Hi sprocket2005 and welcome here. I'm the author of the movie that sgrunt linked above and unfortunately I find it unlikely that your movie will be accepted, because there are some flaws that can't be overlooked.
First, this game is compatible with SGB and should be run in this mode, the reason is that it looks nicer to who watches it, despite being slower than a run in GB mode. Second, you should terminate input immediately after the game ending sequence has started, so that we can time your movie properly, you kept mashing unnecessarily after the end, I haven't timed it precisely, but the end of your movie seems to be around 4:47, which is still slower than the published movie (here we consider the Red and Green versions as the same category since there's no point in having them both because of their similarities).
Now to the technical part, Pokemon RBY is a game with a high technical level and you should try harder, do not use auto-fire to pass through the dialogs, it'll cause the game to lag. Also, you should pick bulbasaur and manipulate its defense DV so that it gets killed by Gary's charmander in 3 hits. Here you got charmander, didn't manipulate the battle properly and ended up taking damage for no reason, losing some time. Don't take extra steps to manipulate the encounter, the Dokokashira step count only starts after you enter Pallet. I take the extra menu call in Celadon is to avoid a crash but iirc that should be possible to do without it.
Finally, 35 rerecords is not an indication that this was done to acceptable optimization levels, indeed this
video beats your submission by a considerable amount.