Sup, I'm having a bit of trouble TASin lately and thought I'd ask for some help around here (;
I'm trying to change the frame of which I pull out a bombchu in a small TA run I'm doing.
The trick I'm trying to pull off:
(Trying to land a megaflip onto a chu explosion to start a hover)
Now to do this, I obviously just have to delay the frame of which I take out my chu. However doing this without a TAS editor would be extremely annoying to optimize.
So I'm trying to use TAS Movie Editor developed by Maximus. all is good, I change the frames I need, and etc, then save it. But this is where the problem starts, as soon as I save the new .m64, and re-open it or play it. all the C stick inputs are fucked. (also when I play it in Mupen, the wrong C inputs are used, hence desyncing my run)
Here is a before an after: (left one is before, right one is after)

anyone know whats causing me all this grief? : (
I'd appreciate any feedback (: