Post subject: Question about install problems on Windows 7
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Hello. Today I got some questions about installing a portable Office package on my laptop. Sometimes I think that I shouldn't be around this much technology, and yet another times I'm wondering why this sort of stuff is creating so much headache when it really doesn't have to. Oh well, I'm asking here in hope that someone knows anything about it. Having Word on my computer is a must for me since I like to write, and notepad just isn't that great for writing longer stuff than a few sentences :) Yesterday I tried to install a portable USB Office package on my laptop. I.e. I tried to install Word. I could not however since my laptop complained about insufficient memory. This is just simply not possible. I got 200gb free disk space on each disk (C: and D:) and 4k RAM. I'm running Win 7 on the laptop which is an ASUS UL30A C2D 1.3 4GB/500 13.3#W7HP. I also tried the portable Office package on my stationary computer and it worked perfectly. So my conclusion is that something is blocking Office on my laptop, but what? And more urgently, how do I get rid of this block? I tried to disable the Windows Firewall in case that had something to do with it, but it didn't help. I also tried to run the exe-file as administrator (right click -> Run as Admin) but that didn't help either. A friend of mine thought it could be some UAC issues (User Account Control) but we weren't able to figure out what. Could there be some other settings that I've overlooked or missed? Of course I tried to google this but I couldn't find any good topics. I also tried to vark it ( but so far no one has been able to help me. Oh well, thanks a bunch in advance should anyone have any ideas!
/Walker Boh
Joined: 5/3/2008
Posts: 1120
...Microsoft Office was not meant to be portable. Are you trying to run pirated software? If you really need a portable office suite, try Portable: This should be updated soon for the new OOo 3.2
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Allright, I will try that! Thank you Arflech. I'll try to rephrase my question a bit then. Is there some sort of common problem in Win 7 that often blocks applications for various reasons? Maybe somewhere around the UAC stuff. Anyway, your solution should hopefully solve my problem, and it's not super urgent. Thanks a bunch anyway!
/Walker Boh
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It may be possible that since it's trying to install off of a non-CD/DVD drive, that it's looking at the USB drive you're installing off of? It's a weird possibility, cause since it's writable, it may be looking there?
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Hmm, that sounds very plausible actually. Is there anyway to fix this? I would like to avoid having to drag an USB with me at all times just to have it working. Well, very good idea and thanks for the tips! I'll see if I can fint something out about that. Thanks.
/Walker Boh
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Allright. The problem is apparently twofold. For one this application runs fine if you already have Office installed. If I would have that still (I removed Word 2007 which I don't like in order to install Word 2003 which I do like yesterday) I wouldn't need a new Word in the first place. Then it seems to be this wonderful issue that for some it works perfectly, and for others it doesn't work. So I'm in the unlucky category two. Well, open office it is instead. Thank you for your help anyway!
/Walker Boh
Joined: 5/3/2008
Posts: 1120
Sir VG wrote:
It may be possible that since it's trying to install off of a non-CD/DVD drive, that it's looking at the USB drive you're installing off of? It's a weird possibility, cause since it's writable, it may be looking there?
I have actually pirated Office 2003, so I could fix an issue with my Office 2003 installation that I had gotten for free from a university I no longer attend, and the installation files ran fine when I unpacked them to an external drive.
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