Post subject: What the HELL just happened? (Yo. Channel people. C'mere.)
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wtf was THAT BS about? I just ran FOUR anti-virus-type programs and didn't have a single virus. I go to enterthegame's website and they're basically pulling some shit to keep folks from linking ANYWHERE, it would seem. In short, a conversation with someone I know on another server: Me> Me> And they're being paranoid as shit for no real reason. Her> some fansubbers for some show I watched had their room there >> but I forget who Her> maybe HnK Me> Well, AVG picked up nada. Her> you don't have a virus :P they're just tards Me> Indeed. xx; SomeoneElse> Basically, its a guise to sanitize URLs. SomeoneElse> URLs they don't like get you akilled. Me> Wonder if they'll ban Bisqwit for linking to his own site. >_> SomeoneElse> Its automated. SomeoneElse> Also, who are these fucking fools? "#1 Gaming Chat Network in America." SomeoneElse> This sounds like they're trying to gain sponsorship or money. So wtf. Did linking to the SDA cause this shit? I wanna know what the HELL jsut happened and why I'm not allowed BACK!
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Yeah, the same thing happened to KaitouKid.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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We be the same person, chief o_o Hence why I'm asking. *nods* Can someone go tell those fscking crackheads to lemme back on? xx;
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Read also: BombAHead: Oh, same person? Never realized. Why must you use a different nick here and in the IRC?
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That is KaitouKid. The site says they they introduced a new scanning method which scans links for virus/trojans/spam, so it's possible you got detected for linking some sort of site they flagged as one of these. However, if they did ban you for fansubs they probably just don't want (now becoming) illegal activity on their server, and I do not blame them for that. However, they should just tell you straight out what the ban is exactly for.
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21:37:41 <SkyNet-> have him try now Try now :)
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Bisqwit wrote:
Read also: BombAHead: Oh, same person? Never realized. Why must you use a different nick here and in the IRC?
*shrug* I started posting here awhile before joining the channel, I think. That and I get tired of having the same nick everywhere. Anyway... I did link to the SDA, didn't I? Because if I didn't, I'm pretty sure I was randomly kicked off for no reason. And if I did, then you need to find a server with admins who aren't completely paranoid assholes. xx; Friend> Wow. Friend> These people ARE stupid. Friend> They put a FBI logo on their website. Friend> Wow, these guys suck. Me> Yes. Yes they do. >>v Friend> In 50 top link referrers, none of them are external. They're all sites they host. ._. "we r teh g00d! u go now!!!" Well, I'll check back every so often. -.- *scowl* God dammit, I'm NOT having a good day here. Less than two hours of sleep, horrible headache, random-ban from the server because they're paranoid about stuff... ><
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Oh, I assumed BombAHead was whoever got banned for linking to the speed demos archive before KaitouKid.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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TNSe wrote:
21:37:41 <SkyNet-> have him try now Try now :)
Nope. *** You were killed by Services.EnterTheGame.Com (([Ref#:98090 - Expires:3/3/05] KaitouKid - Virus!!)) - Closing Link: Yuki-neko (Killed (Services.EnterTheGame.Com ([Ref#:98090 - Expires:3/3/05] KaitouKid - Virus!!))) - *** Disconnected
Emulator Coder
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21:41:47 <SkyNet-> there were 2 21:41:50 <SkyNet-> i see 21:42:39 <SkyNet-> removed that one too
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Two? ._. What the sam hell were there two for? 'Kay, I may as well just not come back if those twats are gonna be pissy about any link they deem bad. -.- It's fucking annoying. Someone tell me when the admins have stopped taking crack plz. Until then, I guess it's back to just lurking in the forums for me. Fucking bullshit, man.
Emulator Coder
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heh, I'm mailing the network admin asking why that site got you blacklisted right now ...
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1: [16:11] Closing Link: omeg (Killed (Services.EnterTheGame.Com ([Ref#:98021 - Expires:2/28/05] omeg - Virus!!))) Closing Link: Yuki-neko (Killed (Services.EnterTheGame.Com ([Ref#:98090 - Expires:3/3/05] KaitouKid - Virus!!)))
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BombAHead wrote:
Two? ._. What the sam hell were there two for? 'Kay, I may as well just not come back if those twats are gonna be pissy about any link they deem bad. -.- It's fucking annoying. Someone tell me when the admins have stopped taking crack plz. Until then, I guess it's back to just lurking in the forums for me. Fucking bullshit, man.
Agreed. Let's all take up pitchforks, torches, and march down to where their servers are set up, or something! Yah! Nothin' like a good ol' mob lynching!
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Personally, I don't like this network.
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I hated EnterTheGame since the time they "sold the gaming community out", if you will. Their network was running like crap and come to find out it was all the hidden anime channels taking up over half the server resources (and being over half the population) at the time. It didn't really bug me but it was a pain in the ass being unable to connect. Of course, when they started g-slash-k-lining anyone affiliated with ProUnreal because some of the ProUnreal staffers mentioned that the anime filesharing channels were in violation of ETG's rules, well, that's when I said 'screw it' and left. Apparently EnterTheGame should have been called EnterTheAnime, because they sure as hell didn't care about the gaming community at that time. I think that's about the time that HomeLAN pulled out their support, and they got into trouble with Sprint. That was a while back... maybe TNSe can give you a more accurate summary as I was on a brief hiatus from UT then :P And KaitouKid, weren't you the one who was paranoid that I was sending you a virus batch file a while back? ;) Seems you'd be happy about this kind of precaution, hehe.
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I'm creating channel #nesvideos at As consequence, NesVideoAgent sits now there too...
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Why Freenode??
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I still say it's retarded to just up and randomly move without bothering to ask any of the, y'know, people who come to the chat what THEY think about it. Good job, asshat. Ah well. Nothing was happening around there, anyway. No point in coming to a room when there's a chance that it'll randomly up and move. Even less point to being on two damn servers at once.
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Because if I didn't, I'm pretty sure I was randomly kicked off for no reason. And if I did, then you need to find a server with admins who aren't completely paranoid assholes.
So, you loudly object to the way enterthegame is treating you, it's obvious that at least a few other people are experiencing the same or similar problems, and then you gripe about the fact that the administrator is changing to another server? Please, please tell me that you know something about "freenode" that we should know about. ...and that insult was over the top, as well.
Editor, Active player (297)
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Placing the IRC channel at EnterTheGame was an extempore decision in the first place. I did it for no other reason that it was one (1) irc network that I knew everyone can connect to. And that I knew EnterTheGame is somewhat gaming related sounded good. I have no personal connection to the EnterTheGame network, so it was no problem whatsoever for me to move the channel to another network. It sounds like you're objecting loudly because you do have those personal things. Don't make that other people's problem, and certainly don't go insulting people. You're generally a good person, KaitouKid, but this is the second time I see you act in that way. Please don't make a third. So now I made another extempore decision. But it wasn't as extempore as the previous one - I chose freenode because it has been mentioned several times (well, at least 3) to me. I joined there, registered nick, read a couple of help files, registered channel, read more help files and web pages and an hour later I invited people there. I replaced "" with "" in my IRC client start script, and that's it. Edit: Replaced adhoc with another latin-based word...
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I normally don't bother, and I know English isn't your first language, but you rarely make blatant errors and strike me as someone that cares to know when he does. Anyways, I think you mean "arbitrary" and not "ad hoc." (One could of course argue that you mean your decision about the IRC channel was impromptu or specific to a particular situation, and therefore ad hoc, but hopefully you will trust me when I say the shading of the word is such that it should not be used in the manner in which you used it.) Edit: Lol.
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On a slightly related topic, I just had my voice stolen over typing lots of graves, it seems. I think what happened is I set my calculator down near the keyboard when I went to bed, and I didn't notice it was actually leaned on one of the keys. Sorry if that really annoyed anyone. What should I do when something like that happens?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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What client do you use that just sends messages when your not there. I could put a weight on a key and sleep; nothing would send to the server.
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Well, I'm using mIRC. I think it sends the message automatically once I type over a certain character limit...
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude