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snorlax wrote:
You guys should team up to keep the momentum going. I really don't want to see this game be neglected again. This has to be the game with the most potential without a run on the site.
^This. Please do I would love to see this game TASed
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I'm reading back over this thread a bit and found that Xenos had shared the memory address for speed: 00A5121D Kyman, I am not against a partner, though I'm not sure any specific relationships need to be "established" at this point. I definitely appreciate your help thus far.
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If you were to view that address in MHS, what type would it be? (unsigned short, long, float etc.)
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Sorry for double post, but I don't think it is such a crime here. Weatherton: What courses is there no solid route for? I know that Koopa Troopa Beach is one of them. What would happen with that course? Would you just do the normal strat? I tried a lot of different jumping ideas, and none of them seemed to work.
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Kyman, MMF and KTB are the only courses with no significant shortcuts as of yet. Xenos did a nice demo of MMF, grabbing 2 stars at the beginning and then racing well. As for KTB, the current strat would be: 1. Grab 2 stars (as in MMF) 2. Manipulate shrooms at most item boxes (which item boxes are worth grabbing is the main open question) 3. Consider skipping the ramp into the tunnel and get up by bouncing up the wall (may be faster). 4. Consider clipping outside of the tunnel (if possible) to cut the corner on the way out 5. The last item box before the start line will be manipulated as a ghost so that a special item (presumably a star) can be manipulated on the right side of the finish line (Royal Raceway and KTB are the only courses I know of with this finish line glitch available). Note: It's possible to clear that big rock directly in front of the finish line, but you sacrifice an item to do it. Which is probably not worth it. 6. Repeat for next laps I tested a lot to see whether it is possible to cut the course in half by cutting left off of the ramps before the tunnel. However, It's just not a realistic jump (even if you jump off of Bowser while he jumps off of a ramp). I tried playing around with a Blue shell as a secondary boost, but the main problem is that blue shells will not hit you unless you are on the ground. The only way I see it possible is if you could bounce way up on the wall and get a blue shell to knock you forwards as you touched the top of it. Honestly, I've given up on that jump (especially since you have to actually land on the track on the other side, I was not able to trick Lakitu at all). All other courses have test runs made and, though I have some improvements in mind for some courses, nothing is earth shattering. One big improvement is, unfortunately, on Banshee Boardwalk where you can just land in front of the finish line (rather than jump to the ghost house) to skip much of the lap :( The biggest improvement that I am uncertain of is on Sherbet Land. The path would be to jump to the island in the middle with a blue shell in tow and then getting thrown off towards the finish line. I know the trigger is nearby, but I don't know for sure if that strategy will reach it, I also don't know whether it can be used in conjunction with the other jump optimally.
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Those strategies you mentioned for BB and SL sound awesome. Cant wait to see themn
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I'm roughly 2.5 seconds ahead (of my 29.47) half way through the second lap :) .... and it looks SICK B^)
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Go, man, GO! ;)
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Small break from LR to explore a few things that have been on my mind. I need to get this to work INSIDE the tunnel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RF4o-8uI2as Any ideas? I wasn't able to get a shroom cancel jump (off a shell) to work... I need something to give me fast upwards motion before hitting the item box. In the tunnel, I also have not been able to figure out how to plant the item box above the ground (if it's even possible). If I could get it stuck in the wall...
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Have you tried launching around the finish line like in LRW on all the courses where it could save time?
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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I beat my previous version of Luigi Raceway by 4.41 seconds (25.06): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7xNxnegumI I have now moved on to Moo Moo Farm, so this is the "final" version of this course for this particular TAS. It may be possible to beat this time by using Toad and jumping off Wario on lap 3 (though I'd have to adjust the strategy on the first lap due to Toad's lighter weight and the timing on lap 3 may or may not happen, so I'll save that for a later all-cups TAS [if I ever do one]).
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I can tell a lot of effort has been put into this, amazing job! I can't wait for MMF.
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Did you try to launch around the finish and come back in in one jump, like on the last lap in the old TAS? Also try that for moo moo farm, you might be able to get around the finish line by launching into someone and then either turning around and coming back in or getting fished out.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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The only way it would be useful to spin around the finish line would be from inside the tunnel (it's certainly not worth waiting for the computers to complete a lap and it's not possible when the computers are not moving fast, at the beginning) and that is only useful if I drive differently to get the computers to speed up. By the time the computers are in the tunnel with this strategy, I am on my third lap. By waiting around a couple seconds on my last lap and jumping straight up off of Bowser, I got 25"27. If I can get to the end at a similar time using Toad (which requires a different first lap strategy), I may be able to jump off Wario with less delay. For now, I'm burnt out on the course and moving on. Regarding spinning around the finish line in Moo Moo Farm, the nature of that course allows that finish line to be quite robust. I have tested with moonjump codes and was not able to trigger a new lap unless I went across the center of the land in the middle and back. That is further than I can jump off another character, even in 2-player.
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I have seen those, thank you. I am currently 6 seconds into the race and am .6 seconds ahead of Xenos' 1:06.40 TAS.
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You sure you can't launch halfway into the map?
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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I have done extensive testing with 2-players and was unable to get far enough into the center to be placed on the other side. I was only able to get far enough by using Moon jump / speed altering gameshark codes, unfortunately.
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Too bad, I think this is the only track without a shortcut. It must have been decently close.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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I'm working on finding some useful memory addresses and I currently haven't made much progress. I am using MHS but I am not sure what process I should use to find an address with this software (it seems a bit more complicated than what is described at http://tasvideos.org/MemorySearch.html ). If anyone could point me to a good resource or describe it to me, I'd appreciate it. The reason I'm posting this here is to mention that I have confirmed that the speed address mentioned a ways back by Xenos (00A5121D) is definitely the speedometer (not the actual speed). By locking this to various values, I am able to affect the on-screen speedometer but the character speed is not affected. Oddly enough, the speedometer only takes on the locked value every few frames... I'm not sure why that is. The values are mapped in a circle around the speedometer:
0 128
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Did someone called me? =P I'll try tomorrow to find some addresses for this game.
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Anavrin, I appreciate your help. FYI, the addresses I am currently interested are:
  • Actual speed
  • Item to be obtained by pressing Z
  • Item to be obtained while dragging another item (may not exist)
  • Mini Turbo charge level
  • Height above surface
  • Height above water level
  • CPU player speed
  • CPU player percent of track completed
  • Current Lap
P.S. If you could describe the process / functions you use with MHS, that would help me search for them as well. P.P.S. I know some Gameshark codes to manipulate some of these, would those be helpful?
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I'm not sure about it, but usually a GameShark code contains the memory address it's supposed to manipulate. So yes, those would be useful, although I don't know enough about GameShark to actually dissect the codes.
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Weatherton wrote:
P.P.S. I know some Gameshark codes to manipulate some of these, would those be helpful?
Actually, I never tried to search addresses with the help of Gameshark codes, but now that I think of it, it might come handy in some ways :P
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Here are all of the useful / interesting codes that I've collected over the years. SPEED CODES Minimum Speed Modifier (Player 1): 810F6A10 45?? Maximum Speed Modifier (Player 1): 810F6BA4 ???? 810F6BA6 0000 Speed Values: 439B Time Trials 4391 50CC 43A0 150CC 43F0 >100Km/h 43C0 100Km/h 4360 40 Km/h 4310 20 Km/h Note: there is also an interesting video on youtube about speed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TvllTwY__E LAP CODES Lap modifier (Player 1): 80164393 000? (modifies the low byte of a 32-bit signed integer, which starts at -1 and advances when you pass the finish line). No Laps To Race (Player 1): 81164390 0000 81164392 0002 Press GS Button For One Lap To Race (Player 1): 89164390 0000 89164392 0001 Wins Instantly (Player 1): 81164390 0063 WEAPON CODES Weapon Modifier (Player 1): 80165F5D 00?? 80165F8A 00?? Unlmited weapons of specific type: 80165FBD 00?? Alternative of unlimited weapons of a specific type: 8016609D 00?? Quantity Digits to Accompany Weapon Modifier Codes 00 - Nothing 01 - Single Banana 02 - Multi Bananas 03 - Single Green Shell 04 - 3 Green Shells 05 - Single Red Shell 06 - 3 Red Shells 07 - Blue Shell 08 - Lightning Bolt 09 - Upside Down '?' 0A - Star 0B - Ghost 0C - Single Mushroom 0D - 2 Mushrooms 0E - 3 Mushrooms 0F - Gold Mushroom JUMP CODES Useful, in various combinations, for exploring the level and testing things Press L for Moon jump (Player 1): D00F6A55 0020 810F6B08 4000 Alternate Press L for Moon jump (Player 1): D00F69150020 810F69C84000 L Button Doesn't Affect Music Level: 800F699D 0000 Able to steer while in mid-air (helpful for testing in conjunction with moon jump): 800F6A4F0000 LOCATION / TERRAIN CODES Player 1 Coordinate Modifier 810F69A4 ????, 810F69A6 ???? (X) 810F69A8 ????, 810F69AA ???? (Y) 810F69AC ????, 810F69AE ???? (Z) Debug Coordinates (Shows direction in North, South, East West): 800DC515 0001 81001630 2400 81001634 2400 Terrain Height Modifier (Japanese version only): 800DCED9 00?? OUT OF BOUNDS CODES Useful for understanding levels and playing around (especially Frappe Snowland) Press C-Up while Lakitu is onscreen to freeze him (able to drive out of bounds after doing this) D00F69150008 80165DD00002 Hold L to Race Out of Bounds: D00F6915 0020 800F6A5B 0000 PLAYER STATUS CODES Status Modifiers 800F6990 00?? Player 1 800F7768 00?? Player 2 800F8540 00?? Player 3 800F9318 00?? Player 4 800FA0F0 00?? Player 5 800FAEC8 00?? Player 6 800FBCA0 00?? Player 7 800FCA78 00?? Player 8 The status values are a bitflag: Bit 7: 1 if the character exists. Zero wipes them off the face of the Earth. Bit 6: 1 if the character is human-controlled. Bit 5: 1 makes the character unable to move. This is set when the race hasn't started yet. Bit 4: 1 if the character is computer controlled (overrides bit 6). Bit 3: 1 if the character has finished the race. Setting it makes the camera move as it would at the end of the race, the character can't use items and their position is locked. Bit 2: Unused? Bit 1: 1 if the character is driving to the starting line at the start of the race. Doesn't seem to do anything afterward, but clearing it might let you leave early. Bit 0: 1 if the character is a ghost. Setting it makes them transparent and able to go through people and objects, but unable to use items. Setting both bits 4 and 6 makes the character behave strangely. Setting bit 6 for player 2-8 during a 1-player GP match doesn't allow the characters to be controlled with controllers 2-4 (they just sit there), but does allow those controllers to pause the game. MULTIPLAYER CODES All Players Can Choose the Same Driver" 810B3924 2400 810B3936 7FFF 810B39A4 2400 810B39B6 7FFF 810B3A38 2400 810B3A4E 7FFF
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