Nicovideo Collection Thread
The purpose of this thread is to collect videos from Nicovideo that are useful and interesting for TASvideos, similar to SDA's Nicovideo Index thread. I plan to update this thread every once in a while. Please report errors and feel free to improve this post, too. Though most of the TASes published on TASvideos get uploaded to Nicovideo, I'm mostly focusing on videos that are only to be found on Nicovideo.
Please see this page for more info!What is Nicovideo?
Often referred to as Nicovideo, Nico Nico Douga is a popular Japanese video sharing site. Unlike other video streaming sites, comments are overlaid directly on the videos at a specified playback time. This allows to directly comment on a certain scene in the video and provides a sense of shared watching, something which I think allows for a unique watching experience. Those who prefer watching without comments rolling on the screen can disable it by clicking on a certain button (speech bubble) on the video player.
There is also a livestreaming sub-site of Nico Nico Douga, known as Nico Nico Live.
Not everyone can read Japanese, including me. But there are a few basic comments commonly used.
w = smirk
www = laugh
wwwww = loud laugh with knee slap
wwwwwww = (etc.)...
wktk = (waku teka) I'm excited about this!
ktkr = (kita kore) Here it comes! I was waiting for this!
GJ = Good job!
あああ! = Aah!
えええ!? = eeeh?
Unfortunately, browsing videos on Nicovideo requires a registered account. There are ways to watch videos without an account by changing the URL.
Original -
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The basic advantages of having an account are:
1. No need to change the video URLs anymore
2. You can browse Nicovideo for videos
3. You can view livestreams
4. You can comment on videos
Currently, Nicovideo supports German, Spanish and Chinese language.
If videos are viewed with one of these languages used, sometimes no Japanese comments will be displayed. They can be enabled by clicking the "Display japanese comments" link on top of a video page. However, the resulting URL will have only a string of number rather than sm followed by numbers. You will need the proper sm link address in order to change the URL, as is explained above.
In order to register, follow this link.
Alternatively, you can use this log in information:
PW: tasvideos
By ZenicReverie(SDA):
Enter your email address, then you'll get another form. Should be fairly easy to understand:
Male / Female
Password (and confirm)
Security Question
click the top button and then confirm the information.
Next screen:
Enter the captcha to agree to the terms of service. The button to the right refreshes the image. Top button to submit, bottom to go back.
Check your emails for and click the URL inside.
You're now logged in and registered.
Good thread. People here are missing a lot of TASes there, imo.
Well, I think that the problem is that we cannot directly contact many of the authors. So we can’t get a movie file when we’d like to refer them.
Another problem is language version when it comes to submitting. They make runs for Japanese audience so Japanese version is preferable there. When we suggest their submitting, friction occurs. Those who don’t know the situation easily vote no while we suggest their submitting. It’s very rude.
And when you search the site for "TAS", you see a lot of TASes here are mirror-uploaded without the author’s permission. Some may not agree with mirror-uploading without their permission. I personally don’t think it’s a problem because the uploader tells the author’s name to the audience and almost all the comments from the audience are favorable.
People here are missing a lot of TASes there, imo.
Well, I think that the problem is that we cannot directly contact many of the authors. So we can’t get a movie file when we’d like to refer them.
Another problem is language version when it comes to submitting. They make runs for Japanese audience so Japanese version is preferable there. When we suggest their submitting, friction occurs. Those who don’t know the situation easily vote no while we suggest their submitting. It’s very rude.
I think our lack of contact with the large Japnese TASing community is a problem for both sides. And a large contributor to that is the TAS language rule, which basically guarantees that most of the Japanese TASers run's won't even be considered here. The recent Secret of Mana run is a good example. How about this as a replacement rule?
TASes should as a rule be made with the original language version of a game. However, as this is a mostly English website, we also allow the USA version of the game to be used. When a new run would obsolete one in another language, the judge should compensate for version differences such as text speed when considering fitness for publication.
This rule involves some fuzzy decision-making, but then, so does the current publication process, to just about the same degree anyway. The goal of this rule is to get more Japanese TASes submitted here. Yes, that means that most of us won't be able to read the text in all the games, but I don't really think that is a big problem. Firstly, to properly understand a tas, one should be familiar enough with the game that one doesn't need to read the text, and secondly, I think we win more by getting access to a large pool of Japanese TASers than we lose by having a lower English fraction in the TASes.
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I don't have a well thought out plan or opinion on the issue but I do know a few things:
1) I would like to see the gap between tasvideos and the large Japanese TAS audience to shorten.
2) There are a number of nice TASes on nicovideo that are publishable here, and I'd like to see that happen
2) I'd be willing to modify the region rules if it means achieving 1) & 2) amaurea's suggest seems rather reasonable.
The language barrier seems to be the biggest problem. I'm not sure what to do about that.
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The rules are clear: Write in english or GTFO.
A lot of people here aren't native english speakers, but here we are anyway.
They don't come because they don't want to.
"Genuine self-esteem, however, consists not of causeless feelings, but of certain knowledge about yourself.
It rests on the conviction that you — by your choices, effort and actions — have made yourself into the
kind of person able to deal with reality. It is the conviction — based on the evidence of your own volitional
functioning — that you are fundamentally able to succeed in life and, therefore, are deserving of that success."
- Onkar Ghate
Bisqwit wrote:
Emulator Coder, Site Developer, Site Owner, Expert player
Joined: 11/3/2004
Posts: 4756
Location: Tennessee
pirate_sephiroth wrote:
The rules are clear: Write in english or GTFO.
A lot of people here aren't native english speakers, but here we are anyway.
They don't come because they don't want to.
Looks like another monthly TAS ranking is up. I'm not sure if it's by yukihis (it wasn't uploaded by him as far as I can tell), but if it's not, it imitates the style very well:
Looks like another monthly TAS ranking is up. I'm not sure if it's by yukihis (it wasn't uploaded by him as far as I can tell), but if it's not, it imitates the style very well:
I'd like to direct everyone's attention to sistermind, a Japanese TASer who mostly does Super Mario Bros. and hacks of it.
I was drawn to her channel by her real-time-play videos of Super Mario Bros. Speedexpiation, wherein the timer counts down frames, the game is faster, and anything that would increment your score aside from end-of-level tallies instead kills you. These videos are tagged s018 through s027 on her channel.
Aside from that, her 100% TAS of Extra Mario Bros. was how I found out about that particular romhack. Yes, it's a Youtube channel and not a Nicovideo channel I'm linking to, but I think it would be great if one of our Japanese TASers could get her to check us out.
As an aside, her videos often include some editing.
I don’t totally trust TASes on nicovideo which were made by authors who didn’t provide input files. They must be cheating.
Even though their videos are highly rated, I regard them just as references. It is a pity that such videos are ranked in.
I retimed abeshis MM TAS and it turns out, he timed till the last hit to Majora, not the end of the movie file.
His TAS is more like 1:33:12 (maybe even a few seconds longer, there seem to be a few black seconds missing in the beginning and where he switches videos). So you might want to change that.
The rules are clear: Write in english or GTFO.
A lot of people here aren't native english speakers, but here we are anyway.
They don't come because they don't want to.
Simply put: I don't agree with these sentiments
Make something that will autotranslate the forums so that Japanese people can read our English in Japanese, and we can read their Japanese in English. (Something like Google's automatic translator ... it wouldn't surprise me if they have an API to use it.)
IDK whether they have an API, but they do have a widget called Google Translate Web Element that can be placed on a webpage so that users can decide whether they want it translated:
I don’t totally trust TASes on nicovideo which were made by authors who didn’t provide input files. They must be cheating.
Even though their videos are highly rated, I regard them just as references. It is a pity that such videos are ranked in.
For the most part, I don't have a reason to suspect that a particular run is cheated or played by cheaters, just because they don't give a movie file. Most games do not have a high-profile for competition anyway.
If nico rankings required movie files, there would be very few entries. Mostly because no one cares enough to post movie files. Who else would use them anyway? It is both good and bad, though. Good, because no one cares too much, bad because we can't reference the movie files!
Slowking wrote:
I retimed abeshis MM TAS and it turns out, he timed till the last hit to Majora, not the end of the movie file.
His TAS is more like 1:33:12 (maybe even a few seconds longer, there seem to be a few black seconds missing in the beginning and where he switches videos). So you might want to change that.
I do not have control over that blog, though.
Game Saisoku now hosts speed deaths.
The first and most remarkable (and only) speed death is none other than Mega Man X2 (J version), in 11 seconds.
Nicovideo (account):
Nicovideo (free):
This run is a work of art. Never mind that it can be improved by a couple seconds using the menu skip trick in the published any% run of MMX2, but I don't think anyone could have seen this run coming, let alone accepted on a compilation blog of runs which, you know, actually beat something. Maybe クリア doesn't mean what I think it means.
By placing this run on the blog, Game Saisoku joins Speed Deaths Archive (note the name carefully), and, if you count submissions, as the only known sites to host speed deaths.
P.S. Seriously, I think it's lame. But then again, you could argue that some of the runs there, such all the RPG Tsukuru shortruns and runs using cheat codes or passwords, are equally as lame. Neither the run itself nor its addition to the blog is an April Fools joke. It was uploaded to Nicovideo on Mar. 4 and added to Game Saisoku on Mar. 12. I only came across it today.