So I've been beta-testing for a new Demul release, but this proves to be a really annoying task because savestates don't work, and won't work for a while longer.
I've had the idea of running Demul in Hourglass so that I could save the state of the entire emulator disregarding problems with actual emulation inaccuracy. However, it doesn't work. Quite simply I can't even make Demul run a ROM if it's wrapped in Hourglass: the File menu does not open the file choice dialog.
Seeing as Hourglass has a whole lot of settings that may or may not affect this behavior, could any of you at least point me to those that may affect it?
I'm on Win 7, my Hourglass is from 17th of June, and the Demul 0.5.7 beta I'm trying is a private WIP for testing purposes, so I can mail it to Nitsuja, or you could use another recent release like
this one (it's from February, not much has changed since).