Active player (346)
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I have the newest version of Mupen and it doesn't display Input Plugin settings anywhere, just Input Settings. What's wrong?
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Sorry for the slightly off topic post, but I think this topic should be sticky'd (get it? HA!) due to how many (from my count, 2 :P) runs actually use this plug-in. Mario64 120 stars synched fine with N-RAGE's plug-in, but IDK if all the other games would synch. Anyways, just a thought ;) EDIT: Goodness, I suppose I should probably RUN the plugin BEFORE commenting :3 Suddenly I see the light of a controller editor (of sorts) as opposed to a straight-up controller plugin... wow... sorry to have done a bit of spamming :3 EDITII: Goddamnit, I think I lose at life. After some brief testing, Diddy Kong Racing will not synch with ANY input plugins aside from the TAS plugin listed in this topic, so I go back to saying that this should be a sticky'd topic *pulls trigger to stop his failing at life/mupen plugins*
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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This is probably a stupid suggestion, as I've never used an N64 emulator, but would it help people if you made the background area behind the anolog stick display a white bitmap, then every time Mupen asks for input: for every pixel in the bitmap{ increase its blue and red value by (255 / X) (if they aren't already maxed out) } then draw a pure green (0,255,0) circle on the bitmap behind where the red dot is displayed. X could be set as an option (number of frames of ghost input to leave behind). This would make the red dot leave a green trail like this:
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Player (168)
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Why I hate this plugin: If you look at the input, the range of the joystick is 0 - 99, but on this plugin it goes from 0 - 128. Also, no set range in there corresponds to any number from 0 - 99, I can set horizontal to, for example, 67, and sometimes the input shows 32, other times 16, and again another time, 43, all on the same level of joystick being pressed. It's neat to be able to set the axis's separately, but this seems to me like a major flaw, that the actual amount theyre set to is random. I have tried using the various settings, instant, radiant whatever, it just doesn't work right.
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This is my first contribution to any code project ever, and it's a rather crappy one too. Huffers' post made me try my hand at some windows drawing and I made a version of the plugin that has a green trail showing the last 32 positions the joystick was in. it's not time based, only movement based (and it becomes temporarily wrong if you move another window over it or it off screen). This is in no way an update, I don't plan on improving it, and the feature is rather useless but hey it's kinda pretty. TASDI.dll version If anyone wants the source, I'll post it, but it's just 20 lines sloppily added to the WM_PAINT message (And therefore I see no reason for it to cause any movie desyncs). Enjoy :)
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Is there any progress/news on the combo fonction? Looked neat.
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Two of the original links are dead, so I figured I'd mirror some more for people's convenience. If a mod would like to edit these new links into the original post, that'd kick ass. Mediafire Rapidshare Sendspace
Living Well Is The Best Revenge My Personal Page
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Nitsuja, I think it would be good to release the source code for this wonderful plugin. I have an idea to make it even better. If you don't want to release it to the public, you can email me/msg me via MSN. And one more thing, was it coded in C++? Thanks :D
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Christ almighty, get some webhosting, guys, these expired links on free upload sites are embarassing. Managed to pull this from what I think is the only of the 6 links still working, and mirrored it on my webhosting. EDIT: Actually, come to think of it, there are a number of dead links lurking around (old emulator builds needed for some runs and the like). I could have sworn there was a thread about them some time ago but can't find it now. If I can put up other hard-to-get files for download I'll do so.
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Aren't almost all important emulators available at
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ShinyDoofy wrote:
Aren't almost all important emulators available at
Yes, Raiscan has done a great job with the site and his willingness to keep them updated is commendable.
Living Well Is The Best Revenge My Personal Page
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mmbossman wrote:
keep them updated.
..Except I've been slacking lately and some things aren't up to date, and when I finally get round to updating them I forget what needs to be updated. SO if anyone sees something not up to date, rather than tell me on IRC or something if you could just send me a private message on the forum with the link to the update, what it includes etc. I'll happily add the update to emu.
<adelikat> I am annoyed at my irc statements ending up in forums & sigs
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univbee wrote:
Christ almighty, get some webhosting, guys, these expired links on free upload sites are embarassing.
I still haven't found out what happened to :(
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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*makes natural suggestion to host TAS input plugin on bluetoaster*
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*makes natural suggestion to look at the tools page before requesting things*
<adelikat> I am annoyed at my irc statements ending up in forums & sigs
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Touché and thanks.
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If this plugin is still being worked on, it would be nice to be able to hide the window completely or at least not have it always on top.
i imgur com/QiCaaH8 png
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I cant get mine to work. I pasted the file in the Pugins folder, and chose it in settings on the choose rom screen, but when I actually choose a rom, it goes back to Jabo's, and when I go back to the list, it says it's this plugin. Any help?
Post subject: Paks and Controllers
Experienced player (607)
Joined: 10/23/2004
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Is there any way to enable a rumble pak with this plugin? It would save time in the game I am TASing because it wouldn't ask me to put it in (I'd also like to have my controller rumble). If it is possible, could I have both a rumble pak and a memory pak installed (or could I switch them)? Is it possible for me to switch the number of controllers partway through a run?
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I'm having some issues with the plugin. Specifically I've mapped "up" on the analog stick to a keyboard key. It works fine normally (when I press that key, the analog stick is pressed up at a value of 127), but when I load a movie and begin re-recording, I'll press the button and the analog stick will go up only at a value of 1 (also the same issue with mapping down on the stick, I get a value of -1 after loading the state). EDIT: Ah, ok, the sliders were resetting. I guess it's not as much of a problem as I had thought... sorry.
Player (93)
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A very useful and simple thing that's missing in this plugin that would save a lot of time would be the ability to centralize the analog stick to 0 for a moment by holding a certain key, for example if I have the stick at X46 Y-79, I want to see if that was the optimal value to use for some situation or not, so I have to set it to 0 to see that or it will be constantly turning into that direction, but now it turns out I should have the Y axis slightly more to right, or maybe I should have held it 10 frames more, so now I have to put those numbers (and write them in notepad to remember them) in again to test X46 Y-80, X46 Y-81, etc, until I get it right, and every time I have to put the analog back to that position. This feature would be similar to the speed modifier, but it would put X and Y axis to 0, and when I release the key it would go back to where it was.
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nfq wrote:
A very useful and simple thing that's missing in this plugin that would save a lot of time would be the ability to centralize the analog stick to 0 for a moment...
I second this. It would make testing 0 Input BLJs in SM64 much quicker.