Looks good so far. A shame that the 12.5% HP thing doesn't seem to work (probably wouldn't be useful at this point anyway).
One question though. Any reason you didn't have Nina use the E. Key to help with the first two Bowman/Lancer battles (doesn't seem needed in the third)? In the second battle, at least, it looks like that might save a little bit of time.
Joined: 5/30/2009
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Grats on a third published BoF2 TAS. In the meantime, this WIP is finally onto new stuff again! :D
That new strategy of getting Nina Atk-Up early on has proven really effective and probably saved a heap of frames. For the new stuff, SandWorm has low Def, so it could be worth testing Atk-Up in that fight too; Ryu should pull about ~150 per Slam hit, and Bo a little less. It might be harder to manipulate, but it has the advantage of starting a turn ealier. At the very least upping Bo and having him attack as well should wipe a couple of turns off.
i might retry it, but I think that critical attacks for ryu only made 80 damage... plus he's slower than bo because of his equipment. plus, that's 100 less points than using a dragon.
I think you should've done one more ciritical instead 2 separated normal attack during the sandworm fight, also SnowDrg does more damage than ThrDrgm, though, i don't know if it saves time.
according to a FAQ i'm using, sandworm is dark elemental, so thunder is the better choice. I know I should have skipped the 130 damage, for the critical attack didn't come after 300 frames...
mastania : your trick revealed to be 11 frames shorter. But had I succeeded my critical attacks, my manner would ahve been better.
I'm likely to restart, just so I don't shop around too much for acorns (I can buy them by 9s in romero)
on my way to prima. i hope I can get a better weapon before the boomerang (from the krypt), or i'll have to rely on dragons
Joined: 5/30/2009
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janus wrote:
I'm likely to restart, just so I don't shop around too much for acorns (I can buy them by 9s in romero)
Aha. In that case, there are several things that could be hard to manipulate, but would save time if you could manage them:
-Getting Ryu better Vigor growth in the Frog fight; the ArmPad you get later on gives him 6 extra Def, and with better level growth he could make most of that up on his own. Would save ~10 seconds.
-Getting up to two C.Stn off the General from both fights.
-Having Bo use Frost instead of Fry when he doesn't need the extra 20 damage (happens in a couple of places, easy time saved).
-Getting the Protn item for Talon to drop from Gremlin; the odds are 1/15 but you might want to test this first so you don't have to restart from Romero if it doesn't work D:
-Giving Ryu the Rang before that Spearman fight?
janus wrote:
i hope I can get a better weapon before the boomerang (from the krypt), or i'll have to rely on dragons
I'm pretty sure the only available ones are the bought ones (for Ryu at least).
Hmm. In the first Spearman & Archer Fight, Bo could attack the last enemy standing, so Ryu don't need to attack twice, this will save some time.
Also, something that can be done is to make some of them die, like Karn and Bo, so Nina gets more Exp to learn Warp and also saves time because you won't need to make them defend.
if you talk about the fights after auria, it doesn't work. he does at most 60 damage with a critical hit.
as for vigor : it's extremely hard to manipulate. i'm mainly looking for strength; i can only manipulate the outcome of whatever 3 statistics come in first. the rest stays the same
make some of them die, like Karn and Bo, so Nina gets more Exp to learn Warp and also saves time because you won't need to make them defend.
i need to figure out who need to stay alive first till the end.i need karn and bo at least until that fight with the fuse slimes
Oh, i forgot to ask, are you going to use Karn Fusions?if you can get some of them, you are going to get another strong unit, you should definitively do that.
i will get the first one (where he looks like bow), which seems a must againt slimex. but i don't think I will pursue the other ones
according to a website, I can get the mallet by opening a trading post i tunlan. i thought it was only in prima?
Did you changed Ox for Karn when you got the B. Rang. because he was alive? I ask because you would've to put Ox in front again to destroy those boulders in front of Shin.
Otherwise, everything looks fine except that you missed 2 criticals with Ryu at the slime boss.
coordinating 2 consecutive critical attacks in this game is hard as hell. i might rework it in my other run
and I'm not sure i understand your question about ox and shin...
Before suiciding, you had Ox in front, but then you changed to Karn (probably because he was damaged), then suicided, later you changed Karn for Ox, because you need to destroy those boulders to get Shin (Karn's Transformation).
My question is, did you do that because it's faster to suicide with Karn because of low health than changing postiitons twice?