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After the cancellation of my warpless run: #3416: TheKDX7's GBC Super Mario Bros. Deluxe "warpless" in 18:15.42 I decided to make the challenge mode of this game. The purpose is of got back: 5 red coins which are sometimes hidden in blocks or in corners, 1 yoshi's egg which hides in invisible blocks and to reach the score which is before asked of entered the level or after the level.

Game objectives

  • Emulator used: vba-v24m-svn422
  • collect 160 red coins, 32 eggs and reach the required score in 32 levels
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Second quest/Post game-completion
  • Starts from a saved state or SRAM
  • Genre: Platform


mushroom = 1000pts
1-up mushroom = 2000pts
fire flower = 1000pts
star = 1000pts
yoshi's egg = 2000pts
red coins = 200pts
coins = 200pts
block? = 200pts
brick block = 50pts
ennemis's combo = 100 + 200 + 400 + 800 + 1000 + 2000 + 4000 + 8000 + 10000pts
goomba = 100pts
koopa = 100pts
koopa (with fire) = 200pts
(with fire) = kill one ennemis with a fire flower
para troopa = 400pts
buzzy beatle = 100pts
shoot a shell = 500pts
piranha plant = 200pts
cheep cheep = 200pts
lakitu = 800pts
hériss = 200pts
bullet bill = 200pts
hammer bro.= 1000pts
Falling platform = 1000pts
flag (1) = 5000pts
flag (2) = 2000pts
flag (3) = 800pts
flag (4) = 400pts
flag (5) = 100pts
firework = 500pts

Stage by stage comments


block? + goomba + mushroom + red coins + block ? + 1-up mushroom + brick block + goomba + brick block + fire flower + goomba 3x + coins 10x + red coin + block? + brick block + koopa + goomba 2x + block? 2x + red coin + goomba 2x + red coin + yoshi's egg + goomba 2x + brick block + red coin + flag(1) + timer = 32350/32000


red coin + mushroom + coin + red coin + koopa + shoot a shell + brick block + coin + ennemis's combo + brick block + coin + brick block 2x + goomba + brick block + coin + fire flower + red coin + coin 6x + goomba 3x + piranha plant + coin 20x + brick block + red coin + goomba 2x + red coin + koopa + brick block + yoshi's egg + flag(1) + timer = 38000/38000


coin + koopa + shoot a shell + red coin + coin + coin + goomba + red coin + mushroom + para troopa + coin 2x + red coin + yoshi's egg + koopa + red coin + coin + koopa + red coin + flag(1) + timer = 24000/24000


red coin 4x + block? + yoshi's egg + red coin + timer = 15900/13000


mushroom + ennemis's combo + shoot a shell 2x + coin + ennemis's combo + 1-up mushroom + koopa + fire flower + red coin + shoot a shell + ennemis's combo + koopa + goomba 2x + red coin + block? + goomba + block? + yoshi's egg + red coin + goomba + piranha plant 4x + koopa + para troopa + goomba x2 + coin 10x + para troopa + red coin + para troopa + block? + piranha plant + block? + red coin + flag(5) + timer = 44050/40000


red coin + coin 3x + red coin 2x + coin 3x + yoshi's egg + coin 4x + red coin + coin + red coin + flag(1) + timer + firework = 25750/25000


coin 11x + red coin + coin 3x + cheep cheep + mushroom + coin 3x + red coin + yoshi's egg + coin 6x + red coin + coin 9x + red coin + red coin + flag(5) + timer + firework 6x = 25500/23000


mushroom + red coin 3x + coin 3x + block? + yoshi's egg + red coin 2x + timer = 17300/14000


block? + para troopa + koopa + shoot a shell + ennemis's combo + mushroom + brick block + red coin + brick block 2x + coin 4x + fire flower + coin 5x + coin 3x + brick block 2x + red coin + goomba 3x + 1-up mushroom + goomba 2x + koopa + piranha plant + hammer bro. + brick block + hammer bro. + red coin + fire flower + goomba 2x + yoshi's egg + koopa + koopa (with fire) + brick block + red coin + shoot a shell + ennemis's combo +brick block 2x + koopa (with fire) 2x + red coin + koopa (with fire) 2x + flag(5) + timer = 45500/45000


koopa + shoot a shell + ennemis's combo + red coin + coin 2x + mushroom + red coin + goomba + para troopa + koopa + goomba 2x + red coin + koopa + shoot a shell + ennemis's combo + block? 2x + red coin + yoshi's egg + coin 2x + red coin + goomba 2x + flag(1) + timer = 86550/85000


goomba + red coin + coin + coin 3x + mushroom + coin 2x + koopa + shoot a shell + red coin + falling platform + red coin + coin 3x + red coin + block? + koopa + shoot a shell + ennemis's combo + yoshi's egg + red coin + flag(2) + timer = 23150/23000


red coin + mushroom + red coin 2x + coin + yoshi's egg + red coin 2x + timer = 16900/13000


mushroom + red coin + coin 4x + red coin + 1-up mushroom + coin 6x + red coin + coin 3x + block? + brick block + block? 2x + fire flower + block? 2x + red coin + hériss + piranha plant + block? + yoshi's egg + hériss + lakitu (with fire) + coin 10x + red coin + flag(1) + timer = 34700/32000


red coin + coin 3x + mushroom + brick block 4x + goomba 2x + fire flower + brick block + piranha plant 3x + brick block + buzzy beatle + shoot a shell + buzzy beatle + red coin + koopa (with fire) 2x + piranha plant + brick block + red coin + brick block + fire flower + piranha plant 3x + buzzy beatle + red coin + coin 10x + yoshi's egg + brick block + red coin + piranha plant + flag(1) + timer = 33150/33000


koopa + shoot a shell + koopa + shoot a shell + coin 4x + red coin + para troopa + mushroom + red coin + coin 3x + red coin + coin + koopa + shoot a shell + coin 2x + falling platform + red coin + coin 5x + yoshi's egg + red coin + flag(2) + timer + firework = 24850/24000


red coin 2x + yoshis egg + red coin + block? + red coin 2x + timer = 19450/17000


koopa + shoot a shell + ennemis's combo + red coin + para troopa + koopa + shoot a shell + ennemis's combo + coin 10x + red coin + goomba 2x + red coin + goomba + koopa + shoot a shell + ennemis's combo + red coin + coin 10x + red coin + para troopa + yoshi's egg + flag(5) + timer = 80850/80000


coin 3x + para troopa + red coin + koopa + mushroom + yoshi's egg + coin 6x + red coin + coin + brick block 2x + hammer bro. + buzzy beatle + ennemis's combo + coin 10x + fire flower + red coin + goomba 2x + block? + brick block + coin 10x + red coin + koopa (with fire) + fire flower + coin 2x + red coin + para troopa + flag(1) + timer + firework = 37200/36000


bullet bill + red coin + goomba + coin 2x + mushroom + para troopa + red coin + coin + red coin + coin 2x + red coin + koopa + bullet bill + coin + red coin + coin 2x + bullet bill + yoshi's egg + flag(1) + timer = 24200/23000


red coin 3x + yoshi's egg + coin + red coin 2x + timer = 15700/13000


block? 2x + yoshi's egg + block? + mushroom + coin 5x + red coin + lakitu + coin 10x + red coin + 1-up mushroom + coin 2x + block? + red coin 2x + coin 10x + red coin + flag(1) + timer + firework 3x = 34750/32000


coin 9x + red coin + buzzy beatle + shoot a shell + mushroom + goomba + block? + red coin + yoshi's egg + red coin + brick block + red coin + coin 8x + red coin + coin + para troopa + koopa + shoot a shell + ennemis's combo + flag(2) + timer + firework 6x = 30150/30000


red coin + mushroom + coin + red coin + coin + bullet bill + coin 3x + red coin + yoshi's egg + red coin + block? + flag(1) + timer = 22500/21000


yoshi's egg + red coin 5x + timer = 15750/12000


bullet bill + mushroom + red coin + para troopa + bullet bill + brick block + coin 10x + hammer bro. + red coin + brick block + coin 10x + block? + red coin + hammer bro. + brick block + hammer bro. + coin 10x + red coin 2x + block? + yoshi's egg + flag(2) + timer = 32200/32000


red coin + coin 3x + red coin + coin 3x + red coin + coin 5x + red coin + coin + yoshi's egg + red coin + flag(1) + timer = 25400/24000


red coin + coin 4x + yoshi's egg + coin 8x + block? + red coin + coin 3x + cheep cheep + coin 2x + koopa + coin 4x + para troopa + coin 2x + red coin + coin 2x + red coin + block? + red coin + flag(1) + timer + firework 6x = 28400/28000


red coin 2x + yoshi's egg + red coin 3x + timer = 18850/16000


buzzy beatle + shoot a shell + ennemis's combo + koopa + red coin + koopa + shoot a shell + ennemis's combo + coin 10x + red coin + coin 8x + koopa + shoot a shell + ennemis's combo + block? + coin 10x + red coin + para troopa 2x + red coin + coin 2x + ennemis's combo + buzzy beatle + shoot a shell + ennemis's combo + buzzy beatle + coin 4x + red coin + coin + yoshi's egg + coin + koopa + flag(2) + timer = 40650/40000


block? + 1-up mushroom + red coin 2x + buzzy beatle + bullet bill + ennemis's combo + red coin + yoshi's egg + block? + coin 10x + red coin + bullet bill + goomba + bullet bill + red coin + flag(1) + timer = 28550/28000


block? + red coin + bullet bill + para troopa + red coin + mushroom + red coin + bullet bill + brick block + hammer bro. + coin 10x + fire flower + red coin + piranha plant + block? + yoshi's egg + koopa (with fire) + hammer bro. 2x + piranha plant + hammer bro. 2x + coin + red coin + flag(3) + timer + firework 6x = 28450/28000


red coin + ennemis's combo + red coin + buzzy beatle + block? + red coin + yoshi's egg + red coin 2x + timer = 18250/18000

total score: 988850pts

award: peach award

Special Thanks

Mukki: Judging...
Mukki: I think that this category has potential and I can imagine a good TAS of this being accepted. Unfortunately, this particular submission has attracted some criticism as to its level of optimisation. The audience has pointed out many spots throughout the run that could be improved. I decided to investigate this myself and casually TASed level 1-1. Without any real effort I was able to improve it by ~40 frames which is a huge amount for 30 seconds of a game like SMB. This is purely from optimisation of the same route. Even if the route remained the same I imagine that this could be improved a good deal more. The .vbm is below, if you decide to redo this submission I suggest that you compare with this (I overwrote your submission which is why the rerecord count is so high). You should also study the optimisation tricks used in the NES run (such as use of left/right) as I found them to be somewhat applicable here.
I am rejecting this run on the grounds of poor optimisation.

Player (9)
Joined: 7/4/2011
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Location: U.S.A., probably not a good game choice. voted no. sry.
So yea, how's it going? Currently TASing: Nothing
Joined: 8/4/2009
Posts: 6
Agree with Saethori above. Yes vote.
Player (189)
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ElectroSpecter wrote:
Considering how much score was left to attain at the end of the movie though, I can't imagine it would be an easy task deciding when to go out of your way to get all the extra points.
If you're going to get that, you might as well try for maximum possible score on every level, even if it means repeating a few when the coins or eggs aren't beneficial. At least that way there wouldn't be a great difference in strategy from the Japanese version, where the point quotas were lower.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Good idea of run. Since this is my first GBC game I was really hoping to see someone TASing it, because there are some modes that can bring some entertainement. First of all, you could start a run with You VS Boo unlocked with every Black Boo(or unlocking them), and make all the courses winning with the Challenge mode, as an example. Doing the original or the Lost Level Mode is sure less entertaining because there are some things that miss in those, comparated to the NES/SNES version (like the wind in TLL). Otherwise there are Awards in this opus, and this has its importance. Winning all the Score/Coins/Egg Medals gives you 3 Awards, and you Miss a fourth one that belongs to the challenge mode, the Toad-Award (it seems) that is unlocked after a certain score. For your run, there are some points to change to optimise it better, they are not crucial, but those are really visible : -Fireworks (sometimes they aren't necessary) -Flagpole High (sometimes you jump too high to attain the 5.000 points) -New "Score" Routes (Maybe, like making higher points with ennemies to be able to skip the flagpole animation winning only 100 points, but I didn't really see any improvement in the levels) As for the Toad Award, there is a quick way to attain it. I lost the videos where I saw it, but in the Challenge Mode, when you hit a koopa Shell on the stairs, the game memorizes the number of times you hit it, and if you stop, and restart hitting, you will win points until the Shell disappears, beginning from the number of points where you left. The trick is to go up 5.000 points, and to let the Shell go away, in a place without pits, especially in 6-2, 7-1 (if I remember correctly), and some other rare places. Then, you just have to jump in order to stop and shoot it, and you gain 5.000 points instead of 500 for shotting in the shell everytime you do this. -I think the end of the 6-2 would be a good place to do it, and maybe you could find a way to do it quicker on emulator, directly on the stairs maybe, or with 8.000 points everytime (i'm not sure if it's possible, it has been a long time since I didn't do this, because my game had some problems and I lost for the third time a part of my data, that I haven't fully reclaimed yet). You can win more than 500.000 points on one try, and you only need less than 200.000 points to obtain the Toad Award, and I think it's the quickest way to complete the score bar, you will just have to jauge how many times you have to do this trick, and see if you couldn't win extra points in some levels without losing time that could reduce the number of times you'll do this trick. I'll give you a firm "Yes" for this run, but I encourage you to improve it, and maybe add sew segments like the You VS Boo course.
Player (85)
Joined: 7/25/2011
Posts: 58
TheKDX7, this is an enjoyable run, but the bar is set pretty high on this site for Mario games. Some people have said there are optimization problems, but says many glitches in the original Mario were removed from this game, and the gameplay itself looks pretty good to me. While collecting the red coins and yoshi eggs is really entertaining, some of the more mundane point collecting, like stopping to grab mushrooms and fireworks, just make the run look slower. I agree with Metarkrai. It's a good run, but it appears there could be more optimization in regards to how much time is spent collecting points to get the max score on each level. After thinking about it, I'll vote Meh. It's entertaining, but I think the run should only be published if, at the time, it is as optimized as we believe possible. Another attempt that better optimizes the time spent point collecting would definitely earn a yes vote from me.
Player (118)
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OK I shall begin the improvements in some time but while waiting for I go tried to make wario land 3 "any%"
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TheKDX7 wrote:
OK I shall begin the improvements in some time but while waiting for I go tried to make wario land 3 "any%"
Good luck! I've read that there's a wall-jump glitch like in Wario land 2, so this will be interesting to watch.
Player (13)
Joined: 6/17/2006
Posts: 505
Bad optimization combined with no Toad Award forces me to vote no. However, I really like this idea and wouldn't mind seeing this run published if only to encourage more people to beat this run.
Joined: 8/18/2010
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For anyone who doesn't know, these are the 5 awards in this game: - Mario Award, for completing 8-4 in the Original 1985 mode - Bowser Award, for completing 8*4 in the Original 1985 mode - Luigi Award, for completing 8-4 in the Super Mario Bros. for Super Players mode (SMB2j remake with the wind removed and possibly other changes), also shows the credits - Peach Award, for obtaining all 96 medals in Challenge mode - Toad Award, for filling up the score bar in Challenge mode You Vs. Boo mode doesn't give an award, but Boo matches your best time after you win once on a particular level, and changes color based on that time (white-->green-->pink-->black). So unlocking black Boo in all 8 levels could be considered completing it. There are various other photo album pictures, such as one for defeating each type of enemy (all 8 fake Bowsers count separately and have to be killed with fireballs), but it's impossible to obtain two of them without linking (play a 2-player race and trade high scores with someone). I'm not sure whether all 5 awards would really be worth watching over Peach+Toad (or Peach+Toad+ 8 black Boos), considering the rest would just be SMB1 warpless, SMB1 hard with warps, and SMB2j with warps, on a smaller screen size. Regarding the idea of maximum possible score, I'd like to see that myself, but there is an issue with that-- repeatedly kicking a Koopa/Buzzy shell against a wall (kicking, stomping, kicking again, and so on) is worth more points than what's lost from the timer bonus, and unlike the Koopa-stairs trick, I don't think it will destroy the shell. So quite a lot of the levels would end with minimal time (probably 6 time units left for the fireworks), resulting in a rather boring video, unless some arbitrary restriction is placed on number of times each shell can be kicked or something like that. YouTube user PersonOnEarth has uploaded some videos of TAS high scores for the first 7 castles and 6-3 (which don't contain any shells), though, along with TASes of the You Vs. Boo levels.
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om, nom, nom... blech!
Joined: 1/13/2012
Posts: 25
TASVideos Grue wrote:
om, nom, nom... blech!
Raku hey guys lok wat i can do :D
Player (13)
Joined: 9/12/2009
Posts: 1559
A challenge mode? It's possible to get over 60,000 in 1-1. 500-800-1000-2000-4000-5000-8000-10000. The trick in 3-1 is where you can get over 1,000,000. Get all the red coins and all the Yoshi eggs, get all the target scores, and get the highest scores. Some levels need to be completed twice.
Player (118)
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PikachuMan wrote:
A challenge mode? It's possible to get over 60,000 in 1-1. 500-800-1000-2000-4000-5000-8000-10000. The trick in 3-1 is where you can get over 1,000,000. Get all the red coins and all the Yoshi eggs, get all the target scores, and get the highest scores. Some levels need to be completed twice.
I think that it is possible to have "Toad Award" (1'600'000 pts) without making a single level twice.