Game Objectives

  • Full Completion
  • Heavy Glitch Abuse
  • Emulator Used: PCSX-RR v0.1.3
  • Bios: SCPH1001.bin
  • Graphics: P.E.Op.S. Soft Driver 1.4 (Abe's Games Fix enabled)
  • Sound: TAS Sound Plugin 0.2 (any other causes a desync)
  • Controller 1 e 2: Segu Direct Pad Pro Driver 0.4
  • CD Rom: TAS ISO Plugin 0.2

Dooty's Comments

That was my most challenging run so far, but also one of the most enjoyable runs to do, and I hope you also enjoy watching it. Since this run is all about rescuing the Mudokons, I'll explain it Mudokon by Mudokon instead of Stage by Stage, but let me talk about the tricks that were useful to rescue them first.

Gitches and Oddities

Auto Turn Delay

Some of Abe's actions like climbing ledges or mounting Elum will automatically turn Abe around if he is facing the wrong direction, start running delays that action until Abe turns around again, be careful not to jump though, as it cancels the glitch.

Infinite Pick Up

Crouch and hold the square button near a grenade, rock or meat then turn around before Abe completes the animation, turn around again and he will pick up as many items as he wants, but he can't use the extra items in some areas nor carry them to other stages.

Screen Boundary

Turn around while running before Abe reaches the next screen then stop, and he is safe to chant as long as there's no Slogs, Scrabs or Chant Droids near by. You can also jump if he is two steps far from the screen boundary.

Ghostly Elum

You must do the Auto Turn Delay glitch and mount Elum near a flying mine, order bomb or grenade for this to work, but do this on the wrong frame and you'll have just an invisible Elum that won't move.

Walk Through Walls

While riding Elum, hold the R1 button and run towards a wall, when you are about to bump release the R1 button to walk through the wall.

Tamed Slogs

There's some Slogs that will attack even the Sligs. But fortunately for Abe, if a Slog kills a Slig after he says "here boy", they will become Abe's best friends.

Untouchable Abe

I was trying to lure a Paramite with meat acquired with the Infinite Pick Up glitch when this glitch happened, very unstable, you must be crouched on a specific spot otherwise the game hangs.

Keep Moving

Troughout the run you'll see Abe running to and fro with no apparent reason, it's done to keep the Mudokons also running on the background, otherwise they would just walk or stop near some ledges.


Mudokons # 1, 2 and 3

This game is chock-full of secrets, the first one is on the very first screen. To avoid making mince meat out of the Mudokons, Abe must talk to them and exit the area when the grinders are at a certain height.

Mudokons # 4 and 5

Before the second secret area, Abe must pull a lever to disable an electric fence. To complete RuptureFarms, ten grenades must be used, so, better pick them all from this Boom Machine. Any noise like a grenade exploding or a Slig shouting scatters the Bird Portal, also Abe would drop all of his grenades if he chants near a Chant Droid, or maybe not...

Mudokons # 6 and 7

There's lots of land mines blocking the entrance of the third secret area, to clear the path, Abe must use a grenade, but not on the same screen or the game hangs. It would save some time if the Mudokons could land near the Bird Portal, but it's too high and they can't stand the fall. On the other hand, Abe can hang on ledges so he lands safely.

Mudokon # 8

There's a Mudokon above the second secret area, but since I'm not going to come back here, best bring him with me on the way to the fourth secret area. That Chant Droid must be eliminated for Abe to chant and keep his grenades.

Mudokons # 9 and 10

There's a Slig sleeping near a lift and Abe must kill him to rescue the two ramaining Mudokons in this area. Again, the grenade must be thrown from a specific spot for the game to not hang.

Mudokons # 11 and 12

These two Mudokons are pretty straight forward to rescue; talk, run and chant, simple as that. Even a one legged Slog would have no problem doing the job, but the next ones are not so easy...

Mudokons # 13, 14 and 15

Okay, that one legged Slog would have a lot of trouble to rescue the Mudokons on the fifth secret area; two Sligs to kill, a land mine and a Chant Droid to destroy while avoiding to scatter the Bird Portal may be a little too much for him.

Mudokon # 16

An electric fence to disable, two Sligs to take care of and a bomb to defuse, not as hard as the previous rescue and not as easy as the one before that. Well, you can say it was an average one, that's all.

Mudokons # 17, 18 and 19

It's not possible to avoid all the Sligs in this area, so, before Abe can proceed with his rescues a possessed Slig will clear the path for him.

Mudokons # 20 to 25

Without those pesky Sligs to worry about, Abe just need to avoid some grinders to rescue six more Mudokons to leave this area.

Mudokons # 26, 27 and 28

There's three easy Mudokons to rescue if you know where the sixth secret area is. Abe will die if he falls from those trapdoors while he is walking or running, but if he is rolling he will safely land on the ground bellow. The flying grenade at the end of RuptureFarms costs 20 frames, but I think it's a nice touch, so, I left it in.

StockYard Escape

Mudokon # 29

On the second screen there's a Mudokon in the shadows below who will soon be eaten by the Scrab if Abe don't act fast.

Mudokons # 30 and 31

The strategy to rescue the Mudokons on the seventh secret area may not look, but is the fastest I could come up with.

Mudokons # 32 and 33

Here is where the Screen Boundary was used for the first time. To rescue these two Mudokons Abe must possess and kill those two Sligs, it's not nescessary to kill the lower one as soon as possible, but he would be possessed while Abe opens the Bird Portal otherwise.

Mudokons # 34 to 37

There's two ways to get into the ninth secret area, the other one is slower and puts Abe on a bad location. As said before, while Abe is running the Mudokons do the same, even in the background, and it was used to make them reach the Bird Portal while avoiding a land mine.

Mudokon # 38

Abe can jump over three land mines with easy, but the Bird Portal that leads to the tenth secret area doesn't work until he blows at least one of them, odd. The Screen Boundary is a really useful glitch, and it saved quite some time on the run.

Mudokon # 39

On the way to the eleventh secret area Abe blows up a land mine, it will save time to reach the next secret area. Like the Screen Boundary, the Auto Turn Delay can save time everywhere, here it's used to avoid a Slog.

Mudokon # 40

Unfortunately the Screen Boundary doesn't fool the Slogs, so, the strategy to rescue the Mudokon on the twelfth secret area couldn't be more simplistic, sorry about that.

Mozaic Lines

Abe set up an Auto Turn Delay glitch at the end of StockYard Escape, and it will save quite some time here. There's some Mudokons here too, but they're free and need no rescue, some of them will shoot Abe with his slingshots unless he play Simon Sez and copy their whistles, or will they?


There's lots of interesting glitches involving Elum, two of them saved a lot of time here; the Ghostly Elum can safely walk over land mines, and the Walk Through Walls avoided a long sequence of events. Another stage full of free Mudokons, better leave them alone.

Scrabanian Temple

Empty Doors

Only the two lower right doors have Mudokons in it, on the rest of them Abe just needs to pull a lever to light the flint locks, learn the bell songs and possess the bells.

Mudokons # 41 and 42

Did I mentioned how useful the Screen Boundary is? Well, the Tamed Slogs glitch also is. Disable the UXB, possess the Slig, tame the Slogs, possess and kill another Slig and chant to free your fellow Mudokons, that's it for the fourteenth secret area.

Mudokons # 43, 44 and 45

I was just trying to cross the gap here when the Scrab fell to his death saving some time on the fifteenth secret area.

Mudokon # 46

Optimization sure saves some time on any run, but glitches saves even more. I think the Auto Turn Delay is the most useful glitch of the game, without it, the sixteenth secret area would take twice as long to complete.

Scrabanian Nests

Lots of Scrabs, pits, lifts, levers and a dramatic background music makes this one of the most complex stages in the game.


There's lots of interesting glitches involving Elum, two of them saved a lot of time here; the Ghostly Elum can safely walk over land mines, and the Walk Through Walls avoided a long sequence of events. Another stage full of free Mudokons, better leave some of them alone. (again???)

Paramonian Temple

Empty Doors

Only the first lower right door have Mudokons in it, on the rest of them Abe just needs to pull a lever to light the flint locks, learn the bell songs and possess the bells.

Mudokons # 47, 48 and 49

The trick here is to feed the Paramites so they will leave Abe alone long enough to rescue his fellow Mudokons.

Paramonian Nests

The Infinite Pick Up glitch saved quite some time on the previous doors, but here it's useless; no matter how many items Abe has, they just disappear when he enters this door.

StockYard Return

Hey, looks like the security system has been upgraded since the last time Abe passed through, fortunately there's no Mudokons to rescue here.

RuptureFarms 2

Mudokon # 50

In the any% run this is the only Mudokon that must be rescued, and it's a pretty easy one to rescue, take him to the next screen then chant, simple as that.

Zulag 1

Mudokons # 51 to 54

There's only one Bird Portal in this area, so all the Mudokons must be brought here from wherever they are to be rescued, and the Tamed Slogs glitch makes the task a little less boring.

Mudokons # 55 and 56

To rescue one of those two Mudokons, Abe must; scare the Slig, talk to the Mudokon, hide in the Screen Boundary, possess the Slig and blow the land mine with him, the other one; just chant...

Mudokons # 57, 58 and 59

The Shrykull power acquired from the previous Bird Portal will help Abe in the process of rescuing these three Modokons, the rest is just like the Mudokons # 13, 14 and 15 with the added complication of another Slig.

Mudokons # 60 and 61

I just love the Screen Boundary glitch, without it, Abe would have to possess two Sligs in a roll to rescue these Mudokons.

Mudokons # 62 and 63

They are where the Mudokon # 8 was in Abe's first time through, but now instead of a land mine and a Chant Droid, there's four Sligs and that chasing Slog to deal with.

Mudokons # 64 and 65

Abe can also kinda talk to Sligs, say "hello" on the right frame and they will walk straight forward or answer you, this way Abe can rescue these two Mudokons with less effort.

Mudokons # 66 and 67

Some times when Abe chants, a Slig will start to swivel fast left and right, when it happens Abe can safely stand beside him.

Mudokons # 68 and 69

Abe have to possess a Slig here not only because it was faster, but also because he can't use those glitched grenades here.

Mudokons # 70, 71 and 72

Finally some easy Mudokons to rescue, Abe doesn't even need to talk to them, just chant and then go to the first secret area of the game again.

Mudokons # 73 and 74

Abe can't tame this Slog as it will not attack his master, so, it's best to get it out of Abe's way while the Slig is possessed. Have you noticed some Sligs screaming when Abe chants, even when there's no Sligs near by? Odd.

Zulag 2

Mudokons # 75 and 76

Abe can toss as many grenades as he wants near a Boom Machine, but anywhere else will hang the game, that's why he blows up those land mines from here.

Mudokons # 77, 78 and 79

There's a Mudokon traped by an electric fence, to open it, a Slig must talk to a voice lock and I was lucky to possess him the way I did.

Mudokons # 80 and 81

They're on the same door as the last three ones, but Abe must use the Shrykull power acquired from the previous Bird Portal to rescue them.

Mudokons # 82 and 83

Abe must pull a lever at the end of the stage to open the door to Zulag 3, it may look wierd the way I did it, but he can't tame all the Slogs here.

Zulag 3

Mudokon # 84

This stage is a little tricky, but I was lucky to have the flying mines in the position the are in the run, really lucky.

Mudokons # 85 and 86

Abe should have used the Shrykull power to reach those two Mudokons, but it will be more useful on the next door.

Mudokons # 87 to 90

Ten grenades is not enough to complete RuptureFarms 2, but Abe can't grab them all from the same Boom Machine or the game hangs, and this seems to be the best place to pick up some more.

Mudokon # 91

Here's where the Shrykull power acquired on the previous door will come in handy.

Mudokons # 92 and 93

Those guys are really well guarded; seven Sligs, one Slog and an electric fence, what a waste.

Zulag 4

Mudokons # 94 and 95

For some unknown reason, the Mudokon # 95 was crossing the gap near that Chant Droid instead of just fall off of the ledge, rolling with Abe fixed this.

Mudokons # 96, 97 and 98

It was exactly here in this stage that I first saw a guy doing the Tamed Slogs glitch, a really helpful glitch if I'd say so myself.

Board Room

Modokon # 99!

That's the last Mudokon to rescue, obviously. Too bad Abe can't chant to rain Shrykull power all over the RuptureFarms executive board, the game locks up when he tries to do so.

Special thanks to

Zeupar, for motivating me to do a run of this game. Phoda (my nephew), for pointing some mistakes on my wips and for helping me out with the submission text. Dada, for his efforts to encode the movie. Antd, for the tricks and glitches you'll see in this run, almost all of them were discovered/first used by him.

Possible Improvements

Shout "look out!" instead of walk to kill the Sligs on "Mudokons # 62 and 63". Rescue Mudokons # 96, 97 and 98 before Mudokons # 94 and 95 to avoid back track. Not using the Ghostly Elum glitch on Paramonia may be faster, test it.

Suggested Screenshot

frame 164606

Mukki: Claimed. I look forward to watching this.
Mukki: Wow, consistently entertaining and surprising all the way through. Very admirable for a run of this length. Pleased to accept.
Mukki: Submission file updated at the author's request.

Brandon: Publication underway.

Joined: 11/22/2004
Posts: 1468
Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Encoding underway, will finish tomorrow. Would this be a nice screenshot?
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Just uploaded the HD encode. SD encode is almost done. This will show up soon enough: Link to video
Joined: 5/11/2006
Posts: 71
Great run. Watching this made me glad that I never bothered to play this. It would put me to sleep if this wasn't a TAS. But again, great skill playing this.
Samus taught us that a girl doesn't need brains to be successful. Brains are giant, evil, and vulnerable to missiles.
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Callmewoof wrote:
Watching this made me glad that I never bothered to play this.
You don't know what you are missing. It's a great game.
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Dada's SD doesn't have a logo / subtitles. It'll be a while...
All the best, Brandon Evans
Joined: 11/22/2004
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Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Brandon wrote:
Dada's SD doesn't have a logo / subtitles. It'll be a while...
It does :O For some reason when I open it in the browser it skips the first 4 seconds that show the logo, but it definitely has a logo (and the subtitles start at 30 seconds in). I even redownloaded the file from my own server to check. There's one issue with both the SD and HD encodes though, which is that they're slightly shorter than they should be, which is due to an emulation error. (PEOpS video plugin plays back all MDECs at 200fps rather than 60fps; I had to manually add in the intro/outtro.)
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As Dada has shown that the encode is fine, I'll publish this soon.
All the best, Brandon Evans
Joined: 11/22/2004
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Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Could a judge check the movie file I posted and verify that the subtitles are correct? BrandonE mentioned that they might need to say 100% or "99 mudokons". Currently it doesn't. Would I need to redo both the SD and HD if that's a deal breaker? (Which sucks, because I did two HD encodes of this game already.)
Joined: 11/22/2004
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Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Okay, now it turns out that the encodes both have to be redone because the run subtitles should say 100%. Please please please check these things earlier from now on, instead of just before publishing, because these encodes have been up for a while now (especially the first HD encode) and now the publication has been delayed yet again. I understand that this is my fault, but it kind of sucks that nobody even bothered to check until now.
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Sorry to give you such a trouble Dada, it's also my fault as I was following a YouTube video entitled "99 Mudokons Guide", so I thought it was a correct branch for my movie.
I am old enough to know better, but not enough to do it.
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Dooty wrote:
Sorry to give you such a trouble Dada, it's also my fault as I was following a YouTube video entitled "99 Mudokons Guide", so I thought it was a correct branch for my movie.
No need to apologize, I should have paid better attention :) Although I still think it's slightly silly that I need to redo the encode since the subtitles rule hasn't always been very consistently enforced. Anyway, the new encodes are almost done (HD is already uploaded, just need to finalize the SD encode), so I'm sure this can be published soon! Edit: new HD encode will show up soon. Link to video Edit: SD encode will finish uploading in about three minutes
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Do you want to give uploading to / creating a torrent a try? I could do both, but if you want to try doing publisher things, those are two of them. Also, I think it's preferred to use .mp4 for SDs. Lastly, from now on, try to create your own 512kb file for your SD encodes. I'll publish shortly depending on your response.
All the best, Brandon Evans
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Posts: 1468
Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands It has both the 512kb encode as well as the original SD (MKV).
Editor, Active player (251)
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Publishing soon.
All the best, Brandon Evans
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [1818] PSX Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee "100%" by Dooty in 1:09:23.73
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I've re-started this game on PC with my brother, and watching this is crazy… I need help understanding some things: how is it possible to "climb down" the floor in so many places, skipping a lot of things? O_o and why does Dooty move back and forth seemingly at random some times? no, not when he's running to keep Mudokons following him edit: oh right the other thing, how does he avoid being hit by the flying robot things that are supposed to inhibit you from using the chant? route planning and everything looks great, but it really looks badly optimized in some places to me
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how is it possible to "climb down" the floor in so many places, skipping a lot of things? O_o
There are many secrets in the game. Those hidden holes in the ground you can climb down are part of regular gameplay. They don't skip anything.[/quote]
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Warp wrote:
how is it possible to "climb down" the floor in so many places, skipping a lot of things? O_o
There are many secrets in the game. Those hidden holes in the ground you can climb down are part of regular gameplay. They don't skip anything.
I don't think that he is referring to those hidden holes, but this glitch seen several times in the run.
AzumaK wrote: I swear my 1 year old daughter's favorite TASVideo is your R4MI run :3 xxNKxx wrote: ok thanks handsome feos :D Help improving TASVideos!
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Zeupar wrote:
I don't think that he is referring to those hidden holes, but this glitch seen several times in the run.
Ah, didn't remember those.