I'm not a speed runner, but I love watching them. There's so much that goes into a well executed run, it makes it easier to appreciate what's going on when the author of the run takes the time to record a commentary after the fact, or even just adds optional subtitles.
This kind of stuff has really picked up at Speed Demo's archive, and I've seen a few of you guys doing some stuff towards it, but I'd basically just like a list of all the runs that have commentary currently, as they're pretty hard to find through the site right now.
I'll try to edit this post to include the list and links to any items that fit the criteria, which basically is just an in video commentary, either subtitle or audio.
List of Commented runs
(format: title -- url -- third/first party -- how to get the commentary)
Post items to add to the list if you know of them, keep them in the format so they're easy to copy over if you don't mind, thanks :)