This is my run of the Famicom Disc System (FDS) game Arumana no Kiseki, completed 1456 frames (24.27 seconds) faster than Max12187566’s run. Max did a pretty good job of planning in this game, particularly with the glitch allowing the character to walk through walls, however a lot of optimization was possible, particularly with the later levels and bosses. I initially chose to do this run to add the FDS to my list of consoles that I’ve TASed, but later on found out that it’s a rather challenging game to work with that still fun.
Some info:
  • Emulator used: FCEUX 2.1.2 - This version is REQUIRED, previous versions do not switch FDS discs properly (Old PPU used)
  • FDS bios file used: Disksys.rom
  • Abuses programming errors
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Manipulates luck (Bosses only)
This game features a character who eerily resembles Indiana Jones, but due to copyright regulations by the Disney Corporation, his name is actually Mindiana Mones. Yes, I just made that up. Mindy Mones (HA!) is blessed with the ability to use a grappling rope to climb onto higher ledges, but his (her?) gift is a curse as well, since the damn thing is so hard to control well in real time. The hook is also used to exploit a couple oversights in programming, which will be explained a little later.

The Ammo

Also at Mindy’s disposal are several types of munitions: Standard Knife (1 hp), Pistol (2 hp), Bomb (5 hp), Nunchucks (3 hp), Flash Grenade (1 hp), and Spiked Bomb (2 hp). All of these can be picked up in-level, except for the knife, which will regenerate after supplies are depleted. Clearly, using the regular bomb for all enemies would be best, except that some of the mechanics make it a rather suboptimal choice. The player is allowed to control when the bomb is detonated, which is a pain in the ass in real time, but minimally irritating for a TAS. However the player is not allowed to throw another bomb until after all the detonation animation has stopped, which delays boss fights quite a bit. The bomb is unique in that you can throw one at almost any time, even when another weapon projectile is onscreen. Because of this limitation with the other weapons, a mixture of close attacks with weaker ammunition intermixed with bomb attacks is usually the optimal boss fighting technique.

The Glitches

There are really a few glitches present in this movie, but one is more noticeable than the others. Normal play with the grappling hook involves shooting it into a wall, climbing the rope, waiting approximately 20 frames for the character to climb up onto the top of the hook (usually onto a platform), and repeating as necessary. If there is no platform, Mindy will just fall. However, because of the height that Mindy can jump and the rate at which the hook can be shot, it is possible to jump repeatedly onto higher and higher hooks, in effect creating an infinite jump. If Mindy ends up climbing onto the top of the hook and is near the top of the screen, another hook shot followed by turbo jumping will lead to infinite mini-jumps across the screen, which is seen regularly throughout this movie. Also, if the hook is shot into the junction of a wall and platform, Mindy will climb onto the hook but more than half the character sprite will be inside the wall. This allows for walking through walls using a combination of the two techniques mentioned above to create infinite distance wall walking. If the sequence is performed incorrectly, Mindy will slowly walk down the wall towards the edge of the screen, then die. Speaking of the screen...

Screen Scrolling

This is one of the biggest pains in the ass in this game. Vertical and horizontal screen scrolling are controlled by two different mechanisms, and if the character reaches either the top, bottom, or side of the screen without it scrolled, the game will not progress normally. This affects play in several ways. First, a grappling hook will not attach to an area that does not appear on screen, which leads to longer climbing sequences that involve waiting on rope for the screen to scroll upwards, which is achieved by standing still. Second, if the character reaches the right hand side of the screen and cannot progress any further, the screen will not scroll, which will cause objects (such as moving platforms) to not load. This is fixed by walking some distance back towards the center of the screen then returning around for the screen to scroll and the objects to load properly. Third, Mindy will be killed if the character sprite is more than halfway above the top of the screen while standing on a solid surface (not a wall). This goof is not shown in the run, but is pretty funny. So, if you see me standing still for a period of time, or see me retracing my steps for no reason, it is to affect the screen scrolling.


  • Title Screen
Pushing start at the earliest frame will cause the title screen to glitch. Useless, but funny. It also happens to be the third glitched title screen in all my runs (Solitaire, Spider-man: Web of Fire) Total time saved: 8 frames
  • First level & boss
I optimized the rope climbing and sideways running, but overall this level was pretty tight already. The boss has 15 hp, and was started off and finished with bombs,but was unimproved.. Total time saved for level (24); boss (0) -- 32 total frames saved
  • Second level & boss
Lots of optimized climbing with a slight change in technique which saves some time, but doesn’t allow me to get more pistol ammo. The setup for the infinite wall walking is more optimized as well. The boss was also improved slightly. Total time saved for level (113); boss (33) -- 178 total frames saved
  • Third level & boss
A new shortcut at second upwards climb segment allowed me to save several seconds, but kept me from collecting additional flash grenade ammo. My first WIP for the game didn’t collect the nunchucks either, but I found out that I wouldn’t have enough firepower to kill the final boss without making a slight adjustment. Thankfully I was able to collect them and still perform the glitch without wasting much time at all. The last half of the level is particularly tough to work with due to screen scrolling. I also managed to catch one of the moving elevators early, saving a couple seconds. The right side of the boss is most quickly taken down with bullets, and while I did find that the left side of the boss is vulnerable to regular bombs (unlike what Max found), it was faster to use a combination of other weapons. Total time saved for level (269); boss (278) -- 725 total frames saved
  • Fourth level & boss
Almost the entire level is skipped, but I did optimize the setup for infinite wall walking. The spider boss is tough to plan for, since it is very quick and spends a good amount of time in the air, away from possible attacks. However, I found that hanging from the hook allowed me to get in a large amount of weak attacks while still getting the most out of bomb attacks. Probably improvable by a little bit, but it’s much cleaner than the previous version. Total time saved for level (42); boss (59)-- 826 total frames saved
  • Fifth level & boss
I cleaned up the first spot where the character falls through the wall by exiting lower down. Since half the level is essentially an auto-scroller, I try to make things as entertaining as possible. Imagining the cart as a skateboard may help some. The fifth boss is simply ammo spammed to death. Total time saved for level (149); boss (37) -- 1012 total frames saved
  • Final level & boss
A lot of improvement comes from infinite wall walking in the final half of the level, instead of repeatedly working up and down like in the previous movie. The final boss is faster in spite of having to use more nunchucks than the previous run, since I skipped the flash grenades in level 3. Overall I believe the tradeoff is faster. Oh, enjoy the glitchiness for the first few seconds of the fight, it comes from hitting the boss before he fully loads, I believe. Total time saved for level (293); boss (151) -- 1456 total frames saved

Final thoughts

I hope you enjoy this run, but I think the entertainment level is hampered by the constant FDS loading screen. If a quick and dirty encode is made prior to publication, editing out the loading screens may make for a more enjoyable experience. The final publication will obviously have them included, however. Finally, I’d like to thank Max for a good previous run for me to compare strategies with. Any questions will be happily answered in the discussion. Enjoy!

adelikat: Accepting as an improvement to the published movie.
Flygon: Processing.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #2486: mmbossman's FDS Arumana no Kiseki in 08:26.67
Joined: 6/20/2008
Posts: 150
I think this is the first time I've messed with an FDS rom since FCEUX 2.x, so perhaps there's some sort of mystical ritual needed to get the thing to flip disk sides when it asks--because that's where the run currently desyncs for me. The link to get the newest FCEUX (currently I'm using 2.0.1a) in the Emulators heading on the site seems to be broken, as well.
Joined: 4/23/2009
Posts: 1283
Here is an encode: Daily Motion link: Note: The Daily Motion link doesn't have HQ mode right now due to unknown reasons, I've contacted Daily Motion about it and I am waiting for a response. Here is an encode with all the loading screens removed: Edit: Added encode links. Edit 2: Added alternative encode.
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Yeah, you need FCEUX 2.1.2 for this to work properly, prior versions didn't handle disc switching. And yeah, the download link seems borked for the time being. I will try to upload a backup .zip soon. EDIT: Here's a link to the zip file for the most recent FCEUX
Living Well Is The Best Revenge My Personal Page
Joined: 6/23/2009
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Nice job with the wall-of-faces boss and the spider boss! They were the most notable changes in the run. The final boss was also cool, especially with the glitched beginning of the fight.
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. ( Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! ( Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
Player (224)
Joined: 10/17/2005
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Nice glitches. I'll toss in a yes vote.
<adelikat> I've been quoted with worse
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It's an improvement, and any time shaved on this game is well appreciated. Yes.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Aktan: I'm not sure how you are encoding your videos, but I have never been able to play them on my computer. I am able to play videos encoded by other people though. Perhaps the thing that is causing my computer to be unable to play your videos is also the reason why Dailymotion cannot get a high quality encode out of the video. I voted yes, btw. It's not a particularly exciting game, but the sound effect that is played when you reach the end of the level sounds cool. :P And no, I don't know why.
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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blahmoomoo wrote:
Aktan: I'm not sure how you are encoding your videos, but I have never been able to play them on my computer. I am able to play videos encoded by other people though. Perhaps the thing that is causing my computer to be unable to play your videos is also the reason why Dailymotion cannot get a high quality encode out of the video. I voted yes, btw. It's not a particularly exciting game, but the sound effect that is played when you reach the end of the level sounds cool. :P And no, I don't know why.
Naw, that isn't the reason, because I've had other videos working on Daily Motion. Also, the encode I send to Daily Motion is different (I encode it twice). About your problem, which movie are you using? MKV or MP4? What player are you using? What OS are you using?
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Both the MKV and MP4 cannot be played. I am using Windows 7. In WMP 12, I get a black screen and audio only. Media Player Classic knows the length of the video, but it can't play it (the slider and time do not advance when I push play). QuickTime plays audio only with the MP4 and shows a green screen. RealPlayer plays audio only with the MP4 and displays some random color blocks in the upper left hand corner (which do not change throughout the video). When opening the MKV with VirtualDubMod, the following error message appears:
[!] Couldn't locate decompressor for format 'ÿÿÿÿ' (unknown). VirtualDub requires a Video for Windows (VFW) compatible codec to decompress video. DirectShow codecs, such as those used by Windows Media Player, are not suitable. Only 'Direct stream copy' is available for this video.
Then again, VirtualDubMod appears to be unable to open any MKV from this site that works in a media player, so I assume that the videos encoded here use DirectShow decoders only (or I just don't have any of the VFW ones). I think the problem is that everyone else uses H264 and you are using avc1, according to the FourCC of your MP4 file verses an AVI that someone else made here. Strangely enough, the MP4 can be played fully in Chrome... (it supports HTML5, so it just takes the MP4 and plays it like a HTML5 video tag) but the problem with that is the lack of full screen video playing. It is possible that I have a codec issue, but you think that QuickTime would use native codecs only and not the ones installed with Windows. Not too sure about that though...
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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blahmoomoo wrote:
Both the MKV and MP4 cannot be played. I am using Windows 7. In WMP 12, I get a black screen and audio only. Media Player Classic knows the length of the video, but it can't play it (the slider and time do not advance when I push play). QuickTime plays audio only with the MP4 and shows a green screen. RealPlayer plays audio only with the MP4 and displays some random color blocks in the upper left hand corner (which do not change throughout the video). When opening the MKV with VirtualDubMod, the following error message appears:
[!] Couldn't locate decompressor for format 'ÿÿÿÿ' (unknown). VirtualDub requires a Video for Windows (VFW) compatible codec to decompress video. DirectShow codecs, such as those used by Windows Media Player, are not suitable. Only 'Direct stream copy' is available for this video.
Then again, VirtualDubMod appears to be unable to open any MKV from this site that works in a media player, so I assume that the videos encoded here use DirectShow decoders only (or I just don't have any of the VFW ones). I think the problem is that everyone else uses H264 and you are using avc1, according to the FourCC of your MP4 file verses an AVI that someone else made here. Strangely enough, the MP4 can be played fully in Chrome... (it supports HTML5, so it just takes the MP4 and plays it like a HTML5 video tag) but the problem with that is the lack of full screen video playing. It is possible that I have a codec issue, but you think that QuickTime would use native codecs only and not the ones installed with Windows. Not too sure about that though...
Okay, I have your solution. Windows 7 uses built in H.264 decoders which apparently cannot play lossless H.264. MPC lucky bypasses the new codec system in Win7 and should work fine as long as you have ffdshow installed ( You might also need Haali's media splitter ( Quicktime doesn't support lossless H.264 either, hence your problem. I don't know much about Real Player. H.264 and avc1 are both the same thing, so I'm not using something "new" =p. VirtualDubMod does use VfW interface, and you will be able to open H.264 in VirtualDubMod after you installed ffdshow. Note: Not all my encodes uses lossless, so I can point to some lossy ones if you want to try those and see if they work.
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Posts: 347
I already have both of those and I just reinstalled them... nothing changed. I even uninstalled both of those and the K-lite codec pack, then reinstalled ffdshow and Haali Media Splitter, but it still doesn't work.
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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blahmoomoo wrote:
I already have both of those and I just reinstalled them... nothing changed. I even uninstalled both of those and the K-lite codec pack, then reinstalled ffdshow and Haali Media Splitter, but it still doesn't work.
Older version of ffdshow doesn't support lossless H.264 either. What version of ffdshow do you have? Also K-lite codec pack is bad, imo, I would avoid it as it can screw things up.
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I just downloaded the latest version from the link you gave me... And I realize that, but I never did the big no-no of installing it twice. I just removed it though. EDIT: I will have to try again later when I can afford to reboot my computer... maybe that would solve something.
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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What have you kids got against VLC? It plays Aktan's files perfectly.
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Judge Ito wrote:
What have you kids got against VLC? It plays Aktan's files perfectly.
I actaully dislike VLC since it is buggy, I started making MP4s because of VLC! Mumble... damn buggy MKV demuxer.. mumble.
Banned User
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Acceptable run of an acceptable game, yes.
Joined: 2/12/2009
Posts: 27
Very good TAS yes vote
"The life is like you create it"
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*grumble* VLC must have internal codecs that work... I don't get why ffdshow doesn't work. Huzzah for needing yet another media player. *grumble*
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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Nice!!! But you make a mistake as me in stage 1 The bosses are very good!!
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max12187566 wrote:
But you make a mistake as me in stage 1
Yeah, I caught that after I submitted. The first fall can be cancelled with using the grappling hook, then jumping. Doing that would save another 11-12 frames, and I have tried to hex it in, but because the boss movement can be manipulated by single frame key presses, I haven't had much sucess. I'll keep trying, and if I can get it fixed, I'll update the submission file. Until then, consider this one improvable by a fifth of a second :) EDIT: Trying to hex in the landing animation cancel with the grappling hook leads to the screen scrolling slightly differently, which causes a desync. I'm going to try to run the first level and see if I can't hex it in from there, and if that doesn't work I'll try the boss. After that, I'll give up. EDIT2: Yup, this game's scrolling is a pain in the ass, and for some reason a sync during the first boss will lead to a desync in the second level, although there shouldn't be any reason for it to be. I officially concede a 12 frame improvement :P
Living Well Is The Best Revenge My Personal Page
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* Colors a girl Voted yes.
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What's up with the title screen, and what happens after you set Disk B at the very end?
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Dwedit wrote:
What's up with the title screen, and what happens after you set Disk B at the very end?
As the submission says, it was glitched. Inserting Disk B would just start you from the beginning again.
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Thanks for the link, bossman. Run was quite entertaining for a platformer. I'd forgotten that the boss designs and patterns are actually kind of interesting, too. This movie definitely belongs published on the site.