 to end early. He said he has not really spent all too much time on recreating it, but thought it might be able to be looked into. Also, is that type of movement doable in real time?
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Heidman: many thanks for the link. Veeery interesting indeed, I will look into this at once. I think it is the same thing that happens in stage 1 (ice level) in our movie. The level ends without us breaking the ice wall. The game does collision detection to determine if the level should end before ejecting the character. Edit: REPRODUCED! Stand over the mouth of the sentinel. You can duck to see where it is. Jump. On the way down, kick forward, or kick without holding a direction (same animation, which is what matters). If the kick animation ends when you are close to the floor, your sprite ends up inside the floor for a frame, which overlaps the goal and ends the level. Somewhat optimized movie, saves 217 frames: There is a 3 frame window on when to kick on the way down, so it should be doable in a few attempts for a good speedrunner. ------ About the jumpkick movement: it can be performed it in real time, to some extent. Here's how to do it: - Press C to jump - Press B and a direction to kick, and immediately let go of both buttons - Press B as soon as possible after the jumpkick ends. The sooner you press the button after the jumpkick ends, the more forward speed is retained. If you press on the exact frame the jumpkick ends, you get the "quick drop" you see us do sometimes. Don't press a direction when the jumpkick ends. That saps the speed back to jumping speed directly.
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Thanks, glad I was able to help out. I will pass the info to the current runner. I am very interested in this TAS and speedrun. Depending on how the current runner progresses will determine if I pick up the game myself. It was not answered and I really wanna know, if the movement in the WIP doable in real time? What are the inputs to move that quickly? (Yes I could look at the movie file but I am stupid on emulator operations and honestly don't wanna learn... sorry) Edit: Could you post a .avi or a YT link? I would like to see the 2-2 early exit at max speed Edit2: Realized that was not your signature... Sorry Edit3: (Im on a roll with the edits) Wow, that movement seems fun... Might get this just to try it out
Post subject: xmen 2 glitch-1: youtube + video file
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Link to video video file (60 fps lossless)
Truncated wrote:
Edit: REPRODUCED! Stand over the mouth of the sentinel. You can duck to see where it is. Jump. On the way down, kick forward, or kick without holding a direction (same animation, which is what matters). If the kick animation ends when you are close to the floor, your sprite ends up inside the floor for a frame, which overlaps the goal and ends the level. Somewhat optimized movie, saves 217 frames:
Skilled player (1323)
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Woah. Nice find guys! I hexed it in with the latest WIP. Here it is:
Post subject: xmen 2 wip-2: youtube
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Link to video
Sonikkustar wrote:
Woah. Nice find guys! I hexed it in with the latest WIP. Here it is:
Post subject: Progress Update
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Were about 1/3 of the way done and we have 7679 frames (2:07.80) saved. You can see the run in my SVN. (see feos's post for a link)
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I've love to see a x-men run for gens, I'm not sure if resetting was ever added to the emu yet though. You could always make the run in two parts though, and hex together.
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Now that is how I always pictured Nightcrawler to move. A little more teleportation was needed, though ;) @3:00, you slow to a walk. Would teleporting there be unreasonable? I don't remember if the teleport would make you invincible from the fire. Interesting note: Chrome thinks I spell teleport wrong.
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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Sticky wrote:
@3:00, you slow to a walk. Would teleporting there be unreasonable? I don't remember if the teleport would make you invincible from the fire.
You can use the teleport to get past the fire. It's just that its faster to wait for the flame to go down because the teleport takes a long time to execute. On another note, New WIP!
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Coul you share all RAM info you have? I'll think of ripping maps for this game (by making the character to fly all over the screen, Gargoyles style).
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Here's the script we're using: You'll notice that it's a bad hack of a script for Chuck Rock 2 (which in turn is a hack of a script for Ranger-X...) with the memory addresses changed. A problem is that I haven't found an address which contains the x and y of the character which works for every level. It changes, which I can't remember seeing in any other game. If you have better luck, let me know. I have a .wch file too, but it's not what you're looking for, it just has enemy HP values.
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There you go. Download X-Men2HUD.lua
Language: lua

-- HUD for X-Men 2 (Genesis) -- feos, 2012 gui.register(function() x = memory.readwordunsigned(0xFFEAB1) y = memory.readwordunsigned(0xFFEAB5) xvel = memory.readwordsigned (0xFFEABE) yvel = memory.readwordsigned (0xFFEAC0) xsub = memory.readbyteunsigned(0xFFEAB3) ysub = memory.readbyteunsigned(0xFFEAB7) xcam = memory.readwordunsigned(0xFFCD72) ycam = memory.readwordunsigned(0xFFCD70) xgui = 220 ygui = 190 xscr = x-xcam yscr = y-ycam gui.text(xgui+30, ygui, "X Y", "green") gui.text(xgui, ygui+8, "Lev:", "green") gui.text(xgui+23, ygui+8, x.."."..xsub, "yellow") gui.text(xgui+60, ygui+8, y.."."..ysub, "yellow") gui.text(xgui, ygui+16, "Vel:", "green") gui.text(xgui+23, ygui+16, xvel, "yellow") gui.text(xgui+60, ygui+16, yvel, "yellow") gui.text(xgui, ygui+24, "Cam:", "green") gui.text(xgui+23, ygui+24, xcam, "yellow") gui.text(xgui+60, ygui+24, ycam, "yellow") gui.text(xscr-18, yscr-7, "I'm here!", "green") end)
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.