Editor, Player (91)
Joined: 3/8/2004
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Location: Arzareth
Action Supercross is cool. It has been very popular a shareware game especially in Finland. It is basically like "Excitebike meets Paper Mario". Nowadays, it is known as Elastomania. It does not seem to work in JPC-RR yet (also, JPC-RR's usability is horrible), so I made this quick demonstration movie with DOSBox to show what the game is like. Note that it does not aim for speed records of any kind. Link to video Here are high-scores for various levels of the game: From http://www.elastomania.com/ascbestt.htm :
|1. Warm Up                    |    14:97| StIkKy        ||22. Precarious             |    25:78|  AnTTiM HfK   |
|2. Flat Track                 |    17:57|      SoGe     ||23. Circuitous             |    28:15|  psym0rph FM  |
|3. Twin Peaks                 |    20:49|      DeG      ||24. Shelf Life             |    40:42|    tLDOmni    |
|4. Over and Under             |    32:55|   Sventurbo   ||25. Bounce Back            |    54:22|     Petri     |
|5. Uphill Battle              |    22:30| umiz          ||26. Headbanger             |    49:69| Peddo         |
|6. Long Haul                  |    39:97|  psym0rph FM  ||27. Animal Farm            |  1:16:87|    Ufo FM     |
|7. Hi-Flyer                   |    32:61| Nikke         ||28. Zig Zag                |  1:05:92|    ChampiON   |
|8. Tunnel Terror              |  1:06:70|  Dr_Luni FM   ||29. Labyrinth Pro          |  2:40:65|    tLDloX     |
|9. The Steppes                |    14:72|    Elbono     ||30. Fruit in the Den       |  1:04:50| Limpan        |
|10. Islands in the Sky        |    22:75|    tLDOmni    ||31. Jaws                   |  1:01:17|      Ntc      |
|11. Hill Legend               |    19:40|      TuA      ||32. Curvaceous             |    32:94|      TuA      |
|12. Loop-de-Loop              |    20:50|  tLDJohnDoe   ||33. Double Trouble         |  1:38:54|    tLDloX     |
|13. Serpents Tale             |  1:08:55|    tLDOmni    ||34. Framework              |    41:53|     BoBBo     |
|14. New Wave                  |  1:37:69|  psym0rph FM  ||35. Enduro                 |    52:04|     Mandel    |
|15. Labyrinth                 |  1:00:05| umiz          ||36. He He                  |  1:01:76|   Sventurbo   |
|16. Spiral                    |    50:04| Garion        ||37. Freefall               |    34:91|      Tier     |
|17. Turnaround II.            |    39:46|    tLDzeth    ||38. Enigma II.             |    29:13| tobak         |
|18. Hangman                   |    17:13|    ChampiON   ||39. Expert System          |  1:02:07|     Mandel    |
|19. Slalom                    |    45:62|      TuA      ||40. Tricks Abound          |    55:48|    Fulgore    |
|20. Quick Round               |    48:84|   Sventurbo   ||41. Hang Tight             |    28:01|    Ufo FM     |
|21. Ramp Frenzy               |    59:36|     BoBBo     ||42. Apple Harvest          |  1:56:40|   Sventurbo   |

                                                                              Records for tracks of the previous version

|Fair Trial             |   10:70|   Karlis FM   ||Slippery Slope         |   14:16|      SoGe     |
|The Turnaround         |   22:76|    ChampiON   ||On Top                 |   24:19|   Karlis FM   |
|The Enigma             |   29:58|     Tuska     ||                       |        |               |
From http://www.moposite.com/records_across_wrs.php :
 Across world records                                                                                   
 Last updated: 16 September 2004, table #418                                                                  
 Level                                     Kuski                          Nat.    Time            Updated     
 1. Warm Up                                StIkKyBeAr [TNT]               USA     14,84           -           
 2. Flat track                             mr [FM]                        FIN     17,53           27 Oct 2002 
 3. Twin Peaks                             TuA [TNT]                      SWE     20,46           -           
 4. Over and Under                         Sventurbo [MoA]                SWE     32,55           -           
 5. Uphill Battle                          umiz [SAT]                     SWE     22,30           -           
 6. Long Haul                              psy [.]                        FIN     39,97           -           
 7. Hi-Flyer                               Nikke [EMT]                    FIN     32,61           -           
 8. Tunnel Terror                          barbapappa [CF]                SWE     1:06,65         16 Sep 2004 
 9. The Steppes                            StIkKyBeAr [TNT]               USA     14,01           26 Jan 2003 
 10. Islands in the Sky                    Omni [tLD]                     NOR     22,75           -           
 11. Hill Legend                           TuA [TNT]                      SWE     19,40           -           
 12. Loop-de-Loop                          JohnDoe [tLD]                  NOR     20,50           -           
 13. Serpents Tale                         Omni [tLD]                     NOR     1:08,55         -           
 14. New Wave                              barbapappa [CF]                SWE     1:36,33         19 Nov 2003 
 15. Labyrinth                             umiz [SAT]                     SWE     1:00,05         -           
 16. Spiral                                Garion [AA]                    SWE     50,04           -           
 17. Turnaround II                         barbapappa [CF]                SWE     39,08           16 May 2004 
 18. Hangman                               zyntifox [SC]                  NOR     16,67           -           
 19. Slalom                                TuA [TNT]                      SWE     45,62           -           
 20. Quick Round                           barbapappa [CF]                SWE     45,02           12 Feb 2004 
 21. Ramp Frenzy                           KingKong [PRA]                 SWE     59,36           -           
 22. Precarious                            AnTTiM [HfK]                   FIN     25,78           -           
 23. Circuitous                            StIkKyBeAr [TNT]               USA     27,00           26 Jan 2003
 24. Shelf Life                            ciph [EM]                      CAN     40,31           9 Aug 2002  
 25. Bounce Back                           mr [FM]                        FIN     54,15           16 Sep 2004 
 26. Headbanger                            StIkKyBeAr [TNT]               USA     49,51           25 July 2003
 27. Animal Farm                           Ufo                            SWE     1:16,87         -           
 28. Zig Zag                               zeth [tLD]                     NOR     1:04,16         -           
 29. Labyrinth Pro                         barbapappa [CF]                SWE     2:40,52         25 July 2003
 30. Fruit in the Den                      Limpan [SAT]                   SWE     1:04,50         -           
 31. Jaws                                  barbapappa [CF]                SWE     1:00,86         16 Sep 2004 
 32. Curvaceous                            TuA [TNT]                      SWE     32,94           -           
 33. Double trouble                        loX [tLD]                      NOR     1:38,54         -           
 34. Framework                             mr [FM]                        FIN     41,45           25 July 2003
 35. Enduro                                Mandel [PRA]                   SWE     52,04           -           
 36. He He                                 ciph [EM]                      CAN     59,55           4 Feb 2002  
 37. Freefall                              Tier [AAF]                     AUS     34,91           -           
 38. Enigma II                             StIkKyBeAr [TNT]               USA     25,90           25 July 2003
 39. Expert System                         mr [FM]                        FIN     1:00,59         9 Aug 2002  
 40. Tricks Abound                         mr [FM]                        FIN     49,28           27 Oct 2002
 41. Hang Tight                            ramone [CF]                    SWE     27,61           21 May 2002 
 42. Apple Harvest                         barbapappa [CF]                SWE     1:54,61         16 May 2004 
 Total time                                                                       33:45,57                    
 Across 1.0/1.1                                                                                               
 Level                               Kuski                            Nat.     Time             Updated       
 12. Fair trial                      mr [FM]                          FIN      10,53            -             
 14. Slippery Slope                  SoGe                             FIN      14,16            -             
 15. The Turnaround                  StIkKyBeAr [TNT]                 USA      22,48            26 Jan 2003   
 17. On Top                          StIkKyBeAr [TNT]                 USA      23,99            25 July 2003  
 23. The Enigma                      mr [FM]                          FIN      28,83            -             
 Total time                                                                    11:45,68
Joined: 4/2/2007
Posts: 68
Location: Latvia
I can't wait for a day when it will be TASable. I've been playing ElastoMania (the sequel of Action Supercross) for about 8 years, more or less, so I'm pretty good at it. Not at the god-tier of professionals but not far behind either. Btw, ElastoMania Online (EOL) unofficial patch/addon is currently in beta and to be released to public within weeks and will allow multiplayer, competitions and all the statistics you can imagine online and automated. I'm working on a video to showcase its new features.
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I think I played this game once! Not bad, I'd watch a TAS of it.
Editor, Player (91)
Joined: 3/8/2004
Posts: 7469
Location: Arzareth
Heh, I just had a look at Elastomania, and turns out that people have submitted quite incredible videos at Elastomania to Youtube. Here's a set of per-level speedruns (unassisted): http://www.zeropaid.com/bbs/showthread.php/48559-Elastomania-Speedrun-%28All-Levels%29 I don't know whether the times achieved in these apply to the DOS version, Action Supercross, but the techniques certainly do.
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If you take a look at the current WR table for Elma you'll notice that the total time dropped another half a minute lower than what's shown in EMDQ. However, I think physics calculation is different between Elma and ACross, hence why the WR tables are not fully compatible. In fact, in Elma game physics behave slightly differently if you slow the game down or speed it up, or even manipulate VSync in some way (I don't remember what exactly because last I read about it it was seven years ago). I don't know how ACross behaves when sufficient compression is applied to either suspension, but if it's any similar to Elma, it's of course a goldmine for all kinds of abuse that can't be done precisely in real-time.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Player (71)
Joined: 8/24/2004
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I have burned so many hours on both Across and Elma, yet I am not very skilled at it at all. I remember how fun it was and how frustrating stuff could be. I'd love to see all the WR's crushed in a single segment run. Not sure how much we could decrease the end time of it though since every WR is extreamly optimized as far as I'm concerned. An IRL friend of mine called Deg held plenty of the WR's back in the days. Hope to see a potential WIP soon. Cheers
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In Elma, there are glitches involving abnormal pressure applied to a suspension axis that will, assuming the angle is right, "eject" the wheel out of the obstacle (even though it never even entered its bounds) for a massive speed boost. Requires a lot of precision to control, as well as a sufficient kinetic energy to compress the suspension. After the wheel is shot out it obviously takes the entire bike together with it, usually making it impossible to land safely or avoid other obstacles on the way, but in a TAS that should be orders of magnitude easier than in realtime runs. Stuff like Warm Up will still likely not get improved more than a couple milliseconds, though, and I assure you even that will take a lot of time and understanding of the game's physics. These guys spent so many years playing it for a good reason.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Joined: 4/2/2007
Posts: 68
Location: Latvia
A guy called DarMoeD was effectively TASing ElastoMania with selfmade tools over 5 years ago. He was caught (it can be detected in the replay files) and all the WRs were removed but still, since then all of those records have been beaten legitimately. And since the last EDQ several new incredible tricks have been discovered, some of them have not been shared to the public though so we can only guess (51,8 in 9. Tunnel Terror, holy fuck).
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Xarthok wrote:
51,8 in 9. Tunnel Terror, holy fuck
Probably a faster ledge climb after the first apple; the previous route had no backtracking, so I don't think it was possible to save so much time elsewhere.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Joined: 5/31/2005
Posts: 8
I loved Across back in the day, but IMO Elastomania is more superior in every way. I played Elma 5-10 hours a day for months but I never came close to being a pro. I would definitely watch a TAS of either game.
Joined: 11/18/2015
Posts: 13
Not a tas but a compilation of all current world record replays will be released soon. There has been many recent records driven and the total time has been pushed down quite a lot after many years of inactivity. Here's the announcement copied from our discord: The first Across Done Quick video is taking place some days before edq (12th July at 18:00). Link to video