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In the year 2633, two years after the meteor crashed, two best commandos, Bill and Lance, were sent on a mission to eliminate the alien forces and thwart the alien leader Red Falcon! Only that according to the military corps, they told them that they are not allowed to get their hands on the huge weapons except for the items they are allowed to use!

Main Part of the Challenge

Game must be completed with only the normal Peashooter gun and the items with only one credit.
  • Emulator used: FCEUX 2.1.4a
  • Game must be completed with only one credit
  • Skipped cutscenes
  • Slowdowns can be used as an advantage
  • Using only Peashooter and no other weapons but items can still be used.


Yeahhhhh!! The 'tormed' has struck for the first time ever with this run, and this game can be completed with the Peashooter with one coin clear. The reason I created this is that I wanted to show my fellow kids that we do really like video games not just the present but also the retros. I've been thinking of a challenge for the month and finally, I made up with this! 1cc using only Peashooter, because I imagine if the Military would not allow other weapons but this, and it's much of challenge after all.

Stage by stage comments

Stage 1: Jungle

Woah Nelly! During the boss fight, the man on the tower almost hit me, but I luckily destroyed both of the cannons!

Stage 2: Base 1

Trying to destroy the boss' cannons before I meet up against the main one, becuase it would be unlucky to get hit.

Stage 3: Waterfall

I got pwned twice here when I accidentally stepped on the fire and during a fight with the alien statue. But I was able to finish off the boss.

Stage 4: Base 2

Same as second stage, except that the men coming out of the boss' sides are too overwhelming.

Stage 5: Snowfield

The main boss that drops mini-UFOs got me pwned here once after he escapes, but I got him when he pops up! Haha XD

Stage 6: Energy Zone

The firetrap patterns are not too hard except for the timing. After at least one second of flame, I went to the vertical and horizontal fire room with the barrier item. I tried hard to get the timing right of both traps because it has to be both at the same time to get down there.

Stage 7: Hangar

There's no problem to this stage except for the overwhelming enemies coming from both sides and the turretman with faster bullets. I took out the grenade turrets to get past that main door.

Final Stage: Alien's Lair

This stage is too easy. Using barrier is no doubt about taking out that huge alien above me. I got pwned for the last time when one drone popped out of the egg out of nowhere, but at least I finished him off.

Other comments

Most peple are having difficulty finishing the game with the peashooter, and luckily, I am the one for this type of challenge!
Well, this is my first demo, and the game's speed challenge without weapons but the normal one. And I might truly improve the time here one day.

Truncated: Hello tormed, and welcome to TASvideos. It seems you have misunderstood the purpose of this site: we use tools like slowdown and savestates to remove mistakes and make entertaining movies. Your movie does not appear to use savestates. In fact clearing a game on one continue is a cakewalk with savestates.
See the guidelines and rules if you want to know more. This movie will be rejected.

Joined: 8/3/2004
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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #2742: tormed's NES Contra "Peashooter only 1cc" in 16:45.98
Joined: 8/24/2005
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Location: Göteboj
You seem to misunderstand what this site is about. It's not about showing off your gameplay skills, it's about using slowdown, rerecords and other tools provided by the emulators to produce videos showing what essentially is superhuman levels of playing.
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Voted no. Missed shots, death, and hesitation. Did I mention no rerecords? It was kind of pitiful. This isn't even a TAS, really. It belongs in the Let's see you play something thread.
YoungJ1997lol wrote:
Normally i would say Yes, but thennI thought "its not the same hack" so ill stick with meh.
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NitroGenesis wrote:
This isn't even a TAS, really. It belongs in the Let's see you play something thread.
This thread? Also, No voted for the above reasons. If you're going to submit a speedrun to TASVideos, please at least make it Tool Assisted.
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Quick rejection pretty plz ?
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This doesn't even look like a run you'd see on SDA. Voting no before I finished watching the movie. (note: I didn't even finish watching Stage 1)
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this seems like a joke. i bet it is. edit: lol i did this back in 2004. i also killed no enemies and did it 6 minutes faster.
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om, nom, nom... 'twas dry
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Without watching the run, I'll say that you probably deserve some credit for completing the game skillfully, but to create a TAS one doesn't need real-time skill, only imagination and willpower - not that I've ever made one myself. It's hard for me to appreciate real-time skill, as I'm accustomed to seeing epic things like Adventure of Link fly by in like six minutes. Incidentally I wonder if there's a correlation between the desire to TAS a game and lack of real-time skill in said game? I would wager yes. =)
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fsvgm777 wrote:
This doesn't even look like a run you'd see on SDA. Voting no before I finished watching the movie. (note: I didn't even finish watching Stage 1)
Of course you wouldn't, because it's already been done...5 minutes faster.
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