Post subject: Survival Kids
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Given that I seem to be able to get Ending 2 in like 10, 15 minutes real-time, I think the game would be great for running. Basic premise is simple: You play as one of two kids (male/female) who get shipwrecked on an island. From there, it's basically just surviving with the materials, foods, etc you find. There are EIGHT endings to the game. Some are good (marriage) and some are evil (death on a raft in the middle of the ocean)... Endings 1 and 2 seem to be the easiest to achieve. The first requires you to get the batteries for your broken radio and then check it every day until you hear a rescue party in the area. Then you go to the beach to make an SOS. The second involves making a raft and dying at sea. The second takes a little more time since you need to get the sharp rock that lets you form an axe so you can get the lumber needed for the raft. You have four stats to pay attention to: Life, hunger, thirst, and fatigue. Life's easy enough - don't eat poisonous stuff and don't get attacked. Hunger and thirst are easy enough to handle. Food's scattered EVERYWHERE. Most require you to start a quick fire to cook unless you want harmful side effects. You have a canteen that has a maximum of three gulps of water. Fatigue is calculated by how much you move, cut grass, attack, etc. I haven't tested to see if Ending 1 is easier than 2. I've gotten the batteries on day 4/5 or so. And the first broadcast I heard on both occasions is the search being called off. There IS a main quest in the game, sort of. The best ending involves finding a number of Gems, finding the other kid, nursing him back to health, and escaping together (That's the marriage ending if done right)... The number '100' comes up a LOT in the walkthrough I read, though. But I can't imagine it has any effect on an ending other than the ones that involve you, the other kid, and/or the monkey living on the island for the rest of eternity. I haven't played too far in, but I can't imagine it'd take longer than 20, 30 days to do everything. Unless there's some timed event that requires a set amount of days to've passed by. Anyway, I'll get back to testing. I dunno if a short and sweet version would be better or one that shows getting the best ending as fast as possible. Frankly, I'd like seeing someone manipulate the game enough to beat it in under 30 days, if possible.
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I've done quite a few concept runs(thought none tool-assisted) and I can say that a tool-assisted one shouldn't take more than 7 minutes, tops. You shouldn't need any food or drink.
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Here's how I spent my evening: I won't be submitting it, though, for obvious reasons. Watch and learn from my errors, so you may do better.
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Oh, but if anyone wants to really run it, please do! Drink from the water!
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Is that the optimal route shown in that test run?
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Completed it in 6:16 --> Nothing really special. Anyway, used the in-game restart function to skip a cutscene trigger. The same trick can be used to skip screen exit triggers, but I didn't find useful ways to abuse it, because I can't see outside level boundaries, because the camera won't follow and my "cam-hack" lua script fails:
vba.registerafter( function ()
-- Player position...
	x = memory.readbyte(0xc5c1)
	y = memory.readbyte(0xc5c0)
-- used as the camera position:
	memory.writebyte(0xc18b, x - 8)
	memory.writebyte(0xc18a, y - 8)
-- It fails.
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I played through this game after watching klmz' TAS. It's a pretty interesting game concept, but gets boring due to the backtracking, food/water problems, etc. Well, I'd definitely like to see an ED 8 run which would show off more from the game than the current TAS. Also, I'm curious if there may be more useful effects of the OoB trick. EDIT: Seems like when using the OoB trick on a northern passage and then editing the y-cam address 2 lower after restarting the game, part of the Oob room (which is actually the other half of the current room) becomes visible. I might make more tests later.. EDIT: When moving OoB like I suggested, the parts of the OoB room that are offscreen get re-rendered and impassable. This probably also occurs when no memory addresses are edited (I get stuck after moving around for a while). This might be abusable in some ways, to reach places early for example, if the re-rendered parts turn from wall to walkable places. It's just theory..
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Editor, Expert player (2352)
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Ok wasn't originally intending to do this but I thought I could give this camhack thing another shot. And I managed to get something useful done this time (Well, kinda. It's not working well yet. Character's X displacement hasn't been accounted for - for now there also seems to be the need to manually edit the line where it says "mostly reliable" for each case.)
Language: lua

local toggle = false displaceStuff = function() --overwrite cam pos: memory.writebyte(0xc126,ypos*8 - 64) --ycam (mostly reliable) memory.writebyte(0xc127,xpos*8 - 176) --xcam (mostly reliable) --memory.writebyte(0xff86,ypos*8 - 64) --ymap (kinda glitchy) --draw player sprite displaced: memory.writebyte(0xdc04,80) --yleft1 memory.writebyte(0xdc00,80) --yright1 memory.writebyte(0xdd04,80) --yleft2 memory.writebyte(0xdd00,80) --yright2 (1 and 2 alternate) end while true do -- player position xplayer = memory.readbytesigned(0xc5c1) yplayer = memory.readbytesigned(0xc5c0) -- player position on screen and in map xpos = memory.readbytesigned(0xd904) ypos = memory.readbytesigned(0xd905) --cam pos xcam = memory.readbytesigned(0xc127) ycam = memory.readbytesigned(0xc126) -- display gui.text(10,10, "xplayer: " .. xplayer) gui.text(10,18, "yplayer: " .. yplayer) gui.text(10,30, "xpos: " .. xpos) gui.text(10,38, "ypos: " .. ypos) gui.text(10,50, "xcam: " .. xcam) gui.text(10,58, "ycam: " .. ycam) -- camhack gui.opacity(0.5) gui.drawbox(100,8,152,18, "red", "white") gui.opacity(1) keytable = input.get() -- keys currently pressed on keyboard/mouse if keytable["xmouse"] > 100 and keytable["xmouse"] <152> 8 and keytable["ymouse"] < 18 and keytable["leftclick"] == true then toggle = not toggle end if toggle then displaceStuff() -- edits cam location and edits location of the drawn character sprite gui.text(105,10,"camhack on") else gui.text(105,10,"camhack off") end emu.frameadvance() end
Try playing this VBM with the lua above in VBA v24. Click on the red field to toggle camhack. It should have same outcome with the camhack off and on:
xplayer 106
yplayer -74
Unfortunately, I cannot resolve the 30 Hz flickering yet but you can very well see what's going on. The particular room from the VBM loops diagonally. Maybe this will lead to some timesavers. (Todo: displace sprites, just like I did with the character) (Todo: Resolve the flickering) (Todo: Account for character being displaced horizontally, not only vertically)
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This post is for a fullgame TAS. Building the raft So at the beginning of the game, you basicly find the battery and create the WrkRadio and find out that the search for survivors has been called off. After this, the character wants to build a raft (needs 1 nail, ivy, 4 lumber and have a rock to pound the nail). When 1 lumber has been brought to the beach, the typhoon will start. When the player approaches his hut, he will automatically go to sleep and wake up with his hut broken down and the monkey trapped next to the hut. It is possible to pause/reset skip the triggers that make the player go to his hut automatically and build the raft until it's finished. In order to survive the trip on the raft you need 1) to save the monkey (use big stick on him) 2) bring water and food (gamefaqs says 1 full canteen, and at least 4 of: berries, cooked meals, fruits (Interestingly, if you sleep in your hut after the raft is finished, the raft will disappear although you can still set sail anyway.) Because of condition 1), it is not possible to skip the "hut breaking down" event. TLDR: When building the raft and the typhoon comes, the player has to go to his hut and then save the monkey. It's not skippable. Surviving on sea When you set off, the monkey would appear and you can decide wether to bring him along. If you don't bring him along, he would give the player a WeirdBerry that completely heals him so a TAS should probably abuse that. A critical part of surviving on sea to avoid the Bad Ending (death at sea) is to bring enough food. GameFAQs says to bring a full canteen and at least 4 "good foods" (fruits, berries, cooked meats). I survived with:
  • Canteen (3) , Plain Mush, Sweet Fruit, Hard Fruit
This seems to be considered "bad foods":
  • HlwMush
  • SoftMush
  • Raw clam
This seems to be considered "good foods":
  • ColorMush
  • Plain Mush
  • Sweet Fruit
  • Hard Fruit
  • Cooked Meat
  • Cooked clam
  • Short Grass
  • Thin Grass
  • Sharp Grass
This seems to be required:
  • Canteen (3)
Canteen (2) won't do. I think you would just take the canteen to the river and fill it and somewhere collect mushrooms/grasses/fruits on the way. I found out you need to have 31 health at least in order to survive on sea, regardless of the other conditions. The other stats can be 0 H, 0 W, 100 F, it doesn't matter. Route Building the raft takes energy. And the inventory space is limited - You don't need WrkRadio, axe, big stick, rock, torch anymore so you're going to store some of that in the hut (you are going to visit the hut anyway). Note about item management: You can throw away: rock, big stick (you want to keep big stick to save the monkey and rock to pound the nails) You can't store kindling. Note about inventory size: The inventory space seems weird. I think you can normally carry 10 items, but canteen is considered an extra item(?) so you can carry 10 + canteen. The continuous need to skip the 1st hut cutscene trigger might mean that you would not skip it since it doesn't save enough time. I'm going to try to put a route together. - Get knapsack (have knife, radio, match) - Get Canteen - Get tree bark - Pause skip only if it saves time - Get stick - Get rock somewhere here? - Get ivy somewhere here? - Fill the Canteen at the river - Get big stick - bird feather + stick + flexible stick need to be collected and stored in the hut (when comin back to 1st half of the isle via the swamp one-way, collect ivy + pointy rock, go back to the hut and combine the stuff for bow and arrow. Alternately, maybe you can get a bird feather/stick/flexible stick from 2nd half and bring it along, which would skip the trip to the hut.) - Get fruit somewhere here (or even two fruits depending whats faster) - Make kindling (have knife, radio, match, kindling, big stick, rock, ivy, fruit, fruit, Canteen(3)) - Store all fruit. Might need to store the Canteen... - sleep - Get stick - Use big stick on big rock - Enter forest and get sticky mass - Make torch - (have knife, radio, match, kindling, big stick, stick, torch, rock, ivy, canteen(3)) - Get stick - OoB skip - Get iron chunk and make axe (have knife, axe, radio, match, kindling, big stick, rock, ivy, canteen(3)) - Get battery and make WrkRadio - Get RhombusGem (?) - Use big stick on big rock - Get rock - Listen to the radio about the search - Use axe on tree (near the hut) to make 1 lumber (have knife, axe, WrkRadio, match, kindling, big stick, RhombusGem, Lumber, rock, ivy,canteen(3)) - Sleep in the hut until "search called off" cutscene (day 3 - if doesn't work, well, I got it to work on day 3 by sleeping in the tree at the mountain.) - Go to the beach, get nail from wreck - add the Lumber and nail to the site (3 lumber, 1 nail, 1 ivy left). Typhoon starts. (have knife, axe, WrkRadio, match, kindling, big stick, RhombusGem, rock, canteen(3)) - Go to hut and sleep. Hut broken down. - Store WrkRadio, match in hut (have knife, axe, kindling, big stick, RhombusGem, rock, canteen(3)) - Use big stick on monkey - Axe the other 3 trees near the hut and bring the lumber to the beach one by one - Maybe you're going to sleep somewhere here ~ - On the last trip: store axe, big stick and bring fruit (and canteen if was stored) - Get grass or mushroom on the way to beach. Have 3 good foods at this point. (have knife, kindling, RhombusGem, rock, Lumber, fruit, mush, grass, canteen(3) ) (Instead of bringing 3 foods, you can also bring 2 and bake a clam at the beach if its faster) - Finish the raft and set sail right away You could also not worry about fruits and just go the right way down the forest, to the beach. There would be two clams on the way to the raft and you can manipulate for an animal so you can bake 3 foods.
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I noticed when you skip the first hut cutscene trigger and enter the hut, the kid would talk much of the ingame text one after the other.
(looking around) hey my knapsack is buried here
dig dig
everything inside is intact. good.
Nnnh.. second dawn. Got a good night's rest.
I should go out now.
I'll go back and search some more.
Heh. My stomach's rumbling.
(pause screen opens)
This looks like potential for a "reach ending early" glitch by doing stuff out of order? I'm sure that klmz knew about this though, and seems useless right now but maybe some testing could lead to something in different places. EDIT: Game crashes on a glitched text screen when you collect the battery, make the WrkRadio and go to the hut without ever using it (when the 1st hut cutscene was skipped). I used a cheat to bypass a big rock in order to get the battery, but this goes to show what can be possible... EDIT: Ok, we can get a lot of text to display from that hut just by displaying certain text beforehand (such as from the radio but it also works when using different items or inspecting different things). I had it display text like "oh there's a helicopter" but there was none on the beach after it displayed that text. Haven't gotten events to run yet from this.
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Just want to say that I'm excited for a new Survival Kids TAS :D
Puzzle gamedev Famitracker musician Programmer, DDR grinder, enjoys the occasional puzzle game/shmup.
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I better check if this stuff is doable without cheat.. It is. You have to eat a thin grass (found near river) before entering the hut. edit: Ok here are the results from my testing. Underlined is what you do before entering the hut and the text below is what happens. Unfortunately I didn't find any uses yet and I triggered pretty much all the possible text... Only the jump rope part has potential (because it has different kinds of game freezes) but seems useless to me. Eat thin grass beforehand Lot of glitched text. The menu would be graphically glitched (cursor is missing and some symbols are glitched) and you can't seem to "stop Game" but otherwise seems to work normally. Doesn't seem like you can select out of bounds menu entries. Use match beforehand Inspect a fire that you set Use sword against a tree Get the battery (cheat was used) Use mask beforehand Use costume beforehand (cheated inventory) Use big fan beforehand (cheated inventory) Use charm beforehand (cheated inventory) Use trash beforehand (cheated inventory) Blue text freeze. Use broom beforehand Use jumping rope beforehand Use whip beforehand Use baseball gear beforehand Different glitched text and freezes. Hard reset Use flint beforehand (cheated inventory) Glitched texts and game resets itself in SGB mode? Use fox cap beforehand (cheated inventory) Use bear cap beforehand (cheated inventory) Use deer cap beforehand (cheated inventory) Blue border text box freeze. Use big rock on swimming fish twice "Once a day is enough" Crash Can cause a reset with heavily glitched graphics Use jump rope beforehand Strange freeze (scrambles RAM and freezes but also sometimes hangs on same frame) Can cause a SGB reset Potential?
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MUGG wrote:
You have to eat a thin grass
DEA will bust your ACE TAS.
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Now testing Japanese version and on Bizhawk. The results are more or less the same; What would crash on English would not on Jp, and vice versa. GB mode resets work the same (although the extent of the graphical glitching varies). I noticed that items on the ground are different between English and Japanese in some places (Japanese seems to have additional items over English, such as 1 more mushroom in the swamps or 1 more berry at the river. Sadly, you can't skip the intro in Jp making it 1 minute slower. EDIT: I noticed on Japanese you could have an effect on the outcome of the glitch, by holding buttons or by trying to use items before entering the hut.
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I can't come up with any useful result from the glitch so I went back to working on a fullgame TAS. I only did advance planning until where I set off on the raft - I wasn't calculating in the route that you would come back to the first half of the isle. It seems that you need to use a one-way in the swamps to go from 2nd half to 1st half. You collect the round gem (and rhombusgem if not yet collected), and inspect the campfire (I aim for wedding ending). Apparently you need to visit the cave behind the waterfall to go back to the 2nd half. In order to go there you need to bring arrow + bow to shoot a rock down to unlock a path. This means that you need to make preparations, so I edited my route here. --- open questions, maybe someone can help me: 1) Can the square gem be collected before going back to the 1st half via one-way swamp exit? This would drain the swamp. Is going through the swamp faster than through the cave? 2) Is there a timelimit for when the other kid has to appear? Could I collect most gems (except for the one where either the gem or the pendant appears), and only then inspect both campfires for the other kid to appear, then just stuff honey into her to make her my bride? 3) On the map with the hut, there is a secret passage at the top with trees that you can cut down. Is doing so permanent? 4) Can I collect and bring from the 2nd half: bird feather, stick, flexible stick? This could skip a trip to the hut after I use the swamp one-way exit. This question is actually almost answered. I saw in a gameplay video that there is indeed a flexible stick, a stick and enemy spawns there. I'm going to need to spawn a bird and kill it - might be unfeasible, I don't know... It has to be quicker than the time it takes for a detour to the hut. However, if I'm going to need an axe and I can get one from the hut, I might as well go there anyway. 5) What items are exactly lost during the trip on the raft? All items? I think that I read in a guide that the axe and big stick would be lost during the trip, but I don't know if that's when I bring them along or even if I store them at the hut. --- Here is a WIP (VBA v24, GBC English) Notes: - Used outdated route. I need to go back to make preparations for getting an arrow/bow. - Actually I would need to redo all of it because I used inoptimal way of clicking away dialogue. 0.5~1.5 secs are lost because of this in the above WIP. - The above questions should give you an idea how lost I am, routeplanning-wise... I could continue trying to make test runs and making optimisations to the route, but only until my motivation for this project expires as it does whenever I work on anything...
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I completed the testrun up until the raft trip. - The hut cutscene skip is used 4 times. I think that 4 times means a time loss greater than the time save. However, the first time seems mandatory to me in order to complete some stuff early on without worrying about depleting stats. The other 3 times are still worthwhile. I think the depleting stats are negligible though. The skip shouldn't be used (unless 4 times using the skip is still faster; I measured it but I'm still unsure...) - After the raft trip, all stats are crap. 0 Hunger 0 Thirst 100 Fatigue. I was counting on the fact that Bub gives me a weird berry to reset my stats but he doesn't, even if I leave him behind. What went wrong?!? - Both nails should be collected in one go for more optimal text. VBM (VBA v24, English version)
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Never played this game, but would recording a normal playthrough to obtain the berry help with finding the flag for it?
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I found out what the flag is. You have to fix the hut for Bub to give you the berry. If you don't fix the hut you won't get it. Fixing the hut takes about 15 secs, and the cutscene on the other side takes about 3 secs longer. I doubt the weird berry saves more than 18 secs needed for it to be worthwhile.. Sure you don't need to go "all the way back" to the ship - but then again I will just go sleep in trees anyway. I haven't researched the 2nd half yet so I can't tell yet. But I feel like I'm just going to skip the weird berry and feed myself canteen water/clam (not raw, it makes you numb)/normal berries once I arrive.
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Swamp area (unedited full map here) EDIT: I was able to obtain the square gem from the swamp, although I needed to do most of the swamp puzzle... After obtaining it, the swamp is drained. Basic route choices: a) Go back to 1st half by using the one-way exit. I need a bow and arrow which I can build conveniently. I would take the round gem, inspect the 1st campsite nearby, and go through the cave back to 2nd half of the isle. I think entering the cave means I need a kindling and torch again. Both of which are inconvenient to build - I could have left that stuff behind in the hut but the kid was unwilling - he said "I'm going to need this" and lost it in the raft trip... TODO: I basicly need two more sticks. I will have to see if the stick nearby the ship can be respawned twice. I can also try to see if there are any sticks at the waterfall area. b) Visit the eastern beach part (give a clam to the gator) and clean the statue with canteen water (this sets a flag that makes another statue in the desert appear). Get the square gem and visit the desert, obtain the pendant and eye gem, go back to eastern beach and get triangle gem. This route is untested.
Post subject: Love address
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Address C5F6 seems to be the love address/health address (the affection from the other kid towards you). Is zero at the beginning and giving certain items will increase it, or decrease it. If it is 240 or above, the other kid loves you. I list only the items that have an effect (there are tons that the other kid accepts but don't do anything). Btw, it doesn't seem to matter how long you travel. The love address is fixed and doesn't deplete with time. trash -50 poisonous meat -50 poisonous fish -50 poisonous clam -50 rotten meat -30 rotten egg -30 rotten fish -30 rotten clam -30 spoiled fruit -30 sweet fruit -30 (?) damp grass -30 (?) * short grass -30 (?) * bad mush -30 bad grass -30 color mush -30 soft mush -30 meat -20 clam -15 big leaf +1 big fish +1 match +1 sharp grass +1 soft berry +1 baseball gear +1 big fan +5 charm +5 mask +5 slick fruit +5 Baked clam +5 hard berry +5 dry grass +5 round berry +5 plain mush +5 broom +5 whip +5 hollow mush +5 jump rope +5 small baked fish +10 bird feater +10 hard fruit +10 costume +10 cooked egg +15 egg +15 big baked fish +20 necklace +20 preserved meat +30 preserved clam +30 preserved fish +30 cooked meat +40 honey +50 weird berry +100 pendant +150 * Probably numbness-inducing or bitter grass. EDIT: So yeah, this discussion is over. I will get the weird berry (fixing the hut isn't such a huge detour). And I get the pendant from the desert (this one is a problem... I might not have enough space... I guess I will get the palace key on the way to the ruins rather than take it when I go back to the 2nd half... or I don't know...).
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Here is more information on how grass and mushroom effects work: The grasses and mushrooms can have different effects and be a different type. I think there are two possible scenarios, which I explain below. The game decides on a scenario the moment you press Start to skip the beginning cutscene. Scenario 1: Damp Grass = "Bitter" Short Grass = "Feel much better" Thin Grass = "Stomach bloated" NUMBNESS Sharp Grass = "Spicy" Dry Grass = "Stomach bloated" Plain Mush = "Feel much better" Soft Mush = "Stomach bloated" CONFUSION Color Mush = "Stomach bloated" Hollow mush = "Stomach bloated" POISON --- Scenario 2: Damp Grass = "Stomach bloated" Short Grass = "Stomach bloated" NUMBNESS Thin Grass = "Bitter" Sharp Grass = "Spicy" Dry Grass = "Feel much better" Plain Mush = "Much better" Soft Mush = "Stomach bloated" CONFUSION Color Mush = "Stomach bloated" POISON Hollow Mush = "Stomach bloated" Notes: - The alligators in the swamps can be bypassed by giving them poisonous food, bad grasses (as in, bad effect grasses), bad mushrooms (as in, bad effect mushs) or clams (not baked and not rotten). There are no nearby grasses or conveniently placed clams in the 2nd half of the isle, so I'm going to bring items from my "one-way swamp exit" trip back to the first half. The grasses and mushrooms with bad effects will only turn "bad" after the kid learns about the effect. North of the hut is a mushroom that would always yield such an effect, in both scenarios. I would eat that mushroom early on to learn it's poisonous, and then later pick it up again to feed it to one of the gators. Not sure where to get an item to defeat the other gator (it's not so bad, I can take a detour around the 2nd gator if no solution arises). (It would be a bad idea to learn about the bad grass, for obvious reasons. Being numb for 10 seconds wastes too much time.)
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New WIP (VBA v24, English game version) I made all necessary preparations on the 1st half of the isle. I choose two grasses and one berry as food items - no fruits because they spoil before I can leave the isle. I collected two extra sticks* which I will use to make a new torch and kindling. I ate a color mush (The WIP uses scenario 2) to learn about the poison effect. When I come back there I will collect this mush again and feed it to one of the gators. I was thinking that instead of sleeping on the ship, I could just rest to get rid of some fatique. Then I could bring the clam from the beach after the raft trip (Sleeping means the clam rots and doesn't work on gators anymore). ____ E: * apparently I forgot one <_<. Gonna redo this for the 8th time now yay.
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It is possible to use the pause/reset trick in order to collect the Round Gem early. Normally it falls into the water and you have to go look for it but now you can just head straight for the cave behind the waterfall. This trick actually allows for two Round Gems to exist at the same time (Nothing special happens, I assume). This will save much time but now kind of messes up my plan. Instead of storing bow+arrow I'm going to have to throw them away, and build them again later. This route is unreliable because I don't know yet how easy it is to luckmanipulate a bird to appear, twice in one run. Axe could be stored beforehand, but then the shortcut from the beach to ship can't be opened, losing 30 secs. Canteen can be stored but is needed for the part at the beach. Kindling and torch can't be thrown away nor stored. E: I can visit the beach before going the one-way-exit so I can store Axe and Canteen in the hut. Problem solved I guess. ------------ E: I can visit one campsite for the other kid to appear, instead of both. This is going to mess up my plan again. Okay, the thing is, I wanted to collect two sticks in the early going and store them in the hut. I would later come back with a 3rd stick I find at the 2nd half of the isle and build torch, kindling, arrow with the three sticks. Unfortunately, I forgot to collect one of the two sticks in my WIP. Now it turns out I only need to visit one campsite. The whole trip to the hut and forest campsite is meaningless now. I will find the two needed sticks nearby the mountain instead. I think I will accept the 30~50f loss from collecting the unneeded stick in my WIP. (I think I will just redo it, it's not that much) This however messes up my backup plan above. I don't know how to get rid of canteen and axe now - going to have to ditch bow and arrow again, I guess. Which is unreliable.
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Posts: 3948
Location: Germany
Here is a list of all item IDs, as they appear in the kid's inventory in $C700 ~ $C70B. This will help edit items for testing purposes in the future, and I plan to make a display of items the kid currently has in the inventory (in video encodes). ----- 0 Axe 1 Axe 2 Umbrella Leaf 3 Fox Cap 4 Bear Cap 5 Deer Cap 6 Umbrella Leaf 7 Fox Cap 8 Bear Cap 9 Deer Cap 10 Fishing Rod 11 Hammer 12 Knife 13 Bow 14 Bow 15 Clam 16 Baked Clam 17 Rotten Clam 18 Delicacy 19 Preserved Clam 20 Hollow Mushroom 21 Plain Mushroom 22 Soft Mushroom 23 Color Mushroom 24 Full Mushroom 25 Bad Mushroom 26 Hard Berry 27 Round Berry 28 Soft Berry 29 Healing Nut 30 Big Berry 31 Weird Berry 32 Thin Grass 33 Short Grass 34 Damp Grass 35 Dry Grass 36 Sharp Grass 37 Heal Grass 38 Bad Grass 39 Hard Fruit 40 Slick Fruit 41 Sweet Fruit 42 Moist Fruit 43 Vital Fruit 44 Full Fruit 45 Super Vital Fruit 46 Spoiled Fruit 47 Big Fish 48 Small Fish 49 Big Baked Fish 50 Small Baked Fish 51 Rotten Fish 52 Preserved Fish 53 Egg 54 Cooked Egg 55 Rotten Egg 56 Meat 57 Cooked Meat 58 Rotten Meat 59 Preserved Meat 60 Honey 61 Poison Clam 62 Poison Fish 63 Poison Meat 64 Rock 65 Board 66 Big Rock 67 Big Fan 68 Big Leaf 69 Big Stick 70 Charm 71 Mask 72 Sun Key 73 Moon Key 74 Star Key (Right) 75 Star Key (Left) 76 Star Key 77 Palace Key 78 Dried Leaf 79 Tree Bark 80 Stick 81 Nail 82 Necklace 83 Lumber 84 Flex Tree 85 Tree Sap 86 Canteen 87 Torch 88 Ivy 89 Fishing Gut 90 Iron Lump 91 Iron Chunk 92 Battery 93 Pointy Rock 94 Bird Feather 95 Bird Feather 96 Trash 97 Costume 98 Jump Rope 99 Lotus Leaf 100 Panel 101 Flint 102 Kindling 103 Pendant 104 Broom 105 Star Gem 106 Triangle Gem 107 Square Gem 108 Round Gem 109 Rhombus Gem 110 Oval Gem 111 Moon Gem 112 Eye Gem 113 Match 114 Whip 115 Arrow 116 Baseball Gear 117 Working Radio 118 Radio 119 Hollow Baked Mushroom 120 Plain Baked Mushroom 121 Soft Baked Mushroom 122 Color Baked Mushroom 123 Full Baked Mushroom ----- Some items such as delicacy, healing nut or trash don't show up in any FAQ I've seen. Might be beta items. Not sure why some items have two IDs.