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Skilled player (1650)
Joined: 11/15/2004
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The run looks awesome, and clearly you are able to manipulate luck extremely well - the pirates you kill are the only ones that don't fall asleep. Mind explaining how Luck Manip works in this game?
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
Joined: 5/24/2010
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Wren has it pretty much right. Other than the frame a fight is entered, time has no impact on luck. Button presses doesn't either. You can change luck by changing what you have your characters do, but even that seems limited. The pirate fight and Garland's fight were both really lucky, in that I found good fights in a small amount of frames. With the pirates I did have frames where I could get the sleep off first, but then I wouldn't be able to either attack the ones that didn't sleep and kill them before they attacked, or if I could, I couldn't manipulate later rounds to kill the rest off without other ones attacking. I couldn't find a better round than the one I had within the frames I'd save (since I had to find one that would save me more frames than the frames of one pirate attack missing). We'll use the Garland fight for example of luck manipulation though. I'm very limited in my options. I have to attack with the monks, and I have to cast Fire with the mages. The first and second round attack order is pretty much set. However, it is possible to change the battle order of fights (once inside them). Attacking or casting fire doesn't change the damage done by later attacks or by Garland. Neither does it change the next round's order or damage. It seems, after doing a ton of tests, that any ineffectual attack (a sleep that misses, a failed flee, using an item with no effect) results in changed damage for the current round for all actions taken after the ineffectual one, as well as a changed 2nd round. This kind of action all change the battle in the same way this round and next. Having one of the mages equip a staff in the battle and attacking doesn't change anything but his damage for this round and next, it doesn't change other character battle order or damage, either this round or the next. Taking off armor will change a characters damage taken or if he gets hit or not, but won't change anything else. I still need to see how using an item like a Megalixir will change things. I'm fairly certain it will change things if it changes character stats (like Giant's Gloves), and probably won't change much if it's something like a potion. I just don't know at the moment. I'm now wondering if I should bring Monk/Thief/BMage/BMage and try to manipulate a Kikuichimonji off of Kraken :| The early game would basically be the same, and the Kikuichimonji would really boost the Thief, and I'm wondering if he'd then be my end-game killer. Arrrrgh.
Joined: 5/24/2010
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I can see why the puzzle is such a pain now ^^ I also realized that the puzzle solvers out there don't move multiple tiles (when in a row or column), so some puzzles with more 'moves' to finish can actually be faster than lower move puzzles. This doesn't really mean anything, just interesting. Most of the puzzle game will be figuring out a quick initial win for a low 1st place, then figuring out how to win the needed prizes I think I'll need for later on by waiting to win either 2nd or 3rd place. If you keep playing the game, it doesn't matter if you come in 2nd or 3rd or whatever, the puzzle order is set by when you first started playing, not by where you place or when you finish.
Joined: 8/27/2009
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Thought I'd relay this comment from my encode, it gave me the warm fuzzies.
neoevil 2 minutes ago I don't know who flechette is but thank you. You make me want to try tasing again.
Good work, flechette! Brought another one (back) to the community, and we can always use more people :P
Joined: 5/24/2010
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:D The Puzzle game has me going through sheets of paper trying to figure out if I want to break the puzzle game into 3 parts (before crown/before lich/before airship) or if I should do all of them in one setting. I'm also trying to figure out what the exact formula is for instant kill spells are, and if resistant monsters are immune to those spells. We'll see.
Joined: 12/10/2004
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Great to see you trying to get this damned game a try flechette! I don't have any of my WIP's anymore though sadly. I wish you luck on figuring out the mechanincs of this game and look forward to see how you are progressing.
Joined: 5/24/2010
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Drat! I think this weekend I'll have another WIP of up to at least to the first Lich encounter. I've had some real life issues come up, mainly breaking up with my girlfriend and moving out of my apartment because the landlord was trying to get me to pay for the damage done when lightning hit the house.
Joined: 4/11/2005
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Well don't feel rushed. Hope life gets better and that the landlord gets hit by lightning next.
<i>A little rudeness and disrespect can elevate a meaningless interaction to a battle of wills and add drama to an otherwise dull day.</i>
Joined: 5/24/2010
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Realized today that only 1 Blue Fang is needed to kill the Piscodemons at my current level. I wish I'd know that *before* I manipulated 2 from the 15 puzzle. This means I could power-level a mage a bit. I'm thinking I may get a mage to 13 ASAP to get Sleepra and Haste. Sleepra apparently is non-elemental, which means it can hit sleep resistant monsters, and it is more accurate than just sleep. The only monster who would always resist Sleepra is Chaos, because apparently the Time resistance can resist Sleepra. Having this would mean less Megalixers needed. Right now, I can only see needing them before the first vampire fight (which should be good enough to get by Lich as well), maybe 1 more before Marilith (Kraken and Tiamat should be one-hit kills, not worried so much about the Blue Dragon), and possibly one more before Chaos. Grabbing Haste would mean I wouldn't need to manipulate Hermes' Shoes, except maybe one pair for the Lich the first time. I plan on scraping up enough money to buy a stock of Speed and maybe Strength potions from the Oasis market. On a hasted unarmed Monk, a Speed potion gives 4 more hits. I'll need to see if it's worth buying Strength potions, as they may be about the same as a Speed potion. Also may buy Giant potions and use them for the Chaos fight. It's proving hard to get a first turn on the Piscodemons, especially from a mage. I could use a Megalixir before the fight and the Monks can live through a single weak attack each, but the manipulation on it still stinks.
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Did some checking on my GBA version of the game, and found out a few things. First off, Scourge has a horrid accuracy. I think I'm going to skip the Razer sword entirely and just get 6 (maybe 5) C.Claws from the 15 game. This seems excessive, but I've spent over 2 hours casting Scourge/Razer at both Kraken and Tiamat chaos versions with no luck at all, whereas I can kill both of them within about 2 turns using C.Claws. I wish I knew some exact formulas for spell success, but I have a very limited understanding of asm. Also, I can Sleepra both Lich and Marilith chaos versions. I can also Sleepra Kraken and Tiamat chaos versions, but the C. Claw can kill them instantly. Sleeped mobs take more physical damage, which means less time spent powering up to kill them. I'm trying to work out the math for how to get a mage to level 13 before I head to the Prince with Matoya's potion. This way I could have a mage know Haste and Sleepra, and could save time on both Lich fights and both Marilith fights, and not force any H.Shoes at all. I know it's a walk across Elfheim, but it'd save time getting the H.Shoes, getting Megalixirs, and it'd speed up killing in 4 fights. I'm thinking I could have 1 mage left alive after the Pisco fight, who could then solo Astos. If I snagged a red fang, I could have the group kill off some Ghasts for some easy xp, which might help me get ahead of the Pisco fight, since it's very hard to manipulate a winnable 3x fight at my level. Urf, planning suddenly jumped up in difficulty.
Joined: 4/11/2005
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Wow, glad as hell to see how much homework you are putting into this. I mean, in all the runs and all the challenges I've done I never even tried to use a C.Claw on any boss after Astos. Glad you are doing this, flechette. Very much so.
<i>A little rudeness and disrespect can elevate a meaningless interaction to a battle of wills and add drama to an otherwise dull day.</i>
Joined: 5/24/2010
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New .vbm of the WIP that goes up till the death of Astos. I'm going to manipulate a group of 5 cobras on my way back to town so Elia can hit 13 and purchase both Sleepra and Haste. I realized that I can only use the Haste spell once, on Chaos, since ideally Elia will be casting Sleepra on the 4 mobs, so H.Shoes should be used on the first turn by one of the Monks (on the other monk) while Stella is a Temper machine. The list of items I think I'll need from the game will be 3 more E. Exits (Ruby, Floater, Cube), 2 Red Fangs (Vampire), 4 H. Shoes (Lich x2, Marilith x2), and 5 C. Claws (Kraken x2, Tiamat x2, Blue Dragon). I'll also have to make sure to have the 'bonus' prizes include at least 3 Phoenix Downs, since I have 3 dead team members atm. I should only need 2 or 3 megalixirs. One for after reviving the party for the Vampire fight, and one or more for Chaos, maybe. The only other items I'll need to work out are the amount of Speed or Strength potions I'll need to get, but I can work on that when I get to Marilith the first time, I suppose. All told, about 16 more items. :| The new WIP is here: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/104912676/ff1dos_frame38462_6084rr.vbm I also found a really odd bug in the game. When casting a spell or using an item that targets either a player or enemy, if you hit a direction and the A button at just the right frame (the first frame the A button is accepted for input on the 'target' frame) the cursor will disappear, and you get stuck with your character just sitting there looking silly... forever. Not sure if it was known or not, just something I stumbled upon. Just realized that I was a bit off on my experience needed for 13, but I can still pull it off! Dammit!
Editor, Player (95)
Joined: 5/27/2006
Posts: 240
this is actually very interesting. i'm surprised that you're able to manipulate luck so much. keep it up; i'm looking forward to this.
Joined: 5/24/2010
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Location: chattanooga tn
I forgot that when you have party members dead the monsters that spawn do so in different sizes! Arrrgh. The Cobras are out, and I think the Werewolves are as well. I haven't had luck manipulating any land-based group that would give me the 696xp I need to hit 13. However, I *know* I can spawn a 2xShark 2xSahagan Chief group with 1 character alive, and I should be able to kill the Sharks with the blue fang that I have. Hopefully tonight or early in the morning I'll have another WIP which should have me getting up to the Vampire, if not all the way to the Lich. We'll see. Turns out the hardest thing so far is getting IN a fight I want, not avoiding the ones I don't.
Joined: 4/11/2005
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So uh, can't help but notice the WIP is like 1 or 2 days late. C'mon, you can't expect me to believe you have other stuff to do! Just kidding. ^_^ Hope everything is okay.
<i>A little rudeness and disrespect can elevate a meaningless interaction to a battle of wills and add drama to an otherwise dull day.</i>
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Hehe it is, just been busy with real life again. I'm trying to decide the best way to get a black mage to 13 before getting the Key. It may mean going back to after the pirate fight and getting another claw, or other things. It seems like no matter what I do I can't get an encounter worth enough xp to level to 13, so I'll need two encounters, which I don't wanna do. Once I clear this hurdle of indecision, I should be pretty much in the clear. >.>
Post subject: Encode of the latest WIP
Joined: 4/14/2010
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Encode of the latest WIP by flechette: Link to video Also downloadable on MediaFire. Good job so far. Can't wait to see more!
Banned User
Joined: 12/14/2009
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Location: Santiago, Chile
I really could not imagine spending the game at that speed. And also, I not understand that mini-game in which the numbers have that are ordered. What you got with that?
Skilled player (1650)
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He hasn't returned since July. I hope he continues.
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
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I broke up with my gf of about 9 months, moved out of the apartment I was renting, and have been trying to just get my life back in order before getting the rest of this run worked out. I'm still here, but it's slow going.
Banned User
Joined: 12/14/2009
Posts: 386
Location: Santiago, Chile
This race only fight when it should do? This game is made to increase the power of the group through you progress through the game. And now you must go to the cave Mathoya and then you wake up the elf prince. Then you need to go to Cornelia. So no battles in between. If I remember correctly, the next serious battle against the Vampire.
Joined: 3/20/2010
Posts: 126
So, I checked, and I haven't quite found my answer. What's the reasoning behind the new team?
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The reason I went with 2m2bm is because the 2nd monk can just use an item to haste the first monk, so there's no need to have a 3rd bm. Also, this gives me a little play room with the encounters (if the first monk can't kill it, maybe the second one can). The mages are only good for spells, and that's it. The point of leveling one mage is to get sleepra, which can put any monster to sleep, which is more damage (and an easier kill) for the rest of the team. Update: Nothing new with the run, but I'm still finding time to do numbers and think things through. Not much time, but I'm not giving up on this. Working 2 jobs and about to move again. :P
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The PSP version of FF1 has an interesting bug with the equipment selection system: http://www.gamefaqs.com/psp/937909-final-fantasy-anniversary-edition/faqs/50991 Because the versions are quite similar, I tried the bug on the GBA version to see what would happen. When you hit A+Shoulder at the same time, you do get a display bug, where you're setting the equipment for the second character while the first one is showing, but there appears to be no other effects besides that. The equipment selection is among what the second character actually has available to wear; and there's no bugging caused by switching between a weapon and an armor type. It probably should be looked at by someone else though, just to make sure, before the whole thing is written off.
Player (40)
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I've already tried it when I heard about it. It does NOT work on any other version other then the PSP version.
Taking over the world, one game at a time. Currently TASing: Nothing
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