I want to write about the
Cook glitch in detail here:
- To do it, be in the very last few frames of your Cook animation at the same time that another Kirby absorbs an ability (using Crash may work too) when new enemies have walked on screen or the screen has scrolled for new enemies to be onscreen. If done correctly, fetched enemies will float in the air relative to Kirby's position.
- This effect will vanish when you go through a door, L-warp out or lose your ability. The effect will stay if other Kirbys have been in the room where you did the glitch in your absence.
- When you do this glitch, some kind of timer that tells how long Kirby's current animation has to last will be overwritten. Sometimes when you fetch new enemies after doing this glitch, the last one will not have reached the bowl but hang in the air until Kirby is done cooking. But the correct number of meals is cooked anyway.
- The timer will be overwritten again if you do certain things like open a chest. In that case you can make the hanging enemy reach the bowl without cooking anything, which will make subsequent cooking infinite (i.e. game is softlocked).
'm planning on making a video might make a video about this at some point, and I want to investigate it more.
EDIT: The timer seems to be 0x02020FB6 (16bit)!
When "softlocked", it runs down from the maximum possible value or something. And then Kirby finally starts cooking after a few tenthousand frames, but then the timer starts incrementing from zero and loops forever(?).
Sometimes Kirby will give out meals and end the sequence instead of looping the timer.
This glitch can also be made so that Kirby will completely forget about a hanging enemy, and not cook a meal corresponding to it (the hanging enemy). In that case, if the hanging enemy is the only one on the screen, when using Cook, Kirby will ignore the hanging enemy.
This glitch can be used in several rooms at once, if other Kirbys are there to keep the glitch effect up. But somehow, the hanging enemies may reduce in number; probably some kind of slot system in memory being overused. And while testing this, using Cook in a different room with no enemies twice made it so Kirby "softlocks".
This glitch can, after Kirby ditches his Cook ability, cause him to inhale infinitely. Enemies or ability stars can be sucked in with no effect, or sometimes(?) they can vanish before reaching Kirby if you stop holding B. I don't understand the conditions behind all this...