About the game

This is the gameboy port of the first Kid Niki game for the NES. It's about the ninja Yanchamaru whose girlfriend has been kidnapped. Now he sets off to rescue her, going through 4 worlds with 3 levels each. He's armed with the spinning sword and can kill enemies with one hit (except for the soldier-like enemies in the fourth world).

About the run

I shaved about ~12 seconds off my previous run which I considered submitting back in 2008 but I lost the movie file. So I made a new version and made sure to save frames wherever possible. Well, there's not much more to tell here...

Tricks and time-savers

I watched addresses C3C1 (shows where the character is on the screen, in pixels) and C3C0 (subpixels) to optimize most parts. Yanchamaru goes at a speed of 1.0625 pixels per frame on the ground and 0.88671875 in the air. If his ground speed consisted of only additional 0.004 pixels/frame (I'm not sure about the exact amount) he would have been able to cross small pits by walking which would have been a good thing. That's because jumping in this game slows you down considerably due to the lower speed and the delay when jumping and landing. So the best way to move is to jump only when necessary. In difficult parts and parts where you have to break blocks in order to go on, I made sure my X-location was as near to 96.999999 as possible since you walk for 2 on-screen pixels a frame when reaching 97 (which becomes 96.123, then 96,345 and so on).

Corner Boost

Whenever Yanchamaru jumps only very slightly below a block, he's pushed forward ~3 pixels.


When beating a boss or completing a level, your subpixel value is kept and won't be cleared for the next level. It only gets changed a little bit during the bonus level sequence. So I made sure to have it be as near to 0.99999 as possible. (I discovered this when I was at the first world's boss, so the first two levels don't make use of this time-saver. Maybe I lost 1 frame, or 2 at most)

Bonus levels

At the end of every level there is a big 'B' floating around that gives you the bonus game upon grabbing it. I always made sure to not touch it, so I never played the bonus game. The only instance where you have to play the game by default is after the first three bosses.

Boss scrolls

When beating a boss, a scroll appears which you will need to get in order to continue. But I can't catch it on the first possible frame because the game somehow delays for the amount of time which you spent in the air. So I get it in the air while having full falling speed, and I spend 4 frames in the air before touching the ground which seems to be the best solution (It's better than touching the scroll standing on the ground).

Invincibility scrolls

I get two of these in the run. It takes some time to get them but in return you don't have to wait for enemies such as the Maimai (giant shelled animal) or don't have to beat tons of enemies by having to jump all the time to use your spinning sword.


You can touch ladders early and save ~3 pixels that way. Only used once, in the final level.

About the ending

There are two different endings that may occur after beating the final boss. Either Yanchamaru doesn't save the princess from falling into the pit and makes an ashamed expression, saying "Sorry Kurumihime!". Or he saves her and gets kissed by her with the text "Thank you Yanchamaru!". Since the endings are dependent on timing, and since I would have needed to delay for 14 frames to get the good ending I first refrained from getting it. I wanted to shave off as much time as possible from my old run. But then it only took me 10 frames after I optimized more, and it didn't look so bad, so I went with the good ending.

That's it

Here's a streaming video http://dic.nicovideo.jp/v/sm9131691
Ask when there are questions, enjoy the run, etc.

Nach: Some people think this game is a bit bland, although it looks like a well planned solid run. Accepting.

Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15097
This topic is for the purpose of discussing #2498: MUGG's GB Kid Niki in 08:49.38
Joined: 5/3/2008
Posts: 1120
the video has been removed or is under maintenance
i imgur com/QiCaaH8 png
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Works fine here, that was probably just temporary.
Joined: 6/23/2009
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Nice little run! The music got repetitive in the first two stages, but the action looks good. It definitely seems like a hard game which you made easy. Out of curiosity, though, why did you run the Game Boy port? How is it different from the NES version? And also, it looks like you end only stages 4-1 and 4-2 on the left side of the goal platform. Why didn't you do this with more stages?
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. (http://tasvideos.org/2928M.html.) Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! (http://tasvideos.org/2001M.html) Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
Editor, Expert player (2324)
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I'm not familiar with the NES version. And by looking on youtube videos, it doesn't look particularly interesting. It seems to only consist of straightforward levels, whereas the gameboy version does have some interesting places, especially in the cave levels. Also, the NES version seems longer and features longer and more frequent boss fights. The goal platforms in 4-1 and 4-2 differ from the previous ones. I made sure to land on them optimally and as soon as possible.
Emulator Coder, Former player
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I... just can't get into this game, no matter how well it's being played. It's too slow-paced and doesn't demonstrate any particularly interesting game mechanics. That would be a Meh vote for choice of game.
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sgrunt wrote:
I... just can't get into this game, no matter how well it's being played. It's too slow-paced and doesn't demonstrate any particularly interesting game mechanics.
Seconded. The effort is appreciated, for sure, but the game choice is a bit lacking. I'm giving it a Meh with a lean towards Yes. It's certainly publishable, just a little boring due to the slow pace.
TASvideos Admin and acting Senior Judge 💙 Currently on indefinite hiatus, taking care of family. Very infrequently posting on Cohost
warmCabin wrote:
You shouldn't need a degree in computer science to get into this hobby.
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I wasn't excited by the idea of Kid Niki, since I find the NES ones not interesting. This one wasn't very interesting at first, but fortunately I kept watching. It got more interesting later on in the movie. I'll give it a meh.
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
Emulator Coder
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Regarding the boss scrolls, could you perhaps jump later, this way you're at the peak of your jump getting them, as opposed to catching them lower down?
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
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See the Boss Scrolls section in the submission text. I would lose frames if I'd get it at any higher point, because the game delays for as many frames as you are in the air and the way I grabbed the scroll is the most optimal one.
Emulator Coder
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Okay. I didn't understand that from the submission text, but I see what you're saying now.
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [1440] GB Ganso!! Yanchamaru "best ending" by MUGG in 08:49.38
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I like how the music is similar to the NES release... and that the hermit crabs look like dog poop HAHAHA
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So there's no confusion, I'm changing the game name to "Ganso!! Yanchamaru" based on the information on this page ("This portable sequel is a unique game and not a port of one of the existing Kid Niki/Yanchamaru titles") and this page (similar sentence, also the first screenshot matches the scene in this run at about 0:24 of the encode).