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Rockman Megaworld is a remix of all 3 Rockman/Megaman games to NES, with improved graphics and sound. When you complete all 3games the 4th game Wily Towers will unlock with 3new bosses. This is why I used the "a1!" verion instead of the "!" version of the game. The "a1!" still has its save function working.
  • Emulator used: Gens 11a movie
  • Aims for fastest time.
  • Takes damage to save time.
  • Genre: Platform

Things to know.

  • You can only hit a enemy every 8th frame. This will make everything alot harder then to NES, This is why "pause" through a enemy is faster then killing it.
  • You can reach a platform easier from the right then to the left.
  • Zipping is only avalible to the left and can only be made if using MagnetBeam to "jump" into the next screen at a ladder. Cutmans stage has some examples.
  • Ladder glitch is stilll in this game. When you are almost at the top of the ladder you can jump to get up faster
  • This game is VERY laggy sometimes and I try to avoid that as much as possible. Fireman is one of thoose stages. Icemans stage and the Devil fight has alot of them aswell. But I found a way to eliminate alot of them.


My route is Gutsman-Elecman-Cutman-Iceman-Fireman-Bombman I went with this route because I wanted Magnetbeam as soon as possible.


Not much to add. Its really simple and short. I need Gutsman weapon to get Magnetbeam on Elecmans stage.


As I said above I choosed Elecman as my second stage just for the Magnetbeam. From now on, after this stage, stages will go faster. The boss in this stage is the longest fight in this run.


Started off by choosing Gutmans weapon to take the shortcut. Saved me some time. In this stage, zipping here and there will be avalible. I think you will notice where :) Cutman dies like a fly, smashed him with some rocks that stood just perfect for me ;)


This is one of thoose laggy stages. To prevent this I used the Magnetbeam to climb as high I could so I went out of the picture. By doing this, mostly of the lagg disappeared. Sadly I couldnt do anything about the fight with Iceman and his lag.


Starting off by killing the Screw bombers, these gernerates lag when they shot. So they had to die.This is also one of the laggy stages aswell. The Tackle Fires is really a pain and cannot be avoided. In the boss corridor I freeze all the Screw bombers. Just becuase they accually generate 1 frame of lag ;)


Killing all the enemies in the beginning to eliminate all lag that they are geneerating if they are kept alive. Later on Im avoiding the bombs that as falling from the sky instead of pauseglitching though them.

Wily 1:

Not much to say about the stage. But there is something to say about the Wellow Devil in this stage. This boss has more lag then any boss/enemies that I have encounter. As soon you MOVE you will generate lag. So to do that I had to stand still as much as possible and found out that I could stand behind him when he morph the last time.

Wily 2:

In this stage you have to meet some of the bosses again. Unfortunally I had to pick up 2 bonus dots. Tried to avoid it, but without any success.

Wily 3:

This stage is so short so will nearly miss it if you blink and the boss dies within a few sec.

Wily 4:

The last stage. Here I will encounter the last bosses that I have left. I took a refill capsule for my Mangetbeam and took some damage from some of the Screw bombers.


TASing this game can sometimes be a pain in the ass. Its really laggy here and there, especially when it is alot of enemies in the screen or when using some of the weapons, like Elecmans. The whole game slows down for some seconds until the beam is out of the screen. Wonder why they didnt fix that from the beginning?

Truncated: I will reject this. The reason is not primarily that the movie is poorly done, although some people thought so too. The reason is (paraphrasing from the old submission of this game): that this is a slower and less spectacular version of the truly extraordinary run we have for NES. The controls are horrible, the music is mangled, there is more lag (however that is possible on a more powerful console). Over all I think this game is an abomination.

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I really liked watching this. Apart from the bonuses at the ends of bosses, a lot of stuff looked pretty optimized, given that the game has fewer bugs than the NES version, though Bisqwit brings up some interesting points. Also, there's actually GAMEPLAY in this run. As for the Yellow Devil, I would imagine that the shot was fired from across the room because it would be laggier to hang out in the middle and jump the moving bits of the boss (and the pause glitch would take longer). It's unfortunate that the boss lags so much. On the other hand, the Wily 3 boss was all kinds of awesome. I also liked how Elec Beam was used in the first Cutman fight... is this something that is viable in the NES run? So, I like the idea of a low glitch run, and this is a fairly good way to do it (as Baxter mentioned). However, it's not a good idea to have too much redundancy between runs. Perhaps the best way to play this game is to show only the new content by playing Wily's Towers via SRAM. All in all, I'm middle of the road and I vote Meh.
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. ( Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! ( Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
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Although I'm positive it's faster to beat Cutman before Elecman, I thought this was an entertaining run and liked the new and old tricks I saw. Yes vote from me.
Currently working on: -Possibly the Wily Tower (Mega Man the Wily Wars)
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Aside from the lack of luck manipulation, I do think this is a good movie.
Warepire wrote:
8400 re-records for a 20 minute movie ?
Well, it could be worse. My only published movie has 10,000 re-records and it's about an hour long.
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I'd agree with sentiment that it needs all 3 (4?) parts of the game for a TAS. I was going to work on Gens, to add the reset feature. I'm guessing Gens needs resets before the full game can be TAS'ed.
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Count me in as another person who found this run to be entertaining.
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Voted no. Looks extremely unoptimized and sloppy. What's the deal with getting hit by Sniper Joe in Bombman level? EDIT: This is not my only complaint, so don't think I'm "hating." There seems to be some viable lag reduction (Wily 1's final guts block in particular), I'm not sure why you choose to collect bonus dots (surely these can be manipulated away?), as well as not manipulating clear bonuses to minimum (although I don't know if this is possible in this version.)
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Having watched this, it doesn't look that extraordinary. It looks like a really good Mega Man speed run, but not a TAS. Given that we already have MM1, 2, and 3 runs on the site, the thing I'd like to see from this game is the extra bosses that you get when you beat the 3 games. I think that could be a great contribution to the site. But as for this run, while it looks good, I don't think it's publish worthy. Voting MEH.
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legoking831 wrote:
Warepire wrote:
8400 re-records for a 20 minute movie ?
Well, it could be worse. My only published movie has 10,000 re-records and it's about an hour long.
But your movie only used two savestates while most use all 10. I use 4 and look, Castle of Dragon has nearly 30,000 rerecords!
YoungJ1997lol wrote:
Normally i would say Yes, but thennI thought "its not the same hack" so ill stick with meh.
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eh, I liked it, I thought it was entertaining and a nice change from the existing Rockman run. Perhaps it could use some optimization. But I wasn't overly distracted by its lack. It's very clearly not a speedrun. It feels like a TAS circa 2005 or 2006. Overall, I wouldn't mind publishing it if it were accepted, so I think that's enough for a yes vote. I doubt that it will get published though, because of optimization issues. So I look forward to a second version.
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I think this TAS has potential to be published if it includes the 4th game and also make many of the improvement suggested by people above. I enjoy the run but I am voting no because it can be better.
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I think this is a great start. I don't know how much more it can be optimized as I always found the engine to be a little clunky. Still, if everyone says more work needs to be done, I say nothing wrong with trying. I voted Meh, but it wouldn't take much to push me into Yes. I admit, however, to preferring to see MM2 or 3 or original content.
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Yes vote for the overview
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I like this. The game looks a LOT nicer compared to the NES version.
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I agree with a number of posters here that if a run is done, it should include all the games, including the extra mode. The gameplay looks promising, but, as others said, it could be more polished. Then, there's the issue of what happens if someone submits a PCSX version (Rockman Complete Works).
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Having played this game a bit, honestly there's no way it's going to look as polished as the NES versions, simply because the controls are clunkier. Megaman's also a lot more willing to walk off of the edges of platforms, which means that you have to jump well before it seems like you should need to. And then of course there's the lag. So honestly I'm not certain just how unpolished this run is. Frenom posted WIPs in the Genesis section, and I was able to make valid suggestions for improvements, which, given my relative lack of experience as a TASer, suggests that Frenom's not necessarily the tightest optimizer around, but he still does good work*. Just not the kind of work you'd expect from someone with tons of experience, which is what we normally get for Megaman TASes. I don't call that a reason to censure him though. And while a full run of all three games plus the bonus content would be nice, it'd also be very long and a heck of a lot of work. I think there's room to publish each game separately, perhaps building on the same savefile, and then use those runs combined to access the bonus content. * Holy convoluted sentences, Batman!
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om, nom, nom... want more!
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TASVideos Grue wrote:
om, nom, nom... want more!
well said
TASVideoAgent wrote:
Over all I think this game is an abomination.
My first language is not English, so please excuse myself if I write something wrong. I'll do my best do write as cleary as I can, so cope with me here =) (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ
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I disagree with Truncated. I believe that if someone makes a well-done full run, it merits publication, although that also depends on whether other TASes for remakes are submitted as well.