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Player (211)
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any% run is still in Cool Cave. I made that one jump and stopped working on it. Progress will resume in about 2 weeks after my finals, and hopefully it will hit the workbench towards the end of the summer.
Player (211)
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I finished Cool Cave and beat Snowland. Cool Cave turned out really well. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/408877005/Start%20Storm%20Valley.m64 neskamikaze, do you know the fastest way to beat the boss in Heaven Sky? I may have to dig around in MHS to find its hit points or something, because I can never really tell when I'm hitting it. I should be able to finish most of World 4 within a week or two. Hopefully this hits the workbench relatively soon (for real this time).
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Kirkq, I honestly don't, I just know that somehow I did it without ever having him guard, and almost every hit right on time. I don't know how I did it, but I have the video if it would help. I took a hit or two, but with the fluke that was him not guarding I was more than willing to take it. Just getting the timing of having a bomb there when his invincibility runs out should be easy enough on TAS, but I don't know what triggers him to not guard. . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bA5woh8a0-Y Edit: Cool Cave blows mine out of the water.
Player (80)
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Today you will be watching two more areas of my TAS. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/788775733/BOMBERMAN%20HERO%20%28USA%29.m64 Please excuse me not using the fast way to skip the bonus level, I didn't find that simple thing out until I got to Millian Road (yes, I actually remembered a level's name).
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The links broken =( It says data is not retrievable.
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Well, it seems that both TASes are making progress still at least. :3 Can hardly wait to see them both published.
Player (80)
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It doesn't seem to be broken, why don't you try again, if it still doesn't work, I'll upload a new link.
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K, working for me now, and it looks awesome. Reminds me why I will never try this on console.
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Hehe, if you tried half of the stuff they do in TASes in real time on a console, you will die a million deaths and never get it. xD
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Well I did a reasonable job of using tricks from Kirkq's any% in my speedrun for this game, but the enemy positioning is just too good in this TAS. Plus, you would have to do it SS to keep firepower, which is just unreasonable to ever expect. Keep it up Captain Forehead!
Player (211)
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I probably should've mentioned earlier that you should never push up against things like boxes while waiting for them to explode, as it takes Bomberman a bit to get running again. You should run back and forth to keep or get running speed. It's only a few frames lost each time though. I made this mistake once or twice early on in my run. I think you've also been missing the trick where you throw a bomb to fall faster and grab a platform or land faster. Dropping a bomb is good in most circumstances, but in a couple spots I think throwing could save a few frames. You did use this in a couple spots, but you didn't use it in a couple seemingly similar spots. Overall pretty good. Just try to note those two things to save a few more frames in the coming levels. I'll try to resume progress on the any% in about two weeks. Also, holy ****, Mupen runs so much better on my new computer.
Player (80)
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I figured that pushing against the boxes would make me lose a couple of frames, but I had no idea about throwing bombs to grab ledges could save me a couple of frames! Anyways, I am resuming this run with two more areas.
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Kirkq wrote:
I'll try to resume progress on the any% in about two weeks. Also, holy ****, Mupen runs so much better on my new computer.
How is it coming along by the way? It has been a while. I'd love to see how much you've done.
Player (211)
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My last progress post contains my latest progress. I haven't touched this in forever, and probably will not touch it again until December. I do have full intentions of finishing this still within the not terribly distant future. My apologies for my chronic laziness.
Player (80)
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I'm having a heck of a difficult time trying to get over the lava waterfall (or lavafall) in the third level of the third planet (I still can't remember the names!!). How exactly do you do it?
Player (211)
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I had some trouble with this as well. I think you want to choose one primary angle to jump out at. Don't turn midair until you're past the furthest part of the cliff you need to get around. Jump out as far as you can, turn as late as possible and bomb against the wall. Once you take damage, you can freely move in any direction without worrying about acceleration. If you're still having problems look closely at the input in my run, it should give you a good idea of how I did it. Probably won't resume this run until mid December still, sorry kids.
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I made some small progress, but it is a substantial timesaver. This level is completed about 14 seconds faster than the SDA run. Happy holidays. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9vkVVaWPjc
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Kirkq wrote:
I made some small progress, but it is a substantial timesaver. This level is completed about 14 seconds faster than the SDA run. Happy holidays. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9vkVVaWPjc
That is awesome! Happy holidays indeed. I didn't realised the wall kicks in that game were anywhere near that broken. Shame it wouldn't be any use in the other louie level.
Player (80)
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That was cool indeed, don't know if that can be used for other levels though.
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Glad to see that progress is still going on the two runs for this game. :3
Player (80)
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Still don't know how to upload videos to youtube, there is just some things I don't know how to do. :\ http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/358930841/BOMBERMAN%20HERO%20%28USA%29.m64 I am terribly sorry about the boss battle, I know it is crappy, but I didn't know about the starting hit until I watched Kirkq's run again. I really don't know what came over me.
Player (211)
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I scored what I believe to be the maximum score in Heaven Sky, just because I was curious. I was testing to see if everything in the beginning could actually be shot at full speed, and one can see that it is indeed possible. I should easily score a 5 on the level even at full speed. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/852943804/Heaven%20Sky%2015900.m64 This doesn't start from savestate. Snow Circuit is finalized though.
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I tried to watch it but I get an error every time the movie gets to that first snow level.
Player (211)
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If anyone else is having this problem. Save state mid-way through the movie, close out of the emulator, reload the movie, then reload the savestate to resume watching the movie. I think Mupen 64 has a memory leak that breaks many movies after 20 or 30 minutes on older computers. I'm not sure if it's related to a movie, or just a game running that long in general. When I upgraded my computer this problem stopped. (Though maybe I just have more memory to leak now and haven't reached the threshold yet.)
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It's been quite some time. Just wondering if there's been any Progress on the two TASes for this game. :3
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