Submission text (aka how many fire puns can I make over a few pages of text)
  • Aims for fastest possible completion
  • Abuses Programming errors
  • Manipulates luck (minor)
  • Takes damage to save time
(Suggested screenshot 58291)
This is my first snes TAS and man, is it a good one. Many of you may not be familiar with this obscure, but excellent, game, so, I believe some light reading is in order. I used snes9x 1.43 v9. This is probably important given how many versions of this emulator there are.
Operation Logic Bomb is a bird's eye view shooter, an easy way to describe it is as a cross between Contra and early Zelda titles. It's mostly linear, but there are the occasional forks in the road (you will eventually have to go both ways though). The neatest feature of this game is that by holding the shoulder buttons, you can force your player to face in one direction while moving in another (strafing). It can be a difficult game, due to the small amount of life and lives the player is given. As such, it can also be considered a survival game, to an extent.
The premise behind the game is, that you are cleansing a quantum physics/teleportation research lab of robots from virtual reality who escaped after an unknown accident took place. Story is presented in the game from various security monitors/remains of slain robots, showing you events that happened prior to your arrival. only two cutscenes can be skipped, and they are. Your progress is constantly barred by enemies from cyberspace who don't like you. Most enemies need to be killed to unlock doors, the most common exception to this is rooms with the VR generators (the generator goes down, and lo! so too do thine enemies.) Thus, this can be considered a pacifist run as I only kill enemies which are required to progress the game, which is 99.9% of them.
On the whole this is a solidly programmed game, there was only one real exploit I found, but maaaaan is it a biggie. Normally, each weapon has a set rate of fire (you hold B), but with TAS-wizardry weapons can be fired every other frame. Unfortunately, most enemies have a 4 frame invincibility period, but this rarely matters as you're usually fighting multiple enemies, and when you aren't, there's sneaky ways to do extra damage as a result of the firing rate oversight involving combining weapons. This is probably a good place to mention that enemies are also invincible until fully spawned, so if you see me ignoring enemies I should be making dead, this would be why.
Now, on to the tools of the trade!
All weapons deal 1 damage per shot (exception - TDB Mine), and have a combined maximum of ten bullets on screen at any time. Rockets count as _two_ bullets.
  • Machinegun - standard automatic weapon. Longest range/fastest bullet speed. Normally, it fires every four frames.
  • Automatic Shotgun - 3-way attack, each individual shot counts towards the bullet limit (damn). Very powerful at close range, but all shots need to connect with the enemy at the same time for maximum effect (not always possible). Normally fires every eight frames...
  • Reflecting laser - Automatic laser, bounces off walls. slower/less range than the machinegun. Because of it's slower speed/unique property, it can be combined with the machinegun/itself not bounced off walls to do extra DPS. This one also normally fires every four frames.
  • Flame Thrower - I love the smell of napalm in the morning. This weapon is unique in that it's shots have a set lifespan and don't vanish upon contact with an enemy. Thus, it can be trivial to get gigantic DPS with this weapon, though use of memory watching was heavily needed to ensure optimal shot usage. Another every four frame weapon under non-TAS circumstances. My primary genocide tool upon acquiescense.
  • Rocket Launcher - Fires a homing missile which makes a small explosion dealing continuous damage over twenty frames. This does ridiculous damage to single enemies when spammed, and can be decent for crowd control if enemies are near enough each other. It's optional and is a fifty-ish second detour, so it was not obtained in this run. The flamethrower is good enough, and by the time any meaningful bosses come along I have the TDB Mines. Normally fires every sixteen frames.
  • Holographic projector - When placed, it makes a hologram of you. Most enemies fall for this bait. Very useful for manipulating enemy behaviour. Can't redeploy for about 600 frames. Only required once to progress in the game, and despite my best efforts I could not sequence break this room without it. If I could somehow find a way to fake out the barrier in said room without this item, it can be skipped entirely saving over two minutes.
  • TDB mines - Place a mine which detonates 120 frames later, firing ten large fireballs in the direction you were facing when the mine was placed. Damage wise, it's functionally a flamethrower that deals two damage a hit instead of one. If that's not enough, you can combine it with the hologram to set (extremely) deadly traps.
Enemies in order of appearance(Unless noted, all enemies have a 4 frame invincibility period)
  • Glass wall - This rotten bastard appears only once, at the very beginning of the game. He is immobile, but looks at you the wrong way. No temp. invincibility, 36 HP.
  • Explosive barrels - 10 hp, only at start of game/no invincibility. Despite exploding, they're quite boring.
  • Power Leech - An asshole sucking power from the lab. 31 hp, no invincibility.
  • Gold Android - Behaves like a clueless sentry, until damaged. then, all Gold androids in the area go insane and start shooting. Only 6 hp.
  • Sentry turret - These are all over the damn place. They spin clockwise to track you, then fire. 16 hp.
  • Red Android - While the sentry turrets are everywhere, these guys are EVERYWHERE. Fire in three directions. Take huge knockback from most weapons. Very time consuming to optimize encounters featuring 3 or more of these dudes. 20 hp.
  • Blue Independance-day-looking-thing - A sub boss who has 100 hp. He only lives Twice.
  • Control panels - Kill them to disarm whatever trap is in the room. 10 hp, no invincibility.
  • VR Generator - no invincibility, 100hp. Best to avoid enemies in the room with same, as the game will not let you move while it is exploding if no enemies are still alive in the room.
  • Red Independance-day-looking-thing - A sub boss who has 100 hp. Like the blue one, only not quite as blue. He, also, only lives Thrice.
  • Scientists - You can't actually kill them, but they have an impressive 20 hp. There's as durable as a robot soldier, who'da thunk it?
  • Suicide slime - They chase you down, sloooowly, and BOOM!!! I mainly let these guys kill themselves at me until I get the flamethrower and their 30 hp is more manageable.
  • GIANT ENEMY CRAB - Boss of the Alpha Sector. His claw has 160 hp, and can only be damaged by the flamethrower. Good thing the flamethrower is the best weapon. His main body is invincible until after that head-tilty bullet salvo. 200 hp, and a huge hit detection range (it's possible to hit a maximum of 7 times a frame on him). Oh, and those rockets home on you. You cannot dodge them. This is also as far as I can ascertain the only enemy who can damage you by contact.
  • Hidden Turrets - They hide in the rocks and shoot you with good accuracy. periodically, they retract into their shell and are invincible... it was a challenge trying to avoid this, a couple of the spawns are bad and this can't be avoided unfortunately. 30 hp.
  • Robomoths - Swat them like the flies they are! Only 7 hp and no temporary invincibility. Oh, they can shoot but they die so damn fast you almost never see it happen.
  • Oil Pipes - They're in the damned way twice in Beta sector. need flamethrower for the first one, and the mines for the second.
  • Terrifying Flying Killbot - The boss of Beta sector. Ridiculously powerful, thank God for TAS. Flamethrower doesn't work on it, but that hardly matters when the mines are so strong. 200 hp.
  • Gray Independance-day-looking-thing - The (implied) leader of the robots. Not much different from the red aside from the flamethrower being a no-go. 100 hp. Also, I somehow jabbed myself in the eye typing out this paragraph. Maybe that's his special power...
  • Mini-tank - Tanks which protect the VR Mainframe. 200 hp.
  • VR Mainframe - Source of the enemies, and the last boss. 300 hp
The Run
Alpha Sector
  • Area 1
I blow some things up, then there's power, and bad guys. Of note are the turrets appearing in a square formation, this happens several other times. Splitting the shotgun between targets every other frame works best, for now. Then there's many red androids, and they all have shitty spawn points in this area (you can't walk on the black hexagonal distorted areas) but I make do. I push the boss toward the door while killing him.
  • Area 3
Area 2 is ignored for now since I need the reflecting laser. I kill the first two slimes, since the next enemy spawn is far enough away to not lose time by shooting them to death. Better red android spawns in this area... the two trap rooms are some of my favorite parts of the run, particularly the first one. After disarming the second trap, i focus fire on the androids and let the slimes explode at me (3 damage per). You may notice I bounce some shots off the wall while the androids are spawning, this let me hit them twice per frame earlier in the combat instead of once. I do this again in a few other places where it's practical to do so. I dodge a bullet in the generator room (loss of 6 frames), but since my health is limited at 32, and suicide slimes do 3 damage per, this struck me as wise. There are better one damage/frame tradeoffs in the outdoor level anyway.
  • Area 2
Chock full of kill-friendly spawns. A couple crazy rooms in here too. Also, those gold androids sure are dumb. Boss pushed towards teleporter... yep. Afterwards, Area 3 is briefly revisted, it's a hallway with some enemies. I kill them from the teleporter. I take the full 100 shots at this generator from a distance, as it lets me exit the room sooner then charging it with the shotgun.
  • Area 4
The enemies I shoot offscreen were gold androids, if you're curious. The third room with 4 red androids and, afterward, 3 suicide slimes was a pain in the ass to optimize, but I like the way it turned out. I employ a similar strategy with the generator here as in the second half of area 3. Then, there's a flamethrower, plus your first (brief) glimpse of the Beta sector. God, I love the flamethrower. Then a brief area 2 stop with turrets, I fire some laser shots until I get close enough to burninate them. Mutilate some guards, disarm a trap, and then there's a GIANT ENEMY CRAB. Bursts of ten every-other frame fire proved to be optimal (and generally is, for all high HP enemies), and once again, can't dodge rockets/invincible until he spins his head at you. With regards to the rockets, it's best to stand slightly off center, so both projectiles from any given set hit you a frame apart (the player has a 3 frame invincibility time), saving 3 health.
  • Outside
This level is a nice change of atmosphere, and a fun playground for the flamethrower. I take a damage immediately, saving a fair chunk of frames. At the gold guys, I fire one shotgun burst to activate them early, then Cook them. The slime spawn here is beautiful, the only time killing five of them at once trumps having them kill you. The next set of hidden turrets was insane to optimize, after many, many attempts I only finally managed to kill them all before they hide on the last possible frame. Bugs are funny. Next set of turrets is too spread out to get in one go, so I make sure I'm far along the path as possible when they die. The next set required taking damage to get all four in one go, 2 damage was the best I managed here. By the way, this is a much more efficient tradeoff than having a slime suicide at me, 3 combined damage from turrets in this stage saved more frames than said suicide option. I take another damage at the next set of turrets, to avoid slowing down for rather a long time. The last group of turrets is way too far away to get without them hiding, unfortunately. And now, you never see those again. There's another screen of enemies I murder, then it's onto the next area.
Beta Sector
  • Area 1
For the curious, the rocket launcher is hidden in a fake wall in the upperleft part of the map (need to destroy the generator first). Flamethrower is the primary weapon (get used to it), though other weapons are used briefly when appropriate.
  • Area 2a
This area only exists to get you the holographic projector, which is sadly needed to get the TDB mines. I let two enemies suicide at me right away, mainly to skip their death animation saving around 80 frames. I place the projector on the top left corner of the bridge to manipulate enemies into (slightly) better position... that whole room after the projector is a big mess of awful spawns. I contemplated using my last damage in the run on the group of five suicide guys, but wasn't able to make it work in any useful time-saving fashion. I was thankfully able to salvage the red android/turret spawn by reflecting the laser through a spawning enemy, putting it in range of the flamethrower, but the turrets are still annoyingly spaced out... I place another hologram before running at the generator so the red android wouldn't be in the way of the laser shots before I get in flamethrower range. Then, it's back through area 1 to the other teleporter...
  • Area 3
Which takes me to area 3. This stage is basically a complete run and gun. At the end is the aforementioned place where you need the hologram. I then get the TDB Mine (stands for Tadaaaaa... BOOM if you were wondering).
  • Area 2b
Here's where the mines are needed to proceed (I skipped this teleporter previously when gathering the hologram). Some more run & gun. Beta sector doesn't mess around, apparently. The mines take too long to prime to be of use on the boss here, but the flamethrower is more than enough. I attack the boss from the side, where his hitbox is largest for best damage. I like my robots well done, you see.
  • Area 4
Now you'll get to see just how ridiculous the mines actually are. I set a trap behind the first door, kills all the red androids off screen. I do this again for the next group of enemies. After the bridge, I was able to lay a mine immediately in such a way that it kills all four red androids here off-screen, but using the flamethrower was around ten frames faster (this is crucial for an upcoming spawn). Next there are three suicide slimes, again, no mine was used, this time because it caused problems with the next enemies' movements... I then have to place the hologram in a very specific place, go back and lay a mine, and then fire flames/lasers through the other tiny hole to take care of the bugs. THIS enemy formation was a gigantic pain in the ass to optimize. The one bug I need the laser for spawns way on the other side of the computer, so in the end I was fairly satisfied with the result here... kill generator, teleporter, then, I come face to face with the most terrifying robot I've ever seen anywhere. The mine annihilates this guy... I don't place it as soon as possible, because I need to be closer for the maximum damage overlap. A 62 damage mine is much nicer than a 20 damage one, afterall. Flamethrower doesn't work, so I primarily use the shotgun. Because of a large hitbox, i was able to damage him with all ten bullets on the frame he finishes spawning. I then tenderize him with the same weapon to the tune of around 42 HP then the mine goes off. Having my shots connect simultaneously with the mine was pretty tricky here. I lay another mine as soon as I can, hit him for another 11 damage, and then hide. I don't have enough health left to keep plugging away with the shotgun, and anyway the mine fries his remaining 60 hp in a matter of frames when it goes off. Oh, and I stopped firing the laser when i did because after than point I wasn't able to land enough hits to equal the last frame of damage from the mine (8), without being damaged myself, so it was a complete moot point. After, there's some bugs to fry, then enemies spawn all over the room. I bait the slime behind me into a mine, barbecue the group in the other upper corner and take my final damage ever in letting the last enemy suicide me. The movement to the gold guards ahead isn't optimal (diagonal movement is faster than stricti vertical) but I was able to hit them sooner this way, and thus have the door open sooner. Then, there's a boss- I lay a mine which I push him onto with the shotgun (flamethrower doesn't work.) I then choose the red pill, and enter the Matrix.
  • Virtual Reality
First platform is strict run & gun. Second platform, I make use of mines to an extent. The first spawn for the next platform won't trigger until you're halfway across, and two bugs spawn behind you. Hence, the mine I leave before crossing the bridge. This happens again on the very last platform. Otherwise, the level's basically a toaster oven to me. Then, there's the final boss. I take him to culinary school, and abuse how his green laser attack works to stand completely still during the second phase and not get damaged. Finally, I immolate the three generators powering the virtual world (two of them are destroyed post-input by a mine.)
And there you have it. This run was a lot of fun to make, even if it was mostly geometry and number monitoring. The weapons unique properties can make for some interesting solutions to enemy formations, and given that this isn't too long a run, it ought to make a good watch even for most of you who have never heard of this (awesome) game before.

Flygon: Added YouTube module and corrected submission header.
Rising_Tempest: Spiffication complete.
Truncated: Judging underway...
Truncated: Accepting! Nice style and rapid precision shooting. I liked how it was possible to quickly switch weapons to get a few extra hits in.
sgrunt: I'll tackle this one.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #2857: Rising_Tempest's SNES Operation Logic Bomb in 18:08.13
Joined: 4/11/2005
Posts: 196
Location: Michigan
That was a very odd game. Voted Yes even though it was a pacifist run and thus had far too little killing. ^_^
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Active player (420)
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So it's basically the Jason-only areas of Blaster Master but like Contra, sounds awesome. -playing it a little bit before loading the TAS was pretty fun, too, thanks for showing this game! Firstly, I don't really think it's fair to call it Pacifist run if you destroy 99% of the game's enemies, whether you're required to or not. Secondly, good job on the run! It was smoothly done and you used all of your available weapons very well, especially that directional bomb you get towards the end. There were places where my instinct wondered if some frames could be shaved, but the run's quality isn't in question. And yes, I eventually realized that those rooms with two rotating turrents were examples of how to use new weapons, eventually. I liked it. Decent game that developed as it went along so it didn't get stale, good technique, under twenty minutes, I give it a good yes.
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Requesting encode.
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Violence does indeed solve everything. When used right. Trying HD encode.
Player (47)
Joined: 3/26/2004
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Awesome run.
Joined: 8/11/2010
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That was a great run. I've never played the game, but that looked to be extremely efficient. Definitely a Yes vote from me.
Joined: 6/23/2009
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Wow, that game ended up being pretty darn awesome. The cutscenes were fairly annoying, but the action was great. I also wouldn't call this a pacifist run, since nothing about it stylistically feels pacifist. Either way, this definitely gets a Yes vote.
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. ( Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! ( Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
Skilled player (1334)
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Ill throw in my Yes vote in the mix. A Cool game with tons of action and planning.
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Link to video Uploading took forever.
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Shouldn't a swordless run entail you not picking up the sword? Voting no.
Joined: 7/2/2007
Posts: 3960
The label is rather silly, yes. I would say that you should only apply special labels (basically anything beyond "any%") to your run when you have to go out of your way to achieve them and they make a noticeable difference in the gameplay. I haven't watched the entire run; Flygon's encode is incomplete, or was when I watched it anyway. But what I saw looked good. This game is hideously hard to play normally; that health bar drops all too easily and restores are few and far between.
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Giving this a meh. The game really did not appeal to me at all I'm affraid, eventhough the run it self might be good executed, and the possible difficulty of this game.
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That was entertaining enough and looked like a well thought-out TAS. Yes vote.
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Pacifist tag removed. Man, you guys are as humourless as ever.
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Playing the game for a few minutes after watching the movie gave me some perspective on the difficulty. You did a fine job with optimization, and it looks very good. Yes vote.
Previous Name: boct1584
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Rising Tempest wrote:
Pacifist tag removed. Man, you guys are as humourless as ever.
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This was kind of cool but borderline for me. However, the game had enough "Bad ass" attitude to tip the scales. Yes vote for me.
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
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On the cereal tip, I watched the entire movie. I'm pretty aggressive about just shutting off movies I don't enjoy and then refraining from voting (I never vote no) ... so I guess I must have liked this movie? I wasn't sure, but I voted yes anyway.
Joined: 7/22/2010
Posts: 53
I blanked out a bit during some of the initial cutscenes but I rather liked seeing the ways the different weapons worked. I especially enjoyed the shooting of the reflecting gun into a room to kill everything without going in yourself. Pretty enjoyable.
Joined: 10/2/2005
Posts: 4052
Pretty good introduction to an obscure game and efficiency is impressive. I say yes.
Puzzle gamedev Famitracker musician Programmer, DDR grinder, enjoys the occasional puzzle game/shmup.
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No one made an SD encode? This game is too badass to lack SD encode!
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [1640] SNES Operation Logic Bomb by Rising Tempest in 18:08.13