Post subject: Another VFR NHML fixup program
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1149)
Joined: 5/1/2010
Posts: 1217
This is not well-tested so beware (I only tested with one encode)... This code alters Video NHMLs (used by MP4Box) to be timed like MKV timecode file specifies, and also at the same time fixes the corresponding audio NHML to make it sync with the new video timecodes. It is written in Lua and should run on all platforms (with enough memory) that have Lua reference interpretter (lua) available. Download NHMLFixup.lua
Language: lua

#!/usr/bin/env lua ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- NHMLFixup v1 by Ilari (2010-09-16). -- Update timecodes in NHML Audio/Video track timing to conform to given MKV v2 timecodes file. -- Syntax: NHMLFixup <video-nhml-file> <audio-nhml-file> <mkv-timecodes-file> [<delay>] -- <delay> is number of milliseconds to delay the video (in order to compensate for audio codec delay, reportedly -- does not work right with some demuxers). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function load_timecode_file(FILE file, number timescale) -- Loads timecode data from file @file, using timescale of @timescale frames per second. Returns array of scaled -- timecodes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- load_timecode_file = function(file, timescale) local line, ret; line = file:read("*l"); if line ~= "# timecode format v2" then error("Timecode file is not in MKV timecodes v2 format"); end ret = {}; while true do line = file:read("*l"); if not line then break; end local timecode = tonumber(line); if not timecode then error("Can't parse timecode '" .. line .. "'."); end table.insert(ret, math.floor(0.5 + timecode / 1000 * timescale)); end return ret; end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function make_reverse_index_table(Array array) -- Returns table, that has entry for each entry in given array @array with value being rank of value, 1 being smallest -- and #array the largest. If @lookup is non-nil, values are looked up from that array. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- make_reverse_index_table = function(array, lookup) local sorted, ret; local i; sorted = {}; for i = 1,#array do sorted[i] = array[i]; end table.sort(sorted); ret = {}; for i = 1,#sorted do ret[sorted[i]] = (lookup and lookup[i]) or i; end return ret; end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function max_causality_violaton(Array CTS, Array DTS) -- Return the maximum number of time units CTS and DTS values violate causality. #CTS must equal #DTS. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- max_causality_violation = function(CTS, DTS) local max_cv = 0; local i; for i = 1,#CTS do max_cv = math.max(max_cv, DTS[i] - CTS[i]); end return max_cv; end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function fixup_video_times(Array sampledata, Array timecodes, Number spec_delay) -- Fixes video timing of @sampledata (fields CTS and DTS) to be consistent with timecodes in @timecodes. Returns the -- CTS offset of first sample (for fixing audio). @spec_delay is special delay to add (to fix A/V sync). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixup_video_times = function(sampledata, timecodes, spec_delay) local cts_tab = {}; local dts_tab = {}; local k, v, i; if #sampledata ~= #timecodes then error("Number of samples (" .. #sampledata .. ") does not match number of timecodes (" .. #timecodes .. ")."); end for i = 1,#sampledata do cts_tab[i] = sampledata[i].CTS; dts_tab[i] = sampledata[i].DTS; end cts_lookup = make_reverse_index_table(cts_tab, timecodes); dts_lookup = make_reverse_index_table(dts_tab, timecodes); -- Perform time translation and find max causality violation. local max_cv = 0; for i = 1,#sampledata do sampledata[i].CTS = cts_lookup[sampledata[i].CTS]; sampledata[i].DTS = dts_lookup[sampledata[i].DTS]; max_cv = math.max(max_cv, sampledata[i].DTS - sampledata[i].CTS); end -- Add maximum causality violation to CTS to eliminate the causality violations. -- Also find the minimum CTS. local min_cts = 999999999999999999999; for i = 1,#sampledata do sampledata[i].CTS = sampledata[i].CTS + max_cv + spec_delay; --Spec_delay should not apply to audio. min_cts = math.min(min_cts, sampledata[i].CTS - spec_delay); end return min_cts; end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function fixup_video_times(Array sampledata, Number min_video_cts, Number video_timescale, Number audio_timescale) -- Fixes video timing of @sampledata (field CTS) to be consistent with video minimum CTS of @cts. Video timescale -- is assumed to be @video_timescale and audio timescale @audio_timescale. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixup_audio_times = function(sampledata, min_video_cts, video_timescale, audio_timescale) local fixup = math.floor(0.5 + min_video_cts * audio_timescale / video_timescale); for i = 1,#sampledata do sampledata[i].CTS = sampledata[i].CTS + fixup; end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function translate_NHML_TS_in(Array sampledata); -- Translate NHML CTSOffset fields in @sampledata into CTS fields. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- translate_NHML_TS_in = function(sampledata, default_dDTS) local i; local dts = 0; for i = 1,#sampledata do if not sampledata[i].DTS then sampledata[i].DTS = dts + default_dDTS; end dts = sampledata[i].DTS; if sampledata[i].CTSOffset then sampledata[i].CTS = sampledata[i].CTSOffset + sampledata[i].DTS; else sampledata[i].CTS = sampledata[i].DTS; end end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function translate_NHML_TS_out(Array sampledata); -- Translate CTS fields in @sampledata into NHML CTSOffset fields. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- translate_NHML_TS_out = function(sampledata) local i; for i = 1,#sampledata do sampledata[i].CTSOffset = sampledata[i].CTS - sampledata[i].DTS; if sampledata[i].CTSOffset < 0 then error("INTERNAL ERROR: translate_NHML_TS_out: Causality violation: CTS=" .. tostring( sampledata[i].CTS) .. " DTS=" .. tostring(sampledata[i].DTS) .. "."); end sampledata[i].CTS = nil; end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function map_table_to_number(Table tab); -- Translate all numeric fields in table @tab into numbers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- map_table_to_number = function(tab) local k, v; for k, v in pairs(tab) do local n = tonumber(v); if n then tab[k] = n; end end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function map_fields_to_number(Array sampledata); -- Translate all numeric fields in array @sampledata into numbers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- map_fields_to_number = function(sampledata) local i; for i = 1,#sampledata do map_table_to_number(sampledata[i]); end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function escape_xml_text(String str) -- Return XML escaping of text str. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- escape_xml_text = function(str) str = string.gsub(str, "&", "&amp;"); str = string.gsub(str, "<", "&lt;"); str = string.gsub(str, ">", "&gt;"); str = string.gsub(str, "\"", "&quot;"); str = string.gsub(str, "\'", "&apos;"); return str; end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function escape_xml_text(String str) -- Return XML unescaping of text str. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- unescape_xml_text = function(str) str = string.gsub(str, "&apos;", "\'"); str = string.gsub(str, "&quot;", "\""); str = string.gsub(str, "&gt;", ">"); str = string.gsub(str, "&lt;", "<"); str = string.gsub(str, "&amp;", "&"); return str; end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function serialize_table_to_xml_entity(File file, String tag, Table data, bool noclose); -- Write @data as XML start tag of type @tag into @file. If noclose is true, then tag will not be closed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- serialize_table_to_xml_entity = function(file, tag, data, noclose) local k, v; file:write("<" .. tag .. " "); for k, v in pairs(data) do file:write(k .. "=\"" .. escape_xml_text(tostring(v)) .. "\" "); end if noclose then file:write(">\n"); else file:write("/>\n"); end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function serialize_array_to_xml_entity(File file, String tag, Array data); -- Write each element of @data as empty XML tag of type @tag into @file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- serialize_array_to_xml_entity = function(file, tag, data) local i; for i = 1,#data do serialize_table_to_xml_entity(file, tag, data[i]); end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function write_NHML_data(File file, Table header, Table sampledata) -- Write entiere NHML file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- write_NHML_data = function(file, header, sampledata) file:write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n"); serialize_table_to_xml_entity(file, "NHNTStream", header, true); serialize_array_to_xml_entity(file, "NHNTSample", sampledata); file:write("</NHNTStream>\n"); end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function open_file_checked(String file, String mode, bool for_write) -- Return file handle to file (checking that open succeeds). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- open_file_checked = function(file, mode, for_write) local a, b; a, b =, mode); if not a then error("Can't open '" .. file .. "': " .. b); end return a; end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function call_with_file(fun, string file, String mode, ...); -- Call fun with opened file handle to @file (in mode @mode) as first parameter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- call_with_file = function(fun, file, mode, ...) -- FIXME: Handle nils returned from function. local handle = open_file_checked(file, mode); local ret = {fun(handle, ...)}; handle:close(); return unpack(ret); end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function xml_parse_tag(String line); -- Returns the xml tag type for @line plus table of attributes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xml_parse_tag = function(line) -- More regexping... local tagname; local attr = {}; tagname = string.match(line, "<(%S+).*>"); if not tagname then error("'" .. line .. "': Parse error."); end local k, v; for k, v in string.gmatch(line, "([^ =]+)=\"([^\"]*)\"") do attr[k] = unescape_xml_text(v); end return tagname, attr; end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function load_NHML(File file) -- Loads NHML file @file. Returns header table and samples array. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- load_NHML = function(file) -- Let's regexp this shit... local header = {}; local samples = {}; while true do local line = file:read(); if not line then error("Unexpected end of NHML file."); end local xtag, attributes; xtag, attributes = xml_parse_tag(line); if xtag == "NHNTStream" then header = attributes; elseif xtag == "NHNTSample" then table.insert(samples, attributes); elseif xtag == "/NHNTStream" then break; elseif xtag == "?xml" then else print("WARNING: Unrecognized tag '" .. xtag .. "'."); end end return header, samples; end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function reame_errcheck(String old, String new) -- Rename old to new. With error checking. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rename_errcheck = function(old, new) local a, b; a, b = os.rename(old, new); if not a then error("Can't rename '" .. old .. "' -> '" .. new .. "': " .. b); end end if #arg < 3 or #arg > 4 then error("Syntax: NHMLFixup.lua <video.nhml> <audio.nhml> <timecodes.txt> [<delaycompensation>]"); end -- Load the NHML files. io.stdout:write("Loading '" .. arg[1] .. "'..."); io.stdout:flush(); video_header, video_samples = call_with_file(load_NHML, arg[1], "r"); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); io.stdout:write("Loading '" .. arg[2] .. "'..."); io.stdout:flush(); audio_header, audio_samples = call_with_file(load_NHML, arg[2], "r"); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); io.stdout:write("String to number conversion on video header..."); io.stdout:flush(); map_table_to_number(video_header); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); io.stdout:write("String to number conversion on video samples..."); io.stdout:flush(); map_fields_to_number(video_samples); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); io.stdout:write("String to number conversion on audio header..."); io.stdout:flush(); map_table_to_number(audio_header); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); io.stdout:write("String to number conversion on audio samples..."); io.stdout:flush(); map_fields_to_number(audio_samples); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); io.stdout:write("Computing CTS for video samples..."); io.stdout:flush(); translate_NHML_TS_in(video_samples, video_header.DTS_increment or 0); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); io.stdout:write("Computing CTS for audio samples..."); io.stdout:flush(); translate_NHML_TS_in(audio_samples, audio_header.DTS_increment or 0); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); -- Alter timescale if needed and load the timecode data. delay = 0; rdelay = 0; if arg[4] then local n = tonumber(arg[4]); if not n then error("Bad delay."); end rdelay = n; delay = math.floor(0.5 + rdelay / 1000 * video_header.timeScale); end timecode_data = call_with_file(load_timecode_file, arg[3], "r", video_header.timeScale); MAX_MP4BOX_TIMECODE = 0x7FFFFFF; if timecode_data[#timecode_data] > MAX_MP4BOX_TIMECODE then -- Workaround MP4Box bug. divider = math.ceil(timecode_data[#timecode_data] / MAX_MP4BOX_TIMECODE); print("Notice: Dividing timecodes by " .. divider .. " to workaround MP4Box timecode bug."); io.stdout:write("Performing division..."); io.stdout:flush(); video_header.timeScale = video_header.timeScale / divider; for i = 1,#timecode_data do timecode_data[i] = timecode_data[i] / divider; end --Recompute delay. delay = math.floor(0.5 + rdelay / 1000 * video_header.timeScale); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); end -- Do the actual fixup. io.stdout:write("Fixing up video timecodes..."); io.stdout:flush(); audio_fixup = fixup_video_times(video_samples, timecode_data, delay); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); io.stdout:write("Fixing up audio timecodes..."); io.stdout:flush(); fixup_audio_times(audio_samples, audio_fixup, video_header.timeScale, audio_header.timeScale); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); -- Save the NHML files. io.stdout:write("Computing CTSOffset for video samples..."); io.stdout:flush(); translate_NHML_TS_out(video_samples); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); io.stdout:write("Computing CTSOffset for audio samples..."); io.stdout:flush(); translate_NHML_TS_out(audio_samples); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); io.stdout:write("Saving '" .. arg[1] .. ".tmp'..."); io.stdout:flush(); call_with_file(write_NHML_data, arg[1] .. ".tmp", "w", video_header, video_samples); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); io.stdout:write("Saving '" .. arg[2] .. ".tmp'..."); io.stdout:flush(); call_with_file(write_NHML_data, arg[2] .. ".tmp", "w", audio_header, audio_samples); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); io.stdout:write("Renaming '" .. arg[1] .. ".tmp' -> '" .. arg[1] .. "'..."); io.stdout:flush(); rename_errcheck(arg[1] .. ".tmp", arg[1]); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); io.stdout:write("Renaming '" .. arg[2] .. ".tmp' -> '" .. arg[2] .. "'..."); io.stdout:flush(); rename_errcheck(arg[2] .. ".tmp", arg[2]); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); io.stdout:write("All done.\n");
Joined: 4/23/2009
Posts: 1283
Great job. Nice to have another application besides mine for choices. This might also be faster than mine, but I have no idea. It does do more stuff than mine currently does. Maybe I should stop being lazy and add more functionality...
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1149)
Joined: 5/1/2010
Posts: 1217
Here is bit newer version: Changes: - Check that one of the NHMLs is sound and one is video (one can extract wrong track if one isn't careful). - Add option to do aspect ratio correction to 4:3 DAR. - Don't attempt rename-overs (because windows doesn't like them). - Remove extra newline from beginning (breaks Lua script!) - Make it work on Lua5.2-work4 - Fix time division to actually produce integer timestamps, not decimal ones. - CFR audio fixup mode - Widescreen support Warning: The save button saves version that has CRLF line endings, so run DOS to UNIX line ending conversion before setting it +x (only appicable to Unix). Download NHMLFixup-v12.lua
Language: lua

#!/usr/bin/env lua ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- NHMLFixup v12 by Ilari (2012-04-09). -- Update timecodes in NHML Audio/Video track timing to conform to given MKV v2 timecodes file. -- Syntax: NHMLFixup <video-nhml-file> <audio-nhml-file> <mkv-timecodes-file> [delay=<delay>] [tvaspect|widescreen] -- -- <delay> is number of milliseconds to delay the video (in order to compensate for audio codec delay, reportedly -- does not work right with some demuxers). -- The 'tvaspect' option makes video track to be automatically adjusted to '4:3' aspect ratio. -- The 'widescreen' option makes video track to be automatically adjusted to '16:9' aspect ratio. -- <frame> is frame to force overflow correction on. -- -- Version v12 by Ilari (2012-04-09): -- - Complain about CTSOffset errors. -- -- Version v11 by Ilari (2011-12-18): -- - Add option to force overflow correction on given frame. -- -- Version v10 by Ilari (2011-08-16): -- - Work around MP4Box bug resulting in negative CTSOffset. -- -- Version v9 by Ilari (2011-04-01): -- - Support widescreen mode ("widescreen"). -- -- Version v8 by Ilari (2010-12-06): -- - Support Special timecode file "@CFR" that fixes up audio for CFR encode. -- -- Version v7 by Ilari (2010-10-24): -- - Fix bug in time division (use integer timestamps, not decimal ones). -- -- Version v6 by Ilari (2010-10-24): -- - Make it work on Lua 5.2 (work 4). -- -- Version v5 by Ilari (2010-09-18): -- - Move the files first out of way, since rename-over fails on Windows. -- -- Version v4 by Ilari (2010-09-17): -- - Change audio track ID if it collides with video track.. -- -- Version v3 by Ilari (2010-09-17): -- - Support setting aspect ratio correction. -- -- Version v2 by Ilari (2010-09-16): -- - If sound and video NHMLs are wrong way around, automatically swap them. -- - Check that one of the NHMLs is sound and other is video. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Lua 5.2 fix: unpack = unpack or table.unpack; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function reduce_fraction(number numerator, number denumerator) -- Returns reduced fraction. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reduce_fraction = function(numerator, denumerator) local x, y = numerator, denumerator; while y > 0 do x, y = y, x % y; end return numerator / x, denumerator / x; end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function load_timecode_file(FILE file, number timescale) -- Loads timecode data from file @file, using timescale of @timescale frames per second. Returns array of scaled -- timecodes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- load_timecode_file = function(file, timescale) local line, ret; line = file:read("*l"); if line ~= "# timecode format v2" then error("Timecode file is not in MKV timecodes v2 format"); end ret = {}; while true do line = file:read("*l"); if not line then break; end local timecode = tonumber(line); if not timecode then error("Can't parse timecode '" .. line .. "'."); end table.insert(ret, math.floor(0.5 + timecode / 1000 * timescale)); end return ret; end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function make_reverse_index_table(Array array) -- Returns table, that has entry for each entry in given array @array with value being rank of value, 1 being smallest -- and #array the largest. If @lookup is non-nil, values are looked up from that array. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- make_reverse_index_table = function(array, lookup) local sorted, ret; local i; sorted = {}; for i = 1,#array do sorted[i] = array[i]; end table.sort(sorted); ret = {}; for i = 1,#sorted do ret[sorted[i]] = (lookup and lookup[i]) or i; end return ret; end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function max_causality_violaton(Array CTS, Array DTS) -- Return the maximum number of time units CTS and DTS values violate causality. #CTS must equal #DTS. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- max_causality_violation = function(CTS, DTS) local max_cv = 0; local i; for i = 1,#CTS do max_cv = math.max(max_cv, DTS[i] - CTS[i]); end return max_cv; end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function fixup_video_times(Array sampledata, Array timecodes, Number spec_delay) -- Fixes video timing of @sampledata (fields CTS and DTS) to be consistent with timecodes in @timecodes. Returns the -- CTS offset of first sample (for fixing audio). @spec_delay is special delay to add (to fix A/V sync). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixup_video_times = function(sampledata, timecodes, spec_delay) local cts_tab = {}; local dts_tab = {}; local k, v, i; if not timecodes then local min_cts = 999999999999999999999; for i = 1,#sampledata do --Maximum causality violation is always zero in valid HHML. sampledata[i].CTS = sampledata[i].CTS + spec_delay; --Spec_delay should not apply to audio. min_cts = math.min(min_cts, sampledata[i].CTS - spec_delay); end return min_cts; end if #sampledata ~= #timecodes then error("Number of samples (" .. #sampledata .. ") does not match number of timecodes (" .. #timecodes .. ")."); end for i = 1,#sampledata do cts_tab[i] = sampledata[i].CTS; dts_tab[i] = sampledata[i].DTS; end cts_lookup = make_reverse_index_table(cts_tab, timecodes); dts_lookup = make_reverse_index_table(dts_tab, timecodes); -- Perform time translation and find max causality violation. local max_cv = 0; for i = 1,#sampledata do sampledata[i].CTS = cts_lookup[sampledata[i].CTS]; sampledata[i].DTS = dts_lookup[sampledata[i].DTS]; max_cv = math.max(max_cv, sampledata[i].DTS - sampledata[i].CTS); end -- Add maximum causality violation to CTS to eliminate the causality violations. -- Also find the minimum CTS. local min_cts = 999999999999999999999; for i = 1,#sampledata do sampledata[i].CTS = sampledata[i].CTS + max_cv + spec_delay; --Spec_delay should not apply to audio. min_cts = math.min(min_cts, sampledata[i].CTS - spec_delay); end return min_cts; end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function fixup_video_times(Array sampledata, Number min_video_cts, Number video_timescale, Number audio_timescale) -- Fixes video timing of @sampledata (field CTS) to be consistent with video minimum CTS of @cts. Video timescale -- is assumed to be @video_timescale and audio timescale @audio_timescale. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixup_audio_times = function(sampledata, min_video_cts, video_timescale, audio_timescale) local fixup = math.floor(0.5 + min_video_cts * audio_timescale / video_timescale); for i = 1,#sampledata do sampledata[i].CTS = sampledata[i].CTS + fixup; end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function translate_NHML_TS_in(Array sampledata); -- Translate NHML CTSOffset fields in @sampledata into CTS fields. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- translate_NHML_TS_in = function(sampledata, default_dDTS) local i; local dts = 0; for i = 1,#sampledata do if not sampledata[i].DTS then sampledata[i].DTS = dts + default_dDTS; end dts = sampledata[i].DTS; if (sampledata[i].CTSOffset and sampledata[i].CTSOffset < 0) then error("Invalid CTSOffset " .. tostring(sampledata[i].CTSOffset)); end if sampledata[i].CTSOffset then sampledata[i].CTS = sampledata[i].CTSOffset + sampledata[i].DTS; else sampledata[i].CTS = sampledata[i].DTS; end end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function translate_NHML_TS_out(Array sampledata); -- Translate CTS fields in @sampledata into NHML CTSOffset fields. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- translate_NHML_TS_out = function(sampledata) local i; for i = 1,#sampledata do sampledata[i].CTSOffset = sampledata[i].CTS - sampledata[i].DTS; if sampledata[i].CTSOffset < 0 then error("INTERNAL ERROR: translate_NHML_TS_out: Causality violation: CTS=" .. tostring( sampledata[i].CTS) .. " DTS=" .. tostring(sampledata[i].DTS) .. "."); end sampledata[i].CTS = nil; end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function map_table_to_number(Table tab); -- Translate all numeric fields in table @tab into numbers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- map_table_to_number = function(tab) local k, v; for k, v in pairs(tab) do local n = tonumber(v); if n then tab[k] = n; end end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function map_fields_to_number(Array sampledata); -- Translate all numeric fields in array @sampledata into numbers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- map_fields_to_number = function(sampledata) local i; for i = 1,#sampledata do map_table_to_number(sampledata[i]); end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function escape_xml_text(String str) -- Return XML escaping of text str. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- escape_xml_text = function(str) str = string.gsub(str, "&", "&amp;"); str = string.gsub(str, "<", "&lt;"); str = string.gsub(str, ">", "&gt;"); str = string.gsub(str, "\"", "&quot;"); str = string.gsub(str, "\'", "&apos;"); return str; end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function escape_xml_text(String str) -- Return XML unescaping of text str. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- unescape_xml_text = function(str) str = string.gsub(str, "&apos;", "\'"); str = string.gsub(str, "&quot;", "\""); str = string.gsub(str, "&gt;", ">"); str = string.gsub(str, "&lt;", "<"); str = string.gsub(str, "&amp;", "&"); return str; end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function serialize_table_to_xml_entity(File file, String tag, Table data, bool noclose); -- Write @data as XML start tag of type @tag into @file. If noclose is true, then tag will not be closed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- serialize_table_to_xml_entity = function(file, tag, data, noclose) local k, v; file:write("<" .. tag .. " "); for k, v in pairs(data) do file:write(k .. "=\"" .. escape_xml_text(tostring(v)) .. "\" "); end if noclose then file:write(">\n"); else file:write("/>\n"); end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function serialize_array_to_xml_entity(File file, String tag, Array data); -- Write each element of @data as empty XML tag of type @tag into @file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- serialize_array_to_xml_entity = function(file, tag, data) local i; for i = 1,#data do serialize_table_to_xml_entity(file, tag, data[i]); end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function write_NHML_data(File file, Table header, Table sampledata) -- Write entiere NHML file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- write_NHML_data = function(file, header, sampledata) file:write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n"); serialize_table_to_xml_entity(file, "NHNTStream", header, true); serialize_array_to_xml_entity(file, "NHNTSample", sampledata); file:write("</NHNTStream>\n"); end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function open_file_checked(String file, String mode, bool for_write) -- Return file handle to file (checking that open succeeds). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- open_file_checked = function(file, mode, for_write) local a, b; a, b =, mode); if not a then error("Can't open '" .. file .. "': " .. b); end return a; end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function call_with_file(fun, string file, String mode, ...); -- Call fun with opened file handle to @file (in mode @mode) as first parameter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- call_with_file = function(fun, file, mode, ...) -- FIXME: Handle nils returned from function. local handle = open_file_checked(file, mode); local ret = {fun(handle, ...)}; handle:close(); return unpack(ret); end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function xml_parse_tag(String line); -- Returns the xml tag type for @line plus table of attributes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xml_parse_tag = function(line) -- More regexping... local tagname; local attr = {}; tagname = string.match(line, "<(%S+).*>"); if not tagname then error("'" .. line .. "': Parse error."); end local k, v; for k, v in string.gmatch(line, "([^ =]+)=\"([^\"]*)\"") do attr[k] = unescape_xml_text(v); end return tagname, attr; end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function load_NHML(File file) -- Loads NHML file @file. Returns header table and samples array. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- load_NHML = function(file) -- Let's regexp this shit... local header = {}; local samples = {}; while true do local line = file:read(); if not line then error("Unexpected end of NHML file."); end local xtag, attributes; xtag, attributes = xml_parse_tag(line); if xtag == "NHNTStream" then header = attributes; elseif xtag == "NHNTSample" then table.insert(samples, attributes); elseif xtag == "/NHNTStream" then break; elseif xtag == "?xml" then else print("WARNING: Unrecognized tag '" .. xtag .. "'."); end end return header, samples; end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function reame_errcheck(String old, String new) -- Rename old to new. With error checking. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rename_errcheck = function(old, new, backup) local a, b; os.remove(backup); a, b = os.rename(new, backup); if not a then error("Can't rename '" .. new .. "' -> '" .. backup .. "': " .. b); end a, b = os.rename(old, new); if not a then error("Can't rename '" .. old .. "' -> '" .. new .. "': " .. b); end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function compute_max_div(Integer ctsBound, Integer timescale, Integer maxCode, pictureOffset) -- Compute maximum allowable timescale. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- compute_max_div = function(ctsBound, timeScale, maxCode, pictureOffset) -- Compute the logical number of frames. local logicalFrames = ctsBound / pictureOffset; local maxNumerator = math.floor(maxCode / logicalFrames); -- Be conservative and assume numerator is rounded up. That is, solve the biggest maxdiv such that for all -- 1 <= x <= maxdiv, maxNumerator >= ceil(x * pictureOffset / timeScale) is true. -- Since maxNumerator is integer, this is equivalent to: -- maxNumerator >= x * pictureOffset / timeScale -- => maxNumerator * timeScale / pictureOffset >= x, thus -- maxDiv = math.floor(maxNumerator * timeScale / pictureOffset); return math.floor(maxNumerator * timeScale / pictureOffset); end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function rational_approximate(Integer origNum, Integer origDenum, Integer maxDenum) -- Approximate origNum / origDenum using rational with maximum denumerator of maxDenum ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rational_approximate = function(origNum, origDenum, maxDenum) -- FIXME: Better approximations are possible. local div = math.ceil(origDenum / maxDenum); return math.floor(0.5 + origNum / div), math.floor(0.5 + origDenum / div); end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function fixup_mp4box_bug_cfr(Table header, Table samples, Integer pictureOffset, Integer maxdiv) -- Fix MP4Box timecode bug for CFR video by approximating the framerate a bit. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixup_mp4box_bug_cfr = function(header, samples, pictureOffset, maxdiv) local oNum, oDenum; local nNum, nDenum; local i; oNum, oDenum = pictureOffset, header.timeScale; nNum, nDenum = rational_approximate(oNum, oDenum, maxdiv); header.timeScale = nDenum; for i = 1, #samples do samples[i].DTS = math.floor(0.5 + samples[i].DTS / oNum * nNum); samples[i].CTS = math.floor(0.5 + samples[i].CTS / oNum * nNum); end end if #arg < 3 then error("Syntax: NHMLFixup.lua <video.nhml> <audio.nhml> <timecodes.txt> [delay=<delay>] [tvaspect|widescreen]"); end -- Load the NHML files. io.stdout:write("Loading '" .. arg[1] .. "'..."); io.stdout:flush(); video_header, video_samples = call_with_file(load_NHML, arg[1], "r"); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); io.stdout:write("Loading '" .. arg[2] .. "'..."); io.stdout:flush(); audio_header, audio_samples = call_with_file(load_NHML, arg[2], "r"); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); io.stdout:write("String to number conversion on video header..."); io.stdout:flush(); map_table_to_number(video_header); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); io.stdout:write("String to number conversion on video samples..."); io.stdout:flush(); map_fields_to_number(video_samples); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); io.stdout:write("String to number conversion on audio header..."); io.stdout:flush(); map_table_to_number(audio_header); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); io.stdout:write("String to number conversion on audio samples..."); io.stdout:flush(); map_fields_to_number(audio_samples); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); if video_header.streamType == 4 and audio_header.streamType == 5 then -- Ok. elseif video_header.streamType == 5 and audio_header.streamType == 4 then print("WARNING: You got audio and video wrong way around. Swapping them for you..."); audio_header,audio_samples,arg[2],video_header,video_samples,arg[1] = video_header,video_samples,arg[1],audio_header,audio_samples,arg[2]; else error("Expected one video track and one audio track"); end if video_header.trackID == audio_header.trackID then print("WARNING: Audio and video have the same track id. Assigning new track id to audio track..."); audio_header.trackID = audio_header.trackID + 1; end io.stdout:write("Computing CTS for video samples..."); io.stdout:flush(); translate_NHML_TS_in(video_samples, video_header.DTS_increment or 0); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); io.stdout:write("Computing CTS for audio samples..."); io.stdout:flush(); translate_NHML_TS_in(audio_samples, audio_header.DTS_increment or 0); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); -- Alter timescale if needed and load the timecode data. delay = 0; rdelay = 0; for i = 4,#arg do if arg[i] == "tvaspect" then do_aspect_fixup = 1; elseif arg[i] == "widescreen" then do_aspect_fixup = 2; elseif string.sub(arg[i], 1, 6) == "delay=" then local n = tonumber(string.sub(arg[i], 7, #(arg[i]))); if not n then error("Bad delay."); end rdelay = n; delay = math.floor(0.5 + rdelay / 1000 * video_header.timeScale); end end MAX_MP4BOX_TIMECODE = 0x7FFFFFF; if arg[3] ~= "@CFR" then timecode_data = call_with_file(load_timecode_file, arg[3], "r", video_header.timeScale); if timecode_data[#timecode_data] > MAX_MP4BOX_TIMECODE then -- Workaround MP4Box bug. divider = math.ceil(timecode_data[#timecode_data] / MAX_MP4BOX_TIMECODE); print("Notice: Dividing timecodes by " .. divider .. " to workaround MP4Box timecode bug."); io.stdout:write("Performing division..."); io.stdout:flush(); video_header.timeScale = math.floor(0.5 + video_header.timeScale / divider); for i = 1,#timecode_data do timecode_data[i] = math.floor(0.5 + timecode_data[i] / divider); end --Recompute delay. delay = math.floor(0.5 + rdelay / 1000 * video_header.timeScale); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); end else timecode_data = nil; local maxCTS = 0; local i; local DTSOffset = (video_samples[2] or video_samples[1]).DTS - video_samples[1].DTS; if DTSOffset == 0 then DTSOffset = 1; end for i = 1,#video_samples do if video_samples[i].CTS > maxCTS then maxCTS = video_samples[i].CTS; end if video_samples[i].DTS % DTSOffset ~= 0 then error("Video is not CFR"); end if (video_samples[i].CTS - video_samples[1].CTS) % DTSOffset ~= 0 then error("Video is not CFR"); end end if video_samples[#video_samples].CTS > MAX_MP4BOX_TIMECODE then --Workaround MP4Box bug. local maxdiv = compute_max_div(maxCTS, video_header.timeScale, MAX_MP4BOX_TIMECODE, DTSOffset); print("Notice: Restricting denumerator to " .. maxdiv .. " to workaround MP4Box timecode bug."); io.stdout:write("Fixing timecodes..."); io.stdout:flush(); fixup_mp4box_bug_cfr(video_header, video_samples, DTSOffset, maxdiv); --Recompute delay. delay = math.floor(0.5 + rdelay / 1000 * video_header.timeScale); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); end end -- Do the actual fixup. io.stdout:write("Fixing up video timecodes..."); io.stdout:flush(); audio_fixup = fixup_video_times(video_samples, timecode_data, delay); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); io.stdout:write("Fixing up audio timecodes..."); io.stdout:flush(); fixup_audio_times(audio_samples, audio_fixup, video_header.timeScale, audio_header.timeScale); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); if do_aspect_fixup == 1 then video_header.parNum, video_header.parDen = reduce_fraction(4 * video_header.height, 3 * video_header.width); end if do_aspect_fixup == 2 then video_header.parNum, video_header.parDen = reduce_fraction(16 * video_header.height, 9 * video_header.width); end -- Save the NHML files. io.stdout:write("Computing CTSOffset for video samples..."); io.stdout:flush(); translate_NHML_TS_out(video_samples); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); io.stdout:write("Computing CTSOffset for audio samples..."); io.stdout:flush(); translate_NHML_TS_out(audio_samples); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); io.stdout:write("Saving '" .. arg[1] .. ".tmp'..."); io.stdout:flush(); call_with_file(write_NHML_data, arg[1] .. ".tmp", "w", video_header, video_samples); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); io.stdout:write("Saving '" .. arg[2] .. ".tmp'..."); io.stdout:flush(); call_with_file(write_NHML_data, arg[2] .. ".tmp", "w", audio_header, audio_samples); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); io.stdout:write("Renaming '" .. arg[1] .. ".tmp' -> '" .. arg[1] .. "'..."); io.stdout:flush(); rename_errcheck(arg[1] .. ".tmp", arg[1], arg[1] .. ".bak"); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); io.stdout:write("Renaming '" .. arg[2] .. ".tmp' -> '" .. arg[2] .. "'..."); io.stdout:flush(); rename_errcheck(arg[2] .. ".tmp", arg[2], arg[2] .. ".bak"); io.stdout:write("Done.\n"); io.stdout:write("All done.\n");
Joined: 5/5/2009
Posts: 901
Location: QC, Canada
I could make the script work, but I had to change some stuff by myself. First, as a Windows user, I had to remove the first line that is...
Language: lua

#!/usr/bin/env lua
Then, I could see that those lines are a cause of a problem.
Language: lua

rename_errcheck = function(old, new) local a, b; a, b = os.rename(old, new); if not a then error("Can't rename '" .. old .. "' -> '" .. new .. "': " .. b); end end
It won't rename the video track since the resulting filename already exists. So, I had to add os.remove(new) before the renaming operation.
Language: lua

rename_errcheck = function(old, new) local a, b; os.remove(new); a, b = os.rename(old, new); if not a then error("Can't rename '" .. old .. "' -> '" .. new .. "': " .. b); end end
Then, I could make my MP4 successfully.
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1149)
Joined: 5/1/2010
Posts: 1217
I did C++ version of this program (All ISO C++11 except for use of expat): It lacks audio delay feature (omitted because that feature was a bad idea) but otherwise has all the features of NHMLFixup v10 (and more). It hasn't been tested as well as the original NHMLFixup, so it is probably still buggy. Command line syntax is a bit different Syntax: NHMLFixup2 [<options>...] <nhml> <nhml> -s / --tvaspect : Use DAR of 4:3 -w / --widescreen : Use DAR of 16:9 -d <x>:<y> / --dar=<x>:<y> : Use DAR of x:y -r <x>:<y> / --resolution=<x>:<y> : Use resolution x:y for AR purposes -a <x>[/<y>] / --assume-fps=<x>[/<y>] : Use fps of <x>/<y> -t <file> / --timecodes=<file> : Use <file> for timecodes.
Joined: 4/23/2009
Posts: 1283
Great addition, Ilari!