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Anyone remember this one? Looks like it was inspired and/or made by the guys who did Putty Squad and Super Putty. Kid gets turned into a blue ball o' putty and can transform into various animals. Pretty simplistic plot, that. Being the blue ball o' clay itself is pretty slow moving. Thankfully, the other forms aren't nearly as slow. In fact, the mouse can haul ass at a Sonic the Hedgehog rate of speed. I'm not sure how long a run would be or what one could do to make it interesting, but I never did see the ending to the game and would love getting a chance to.
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Well, I tried to play, but the rom wouldn't load, even though the Demo Rom did. That blue ball can fly, even though I havn't found the mouse yet, if you just keep the blue ball in the air, your speed is amazing. Although there seems to be some problems with the exits of the levels, at least for me.
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this game is on my "would love to see" list. It would indeed be very fast paced, especially as the mouse. And I think the small amount of walking from level to level wouldn't take enough time to become boring. fuzzmosis you must be talking about another game, as the blue ball of clay is slow, and the mouse is right in front of you on the first level.
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Yes, if you read my post, you may notice that I said that the game didn't load for me, but the one titled "Demo" did. So, odds are there will be differences. Especially considering there is no load scene. I will see if I can get the real Claymates rom running though. A difference, well, that I suppose is on the first level, the first two balls are a useless duck and a thing that looks likea a hybrid cat fox. Neither of them are particularily quick compared to the ball.
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i remember this game having played it quite a bit. if my memory serves me correct (which it does'nt that often lol) there is a warp by jumping over the first tunnel, and then jumping on the first flower 4 times. this takes you somewhere.
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Jumping at the first flower (over the first pit) will take you to the pacific world. Jumping over the magnet (only one in the stage) in the first pacific world will take you to Japan. I don't remember what the other warps are though =(
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I'd love to see a time attack for this game. I've never gotten much further than Japan, mostly because it's so long and tough.
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Actually, I've been working on this game. I've currently got a warpless run through the first two stages and a run using warps that reaches Africa. (Which only actually plays through one level, by the way. :p ) Runs (zip file containing two movie files) Rom used: Claymates (U).smc The mouse is so insanely fast that you have to time his jumps many (and by "many" I mean "dozens of," if not "hundreds of.") frames before you can actually see what you're jumping over. The game's controls are a little hard to get used to in slow-mo, mostly because the world is governed by inertia. (You keep moving even after you stop pressing that direction.) It's really fun, though, especially as the mouse. I've got three mistakes in the warped run. They're all in Japan. (Imagine that. :p) The first is the long jump I make with the mouse: it needed to be earlier or later, and I don't know which, but it's just not timed well. I didn't fix it 'cause I'm lazy, but I'm sure it can easily be fixed with hex-editing. The second is the puzzle section after that level. I had forgotten that you can move diagonally in the "field," so I let the robots stop running for a second when I didn't have to. Again, I think that can easily be hex-edited, but I didn't correct it because I didn't remember this until I started going through Africa (off the run) to re-familiarize myself with the levels. Anyway, the third is in Lilipods, and it's really hard to tell at full-speed, but one of the jumps I make as a clay ball is poorly timed. (And I think I should've jumped again when I land, but I'm not exactly sure whether it would've saved me any time or not.) So far as I can see, there aren't any multi-frame mistakes in the warpless run. Lemme know if you notice any, though. Oh, and if anyone wants to take a shot at this, be my guest. PS: Yes, Africa is long and hard. Japan is not.
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quietkane: I think you should start these over with a lot more precision when playing. I did a quick test a little while ago and it was 6 full seconds faster by the end of the first level (warpless). I'm really enjoying your Lufia II run, though.
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Yeah, I only spent 10 minutes on that one and haven't touched it since. No surprise, I guess. Out of curiosity, anything in particular I did wrong? Or was my timing just generally a bit off? (Which I know it is. I still haven't quite got the hang of the physics of the clay world. Inertia's so weird when it's in video games, don't you agree?) I'm still not finding a good route through Africa's stages, and I'd also like to know if there's a warp in that world somewhere that I don't know about before I go and record more than I have to. I'll come back and do these over once I clear Africa by hand, but anyone else is welcome to try their hand at it in the meantime. In fact, they're welcome to use either of my runs as a starting point for their own, if they want. (Although we've just heard testimony that that's not a good idea. =\) I've gotta say, though, that I just absolutely love watching the mouse haul ***. Very fun. (Hell, it's even fun to record. I definitely can't say that about Lufia.) And RPGs don't take much precision to record, just planning. I guess that's why I'm doing well with that one. =p (I always do enjoy planning out routes and strategies and whatnot for games more than I do actually playing them. I'm kinda weird that way, I guess.)
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Well, the main mistake you made was to stop for things that were in the way instead of jumping over/on top of them to keep going at full speed. When the path splits in two, you take the low path when the high path is obviously much faster (just harder to get onto). Once you get the mouse in level 1, it's possible to never come to a complete stop (and only slow down a little once or twice) before reaching the end of the level. I think you were just recording at too fast a speed (the mouse moves so damn fast that you should really use frame advance or at least 3% speed) and not making enough attempts at each part of the level to avoid stopping/slowing down (I would expect the re-record count be 10 to 100 times higher after the first few levels). As a more minor thing, you start out each level by punching (since it's the run button), but that slows you down a lot unless you press it right after you start a jump or right before you pick up an animal ability. Also, the hits you take aren't necessary to maintain speed, but I guess that's more of a style thing than a speed thing.
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I finished playing this game for, like 2 weeks ago.. I also think that it would be great to see a timeattack of this. Of course the mouse is the best when you want pure speed, but if you don't get the chance to use the mouse I think the duck can be really good to fly with? I think it went pretty fast when he flew... What else characters are there... Hmmm, we have the cat/lion who is pretty ugly but can climb, pretty useless if you have the duck who can fly.. And you have the shark which you only use when you have to swim. The "beaver"? What can he do? I don't really remember but I think he can just dig or something ;P Hope to see a timeattack of this game SOON :>
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WIP (zip file, just the warped run.) Rom used: Claymates (U).smc Ok. I've been messing with this game for about a week and I've come to the conclusion that there is no warp to the space station. (Or if there is, there's no ? box to tell you where it is, so I have no clue where it would be.) I've done a run through the first stage of Africa, which I'm not really satisfied with but am content to leave as-is for the test run. (I know, for example, that the mouse can climb that final hill faster than I do, but it takes far more work than I'm willing to do for the 1~2 second improvement it brings.) It's interesting to note that if you just let the first puzzle in Africa go, it'll eventually solve itself. I, however, went to great lengths and used a trick that involves frame-perfect timing to solve it about 10 seconds faster. :P I've messed around with the second stage some, but as you'll see in the run I haven't actually recorded anything that'll actually be part of the speedrun. (I recorded some of my efforts to find a route through the level that doesn't involve much start/stopping, but I don't think there is one so I run right by the teleporter that takes me to the next section.) A few things I've toyed with and discovered: (More-or-less in order of discovery.) A) The blue ball moves fastest if you keep it airborne. There's sometimes a 1~2 frame difference between jumping the full height and taking a shorter jump, but it's not consistant as to which is faster and I'm not going to test every single jump for a test run. B) The blue ball is the only form that loses speed when it attacks. Everything else can attack while it's running and not lose a single frame. C) Running into a wall is the absolute worst thing you can do, with the possible exception of taking an unnecessary hit that reverts you to the blue ball. (Given the choice between those two it's actually occasionally better to take the hit. There's a slightly slower route through the first stage of Africa for which there's just such an opportunity.) D) Avoiding gems can sometimes net you 4~5 frames at the end of the level, but sometimes it won't. Large (green) gems almost always cost you an extra 4~5 frames, but there's no way to tell with the little ones until you get to the end of the level. (Especially since you don't know how many more gems are unavoidable.) E) There's this interesting bug which lets me run through certain walls as the mouse, but it involves taking damage, which means I have to collect a second clay ball, and the only time I've been able to use it so far just doesn't save any time. (Though I admit I didn't check to see if it wasted time, either. I guess I'll mess with it on the re-run.) Ummm... as always, notes or advice is welcome. I think you'll notice a little bit more precision in this latest level, largely because I'm getting more used to the physics of the game. Also, since I plan on finishing my Lufia run before I get to the task of starting the actual run on this, anyone else is welcome to use my runs/notes to try their hand at it.
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The movie just desynchs, precisly when you get the mouse in the first stage :/ I'm sure I'm using the right rom Claymates (U).smc. I've checked the "Use WIP1 Timing" box. What seems to be my problem? :/
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Hrmmmmm.... well, try this, then. It's a cleaner version of the hexing job, performed on a backup copy. If that doesn't work try these two things in this order: 1) Make sure your sound is on and not muted. 2) Turn on the fake mute desynch workaround. I always record with sound on at 22KHz, (and a 40ms buffer, if that matters) but I also have it set to mute on frame advance. Since I only record via frame advance for a few sections of the movie I don't think it should cause any desynchs, but ya never know. If none of those work the only thing I can tell you is to mess with some settings, but I wouldn't know which ones.
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Ok thx, I'll try it when I get home from school and comment it ^^
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Damn! Just watched half of it and I thought it worked, I can say it looked good until it desynched in the Fungle Jungle this time. I also noticed in the first levels where you didn't jump while being the ball to get faster forward :/ I guess I'll have to wait until u put it in the submissions!
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No, you'll just have to wait until I finish the test run and start on the actual run. =P Thanks for the interest in the run, though.
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Cazlab: Make sure you're letting the emulator warm up before you play the run. I forgot to do that for one of my latest recording sessions and the movie didn't even make it to the first level of Japan. Maybe you've been doing that anyway, but I just figured I'd mention it since I know it affects this game. Ummm.... I got the next level of Africa done plus its puzzle. I'll probably finish the next level tonight and post it tomorrow. Edit: Hold that thought......... Update! Bojo's dead. (Or whatever the crazy witch doctor's name is.) A couple notes about the latest two levels: Putty Pillars - Hitting that bird is exactly 4 frames faster than just landing and rolling by. I'm not sure it actually saves any time because of the weirdness of collecting gems, but I think it's more aesthetically pleasing. - I pass up an opportunity to grab the mouse because he just doesn't save enough time to make up for how out of the way he is. (takes ~400 frames to grab him, he only saves ~300, since most of the rest of the level is vertical movement, not horizontal.) - I grab that invincibility potion because I thought there was another boulder section after it. I was mistaken. Hence I don't need it, but I'm too lazy to cut it out of the run so I'll just remember not to grab it on the second pass. - No matter how I tried, I couldn't make the distance between that final pipe and the electro-blue-ball-ifier look clean. It's doable with the mouse, but I'm not wasting ~100 frames for an aestetic difference. - I'm proud of the work I did with that puzzle, as it's very hard to do quickly at normal speed. Muddy Moats - This level is cruel. It has long waits, it gives us the cat when we want the mouse, it forces the mouse on us once we get to a section where we'd rather have the cat, and it forces Goopy the Guppy upon us. I can sum up playing with Goopy in one word: "Ick." He handles like a VW Bus..... without power steering. - Sorry for the long waits. I couldn't find a good way to make them really entertaining, but then again I was pretty lazy with this level in general. (I've got maybe a second's worth of mistakes in it, if you care to look for them.) I think what I do looks better than just sitting there until the next platform is in view. - There is one section where I start to jump over a gem and then change my mind, which is because the next platform had just come into range and I didn't feel like re-recording the two previous seconds to save ~10 frames and the aesthetic difference. (This is a test run, after all.) - The last gem in the moats that I collect can't be avoided because of the top of that pink column over on the right. If I try to jump over the gem I run into that overhang and either fall on the gem or just straight into the moat. Hence no jumping over. Although it's theoretically doable with a jump that looks like one earlier which is really close to another (larger) overhang, I'm too lazy to work out how when I don't even think it changes my time at all. I'll at least give it a try on the second pass. - I'm not sure how, but that falling block passes right through me as the mouse. This makes me happy, so I'm not gonna question it, but it should have hit me. Instead, I take a hit from a native later because it's not worth the time it takes to avoid the hit (when I can afford it, that is,) especially since I have to switch to the fish very shortly afterwards. - The fight with Jobo, or Mojo, or Jomo, or whatever his name is, doesn't go as quickly as it can, for two reasons: first is that I realized very belatedly that I should either be recording frame-by-frame or that I should be using turbo. (Didn't re-record because of that laziness I was talking about earlier.) The second is that I neglected the hovering clay ball completely, whereas I'm pretty sure I could've gotten a couple more hits in if I'd been paying attention to it. - Puzzle's very slightly not optimized, primarily that I don't speed-up/slow-down the robots efficiently. It's not possible to get to that rock in the second section before the robot gets to it without letting the robot slow down, which I didn't even think about until 5 seconds ago. Hence I move the other things first and kill a couple seconds' time. It'll look better in the second pass, I promise. So we're at the space station, now. I'm not sure exactly which switches (plungers) I'm going to have to hit and which I can ignore, so that's going to involve some testing. (I'm pretty sure everything on the right path has to go, but I don't know what on the left path can be ignored.) The last level's just a set-speed side-scroller, so anything I do there is pure aesthetics. Anyway.... very close to the end, so I'll go ahead and finish up the test run before I start working on Lufia again. Expect an update by this weekend at the latest, more likely Wednesday. (Interestingly enough, most of the errors in the run as it stands are hexable. Still, the run in general is still very un-clean, so I'll be re-doing at least through the first level of Africa and possibly pasting the (hexed) rest of the run onto that. I might actually go ahead and finish this game before I get back to Lufia, it depends on how many people are eager to see the finished product.)
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I worked perfect now :> Can't wait to see the full run! If this is for any help I noticed, In this first space level you can go down and then get blowed up to the left to get the mouse ^^
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Test run's finished. (Links to the same file as the last link, by the way, I just updated the file.) There are two bits in the space station that I'm not happy with, the first is this part where I have to stop to kill one of the aliens. There's another mouse-ball right after the vertical corrider there, I'm just not sure whether it's worth the time it takes to take the hit, morph back to the blue ball, climb the ledges and then morph back to the mouse just in order to not have to stop to kill the alien. Nor do I really know how that would look aesthetically compared to what I have now (because it's not pretty), but I'm not gonna mess with it for the test run. The other part I'm unhappy with is this one zoom-pipe that spits me out next to a couple of things sticking out of the floor/ceiling, and I couldn't find a good way to not run into one of them. It just looks sloppy, but it's not really much worse than the best I could do. (I don't accelerate as quickly as possible.) I think beyond that it all looks pretty good. I'm not sure I actually have to take that hit at the end from the elecric shock thingie, but it doesn't change my time either way and I'm too lazy to work out the timing on not taking the hit. The side-scrolling-gradius-knock-off level has incredibly bad controls, and I recorded most of it at full-speed because I'm lazy like that. But the fight at the end is optimized to within about 10 frames, so it's not so bad. Besides, that level is all aesthetics, anyway. Final frame count: 57,100 Run-time: 15:52 Re-records: about 1300. Total time lost to inefficiency/laziness: 01:00~02:00. I have neither the desire nor the patience to re-record this whole movie right now, so I'll be going back to work on my Lufia run for a while. If anyone wants to do the actual run for this game, be my guest; I'll help as much as I can.
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Ok, so I was getting frustrated with the Ancient Cave in my Lufia run last night, and decided to work with the Claymates run, getting it ready for publication and everything. So I've done everything through the first level of Africa. WIP (zip file, 2k.) Rom used: Claymates (U).smc (Remember to let your emulator warm up before you play the movie.) I save 32 frames before I reach the first level, some through skipping small parts of the opening screens and some through use of diagonal movement. I save exactly 30 frames (half a second) in the first level. About 20 of that is not grabbing the mouse. I save just under 100 frames in the Pacific with more precise playing and a faster path. The first level in Japan is 6.5 seconds faster in this version. Some of that is more precise playing, and some of it is judgement calls. Not grabbing the duck once I've got the cat, for example, is much faster. Avoiding the second cat clay bit is also faster as is taking the hit from the samurai right before the warp box because grabbing a clay bit when you've already got the hovering clay bit adds 20 gems to your score. This, of course, adds a few frames at the end of the level. And of course the bit with the mouse is just cleaner. I accidentally grabbed two gems I don't need, but so far as I can tell, they don't add any time to the run. Grabbing that letter is not only impossible to avoid, it doesn't add any time so long as I hit it from below. So as long as I don't spell CLAY, it's of no consequence. The puzzle here is done faster, but the time between exiting the last level and entering the next one is no faster, and I have no clue why. The second level in Japan is 201 frames faster, almost all of which is from grabbing the duck. I can't make the jump onto the monster maker as the clay ball, so I have to grab either the duck or the cat, and I get the speed boost from the duck for long enough to make it faster to grab him. The first level in Africa is actually 10 frames slower in this version. I have no clue why, because nothing's really particularly out of place for this run, but the first version of this level won't paste into this run without significant hexing that actually adds 13 frames to its time. So this version of the level is the fastest way I could have done it this time around, but it's still somehow slower than the other way. (Even with the mouse running up the hill in this version.) The puzzle doesn't suffer at all, though. (And, in fact, you'll notice I just pasted the solution from the other run onto the end of this one.) The next level of Africa is horribly badly played, so I'm just gonna re-do the whole thing from scratch. After that I'm going to do as much copy-pasting as I can and just re-record over the little mistakes. I'm not planning on doing any more work on this game in the near future, but if the Ancient Cave continues to aggravate then I'll be clocking some time on this pretty soon.
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Righteo. So the "warped" run was not accepted because it simply wasn't interesting. Since someone else has gone ahead and done a version of Lufia 2 that doesn't use the cave, I've decided it's less important that I actually do work on that run. As such, I decided I'd give the full run of this game another shot. WIP Rom used: Claymates (U).smc Just plays through the first level. May not be fully optimized because there's a point where I have to slow down and I'm not sure I did that efficiently, but it's just a demonstration of what the mouse looks like when he really gets to cut loose. If you'd like to see more of this, let me know.
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Heres a little speed test that I did one day of this. I dont really feel like working on this though, so its not even optimized in the slightest.
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There was already a run of this game that was regected for bad game choice, such a shame, its a good game for Tasing.
[19:16] <scrimpy> silly portuguese [19:16] <scrimpy> it's like spanish, only less cool