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Very nice. The AR34 segment in the hangar was probably my favorite part, with how you were rapid-firing one-shot-one-kill while turning in broad sweeps. Wonder why the Mauler didn't turn red.
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
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I still haven't needed to do any resets. Skedar Ruins starts without a reset too. It seems like it can be manipulated with luck, because sometimes the next level starts, and sometimes it doesn't.
Obviously it doesn't always happen but when it has happend i found it pretty much impossible to get out of. On investigation for example i tried redoing from shield and still got exactly the same results. It's not as easy as pressing A on a diffrent frame...
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Jabo's 1.6 has problems showing the mauler correctly. I was kinda disappointed that I lost so much time because I didn't time the lifts correctly.. I wish it was possible to hexedit the cinema to be longer, but there's just too many random factors that it would not even sync for 5 seconds.
Wyster wrote:
Obviously it doesn't always happen but when it has happend i found it pretty much impossible to get out of. On investigation for example i tried redoing from shield and still got exactly the same results. It's not as easy as pressing A on a diffrent frame...
Yeah. I've thought that maybe it could be determined/manipulated at the time you finish the level before, like completing Defection a frame earlier or later, then play through Investigation to see if it continues to Extraction without reset.
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Nice to see AttackShip TASed ;D Just like in GE, running has an initial max speed which is increased aftef some 100-200 frames... it aeems that there were many situatiins where you couldv'e started running (into a wall) earlier inorder to maintain a higher speed? Then again... maybe it would only lead to longer waits at elvis/elevators... Did you try the AR on the 3 bridge skedar? Headshots-only it may be faster than Maulers... Also, maybe it'd be possible to shoot the very last skedar slightly earlier by crouching and ahooting between the front-skedar's legs? The two Maulers can fire sequentially very fast, can't they? Damn, u make me wanna TAS this game ;D
TASes: [URL=http://tasvideos.org/Movies-298up-Obs.html]Mr. Nutz (SNES), Young Merlin 100% (SNES), Animaniacs 100% (SNES)[/URL]
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Lol i made the same points you just made over at the-elite.net. That acceleration thing definately looses some if it works like you say.
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Heh yeah i noticed that too ;D Ye PD works the same way as GE regarding the initial/full-maxSpeed... Only difference is that in PD you cant abuse 2.3/2.4 to start the counter earlier ;D As for the elevator/elvis timing... it may help to do some RAM digging to figure out whether they're tied to the clock or perhaps to other triggers
TASes: [URL=http://tasvideos.org/Movies-298up-Obs.html]Mr. Nutz (SNES), Young Merlin 100% (SNES), Animaniacs 100% (SNES)[/URL]
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DaTeL237 wrote:
Nice to see AttackShip TASed ;D
Thanks. It's my least favorite level though :P I don't really like the skedars. They look like insects or lizards, and seem to have low intelligence like animals, and yet they can somehow build spaceships.
Just like in GE, running has an initial max speed which is increased aftef some 100-200 frames... it aeems that there were many situatiins where you couldv'e started running (into a wall) earlier inorder to maintain a higher speed? Then again... maybe it would only lead to longer waits at elvis/elevators...
Would be useful to have the memory address so I could see that I have max speed. Maybe I can find that.
As for the elevator/elvis timing... it may help to do some RAM digging to figure out whether they're tied to the clock or perhaps to other triggers
I'm not so good at finding things in RAM... how would I go about finding something like that? I can only find simple things like Elvis health, headshots, timer, etc. I've calculated that using AR for the 3 bridge skedars would be about 2 tenths faster.
Damn, u make me wanna TAS this game ;D
Yes, you could remake this level and time the elevators better. Just wait 8 seconds more at the intro, and you'll improve my time by 7 seconds :P PD is better than GE in the sense that you don't have to look at the floor all the time to save time. Or I think it does save time even in PD, but not nearly as much as in GE.
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Speeed addresses should be easy to find. Just stand still, search for float values of 0, start running, sub-search for increased values, repeat 10 times or so. Should be 1 forward/backwards address, and 1 left/right strafe.
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Skedar Ruins - Perfect Agent - 1:08 Ok, this is officially the end of the game. There are 3 bonus levels left though, which I will do later. This one is a whopping 22 seconds faster than WR (tied the Agent difficulty WR). I will submit this some time later because I'll wait for Wyster to write comments about the earlier levels for the submission text (although I'm aware of the desync issues etc).
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Awesome final level. I'll do the comments tommorrow.
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WAR! - Agent - 24: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4QvET9fdpE I noticed that mupen64 has some disadvantage in this game compared to a real N64, so I could only improve this by 1 second, but it's a short level, so it's expected. I started to think I would never get 24 ':) Watching the speed in RAM was useful here in order to get best boosts. I also made CI Defense - Agent - 47: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emWK7-S6Xnk I had no use of the out of-bound glitch in Perfect Agent, so I decided to try on Agent, and it's 2 seconds faster than WR, so it's nice there was some use of that.
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I'm probably going to start an improvement run of this game today. Considering the synch issues and overall mediocre quality of previous run i think this is well called for. Some of the "major" improvements i'm going for: 1. Perfect synch without resets(obviously) 2. Way better graphics - Napalm WX emulates skies/effects and everything else amazingly, some minor issues do exists like for example i noticed my Sniper Rifle had a picture from extraction as texture on the side of it. Perhaps some settings can fix this??(doesn't matter too much though) NOTE: i haven't tested all levels with Napalm, if you know of some major issue later in the game feel free to post about it :p 3. "Perfect" cinema timing, this was extremely diffcult on the previous run but now we know how "wrong" that run was in the timing and can correct those mistakes. 4. Speed management, I haven't actually found a speed address though? Does anyone know what they are? I tried searching just like i'd do for GE but found nothing that made any sense... 5. Better luck manipulation(including boost manipulation, health issues might minimize number of possible boosts though). 6. Several strat improvements exists and i might be able to figure out some new stuff as well. Overall quality/optimization goals would be to equal that of the Goldeneye run(or at least very close). I'll warn though that progress will probably not be very fast, my motivation isn't at it's peak after doing alot of Goldeneye TAS'ing recently and spring/summer really isn't the best time for TASing :p I'll try to get Defection done though and we'll see how it goes after that. So here are the things that i could use some help with: Speed addresses Position addresses(for NPC's like programmer on Defection, bot on investigation etc, anything that i need to manipulate). Exactly how to avoid resets? I think Miika described how some pages back but any information about this is good information :p
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Btw, What's everyones opinion on using paintball mode? It's not a cheat in this game like in GE and it might make the run more entertaining, along with it looking awesome to write messages on walls. Personally i'd really like this but i want to know if theres poeple who's against it :p
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Wow, sounds really awesome. I didn't expect someone would try to make an improvement so quick, considering how much desyncs this game has. Would be so much easier if mupenplus came out and it had fixed all desync issues, but it doesn't seem to be happening any time soon. One strange thing I noticed about Napalm when I made CI Defense Agent is that when I tried to play back the file it wouldn't sync unless I had the same resolution that I had when I made the TAS, so check if you have that problem too, and if you do, I guess you should do the TASing in highest possible resolution. Different resolution in other plugins has never affected the sync, so it's a little strange. In case you don't know, you might want to use the latest WIP of Napalm: http://www.emuxhaven.net/forums/showthread.php?t=7202 The version on http://glide64.emuxhaven.net/ isn't the newest version. I think I found some kind of speed addresses when I made WAR 24, but they only worked for that level. There might be speed addresses that works for all levels... I noticed that when I searched for addresses on Chicago, for some reason that was the only level I could find addresses that worked for all levels, like the headshot and timer address, so if you search for speed on that level you might find an address that works on all levels. The value is minus in this pic because I was walking backwards (I did some TASing of WAR PA yesterday... oh, that reminds me, I should change to Napalm for correct red mauler) I'm kinda against the paintball mode, at least for the whole run, because it makes it look less realistic, but if it can be enabled temporarily when you write something, it could be cool.
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Oh it appears i was searching for speed in the wrong memory range. Never thought they'd be in 00Axxxx. Anyway, found Defection address and it's identical to Goldeneye in values(1.08 - 1.35). Forward Speed: 00AD32A0 Strafe Speed: 00AD3298 Edit: Wierd, joanna seems to decelerate automaticly at random times? I TAS'ed until getting outside building on Defection and it seemed to synch fine with all resolutions. I will test playback often with diffrent ones to make sure run synchs in all situations. I don't think paintball shows when shooting headshots unless using penetrating weapons. And since majority of shots will be headshots it might not remove so much of the realistic feeling. I'm not sure i like the idea of turning it on and off, And i'm probably gonna make use of it fairly often. Like for long corridors where there's nothing else to do/waiting for stuff, it's quite alot of places.
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I don't object to paintball mode, personally. As you say, it won't really show up unless you're intentionally shooting the wall, and at those points it should be an improvement over using standard bulletholes. Good luck with the remake!
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
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Wyster wrote:
Edit: Wierd, joanna seems to decelerate automaticly at random times?
I noticed that too, I thought it could be because of the uneven ground on WAR, but then I thought maybe she just runs differently than James Bond.
I TAS'ed until getting outside building on Defection and it seemed to synch fine with all resolutions.
It didn't desync instantly for me, but only after about 10 seconds, so if you TASed less than that you wouldn't notice it yet.
I don't think paintball shows when shooting headshots unless using penetrating weapons. And since majority of shots will be headshots it might not remove so much of the realistic feeling.
Yeah, good point.
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I TAS'ed entire menu thingy and stuff so it's alot more than 10 seconds. Some interresting stuff i found: Pressing R multiple times with very precise timing when going inside the wall above door can make Joanna unduck very early and reach ridiculous height. I got outside of building after 2.38 seconds. Might be useful for lowering the Agent TAS. When the programmers speech starts is somewhat random, angle matters alot and it can differ a few tenths. Also ending a speech-skip-pause early so that some of the message is still visible, makes the next line come up earlier. Roughly a tenth or two differs here. So at end of speech skip i'm around low 10 seconds high 9. Around 1 sec ahead of previous TAS. (oh and i also skipped most of cinema so if it works out i'm actually alot of real time ahead of previous TAS). Joanna position addresses: Y: 0096A7F0 X: 0096A7F8 Position x=0.0, y=0.0 appears to be perfectly centered with the cross on the helipad :P Edit: I can't seem to find programmers position address. Either it's a really wierd address that's completely unrelated to Joanna's position(shouldn't be) or it's at a memory address higher than 00FFFFFF... Also having some severe desynchs at speech skip but i guess that's to be expected. At least it's not a difficult part to optimize.
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Wyster wrote:
I got outside of building after 2.38 seconds.
Crazy, my best was 2.60. But if it reaches 'ridiculous height', wouldn't it take too long to fall on the elevator? Edit: Don't forget to use more warps on your run this time. You can notice it was very useful for me on the doors at Skedar Ruins. On emulator, the weapon change creates much more lag than on console. It's harder to warp doors than on GE, the postition has to be just right. I could have gotten a 1-2 second better time on Pelagic 2 if I had warped more doors.
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I think that a pure tool-assisted speedrun of this game would be very entertaining, so I don't think that using paintball mode is a good idea, because that would make the movie slower and less realistic. Also, I think that aiming for real time instead of in-game time would make it more entertaining, because you could skip several cutscenes and, in some cases, spend that time killing enemies in creative ways. Anyway, good luck with whatever goals you choose!
AzumaK wrote: I swear my 1 year old daughter's favorite TASVideo is your R4MI run :3 xxNKxx wrote: ok thanks handsome feos :D Help improving TASVideos!
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Paintball doesn't make run slower(why would it??), less realistic sure but when has TAS ever been about realism? :P I want to improve entertainment for this run and i think paintball is a great way to do that. Aiming for real time is not a very good idea i think since i would spend alot of time waiting for elevators. Run will be more action filled if waiting some cinemas.
Crazy, my best was 2.60. But if it reaches 'ridiculous height', wouldn't it take too long to fall on the elevator?
Yeah i thought so too. I haven't actually tested it though.
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Wyster wrote:
Paintball doesn't make run slower(why would it??)
If I remember correctly, you have to go through some menus to activate paintball mode.
Wyster wrote:
Aiming for real time is not a very good idea i think since i would spend alot of time waiting for elevators.
Wyster wrote:
Run will be more action filled if waiting some cinemas.
I think that a movie without cutscenes and with some time spent teasing enemies or writing on the walls with bullets while waiting for elevators would be more entertaining than one with cutscenes where you reach elevators as soon as they arrive. You are part of a speedrunning community that has aimed for in-game time for over a decade, and I guess that is the main reason for you to stick to that goal. Why don't you seize this opportunity to show something fresh and new?
AzumaK wrote: I swear my 1 year old daughter's favorite TASVideo is your R4MI run :3 xxNKxx wrote: ok thanks handsome feos :D Help improving TASVideos!
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Activating paintball takes 2 frames extra :p And i have to go through menu's anyway in beginning so i just did it there. I guess the real-time vs in-game time can be discussed further since it doesn't really matter until the second level.
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Found the programmer addresses!(finally) It appears that NPC addresses are random each time a level is started. I.e they are not even level specific, they are only valid for a single turn. To make them even more difficult to find, all NPC have a diffrent x=0.0,y=0.0 position, i.e they are relative only to themselves. Also their axises can be inverted compared to Joanna's. So in order to find those addresses each turn you need to know the NPC's starting position and search for that. Here's some i found: Cassandra X/Y = 75/-415 Programmer X/Y = 450/-650 Also i guess it's obvious that the position are always 4 bytes between each other so if you find one, just search 4 bytes above or below for the other one. Should be the same with Z position. Speaking of Z: Joanna Z position: 0096A7F4
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