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are you planning toi play the special stages as well?
My first language is not English, so please excuse myself if I write something wrong. I'll do my best do write as cleary as I can, so cope with me here =) (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ
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Probably not. They aren't that exciting and can only be played by Mega Man in the Time Trials. The only reason to TAS those levels would be if one was interested in the lowest possible time.
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I did have a interesting idea but it suprisingly does not work consistently as I thought it would. Sometimes when I try to do it, Megaman does not fire at all. *Did this on real console because Dolphin gives me the "unexpected error" message with the Send Error report/Don't send* If you set the controls to Classic Controller, it will have 2 buttons that uses the FIRE command as opposed to 1 button on the Wii Remote setting. In theory this should give a slightly better rate of fire on the Mega Buster eg: _ = empty frame (fire button released) Wii Remote: Fire(1), __ Fire(1), __ Fire(1), __ Fire(1) __ Classic Controller: Alternating the Fire buttons to see if 60 shots per second is possible. Fire(b), Fire(x), Fire(b), Fire(x), Fire(b), Fire(x) The first new WIP of Hard BASS looks very stylish.
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Yeah I tried this theory already. The game simply doesn't accept 60hz firing, even with 2 fire buttons. Regardless of which fire button you use, they both must be released to fire again. Also, I think I found what I was doing wrong to make the small encodes. This should be fixed with the next WIP.
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Hey i got a quick question. I was trying out the latest dolphin revision 7571, since i know i would need to sooner or later and stop using the 2.0 version, but there's something weird here i ain't sure how to fix. I've been messing around with the freaking graphic settings and everything else for an hour literally and cant seem to get things to look smooth or non-scaled. It's weird. I never encountered this back on 2.0. Here's what i mean: http://www.a3share.com/members/1119/untitled.PNG It's like some graphics are all scaled or something. Notice the parts i circled. the numbers at the top, and especially the large energy over there, and the left side of mm's body all dis-jointed-looking kind of. Has that ever happened to you diggi?? Or is it smooth?
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Are you going to use the same boss order and stage routes for Bass as with Megaman?
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Yes. Bass will be even more efficient with that route because his Treble Boost eliminates the need to visit the shop for a beat call or spike guard. @kujakiller I notice minor graphical discrepancies every now and then, but it's nothing distracting.
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Commando Man with Bass was in 1:14:05 (Compared to Mega Man's 1:39.73). Here's Blade Man in 1:12.41 (MM 1:40.21). Link to video
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That was sweet, diggidoyo! Keep up the awesome work!
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aww, took damage to save time? but I love the fast paced action with Bass :) does he not have a trampoline thing like Rush? the ladders and some flying look slow and aren't cool compared with the fast paced action of Bass's dash
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Yeah, Bass will take damage several times due to hard mode adding more enemies. But mostly because of the fact that I can tank past them by fusing with Treble slightly before the hit, take the hit, and then switch out of Treble form a frame later to continue on at regular speed (no-pushback with Treble form). But unfortunately he has no coil powers. He only has Treble which is incredibly slow for getting around efficiently. The ladder problem will be resolved after I get the wheel cutter in the 4th stage. I toyed around with the idea of a Nitro Man start to get the wheel cutter right away, but there's too many problems with that route to be effective.
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daaamn crazy stuff. :) it is amazing that because of bass's dashing being much faster than protoman's sliding would save a couple dozen seconds literally in comparison just for a single stage. Nice. :) Also by the way someone in this thread mentioned about the special stages and that they wouldn't be interesting, and considering they are not apart of the main game anyways. I decided i'd want to try TAS'ing one or two of them maybe. I started on the 1st one on Saturday night and almost finished it with it currently. I'm not up to the boss room just yet. I defintely cant think of the most creativity like diggi in the megaman full game TAS, but i tried to be creative and enertaining whenever possible. So if anyone would be interested in wanting to see, i'll have it done very soon. http://www.a3share.com/members/1119/rush-slide.PNG - It took me several HOURS to do this last night about that one thing diggi mentioned before about using the little jelly blobs to slide right off rush jet and gain an extra frame or two instead of being on the last pixel of rush's head. I get to do that in 2 different spots.
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I would definitely be interested in watching these. I just wont be TASing them myself because they aren't part of the full game. I noticed you're already almost a full second ahead of Rockmanda. Nice! That's cool that the glob slide works for you, and if the triple blade glitch can be used on the boss as well you'll save even more time. Upload the levels when you're finished and we'll have this whole game done with Mega Man... at least until someone wants to get 9999 screens on endless o.O
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I'm still not quite done yet. I restarted all over from the beginning as i got a bunch more time on a few screens. No, nothing works on the 3 gameboy guys except buster, and their own weapons unfortanetely. there's something really bugging me now all of a sudden i notice in your Full Game TAS, in EVERY single level that has a boss door when entering from the bottom edge of the screen. In reguard to sheep, strike, the 2nd set of boss'es on wily 1, wily 2, and wily 3. I only downloaded the MP4 file directly from the publication file, not the DTM to play in media player classic frame by frame. Well when you enter those doors, there's 4 frames of it opening right?? They always take exactly 4 frames for each piece of the door to open/close. So about 16 total. BUT when im frame-stepping through your video, every door piece takes just 1 frame each, 4 total. How did you manage to make that happen? I've tried every single possible combination of edge-jumping i could manage reguardless of losing a bunch of frames before reaching the door, but i've never duplicated what's going on when you touch the doors. Is this somehow specific to just regular game playing mode somehow?? I'm at the boss doors on special stage 1 currently, and it always takes 4 frames for each door piece. I even double checked my other runs and compared them to yours like 2 copies of MPC by each other, and the doors for you always take 1 frame, 4 frames on my side. It's really weird.
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kuja killer wrote:
Well when you enter those doors, there's 4 frames of it opening right?? They always take exactly 4 frames for each piece of the door to open/close. So about 16 total. BUT when im frame-stepping through your video, every door piece takes just 1 frame each, 4 total. How did you manage to make that happen?
That's a quirk of our encoding techniques - if you're frame-stepping, duplicate frames are only going to show up once.
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Oh hmm i think i get what your saying sgrunt. Gosh maybe i'll have to look at the DTM, playing that back in dolphin. I just chose not to because im not sure if it has a fast-forward feature, or GOTO frame # xxxx thing. Cause i really wouldn't want to wait 20 minutes just to see the 1 little tiny part i had my attention on :( But im thinking now then that it really is just 4 frames per piece like normal actually. ah well
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Yea, I don't do anything funky with the doors so its still 4 frames per piece. A fast-forward or GOTO frame would be amazing, but I don't think its implemented yet. Whenever I check for desyncs, I've been running through the game from the beginning to get to my current location. This becomes a pain in the ass in the later levels. Here's Chill Man in 1:06.55 (MM 1:30.1) Link to video Also, here's the .dtm file. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CRTK0RGS sgrunt, could you teach me how to see the rerecord count? I don't know what program to open it with to see and I don't know programming talk like signed/unsigned bytes or integers.
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Gotta say, I find the Bass TASes much more exciting and entertaining than the "regular" run. Props to diggidoyo, keep up the good work man. =)
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I made this small program a while back that you can use to get all the metadata from .dtm files. http://www.toadking.com/dtminfo.zip Just drag and drop a dtm file over it to use it.
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Fantastic! Thanks! 1828 rerecords for those 3 levels. I'm guessing the actual number of rerecords for the run with Mega Man will be about twice the final number of Bass. I used more rerecords since it was my first time through, the levels were longer (frame-wise), and I spent a lot more time optimizing entertainment (manipulating drops and being generally more innovative). With Bass, I'm simply trying to beat the game as fast as possible. If an enemy is in my way, he dies... if not, I don't spend extra time trying to see if I can kill him without wasting time.
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oh god i actually really laughed out loud seriously at the backwards dashing between the boss doors. that was the best part to me in my opinion hehe. :p i saw you use the bomb to hit him once, when the lifebar was about halfway down. huh, that was a surprise. well whole thing was cool. I honestly think that mm10's hard mode put in way more enemies in the levels compared to mm9's SuperHero hard mode. It's so ridiculous the amount of stuff added. :p I'm also done with my special stage 1 TAS this morning too, with 1:42:80 - but i have a savestate at the final hallway that i'm going to start from, to try to be funny, or use up all the weapon energy in every single weapon except the rush's and gameboy weapons or whatever. just something enertaining-looking i hope. edit: Link to video Tried to be creative like diggi when possible. :) and this took almost 2 weeks to do, much longer than any other tas i've done. Hope you guys like it.
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That is amazing! Lots of neat tricks in there and the rapid firing of blades and spikes sounds awesome. I'm guessing the Triple Blade glitch doesn't work on him, huh? Any plans to do the other two? Here's Nitro Man in 1:28.88 Link to video
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no, nothing works on those 3 guys except buster and their own gameboy weapons. all 8 of the main weapons just reflect right off the 3 guys.
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Strike Man in 1:15.93 Link to video Also, since this not the first play-through, this run will skip cutscenes. An 8 second cutscene was skipped before this level started, and a 40 second cutscene will be skipped before the Wily Stages.
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you can't play on Hard unless you've beaten the game right? and if beating the game lets you skip cutscenes, then it makes sense to do so I'll watch it when I have time later
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