
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1311)
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Zurreco wrote:
This does not work for my PC. In fact, only the snes9x direct sound setting works.
It won't work if you don't have the correct fmod.dll file in the same directory as the snes9x.exe that you're running. I forgot to include fmod.dll with some earlier versions, but it's part of the v5 download.
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I have the fmod from the zip file in my snes9x directory with my snes9x.exe file.
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Well that's weird, is there something unusual about how your computer handles sound or your sound card, or maybe you have a different fmod.dll on your path? Does it crash when you choose FMOD or is there just no sound? Have you tried restarting snes9x or taking into account that it might just be playing a lot quieter? FMOD is a pretty standard library for playing sound on Windows, I've never seen it not work before... (Well, the only sound driver option that doesn't work for me is FMOD A3D, but the other 3 work fine.) I can't make snes9x directsound play when the window is inactive because DirectSound seems to be hard-coded to only play sound when the application window is in focus, but FMOD doesn't have this restriction. (edit: It doesn't work for you in the official versions either right? You might want to ask on the Snes9x forums about it then since I'm pretty sure it's supposed to work and maybe they know something about why it might not work.)
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There is no sound when any FMOD is chosen. I've tested 3 movies, each being tested twice, with my speakers at 100%, and nothing comes out. I doubt that my sound card is at fault here, but just for specs I have a SB Live! Audio card but am currently running sound through my motherboard (NVIDIA).
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FMOD is working fine with my PC except, like nitsuja said, A3D doesn't work.
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Another request: could you make it able to take in command line parameters? I use Quickplay so I don't have to drag ROMs around. Thanks.
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In previous versions, if you were playing/recording with the frame count on and you saved/tried to load a snapshot from the wrong movie it would display "State blah blah saved" or "Snapshot not from movie" for a frame and then resumes with the frame count, but in this version it ignores that and only displays the frame count. =/
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I mentioned somewhere earlier that I would like framecount to be visible even when not recording a movie. I'm just restating it here so it doesn't get lost and forgotten.
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New version (v6) is up! Newest change(s) in this version: * Terranigma desync bug fixed (incorporated into Fake Mute option) * Added "Clear SRAM" option to recording dialog, so you can make sure you're starting from a totally clean state. * Added alternate save state system (increment/decrement/save/load current slot, as new hotkeys). * Made "save screenshot" a customizable hotkey. * Moved frame counter display to not overwrite other messages, changed messages and message timings a bit. Making frame counter work when not in a movie would require changing the save state format, so I haven't done it yet. The source for this is up too, and it should be compatible with MinGW (unless I forgot something).
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Cool, I will surely test if there's some problems compiling it under MinGW.
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Now I have no reason not to make SNES movies. Good work, Nitsuja.
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nitsuja wrote:
The source for this is up too, and it should be compatible with MinGW (unless I forgot something).
Just a couple little things, but it was easily fixed :) I uploaded a diff file for anyone interested. The following is assumed if you want to compile with MinGW: 1. You have the most recent MinGW (3.2.0-rc-3) and MSYS (1.0.10) 2. You have nasmw.exe in your mingw/bin directory 3. You have at least directx 7 header/lib files (dx70_mgw.zip from Allegro will do the trick) *4. You have zlib 1.2.2 installed in your mingw/include and mingw/lib dirs *5. You have libpng 1.2.8 installed in your mingw/include and mingw/lib dirs 6. You have the FMOD headers in mingw/include/FMOD and libfmod.a in your mingw/lib directory *By installed I mean you grabbed the source code and compile the libs, then copied them to your mingw/lib directory. Sorry the instructions are so short and not very sweet, if you have problems send me a pm and I'll see what I can do. Grab the diff file (s9ximp6.diff) here
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nitsuja: Nice work you're doing. Any chance you can break up what you did into various patches and post the links to them and explaining what each one is on the Snes9x forum? It would be nice for this to get integrated into the main tree. Also, if you care to have updated JMA support in your special builds, get this: http://nsrt.edgeemu.com/jmalib.zip
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
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Nach wrote:
Any chance you can break up what you did into various patches and post the links to them and explaining what each one is on the Snes9x forum? It would be nice for this to get integrated into the main tree.
Sure, I'd like to help with this, but as I'm sorting through the >150kb of file diffs I'm realizing this is a little hard to do, so it would help if you could tell me which things you want in separate patches, if that's OK. Also, what about the 0snes9x.rc file, will a full diff of that or just the file itself be sufficient?
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nitsuja wrote:
Making frame counter work when not in a movie would require changing the save state format, so I haven't done it yet.
Huh? Are you sure? Why do you need to change the savestate format to just display the number of played frames since reset? _I_ would just add another counter for that ... cu Fabian
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nitsuja wrote:
Sure, I'd like to help with this, but as I'm sorting through the >150kb of file diffs I'm realizing this is a little hard to do, so it would help if you could tell me which things you want in separate patches
I'll have to go over the change log and discuss it with the other devs first.
nitsuja wrote:
Also, what about the 0snes9x.rc file, will a full diff of that or just the file itself be sufficient?
I have no idea about that. If you give funkyass the file itself of that, I'm sure he can take care of it.
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
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Nach wrote:
nitsuja wrote:
it would help if you could tell me which things you want in separate patches
I'll have to go over the change log and discuss it with the other devs first.
OK, in the meantime I'll try putting some patches together (I suppose I can resort to using something resembling common sense for deciding what to keep separate).
Fabianx wrote:
Why do you need to change the savestate format to just display the number of played frames since reset? _I_ would just add another counter for that ...
That would work until you load a save state, then how are you supposed to know how much to decrease the frame counter by unless the number of elapsed frames is stored in the save state?
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nitsuja wrote:
Fabianx wrote:
Why do you need to change the savestate format to just display the number of played frames since reset? _I_ would just add another counter for that ...
That would work until you load a save state, then how are you supposed to know how much to decrease the frame counter by unless the number of elapsed frames is stored in the save state?
Oh, sure thats a problem. But unless someone is making a movie (where you have an exact frame counter anyway) you could just set it to 0 to measure frames since loaded savestate. cu Fabian
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I just downloaded this, and noticed on the first page you said there was the option to view pressed keys. I can't seem to find that anywhere, Can someone tell me where this is? Oh, and I definately have the latest version.
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Press comma while playing, every time you press a button, it will display what buttons were pressed on what frame (when the frame passes)
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Don't forget to give us the source code! (or even a diff against the last version) BTW, you broke the unix code, but it was pretty easy to fix, so I'll forgive you.
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Umm... *blush* about that unix code. I didn't figure out how to fix it. What changes need to be made?
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I just put up another new version (v7), see page 1 of this thread. It's mostly a bug fixing and code/GUI cleaning up release. (As I was putting together patches, I realized some things were a lot easier to fix than to justify leaving in.) Newest change(s) in this version: * Fixed the problem with input fields staying green when deselected. * Added another page to the hotkeys dialog filled with more hotkeys, so now almost no keys are hardcoded anymore. * Added proper key conflict detection, including between game buttons and hotkeys. * Added more info to input config text message, repositioned some dialog elements, removed controller toggle-mode checkbox, moved turbo/toggle keys around to make more sense (you may have to reassign them if you have them set from an older version). * Fixed a bug (mine) that prevented Pocky & Rocky from working (don't worry; it didn't seem to affect any other games). * Fixed a bug (not mine) with the & symbol in the "recent roms" menu and author info display. * Made the Snes9x icon high-resolution so it doesn't look quite as ugly. (Just what everyone needed, right?) * Made drop-down boxes that make no sense to type into un-editable. * Added an accelerator shortcut to access the hotkeys menu, put "maintain aspect ratio" and "use video memory" in the Window menu, removed fake accelerators. * Fixed problem with Escape not exiting the Display dialog box. Edit: DeHackEd: which unix code is broken? It'd help to know what needs to be done to fix it. I'm a little confused which version you're talking about if you don't have the code for this one yet. (I'll put up a diff soon...)
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nitsuja, do you think you could add JMA support? I beleive Nach gave you a patch to do so on the previous page.
