Rygar time!!
This is still one of my favourite childhood games. Since I started time attacking I've learned so much about this game. It's the most glitchfilled game I've ever played, timeattacking or not.
This is an improvement by 23 seconds, atleast according to the time that was used with Famtasia in my old run (when delivering the final blow to Ligar). I still use the European version of the game since the USA version doesn't allow you to jump over the river. This could mean that the time is greater or slower compared to my old run but still it should be an (pretty big)improvement.
Ok, for the gameplay. The goal in Rygar is basically to obtain several items so that you finally can go and slay the most evil boss ever, Ligar, who has threatened the land.
This version uses a really cool glitch to warp to Ligar very early in the game. However, Ligar IS evil, and to be able to slay him pretty fast you most gain some "experience points" first (tone points). These are obtained by slaying enemies and thus I have to run back n forth to be able to kill enough enemies and gain some tone points. The enemies that are slain are robots in Lapis (the snow/mountain world is Lapis), which gives loads of tone points, and it's here that the most improvement comes from. I kill the robots more efficiently this time and this resulted in many seconds of improvements.
I've said that I would write a trick page for this game. I haven't though because of school, laziness and other things.
Here is a collection of the tricks used:
  • Floating through walls: This is performed by jumping towards the edge of a wall and hit (slightly below) the edge. If done correctly you will be in the wall and can manouver through it.
Use: The first non-jumpabale wall you come across, where the first rope in the game is. Thanks to Bisqwit who pointed out this from the beginning, I only changed it a bit.
  • Flying: This allows Rygar to slowly float downwards, to what should a certain death, to any hole. The thing is, when doing this you can fall through the bottom of the screen without dying and end up at the top of the screen. This is performed by rapidly hit the B-button when walking off an edge. You sort of must have a turbo-function to do this. It's pretty easy to perform though.
Use: I use it to reach the door to Garloz (The overworld-view) really fast. Thanks to some guy at gamefaqs for this.
  • Air walk: This is my own-invented glitch. This is used to reach the unreachable places of Lapis in the beginning of the game without the crossbow and that thing that allows you to attach yourself to roapes. Anytime you walk off a cliff/platform you normally should be falling too certain death. If, however, you duck at this moment you reset the gravity of Rygar and you can walk another few pixels before starting to fall. Duck again and repeat.
Use: To reach whatever you want, in this version to reach the area of Lapis which is normally not reachable this early in the game.
  • Warping: You can, as far as I have discovered, warp to 2 places in this game. First place to warp from is from Eruga (the boss in the forest). If you have perfect timing you can jump down the far right side of the screen and be hit by a projectile from Eruga and be pushed out to the right of the screen. This is hard though and I didn't have to use it in this version.
The other warp is from the boss in Lapis. You have to have only one hit left and then wait for him to spit fire at you. Then the trick is to let this projectile kill you and push you through the door you came in from, of course you'll die but you'll end up outside Ligar's lair with the few tone points you have gathered so far. Use: To warp to Ligar Thanks to Bisqwit and some guy at gamefaqs for this.
The fight with Ligar is pretty long, but I felt very satisfied this time. I have to avoid his projectiles because they will kill me in 2 hits (I take one hit to save time, I guess I could have taken this hit later/earlier but I figured it wouldn't make that much difference) and this steals some minor time. However, I fought him 4 times this time to be sure it should be good enough and this was the best result I got.
Well, that was the tricks involved in this warp-version. I have also discovered several other glitches like endless rope-climbing, glitch up Garloz and jump through certain doors (results in glitched-up places).
  • As fast as possible
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Uses death as shortcut/warp
  • Abuses programming errors in the game
  • Manipulates luck
  • Used the European version, played at NTSC mode (which could be confusing)
I'll hope you'll enjoy it!
/Walker Boh

Bisqwit: This movie was recorded in NTSC mode, even though it's a PAL game. To compensate, I adjusted the submission length by factor 1.2, just like in Famtasia submissions of PAL games.
The author could have avoided this by selecting the PAL mode before starting making the movie.
The same adjustment will have to be done for the movie entry as well. AVI will be in the illusional speed.
The real (adjusted) improvement is 25 seconds compared to the old movie.

Bisqwit: Publishing!

Joined: 8/3/2004
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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #597: Walker Boh's NES Rygar (Europe) "warp glitch" in 07:26.52
Joined: 7/31/2004
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I'm very impressed with this video. It's been a while since we've last seen a Rygar run. You did an amazing job optimizing the leveling up process, as well as the map path using glitches. Not a heck of a lot in here that "we havn't seen before," but it was done very nicely. Worth the watch to any Rygar/Rygar speed-run fan.
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I havent played thid game before, but everything seemd to be looking super. Im voteing Yes.
Player (177)
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PAL mode might be good for this movie, but doesn't that make the music lower-pitched in FCEU?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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The name of the movie is "Rygar (E) [!]-warp". Does that mean it uses warps or...? Anyway, voting yes.
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Well, I guess some European NES games aren't completely adapted to PAL monitors. I tried the two Probotector games today, and it turned out that the first Probotector plays exactly like the NTSC versions of Contra, while Probotector 2 requires the PAL setting to play correctly.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Crappy game, but a good movie. :)
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schneelocke wrote:
Crappy game :)
I'll pretend I didn't hear that ;) Thanks though.
/Walker Boh
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [312] NES Rygar by Walker_Boh in 07:26.52
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This movie gets more and more exciting for every update, great work boh.
Wheeeehaaa.. Yaaayy..
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Thank you.
/Walker Boh
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Good job with the new version. I was very impressed by your robot fighting in the previous and now it looks even better. I saw you could do 3 robots at one time, can't this be done more frequently to save even more time? Did you save time in the boss fight because it look to be more agressive gameplay than the old version, is this correct? Great work! Cheers
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Thank you! The robots are a bit hard to manipulate and the fight where I kill 3 simultaniously was pretty good. I did try this as the first thing, meaning I fought 3 robots in my first fight up there. This was bad unfortunately because the lag and timing with their beams costed me ~20 seconds compared to how it is now. The fight against Ligar felt better than the last one, so yeah, maybe it was slightly more aggresive ;)
/Walker Boh
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your the greatest! you really ownn the game
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