Have you considered trying a single head bounce trick before being the tabletop tricks? It might let you eek out another 8 or 20 points.
Also, I'm sure I'm not the only person that years ago tried for a while to do standing tabletops on console, and it looks like you were just barely to complete the trick before landing. How much leeway was there? 1 frame? several?
Have you considered trying a single head bounce trick before being the tabletop tricks? It might let you eek out another 8 or 20 points.
The goal of this video isn't to get the highest score. It's only a demonstration. We're not gonna do this in the TAS.
As for the leeway, we don't really know. We haven't tested this extensively. Again, it was only a demonstration.
You mean head bounce, or the tabletop thing?
Either way, Uniracers doesn't stop your input when the timer hits zero, so long as you're in the air (if I remember correctly, I haven't done much testing on it yet.) So it would probably be best to get all the Head Bounces/Tabletops that we're going to do for the track out of the way at the beginning, and then grab some huge air just as the timer runs out, taking advantage of the extra air time to pull off some more stunts.
As for the question about leeway, the score that a tabletop gives is largely based on duration, so we started the tabletop ASAP and held it long enough to guarantee 12 points from each one. Since it was just a quick demo (and not even one I originally planned to show to the world,) I just copied the same two tabletops over and over, but because of the variable score it would be possible to do shorter tabletops and still get 12 points per, allowing us to fit in more tabletops and so on and so forth.
The first two head bounces are more points than a tabletop (32 and 16 respectively) so if we were really trying for high score with no movement, that would be the way to go. The minimal tabletop is fewer frames, too, I believe.
That looked neat. I hope that the other trick levels don't all feature twenty seconds of stationary tricks at the end, though. You might consider having each trick level have a different theme, or something. They're fixed-time anyway, so you should be trying to use that time to be as entertaining as possible (given that you've proven that you can shatter any score records out there).
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
Indeed. Our goal on this one was uncompromising highest score, we wanted to show at the beginning what was possible with highest precision, but we'll definitely go for other things on other tracks (while still beating all known records.)
By the way, you have me to thank for this one, since Hala is busy working ahead. Sorry for the last 25 seconds but I thought the Tabletop trick was worth showing in the TAS in part at least (and probably at most) once.
Indeed. Our goal on this one was uncompromising highest score, we wanted to show at the beginning what was possible with highest precision, but we'll definitely go for other things on other tracks (while still beating all known records.)
By the way, you have me to thank for this one, since Hala is busy working ahead. Sorry for the last 25 seconds but I thought the Tabletop trick was worth showing in the TAS in part at least (and probably at most) once.
I actually wonder if it'd be better to have one of the trick levels dedicated solely to stationary tricks, for the sheer WTF factor. I do agree that stationary tricks should only be abused in one trick level.
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
I will be following all progress on this game, so far it looks great. It will be fun to see what you guys decide to do on the trick levels, it doesn't really bother me how you get through them. The real treats, I believe, will be the races / circuits. I can't wait to see them all decimated. Keep it up!
I think dedicating one trick level to getting the highest lowest number would be awesome!
(Disregarding Megax3/x4 I imagine you could maybe get the lowest number to 5? or even higher? Would force in loads of variety and also make for an aesthetically pleasing ending I think.)
Maybe another could be dedicated to having all points after the fewest possible number of jumps? Then maybe after 4 or so jumps, you just sorta dance around, staying on the ground though, waiting for the messages to catch up.
P.S. I was actually aware of both Mega tricks never receding in points value but I think it's only because of your frame-precision that you're able to abuse it so well. I was never great at the stunt courses - only after finding out about the Mega constancy was I able to complete the gold stunt courses and get to Hunter.
Also, just in case you aren't aware, the Gamefaqs NTSC score thread seems to be reincarnated. I'm sure you'll smash them all anyway.
http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage.php?board=588824&topic=41488930Dessyreqt wrote:
Either way, Uniracers doesn't stop your input when the timer hits zero, so long as you're in the air (if I remember correctly, I haven't done much testing on it yet.) So it would probably be best to get all the Head Bounces/Tabletops that we're going to do for the track out of the way at the beginning, and then grab some huge air just as the timer runs out, taking advantage of the extra air time to pull off some more stunts.
Btw, on re-reading, I'm just wondering why this wasn't done? Was there insufficient boost to get big air? Or does input actually stop? Or was there some other issue?
I'm just some random guy. Don't let my words get you riled - I have my opinions but they're only mine.
If this track doesn't get you guys excited about this TAS, nothing will.
I'll say! That was pretty crazy, I liked what happened at the end. I guess we'll be seeing a lot of that in the TAS.
I watched Switcher and Monster today, both were great.
Since progress has slowed considerably (no new tracks in the past 8 months,) I'm going to put out the call for single track TASes, much like the way the SM64 100% is being done. Once we get a full set and are satisfied, we'll put it all together into a full game TAS.
If you need any resources, feel free to join us in #uniracers on FreeNode.