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rridgway wrote:
Your first initial, coupled with your last name (which has had about seventeen r's and i's cropped out for simplicity's sake.)
Player (16)
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I came up with the BZero name when I signed up for my second ever Internet forum, on January 31st 2002, except then I spelled it "B-Zer0". I was (and still am) a big Final Fantasy fan, so at first I figured I'd name myself after an FF character. However, when I was in the process of signing up, I thought that maybe that was a bit overdone (BTW, on the first forum I signed up to I called myself Squall Tribal >_>), so I got the brilliant idea of naming myself after a summon instead of a regular character, and named myself after my favorite summon, Bahamut ZERO, except I abbreviated it a little, and changed the o to a 0. Yeah, that was clever. Later that year, I signed up to GameFAQs, where you can't use hyphens in your username, so I had to go with BZer0. Some time later, I realized the 0 thing wasn't really all that clever and started using BZero whenever I signed up for new sites.
How's your digestion now?
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The two "coolest" sounds I could think of when naming a snake I drew. Yeah, hardly a very creative progress. "Find cool-sounding prefix" + "find cool-sounding suffix" = "cool-sounding name". It has stuck to me since then. Not inspired by The Matrix, the dishwasher and/or dishwasher powder, nor the brazillian bugspray. As far as I'm aware, all of those came after I came up with the nick, except the Matrix movie, but I don't think I took my nick after a character I don't like.
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A mix of two of my favorite bands, Iron Maiden and Slayer.
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On my first year in my game design course we had a class where we'd play all sorts of different games to see how they could be compared to video games. One was a LARP where we played archangels trying to bring about God's creation (though the different arch's didn't exactly agree on how exactly it should be), and I got to play Mehuyael, a really annoying, naive, flaky character who I really liked, so I decided to name myself so on the internet. But I already signed up to a number of forums with the nick Mechuyael before I figured that though technically it's more correct (as in Hebrew there's a Chet there), it looked better as just plain Mehuyael.
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Well, Kostecki is my last name, so drop the Ko and you have stecki. Change the e to i and the i to y and you have sticky. It doesnt help any that I was small as a stick for ~6 years... I also go by ZOPR, which is the name I play smash bros. under... although I am too lazy to ask bisqwit to change my name (since I have gotten tired of the whole name :( ), and people probably would not recognize me as easily. Recognition FTW!
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
Joined: 6/5/2005
Posts: 139
My name was created when I first started using Fruity Loops (now FL Studio). Its a play on how alot of popular music artists at the time were intentionally spelling their names wrong. Being the silly bastard that I am I decided on misspelling the word "funk" and to make it even cheesier I added the "sauce" at the end. It also was a pretty good of the description of the music i was creating at that moment in time...A whole bunch of styles thrown into one pot making the "funk sauce."
I like stuff...
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Halamantariel is a name I came up with while I was working on an Ultima Online server. Me and a couple of buddies wanted to create a free (French) UO server for our friends to enjoy, and possibly expand in the future. They already had cool nicknames, and all I had was "Post-IT", which is the first nickname I got myself. I got "Post-IT" when I first joined IRC, which is about 10 years ago (I'm 22 now). It asked me for a nickname, but I didn't have any, so I looked around on my desk to find something, and there were some post-its. Yeah. That stupid/simple/dumb. So anyway, I didn't want to keep "Post-IT" for an MMORPG game. It just doesn't sound good and it doesn't look "professionnal" in that domain either, as I was the almighty admin there. I therefore had to come up with something. Now here's how I got the weird Halamantariel name. I wanted my admin character to be represented by an Elf in-game, and I wanted the name to sound a little "angelic". In French -- and in my beliefs --, angels exist and have names. All of their names end with either "-ah" or "-el". Some of them end with "-iel", and that's what I wanted for my character name. As for "Halamantar", I think I found that in some elven language things... What I did was look at some elven language reference on the Internet, and then tried to come up with something that sounded similar to those other words, and finally end that word with "iel". So yeah ... quite a complicated story, most of you probably don't care, but hey, if you don't, why are you still reading huh? That's what this thread is for. Summary of this post if you're too lazy to read it all: I came up with Halamantariel based on elven language and angelic names. It was the name of my character on my first French Ultima Online server (I was an admin). That nickname has been with me ever since. I think it's been 7 or 8 years since I first used the nickname.
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I came up with my name ages ago. Essentially, I need a name for the only time I'd ever play a 'Table-Top RPG.' I hate even the idea of that form of social interaction (It was spoiled by watching a group of social degenerates 'play', and by 'play' it was 'who can be more boisterous and obnoxious than the others') So, another friend DEMANDED I play. I decided my character name needed to be a mock of the usual names, such as DARK DRAGON, DARK MASTER, DARK CLOUD, DARK SCARY-THING. So I chose the simplest, most pathetic creature in most RPGs I could think of. Hence... Dark.... Kobold?? Strike fear into the heart of NO ONE! The name stuck. It is generally very easy to get, only a few others use it... Kinda catchy too.
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
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I only knew about the Kobold from Quest 64, and it didn't seem all that pathetic there... Anyway, I just came up with this name randomly, and unlike a lot of netizens I don't like to be traced to one single name.
i imgur com/QiCaaH8 png
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In about 2000-ish, we bought ourselves an interweb because high-speed was becoming popular. Being new to the technology, I got a friend to help me set up the basic necessities like email. He was doing all the typing, and when it came time to put in the username for the email address, I suggested mr_robert_z, because it sounded kind of classy (it also happened to include by first name and initial). So, he put it in, but made a typo, putting adding an "s" to the first name. By the time we caught the mistake, it was too late, and the name was set. At the time, I thought an email address was with you for life, and I had no idea you could just make a new one. To not get confused, I just used it as my username on some internet forums (ie, TASVideos and GameFAQs). The end.
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Quite some years ago I was about to join some site, can't remember which, and I wanted to have a thoughtful nickname that I could stick with for the future. A friend of mine, who was a big Lord of the rings fan, choosed his nickname from an elvish dictionary and I decided to do the same. I was pretty lazy so I just picked one of the first words that meant something positive. As a consequence I can consider myself glorious - in many aspects...
feos wrote:
Only Aglar can improve this now.
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IronSlayer wrote:
A mix of two of my favorite bands, Iron Maiden and Slayer.
I wonder why you didn't make it MaidenSlayer then? :P
Joined: 11/11/2006
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I've been through many unoriginal, boring nicknames which I won't even mention but the one used here is one of the more unique. It arised from talk of getting a nickname and a couple of friends talking about CAD comic. One thought I looked a bit like Scott, and the other thought I had a somewhat eccentric personality close to Ethans. SCott, ethAN. Scan. It fit my somewhat computer-centric lifestyle, so it keeps with me for most things 'locally'. Unfortunately, using such a common word on the internet and remaining unique is borderline impossible, so I dabbled with prefixes (sizes, elements, etc.) and eventually picked Raiscan. More recently the alterations of my nickname (Ricecan, Ricecake) have made it into other chat-rooms and on occasion real life.
<adelikat> I am annoyed at my irc statements ending up in forums & sigs
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Mine was from watching too much Keroro Gunsou. Keroro and the other frogs called Earth "Pekopon". I used that. The Tokyopop manga spells it as pokopen though. The other name I used on other forums was VBKirby. This was for the very first forum I joined on vr32.de, The Virtual Boy site. I combined the Virtual Boy and Kirby to make VBKirby. This was the avatar I made and used on that site.
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I blame megaman.exe anime and game for the generic "Dark" and my common sense for making me replace the .exe with data (You would think it would of made me drop dark too.).
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I had a character in diablo 2 named sixpack for no real reason, and when I went to make a barbarian, he was 2 times the man of my little paladin. Played that character more, and the name stuck
Has never colored a dinosaur.
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Twelvepack wrote:
I had a character in diablo 2 named sixpack for no real reason, and when I went to make a barbarian, he was 2 times the man of my little paladin. Played that character more, and the name stuck
Oh! I thought you were an alcoolic :D Well, i got mine from my usual nick Jays and my ex girlfriend's mad. Yep, me and her, it's over... That means i will not be voting on the Adventures of Lolo runs anymore. Sorry Baxter...
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jaysmad wrote:
Oh! I thought you were an alcoolic :D
Sadly, I was drinking a beer when I read that... STOP READING MY MIND
Has never colored a dinosaur.
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Posts: 498
Back in 2002-2003 or so, I was without internet for about a year, and when I came back I felt like a newbie again since I'd been gone so long. I also decided to drop my old multiple nicks, in favor of using one everywhere for simplicity. I based the new nick on an old DOS command indicating a fresh start: "format c:". :p
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4matsy wrote:
Back in 2002-2003 or so, I was without internet for about a year, and when I came back I felt like a newbie again since I'd been gone so long. I also decided to drop my old multiple nicks, in favor of using one everywhere for simplicity. I based the new nick on an old DOS command indicating a fresh start: "format c:". :p
I've started doing that too. It's annoying to have to say "My name is VBKirby on GBAtemp" Or "My name is Ratbert on Download anime" It's Pekopon wherever I go now. I use the same avatar too. It's a good sign to tell who I am since I'm the only one who has this precise picture. It's scanned in from one of my Kirby 64 manga.
Joined: 10/14/2008
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uhm DJS from my initials lambdaN from the HL spray.
Joined: 10/20/2006
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Cool it reads like DJ Slamb daN or SlambdaN like Slamdunk. The B actually confused me, then I thought it was just random letters.
Joined: 7/11/2010
Posts: 98
Woah... People haven't posted here for 3 years... (almost)... Well, mine came from playing a computer game where I needed a name, and I always would type three letters and write the first thing that came to my mind. For some reason, I would most of the time type "sdy" or "sgy". So that's where that came from.
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