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Your'e forgetting how different smb3 as is from smb3 for the nes. Without left + right, the smb3 AS completion is 23 seconds longer than the current SMW run. The fastest strategy is also very different to the nes version. I've been thinking though... the hopping glitch works in both SMW and SMB3 AS. in SMB3 AS, you need to get up to speed which takes only about 20 frames with right + left. However in SMB3 AS, you can only jump every 8 frames without losing speed. holding left + right in SMW either means you run forwards, or alternatively, if you are flying, and facing left, it means you dive, without losing any speed. So it seems that it's possible that SMB3 AS and SMW can be controlled virtually independantly of each other, without losing any speed overall in any of the games. to control jumping independantly, you could either abuse the difference in heights from a spin jump compared to a normal jump in SMW, because these two jumps are mapped to the two "jump" buttons on SMB3 AS IIRC. alternatively, when entering SMB3 AS, you could change the button mapping and map one jump to a jump on SMW, and the other jump button to one of the "run" buttons on SMW. I think the main difficulty is going to be catching air in SMW, because it means you have to slow down in SMB3 AS.
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...Uh, wouldn't this be impossible? You wouldn't be able to use the same input for each run, because you'd be forced to select the same game every time. Unless you somehow had each game's run start from a save with that game already selected on the menu, but I dunno how that'd work...
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If you were playing SMAS+SMW, then that might be possible. But if you played SMW straight up...
Experienced player (622)
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use super mario all stars (not with added SMW because it requires an extra menu movement) for SMB3, and use the original SMW rom for SMW. there should be no problems if you do that.
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Or, in exchange, use original SMAS (blue title screen) together with SMAS+SMW (orange title screen), when you enter the menu press left, on each one you'll choose the correct game. This seems preferable, as it starts both games at the same time. =)
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Control jumps independently is a possible choice, but IMHO it spoils all the entertainment value from syncronizing both Marios. Doing the run without that would simply appear as watching two independent TASes at the same time.
The eyes of a machine are wonderful, but there's nothing like the the eyes of the heart – Old Cid, Cybercop
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what does it mean by one input TAS?
[19:16] <scrimpy> silly portuguese [19:16] <scrimpy> it's like spanish, only less cool
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It means using the same controller inputs to complete two games. The first movie that did this (that I know of) is the Megaman X1/X2 TAS; later some madmen decided to do the first four Megaman games all with the same inputs as well. There's also an Adventure of Lolo run that completes some random game, though I'm not certain that really counts since the secondary completion isn't optimized for speed (it's just taking advantage of the fact that Adventure of Lolo doesn't require input on every frame). Incidentally, if you decide to do this, please try to keep the two Marios in sync motion-wise as much as possible. These kinds of movies work best when you can see that yes, they're really using the same inputs. The M1M2M3M4 TAS suffered a bit here because it looked like four independent movies, because the authors did a very good job of finding ways to get the different Megamen out of sync in the interests of speed.
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Wait a second, are you guys saying that yall want to do a quad-TAS of SMB1, SMB2, SMB3, and SMW?
Post subject: Super Mario 3 + Super Mario World (Side-by-side TAS idea)
Player (13)
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I have an idea on making a TAS of Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World (side-by-side) This has inspired me of the idea after seeing the Mega Man X and X2 side-by-side TAS. Using the Super Mario World and the Super Mario All-Stars games, makes it a 2-in-1 TAS. If I want to do a 3-in-1 TAS, also add the SMAS+SMW (or the Japanese version Super Mario Collection) game for Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA) included.
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If you mean an input file that completes multiple TASes like the quadruple megaman run, then let me say this: There is a testrun which completes Super Mario Bros Super Mario Bros 2 Super Mario Bros 2 (J) Super Mario Bros 3 at the same time. See here: http://tasvideos.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=221418#221418 (Also, just for your information, there is a Megaman 1-6 test run) I don't like these runs, but it's still somewhat interesting.
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Considering the Megaman games, I think the best solution is to just do two games that synch really well. Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World actually seem like a good choice. I can just see Raccoon Mario and Cape Mario flying in synch; two Marios jumping on goombas, grabbing shells, and lobbing fireballs side by side... On the other hand, I think a project like this would require a lot of speed-entertainment trade offs to be effective; Namely, to have the two games look as much in synch as possible; A lot of what takes away from the 4-Megaman run (Besides it being too much to focus on) is that it doesn't LOOK like 4 games perfectly in synch. Just think about watching synchronized swimming, how awesome it looks when they're perfectly in synch and how terribly jarring it is when they look at all uneven: frames aren't really worth it on a creative category you're making up yourself anyway. I'd go as far as to suggest doing such a thing as a playaround but Super Mario Bros. 3 (All Stars) already has one of those and I'm rather fond of it.
Post subject: Super Mario Bros 3 SNES TAS
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A few days ago, i asked a question in the newbie corner on how to submit a video to the site, and he just suggested that I show it off here to get some advice on it Here's the link to the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jo0awHb-Mrw
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You should post the actual smv on microstorage too as Derakon suggested.
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* Did you try the second mushroom in the first level? If yes, was it slower than what you used? * In the beginning of the second stage you bumped into a pipe where you could have avoided it (when jumping, go left, then left+right) * Not sure, but the way you got the leaf in the third level looks improvable. Can you walljump at the spot where the leaf is? Have you tried landing before that pillar of blocks and then jumping (so when you touch the leaf-block you're already on your way across it). * Have you tried skipping the leaf? (I was told you can walljump to reach the secret area in the fortress) * Not sure if this glitch works in the SNES version: Have Mario scroll to the right, offscreen, so he can enter the pipe faster. * Same for the second autoscroller. * Might be possible even on the third autoscroller. * On the first non-autoscroller level, you bumped into lot of things and used a walljump at the end. Looks highly avoidable to me... * In Bowser's fortress at the stairs, I think you can go through walls without having to go all the way up there.
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-Yeah, I did try doing that, but it was slower. I needed that shell to jump the piranha plants, and it would take more time overall. -I noticed that, but only after finishing the tas. -Actually, as far as I know, you can wall jump off because it bounces you off before you have a chance -Wall jumping to get up there? I guess you could if you tried one wall wall jumping, but that would take longer -Yes, that glitch does work in this version, but I couldn't position Mario correctly, or it would just push him back and not save any time at all. -That wall jump at the end, I'm not sure if it is avoidable, because I couldn't land on the first pipe for the life of me. -The only way Mario can go through wall like I did, is if there is a ceiling directly above the wall you walk through. The reason is you need a ceiling is because Mario's head has to be in a wall to push him to the right. Without that, all you can do is a wall jump.
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oh and here's the microstorage link http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1005518296/Super%20Mario%20All-Stars%20(U)%20[!]%20smb3%20again.smv
Active player (499)
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I've not watched your run yet, but have you seen this? http://tasvideos.org/891S.html It appears to be quite a bit faster than the smv you uploaded.
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yeah i've seen that video I'm not sure when time starts exactly though, so I'm not sure if I beat him (but judging by watching his video, he beat me) From where I'm starting the timer, is Mario's first movement on the map, to the the frame where bowser get's hit by the last fireball might be from start up to the game until last fireball, but I don't know
Joined: 4/29/2005
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Meh. I'm not really all that impressed with this. Low% runs for this game have been done so often that it got done being impressive a long time ago. It's just been done to death.
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Indeed. I would be very interested in seeing an all-levels run, as has been suggested a few times. I would even be willing to do that kind of run myself, but I lack knowledge about the game. The tricks page for SMB3 isn't all that close to being completed (important things are missing like stutter walking)... I'd like to see such a run being done on the NES version.
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I think the best way to do an All-Stars SMB3 TAS is to exploit the crap out of the Left+Right glitch and also clear every level. I can't watch the SMVs linked here for lack of a computer that can run SNES9X, though, so if that's what's going on, my bad.
Previous Name: boct1584
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I actually might want to do that. Just one question though, should I do every level, or should I skip a few unneeded levels and use the cloud?
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"Every level" means every level, and personally I'd also kill all the Hammer Bros, AND clear the bridge levels in World 8.
Previous Name: boct1584
Joined: 4/29/2005
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Yes, an All Levels run would be a welcomed change after so many low% runs. I mean, the current Warpless run was a bit of a disappointment to me cause it doesn't do all levels. All Hammer/Fire/Boomerang/Giant Hammer Bros. would be a welcomed sight as well. Be the site's first 100% SMB3 run.