0210D599 1 byte signed = X Speed
This should help in optimizing things better. For instance, your spam boosting of Kirby is not good in the slightest.
And yes, you can tap ANY box to make it disappear.
I'll make a few tests, and post them here when I'm done.
Edit: I don't want to spend too much time into this game, so here's what I found.
-Spamming the boost is bad (*except for a trick I'll mention below), you really need to watch your speed to find out when is the best time per boost. Sometimes more than 10 frames or more per boost. What you want to do is, press it when your speed goes back down to your average, since pressing the boost once will bring your speed higher than average then back to normal. Watch my input, and watch the speed address, and you'll see what I mean.
-The best way to test when to boost is that if you press it too early, it either does nothing or worse, slows you down. (yes, the boost can slow you down if you press it too fast.)
-Slopes are your friend, but they can;t be too steep (unlike in say sonic where the steeper, the better.) Too steep and you actually slow down, rather than accelerate.
-While slope accelerating, Your speed does weird stuff, but i think spamming the boost here is actually a good thing and racks up your speed nicely.
-I hate the stylus input for the rainbow lines. Each frame, the next point can't be to far away. Lame.
-Going over the enemies, as I said, saves time. As you can tell from movie, it's not easy.
-You can create a down slope that goes right through Kirby and he'll automatically catch it. I do this right at the beginning, you can maybe, if you're good enough, make it work for when Kirby is at the peak of a jump. (too soon and he goes underneath it.)
This movie gets to the very first medal 117 frames faster than your movie. I get Kirby almost up to full wheel speed occasionally.
demo .dsm
So, yeah, hope this helps.