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Hm, yeah I have been a bit lax with those. I'll remember for next time. Or you could just get on MSN and ask me, ya know :-p
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http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1004592665/FE6_TAS_Ch1-10.vbm Encode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqxUcyjemRw Little has changed in tactics between this and the previous version. I do have to negotiate with the RNG a bit more in order to get a worthy level up for Alan, as well as dealing with a less than reliable accuracy on his many attacks. Here's where his excessive levelling actually start to change things though, as enemy AI prioritises differently. Turn 1: I didn't need to use the DOG (Double Occupancy Glitch) here, but I could so I do. Alan is desperately in need of Javelins here, and he can offload the now useless Iron Blade in the meantime. Marcus equips an Iron Sword here, which is enough to deter all but one enemy from attacking him on enemy phase - the hand axe fighter. If Alan has a little bit less Def, or less than half his health when the fighter got to move, he would attack Alan instead. However, javelin accuracy prevented this from occurring along with hitting on every attack in the enemy phase. Turn 2: Moving Thany first means I spent less time than if I move her last. Zealot makes way for Marcus, who makes way for Alan to advance. Not killing the berserker is actually faster, since you'd have to sit through his death animation, and the RNs were not aligned to give Alan a good level up if I did that anyway, as well as taking damage without getting critted. Alan needs to be hit on the enemy phase, so all the other ranged attackers go for him and not Marcus. Level up was HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Luk, Def. Turn 3: Thany does not move her full distance, as she'd just get into range of the ballista, so I move her one space less. Marcus retreats so the moving mercenary does not head his way, and Alan takes out the shaman. Turn 4: Simple advancement. Geese wastes time. Turn 5: Alan nets a Killing Edge crit. Roy is dropped next to him for the support points. The shaman nearby goes for Alan since he is on low health. Turn 6: Seize. I send a now useless Iron Axe to storage in place of the Wyrmslayer.
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Keep it up. In no time you'll have reached Chapter 14, and then the fun truly begins.
Post subject: Ch11: Now with encode!
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Ch11: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/37850320/0378%20-%20Fire%20Emblem%20-%20Fuuin%20no%20Tsurugi%20%28J%29.vbm Encode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCESTlm3lgQ Made some big improvements here. Turn 1: Rather than starting next to Lalum, I have Zealot start close enough that he can rescue her on turn 2, and assist with the drop on this turn. Roy takes away two low use Javelins (3 and 4), giving him a 10 use and 20 use Hand Axe in their place, along with the Wyrmslayer. Marcus rescues Roy, and Thany drops Lalum. Alan is going to be picked up by Thany next turn, so he stops next to her. Turn 2: Simple drop over the wall. Marcus can't move to any other position close enough to hand Roy over to Thany in turn 3, because he'll be targeted by the Longbow archer. Lalum assists in the drop, and Zealot rescues her to keep her out of longbow range. Alan nets a level up of HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Luk. Turn 3: Roy gets handed to Thany, who DOGs into Marcus' position. Alan equips the Killing Edge, now I can finally crit the boss! The hand axe fighter would go for Alan if he couldn't reach Roy, but it wastes no time either way. Turn 4: Seize. Found a faster cutscene skip at the end. 5195 frames ahead of the previous version.
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woabclf wrote:
Nitrodon find FE6 bug http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1857583868/FE6%20bug.vbm
While this is an interesting bug, the RNG state needed to glitch out the path drawing algorithm is rare enough (1/32768) that it's not worth burning the necessary RNs to use it.
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Hm, you have quite a different approach to what I've done so far. But then, you are using a different goal - my run is going for the bad ending, and finishing at Ch22, where as you went in all the gaidens and got the best ending. In the early game, you wasted a lot of time killing enemies you didn't need to. Feeding Thany a lot of kills took some time too, but it seemed to pay off in the long run. Whether or not this approach will be faster for the bad ending, I'm not sure, but I feel for the all gaidens run, raising Thany might be for the best, especially on maps where terrain is a huge problem like 14x. Warp could have saved a bit of time in Ch24, I would imagine. Alan certainly has an easier start, and it is possible to 2HKO Zephiel with him (needs C Roy support), but whether that alone is enough to change out here, I'm not sure. Thany's promotion item takes longer to get at in Ch8. As nice as it would be to have all those Boots, I think for the bad ending run I can possibly do without, since they will only benefit for the one chapter. This will give me a significantly different approach for Ch21, I'm thinking I can get 2 Warps in to bypass all the wyvern spawns. I'll continue with what I've done so far. Raising Thany as the main attacker does have certain advantages, but there are disadvantages too, and I'm not entirely convinced it would be worth restarting again to replace Alan. At least, not for the bad ending.
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While that run certainly had its flaws, it definitely made raising Thany seem more worthwhile than I expected. Chapter 9: Saves a turn Chapter 10: Huge amount of time saved by avoiding the main group of enemies Chapter 11: Pretty sure a turn is saved Chapter 12: No difference Chapter 13: Not sure. Bypassing land by water doesn't save much time, and in the nico run Miledy trails Thany anyway to drop Roy. Chapter 14: At least a turn saved Chapter 15: As long as Miledy can critkill the boss I don't think anything is lost here. Also need time to get the hammerne so there's not as much of a rush to the throne. Chapter 16: Flying provides no benefit here. Chapter 17: Flying bypasses a few forests and a fort, probably saves a turn and avoids some enemies. Chapter 18: So much terrain that Thany would destroy Alan here. Miledy could be a viable combat unit by now though. Chapter 19: With warp available now, not being able to fly isn't such a bad handicap. Chapter 20: Flying is useless here. Chapter 21: Warping will bypass most of the terrain obstructions Chapter 22: Flying = useless It really depends how much time is lost raising Thany. Training her at all in chapter 2 is very costly because it costs turns (otherwise she ferries Roy to the throne), the enemies are closely packed together (minimizes player phase crit training), and there's a lot of 2 range enemies (enormous time lost dodging attacks for 1 exp). Chapter 5 would also cause turn loss since normally she's busy with ferrying tasks to bypass the gate. There's the promotion item to keep in consideration as well. Honestly I don't know, but I wouldn't hold it against you if you were to continue a Thany-less run.
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Nitrodon wrote:
woabclf wrote:
Nitrodon find FE6 bug http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1857583868/FE6%20bug.vbm
While this is an interesting bug, the RNG state needed to glitch out the path drawing algorithm is rare enough (1/32768) that it's not worth burning the necessary RNs to use it.
Use this script to know what is the next RN that would allow you to do the bug between 500 RNs. Tooth: After you seized the throne, you need to burn 163555 RNs to be able to use this bug. I think that if you continue normally, you could use this bug at least once in some part of the TAS. EDIT: Upon Tooth's request, im putting here the RNs to be burned to get the first 3 RNs that would allow him to do the glitch. 163569 - 164894 - 183253
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So guys, I have a question. How do I use Lua in order to find an RN that I'm looking for?
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Ch12 encode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lSSOlFsiBw After several months of procrastinating and getting distracted with other things, I finally revisited this, and hopefully my motivation will last long enough to finish this time. Anyway, there are a lot of new improvements here. The RNG was also very nice for the most part. Turn 1: Alan has to move his full distance here so he can avoid enemy attacks on turn 3, so he doesn't get to attack on player phase. He does get off 3 crits with the Killing Edge though. Marcus is here to take out the eastern enemies, stopping them from wasting time traversing all the way across the map to Alan's position. Turn 2: Marcus has to bring out the Silver Lance in order to OHKO the armour. Taking out the Hand Axe fighter stops him being a problem on enemy phase. Alan is forced to lure ranged attackers his way, but it is faster not to attack here, since killing one enemy clears the way for another to attack in its place. There are no longbows in the central chamber, but there are in the other two, so I have to be careful where I move. Turn 3: Alan needs the AS, so I drop Roy off here, manipulating the RNG for the next turn, and have Alan DOG into place to avoid enemy attacks. Turn 4: Might seem strange, but I use a Hand Axe to take out the first fighter. This RNG state, however, removes wasting time from further manipulation, and I'm able to take out the fighters and warrior, and avoid KOing the archer so the other attackers in the central chamber don't waste more time. Turn 5: Roy is collected by Alan, and moves well out of attack range. Turn 6: Drop Roy near the door. Positioned so the sleep staff cleric doesn't trigger. Turn 7: Roy opens up, so that Alan can remove the sleep staff from the board. Turn 8: Wastes more time to get both a critical and good level up, so I double attack with the Wyrmslayer on Aine, and get the best level up I can, which was amazingly close. Turn 9: Block off the spawn points. Turns 10-19: Turn skipping to avoid the gaiden. Turn 20: Roy moves so he can seize next turn, dodges the steel axe fighter that spawns. Turn 21: Seize, 5638 frames ahead
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Been doing some thinking about the flier skip used in the best ending TAS posted on the previous page, using Miledy as the main attacker instead of Thany. With that strategy, it is about 1 and a half minutes faster than going across the land route. However, there are two main issues with that here. First is that, even when promoted, Miledy just doesn't have the combat parameters to ORKO the enemies she will face, even when promoted. Second is that you miss recruiting Percival, who is not only a great unit but wastes more time with his re-appearance in Ch15. I did some exp calcs too, and Miledy would be getting about 7-8 per kill at 10/1. Of course, promoting Miledy has its own issues, as mentioned previously, namely being unable to ferry Alan. I may have plans for Miledy though, once she is recruited, the group of enemies that follow from the bottom bridge waste a lot of time on the enemy phases where they move, and killing those off may save time, if done early enough. I may have to send an extra attacker that way on turn 1 to intercept them for that to work, and I'd have to avoid going too far so as to avoid the ballistae in that direction. While I would ideally like Miledy to get any incidental exp that isn't going to Alan, it may not be the best option in this map. Alan certainly doesn't need much exp any more, since he's stomping the combat he does get in, and is approaching caps in his important stats. Miledy will need a bit of beefing up to make my Ch22 idea work, but it may be wise to do that in Ch14, where she has access to a Killer Lance, and can keep the enemy fliers at bay while she goes for the Warp staff. I'll see how much I can do without promoting her in that chapter, but I think for Ch13, if killing the southern group doesn't speed anything up, I'll revert to my previous strategy, recruit Percy and finish up. I should also be conscious of getting Roy/Alan C support, since I skipped the last few turns needed in Ch12, although it is a small matter to hex that back in if I do find myself short by the later maps.
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Chapter 13: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Gjh_dIsgIo So, this may look a little familiar. Turned out to be much slower trying to intercept the enemies coming from the south, given that the available combatants had nowhere near the combat parameters (or the weaponry) to deal with them, so I just made sure everyone was out of range on turn 3. What you didn't see is that I went back to manipulate the two Silver Lance paladins' stats, so Alan could guarantee to 2HKO with 1-2 range weaponry. The defensive parameters were 36-40 HP and 10-12 Def, so with 22 Str Alan had a chance of missing out on the ORKO. Turn 1: Once again, start Alan up with Lalum's help, and have him equip the 11 use Hand Axe. Lalum gets shifted one space up again, and Zealot and Marcus follow suit. Roy lags behind. On the enemy phase Alan clears out his attackers, netting a critical and a HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Luk level up. Turn 2: This is the first deviation from the previous version. Zealot, instead of finishing south of Marcus, finishes to his west. Lalum doesn't need to DOG here, but it wastes no time to do so, so I may as well be fancy. Otherwise, it is just a case of having Marcus crit the troubadour, and ferry Lalum ahead ready for the next turn. Turn 3: Now that Zealot is in a better position, he doesn't need to move on turn 4. Miledy and Zealot move out of enemy range, while Marcus takes Roy, and Alan gets refreshed forward to clear out the enemies near Percival. Didn't get a level up here, so I could spend a lot less time manipulating this combat. This was a pretty unique battle, all said and done. Between the units on the field, there were four 11-use 1-2 range weapons (the hand axe that Alan used on turn 1, and 3 Javelins between Alan, Zealot and Marcus). Marcus used his Javelin on turn 2, giving this 10 uses. Now, the real issue is that Alan faces a total of 12 attackers, including Percival, and in order to avoid seeing the 'weapon broken' message more than once, I had to get a little creative with the combat. Alan needs to get hit by Percival (36 hit, or 26.2% true), which changes the behaviour of the Steel Bow archer again, and brings him into close range instead of using the ballista. In order to save enough weapon uses, Alan needs to perform a double miss (55 hit, or 59.9% true) on Percival, as well as a critical hit on one of the next six attackers. This uses up one of the 11 use javelins perfectly. The remaining 11 use Javelin is used on the last 5 attackers, leaving it with 1 use remaining. While I may not have perhaps had the most optimal weapon usage in previous chapters, this set of results makes use of what I'm left with. Bringing Merlinus on this map would be a very slow option, and he has the rest of the 1-2 range weapons on him, so I'll give it until the next chapter for him to dish those out. Turn 4: Alan moves the troubadour out the way, while Marcus and Lalum advance. Percival again needs to double miss on Lalum. Marcus drops two low use Hand Axes on the way. Turn 5: Recruit Percy. Alan uses the remaining Javelin (starts at 10 uses) to remove the wyverns from the map, with Marcus manipulating the crit and level up on Alan (HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Luk). Turn 6: Roy is passed to Alan, who gets out his Killing Edge for the boss. Flaer eats a critical counter attack. Turn 7: Buy 5 Killer Lances. Seize. 5738 frames ahead. The reason this improvement wasn't bigger is that Alan got the message he hit A Lances in turn 3, but that would have happened anyway. Incidentally, Marcus is either 1 or 2 wexp away from hitting C Axes, so I can't really afford to have him use any. I knew that would be tight in the early game, but yeah. Percival can replace him as an attacker, so that removes any weapon rank messages for a good while.
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Quick theoryFE post about chapter 14. 4 turns is manageable, assuming I can work around the enemies and sleep staff in the chapter: Turn 1: Cecilia can reach the Boots. Thany can fly in and trade them to her, and position herself so Alan can move his full distance (of 2!) and use them. Meanwhile, Marcus has all the Killer Lances, so he'll move to Alan (likely before Alan moves), so he can give him some. Miledy will want a Killer Lance too, but she's busy picking up Roy, so Roy might need to trade one off Marcus. Anyway, Thany will get refreshed, and make a beeline towards the boss area carrying Alan, keeping out of enemy range. Mostly. Can't avoid the sleep staff cleric here, so I'll just have to dodge it. Might be able to improve my odds by keeping Miledy out of staff range, Thany has the better Res. Turn 2: Alan gets dropped as mentioned. Miledy takes a Killer Lance from Roy, and palms him off to Thany before making her way towards the Warp staff area. Miledy has more than enough move to reach it on turn 4, so the issue then becomes keeping her out of as much combat as possible (not easy when there are wyverns and mages passing through her flight path). Turn 3: Thany can hand Roy to Alan, and he can drop him in seize range (10 move across the sand gives me some good flexibility, assuming there's nothing in the way). Miledy heads south. May have to deal with a couple of incoming mages from the north and south, but they are frail so it shouldn't be much of an issue (Cecilia has Aircalibur, which is something, and Percival is good enough to kill off any wandering mages from the south). Or I may just have to select the minimum units again (Roy, Alan, Thany, Miledy, Marcus, Lalum), assuming I can keep them all out of range. Turn 4: Collect Warp. Kill boss. Seize throne. Kind of wanted to get my thoughts clear about this chapter before I started working on it. I'll have to negotiate with the AI of course, assuming Alan can have a clear enough run to the throne and Thany can stay far enough out of enemy range.
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So, dondon151 released a series of patches for 5 of the Fire Emblem games. The only alteration is that the growth rates of all units have been reduced to 0%. These would be worthy hacks to be TASed, in addition to the regular versions of the games, since the playstyle will be so different and more characters would have to be used, meaning a more tactical experience. http://www.mediafire.com/?77mupw7xc62w90k The games that have patches are: Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 (SNES) Fire Emblem: Fuuin no Tsurugi (GBA) Fire Emblem (Blazing Sword) (GBA) Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones (GBA) Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (DS) There are a couple of oddities with the patches (Xane in FEDS is effectively rendered useless, lacking his Imitate skill), but for the most part they seem to work fine.
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Chapter 14: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1199510380/0378%20-%20Fire%20Emblem%20-%20Fuuin%20no%20Tsurugi%20%28J%29.vbm Encode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIrxx_-OskY Turn 1: First off I distribute those Killer Lances I bought last chapter. Marcus hands some to Thany, and Roy takes some. Cecilia manipulates the Boots pick up, and Miledy takes them over to Alan so he can use them. It is pretty evenly split per chapter on whether Alan or a flier is the best recipient, but I figure since Alan can be self-sufficient in terms of combat, he'll have the best use of them. Anyway, Thany scoops up Alan, drops him a Killer Lance, and gets danced by Lalum. Sophia also moved forward during this time, and interestingly dropping her Flux tome sped up the Boots manipulation. Only combat here is Thany dodging one of the mages. Turn 2: Sophia moves again - her position is important for the next turn, since she needs to be killed in order to skip the gaiden. Miledy gets rid of one mage, who would otherwise harass the fliers in this middle ground, and Thany drops Alan off here. She can't escape combat completely here and still drop Alan close enough, so I just make sure the Hero fails to crit with his Killing Edge. Alan also needs a level up on this enemy phase, and gets HP, Str, Skl, Luk, Def. For some odd reason, the sleep staff bishop likes to target Cecilia, even though she has the highest Res of the party. Doesn't matter if she gets put to sleep though - in fact it is slightly faster since the next turn he will target Miledy which is faster than stretching across the map for Cecilia again. Turn 3: Miledy palms off Roy, and he gets dropped in seize range for next turn. Thany moves south. I have to let Sophia get killed first, since the mage that is nearby takes two hits to kill her, and would attack her second after the wyvern. Thany has to make two dodges at 61 and 43 hit, and again it doesn't matter if Miledy is put to sleep. Fun fact: the frame I press start to skip Sophia's death quote is 133777. Turn 4: Thany collects the Warp staff. This will be invaluable for saving time on the later maps, but I can't use until I recruit Niime in Chapter 19. Alan removes the boss, and Roy seizes.
Post subject: Ch15: now with encode
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Chapter 15: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1108671050/0378%20-%20Fire%20Emblem%20-%20Fuuin%20no%20Tsurugi%20%28J%29.vbm Encode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0_XAkdMLKY This one has a few objectives to achieve, mainly getting both Alan and Roy over the mountains on turn 2, and acquiring the Hammerne staff in turn 3, and making sure my frail units survive. With all that in mind, this is a short but painful chapter to plan out. Turn 1: Lot of moving around here, ensuring both Miledy and Thany get close enough for a safe drop. Don't want to lure the archers to my fliers on turn 2, since Roy has better avoid on the forest tile. With that in mind, I move both my fliers close enough, but out of range of the wyvern. Lalum has to dance Thany to ensure she is both close enough for the drop, and has enough room to escape luring enemies towards her. Lance makes a rare reappearance as he rescues the dancer. Marcus crits a mercenary, and another on the enemy phase for a very nice HP, Str, Skl, Spd level up. Turn 2: Lance passes Lalum over to Marcus, and moves out of range of the archer in the south. Marcus drops Lalum on the hill, so only the one enemy can reach her. Alan and Roy get dropped, and I manipulate both Alan's level up, and Roy and Lalum's survival (they are each OHKOed by a Silver Bow Archer and the Fire Valkyrie respectively), as well as getting as many crits as I can with my main attackers. With the luck needed for this enemy phase, getting 3 out of 4 crits first time was pretty acceptable, only 217 RNs away. Alan gets a very nice HP, Skl, Spd, Luk level up, having capped Str and nearly capped Spd already. Turn 3: Lalum dances Marcus to reach the Hammerne. Miledy moves a cavalier out of the road, so that Alan can take out the boss and Roy can seize.
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Well, I've just finished reading all of the 5 pages. Toothache: it's really amazing all the effort you put in (on?) this TAS. You begun what 4 year ago? Start again twice. I'm really amaze. Also, I've look at your latest run, and I have some questions. Which are. -Why do you loose frame by moving the cursor in some random way before moving one of your character? (Maybe I'm a bit unclear...) -What "RN" stands for, as in the following sentence: "Roy shifts 15 RNs to allow Thany to OHKO a mercenary in ch5 with a crit. " That being said, I'm really hoping for the best. Keep up the good great work !
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Zagaba wrote:
Also, I've look at your latest run, and I have some questions. Which are. 1-Why do you loose frame by moving the cursor in some random way before moving one of your character? (Maybe I'm a bit unclear...) 2-What "RN" stands for, as in the following sentence: "Roy shifts 15 RNs to allow Thany to OHKO a mercenary in ch5 with a crit. "
1; That is to get a better RN. 2; RN=Random Number. The in depth answer is here; http://uk.faqs.ign.com/articles/520/520430p1.html In your example above, before giving Roy a command, the player 'moves the cursor in some random way' 15 times in order to get that crit which kills the mercanary..
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Toothache: After you seized the throne, you need to burn 159101 RNs to do the glitch. I think this won't happen in this TAS unless you manage to get into Zephiel's throne.
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Thanks Paused ! I've though the "moving in some random way" was some luck manipulation. But it's nice to have an answer. Also, thanks for the link. I'll have a good time reading it ! EDIT: I've just finished reading the gamefaq. It was really interesting. Since it's a TAS, do the RAM address of the RNG is known?
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I compared the Nico run to Toothache's since I noticed C10 and C13 were much, much faster with Thany. I've put (-) in places where the two runs shouldn't differ at all. Chapter 1 doesn't have Thany, Chapter 8 is indoors, Chapter 12 has a set turn limit and the Nico run desynched for me at Chapter 14. In addition, Nico run suffers from a lot of inefficiencies: Using too many units, acquiring too many treasures, poor manipulation, etc. This means the total advantage of Toothache's run should be considerably less than 8939 frames. In fact, if Toothache's frame advantage from Chapters 1-8 is cut in half (not too unrealistic since the Nico run lost 2435 frames in C1), he'd actually be slightly behind at this point from raising Alan. Just taking away Miledy’s promotion in C13 cuts the advantage down to roughly 7939 frames. Now, looking at future maps, there a quite a few left where terrain will slow down Alan significantly. C17 C18 This chapter is the nail in the coffin C19 C21 Even if only 2000 frames were saved per chapter in those 4 maps above (and that’s an extremely conservative estimate), you’d still end up behind. All to say, I’m thoroughly convinced raising Thany is faster in the long run, even without gaidens.
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Sorry for double post. To further illustrate my point, I TASed Chapter 18 using a raised Thany, then again using a raised Alan, and compared the frame count. Chapter 18 in 4 Turns (Thany) - 8000 frames Vbm Chapter 18 in 7 Turns (Alan) - 14500 frames Vbm *Note that I buffed up Roy a bit to make it easier for him to survive at the end. The difference comes out to a whopping 6500 frames (~1.8 minutes), although I’ll admit I was a bit lazy with optimization.
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I think you're overlooking something - Miledy is available past Chapter 13. I don't need to raise Thany, because I can raise Miledy as a combat unit. She can at least replace Thany's role here in Chapter 18. In fact, I'd already been looking at these Ilia chapters, and decided I did need Miledy for most of them, since she'll be way faster than Alan, as you are no doubt aware. This does beg the important question though- when to promote Miledy. For a OHKO on the Chapter 18 boss, she need at least 20 Str with the Killer Lance. In Chapters 16 and 17, there may be room for her to gain that needed increase, plus another 2 points from the promotion.
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If you're intent on raising Miledy you'll definitely want to give her the boots. I still think it's better in the long run to raise Thany (Miledy can't make those big frame saves in 9, 10 and 13), but it's your call. If you want I can test run C1-7 with Thany to see how many frames are lost raising her when there's better optimization than in the nico run. I would need some .dll files for the enemy phase script, though. Anyway, for Miledy's promotion, you want to make it as late as possible- she needs time to build speed, but gains around 50 exp per kill. Whereas, once she promotes that number plummets to like 7-11 exp. She probably only needs 3-4 level-ups though, as she has remarkable durability and can 1HKO most enemies with a killer lance from the get-go. I'd guess Chapter 16, maybe earlier. Edit: Another consideration, if you raise Thany, it would save a lot of time from not having to see Miledy level-up multiple times. Alan run: Alan and Miledy get power-leveled. Thany run: Only Thany gets power-leveled, though Alan still sees considerable use early on.
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