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Experienced player (763)
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Isn't faster to use Shin a little more? Like on the cockarache fight. Also, on the crab fight, wouldn't be faster to make Bleu use a magic instead of make Ruy attack twice?
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the coackroach fight is uncertain. Whenever i do too much damage, the round stops. and since I attack everyone with the boomerang, i think it's shorter for the crab : that should be tested
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Much like with BoFII, would it be faster to wait until Nina can fly before getting some of the overworld items?
Waddle Waggle Wattle
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Nina gets that ability fairly late in the game... I don't know much about time savers in this game, but it's possible that getting the overworld items earlier would make the battles faster and make up for the extra time of traveling by foot to get those items.
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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if you're talking about the dragon items, this could get hard. the lightning version does 100 more damage for its base damage
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http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/97730239/Breath%20of%20Fire%20%28U%29.smv out of the world of dream. I suppose I could improve the fight against mothro AND get marble 3s earlier
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Well, Why did you used an Mrbl3 before Gramor (Or whatever is the name of Mogu's home)? same reason as the dream land? Also, you didn't took any shortcut on the pass to Mogu's Attributes, i recommend you to experiment with it in this WIP, because then, you can calculate the exact number of Mrbl3 that you need. Also, you should get the final fused form of Karn, Puka, it has an special attak that if you combine it with a Crit, it can do 999 damage to nearly everybody.
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I'm guessing encounters got too hard to avoid for some reason? D: You can save on message time by using the next Mrbl3 before the first one runs out.
Waddle Waggle Wattle
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http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1462791763/Breath%20of%20Fire%20%28U%29.smv i'm going to look for the tonic ingredients. i wonder what could make the cerl fight quicker (other than no auto-fight...)
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http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1361373120/Breath%20of%20Fire%20%28U%29.smv took care of Zog. I know it looks tedious, but Agni is the quickest way (I will keep d heart for Sara)
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http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/329716817/Breath%20of%20Fire%20%28U%29.smv this is it! more than half an hour than the test run a few things to change : buy my marble 3 in Winlan buy at least another set of acorns (I jsut discovered that the water jar can, once only, restore MP) let Bo die more often (he could maybe gain one level before gremlin). However, around Auria, he might survive more to kill the dark dragon forces let Ox die more often don't go after the ultimate weapons. even with attack up, the emperor sword, the mallet and the hero bow don't do more than 150 damage against the last bosses try to work on vitality as suggested by mastania try to find shorcuts (if they exist) in the geyser field use the death warp more often
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In Tock Tower's arrow maze, around frame 767,750 (this was during your second trip, I don't remember the frame number for your first trip), you took the left <- arrow, but there's also a <- arrow right below that point. Wouldn't going down be slightly faster? Also, how much damage is Karn's Puka form dealing to the later bosses? If it's still maximum, I'm wondering if it might be better to use that instead of Agni (except for the good ending), and instead have the hero use Rudra or something.
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puka can certainly maximize damage. But since puka has terrible defense (even ryu can only stand 2 goddess attacks); so Agni would probably be better against the goddess for tock tower : I use the road from a walktrough. I might have a look at your suggestion
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Have you tried using Puka on Tyr's Human Form?
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What WILL save time is having someone else attack before becoming Agni to make up extra damage. For example, Zog has 6000 HP in his first form, so having someone with higher ACT than Ryu attack first will save a turn.
Waddle Waggle Wattle
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impossible. magic has higher priority than anything. the only that could do that is bo, and he's slower. unless i can find ultralight equipment...
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http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/486008756/Breath%20of%20Fire%20%28U%29.smv saved over 1k frames after nanai. I admit that the fight is a little longer, but I did save a fire stone, which could be used against gremlin (had knight dropped the firestone while I used a firestone, it would have been about 150 frames shorter)
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http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1126347835/Breath%20of%20Fire%20%28U%29.smv on my way to romero to clean the soil. i hope bo's death won't cost me when I need him to cast magic...
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at 6.64% chance, is is worth getting prontb from gremlin? dropping seems to depend on the course of action
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Everything would depend on how much time you will spend to get it.
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http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/73072163/Breath%20of%20Fire%20%28U%29.smv i figures that 3/400 chances of getting a protnb was too little. however, I might work on getting a cure from talon
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Looks very good so far. But i have a question, is possible to make appear 2 or 3 enemies after the ghost fight?
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ghost fight? morte? mortea? what do you mean?
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The one that gives the Robot Key.
Active player (284)
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oh that. with the enemies present in the tower, the knight fight is the shortest possible. the death rider's attack is too long
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