• 1 Player (Max)
  • Played in the hardest level (Mania)
  • No death
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Uses glitches
Max Move List:
Regular combo - B repeatedly Hammer punch - Hold B and release Slide - Forward, Forward, B Mule kick - Hold B and press C (repeatedly if desired) Knuckle bomb - A Thunder tackle - Toward+A Jumping hammer punch - C, then B Drop kick - Left+C or Right+C, then B Elbow drop - C or Left+C or Right+C, then Down+B Flurry - Hold From front, Toward+B Bear punch - Hold From front, B Brain buster - Hold From front, Away+B Jumping throw - Hold From front, C or C+Left or C+Right, then B German suplex - Hold From behind, B Atomic drop - Hold From behind, C or C+Left or C+Right, then B
1.1.Powerful Moves:
-Atomic drop (a.k.a Backbreaker): It removes 3/4 of bar. I used it a lot in this speedrun, and always tried to hit the highest number of enemies at the same time. Very convenient to use.
-Regular combo+Thunder tackle: Useful with groups and convenient to use with Abadede.
-Extended Combo: To me, the best attack in the game, very useful to remove bars quickly. To perform this you need a Galsia or a Donovan hit you by the back. Some enemies you can use it against are Electras, Knifers, Fat Guys, Shirtless Ninjas, Jets and Donovans. With this, you can defeat two three-bars Fat guys in 5 seconds or so, with other tactics out of this it would take around 10 seconds.
-Block Glitch: Only can be used against Barbons or Zamzas, you just must do the Thunder Tackle (forward + A) and prey to the enemy blocks the attack, if he does, you can take a lot of damage (up to 2 bars). The enemy can be knocked down or can remain standing. Sometimes, dealing a hit before the tackle seems useful.
1.2.Clever moves
-Backwards jump: This is an useful move which is followed with an Elbow drop, a Grab and a Atomic Drop on the enemy. Sometimes, when backbreaking, the enemy or enemies can move towards an undesired desition, with this trick you can move the enemies to the desired side. I used it a lot in stage 3 in the segment with the Knifer and the 2 Electras, also in stage 6 at the beginning of the road. This move cannot be performed on Donovans, they repel you with an uppercut.
-Jumping throw: It is the best finishing move, it can save time if used with the last enemy alive in the segment.
That is, try to avoid innecessary hits, for instance, if you can kill an enemy con 1 punch and a Thunder Tackle, don't deliver 2 punches and Tackle him. In some situations this is not a waster.
Try always grouping enemies to hit them at the same time with one attack, especially the Combo+Melé attack. There is also another kind of grouping strategy in long areas, it is shown for instance in Stage 1 in segment 2 and just at the beginning of the road (Stage 6), I walk along luring the first enemies, in order to kill them massively along with other enemies located in a further distance. To me, this is much faster than killing them as you encounter them.
Depending on your path, some enemies can appear soon or late. When speedrunning the most convenient is to make them appear the soonest possible to kill them quickly. This recurs throughout the speedrun. Some exemples: In the first segment of the game, the second yellow Signal appears when the timer is around 93, with other paths he could appear among 3-7 seconds later, which is an important waster. Another example, in the first segment of stage 8, Bear JR appears when you kill Hydrogen, so killing Hydrogen quickly is very convenient.
Some enemies are avoidable, something cool to use when speedrunning:
5.1 In Stage 2, in the first segments, is normal that some bikers jump from their motorcycles to attack you, if you take the right run, they won't appear. In my Speedrun, during that segments I fight just one, which is obligatory I think, however I managed to avoid the rest but required some rerecords. How to avoid them? I think it is pure randomness...
5.2 Also in Stage 2, in the boss segment, if you move to the center of the screen and move backwards in the right way, you'll avoid the second Jet (Tomcat) and Donovans. If you walk past the center, they'll appear.
5.3 In Stage 6, also in the boss segment, if you repeat the same process you'll avoid the three Jets. To me, this process is hardest that the last one.
Sometimes throwing enemies off the screen is not recommendable (especially if they still have a lot of health) because they could be out of your reach and you couldn't hit them comfortably, or just cannot hit them. It may also happen that they can take a long to be visible again which is a waste of time.
What determines the final duration of each segment in the game, is the moment in which you kill the last enemy. Assuming he has low health, the convenient way to finish off him is with the Jumping throw, it is quicker than, for instance, an Atomic drop. With this tactic I managed to save game time nad frames in many parts, one of them the Final Boss. There are other moves that seem to work well as finishers, for instance, the Hammer Punch (with or without jump). In some cases, if the Jumping Throw doesn't kill your opponent, you can knee him once or twice before. Once you finish off the last enemy, you can go back to get health if required, this move is not a waster at all, however it should be done especially in parts where the screen fades out.
In general terms, to me, weapons (knives, swords and pipes) are useless, except when beating Vehelits, the sword in this case is useful to kill it quickly. In the last segment in stage 6, where there are 2 Electras and many minor-health bikers, using a pipe correctly to kill the bikers could result in a non-waster, but I prefer to kill them with Thunder tackles. Along the game, I throw away some weapons to avoid taking them accidentally.

mmbossman: An improvement to a movie from 2004? Yes, please! Nice first submission, Bestiajerules.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #2463: Bestiajerules's Genesis Streets of Rage 2 in 27:55.53
Emulator Coder, Former player
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Well, I liked it. Beats a very old previous published movie (someone care to compare the two in detail?), and is played skilfully (the game feels a little slow but the run itself doesn't). Yes vote, and taking a stab at encoding. EDIT: http://www.archive.org/download/BestiajerulessGenesisStreetsOfRage2In2755.53/streetsofrage2-tas-bestiajerules.mkv EDIT2: Dailymotion part 1: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xb8q4a_bestiajeruless-genesis-streets-of-r_videogames Dailymotion part 2: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xb8q7z_bestiajeruless-genesis-streets-of-r_videogames
Banned User
Joined: 4/24/2006
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Could you please provide more info in your submission text next time, as I feel this particular movie merits it. What can I say, this movie obseletes one of the oldest runs on the site and many of the tough situations during the game are handled very creatively. Yes vote.
Joined: 5/15/2006
Posts: 102
Mitjitsu wrote:
Could you please provide a more info in your submission text next time, as I feel this particular movie merits it. What can I say, this movie obseletes one of the oldest runs on the site and many of the tough situations during the game are handled very creatively. Yes vote.
I couldn't have said it better, Mitjitsu got it all! Well, what can I say...level 7 was amazing and level 8 was lightning fast! Sadly, not all people have an idea of how hard this game is on Mania difficulty, since it isn't that popular, but I can say that the moves in this game are pretty much inhuman, haha! Yes vote.
Joined: 10/1/2009
Posts: 166
I've got a fever ... and the only prescription is Comedy Objectives! - Knocks down up to three motorcycles with one elbow drop - Knocks down up to five enemies with one Atomic Drop - Takes damage to continue a combo - Makes viewer forget Max is the Obligatory Large Slow Guy - Colors a life bar (red) - Plays awesome music - Makes an entire crime syndicate his bitch Get equipped with Yes Vote.
Joined: 8/7/2006
Posts: 344
Nice improvement, very entertaining movie. The sound made when Max uses the Atomic Drop is so satisfying. Yes vote.
Joined: 7/2/2007
Posts: 3960
Thanks for the encode, Sgrunt! Very nice run! You put all of Max's moves to use, including the rare ones like his back attack. I especially liked the tackling back and forth across the screen to get to enemies faster. It's clear you carefully managed your health (though there was a point in level 3 where you got jabbed by one of the bald goons for no reason I could make out...didn't matter healthwise but it did look weird). Questions: 1) There were a couple of points where you killed all the enemies, then ran and got a health pickup, after which the game took over and slowly walked Max off the screen. One such example is in the first scene for level 4. Wouldn't it be faster to be standing as close to the edge as possible when the game takes over? 2) I assume the trick you used against Zamza to use the tackle on him without knocking him down doesn't work against Vulture (the Barbon refight in level 8)? 3) In the first fight against the wrestling boss, you used a mix of backbreakers and melee combos. In the refight in level 8, you just used backbreakers. Why the switch? In any event, it's an undeniably significant improvement to the old movie. Voting yes. I don't think the developers quite realized just how deep the shaft beneath the baseball diamond is...the segment lasts 70 seconds (from 12:19 to 13:29), and the elevator's speed increases steadily throughout as near as I can tell. By about 12:36 you can see the lights going by at about two per second, and they appear to be spaced about 10' apart (assuming Max is 6' tall; he's probably more like 7' given his build), so that's 20 feet per second. I'd guess that they're going by at 3 per second at 12:56 (very rough eyeballing here), which means that the elevator's accelerating at half a foot per second per second. That puts its total distance traveled over the length of the segment at 1225 feet, or almost a quarter of a mile straight down. And they put a wrestling cage at the bottom? (Finally: Sgrunt's encode is 92.4MB and looks beautiful; the encode of SprintGod's 2004 run is 86.8MB and is a blurry mess. Yay improvements in encoding technique!)
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
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Definitely an awesome run through of the game. I remember making an attempt at playing mania years ago and went through all of my continues by the halfway point of stage 1 (and that was using Axel).
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Sorry dudes for the lack of information, this was my first submission and I had no idea what to put, is it possible to edit to add stuff?
Derakon wrote:
It's clear you carefully managed your health (though there was a point in level 3 where you got jabbed by one of the bald goons for no reason I could make out...didn't matter healthwise but it did look weird).
Sorry, but could you tell me the exact point? My biggest mistake took place in the elevator (Stage 7), just before robots, I could have finished off the knifer with the tackle (forward+A) to save time, but I preferred not to do it for health reasons, I needed health to perform super-attacks at robots, the cunts normally force me to do it, however, this time I had no need. :(
Derakon wrote:
Questions: 1) There were a couple of points where you killed all the enemies, then ran and got a health pickup, after which the game took over and slowly walked Max off the screen. One such example is in the first scene for level 4. Wouldn't it be faster to be standing as close to the edge as possible when the game takes over?
No at all, what determines the time of each segment, is the moment in which you kill the last enemy, once you do that, the rest is trivial.
Derakon wrote:
2) I assume the trick you used against Zamza to use the tackle on him without knocking him down doesn't work against Vulture (the Barbon refight in level 8)?
Mmmmm I'm not sure, but all Barbons normally fall down when tackled, anyway, in the Old Run, the Barbon in Stage 1 manages to keep standing after the first charge which takes almost 2 bars. I'd swear that I have never tackled a Barbon without making him fall down, and I have made hundreds of tries. Zamzas are much easier to tackle efficiently.
Derakon wrote:
3) In the first fight against the wrestling boss, you used a mix of backbreakers and melee combos. In the refight in level 8, you just used backbreakers. Why the switch?
Mmmmmmmm I think it's because in Stage 8, the Wrestling boss, shakes me off when I try to do the melee combos, you know, he cries out, spreads his arms and hits me, although it could be avoidable. The 2 wrestling bosses are different to handle, for instance, in the stage 8 you can grab him easily when is lying, instead, in stage 4 he grabs you in the same situation. Sorry for my non-fluent English PD: Thanks Sgrunt for the encode
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Bestiajerules wrote:
No at all, what determines the time of each segment, is the moment in which you kill the last enemy, once you do that, the rest is trivial.
- I don't think that was the case, the next screen appears when Max goes past the right side of the screen. I felt like that was the most glaring mistake in the run. - There was a moment on the beach military base level where you fight 2 women and many weak motorcyclers where you gave priority to killing the ladies and then there were many bikers to kill. Wouldn't it have been faster to focus on the bikers first? - I enjoyed the run, and I can't compare it to the published one, but I was turned down by the abuse of knee stomping on the last level, I was hoping for some variety there.
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FODA wrote:
Bestiajerules wrote:
No at all, what determines the time of each segment, is the moment in which you kill the last enemy, once you do that, the rest is trivial.
- I don't think that was the case, the next screen appears when Max goes past the right side of the screen. I felt like that was the most glaring mistake in the run.
Max walking has nothing to do with the appearance of the next screen, it occurs always at the same frame independently of your moves once you annihilate the last enemy, you could check it yourself. By the way, in the old run the Speedrunner also took the bother to move back to collect items...
FODA wrote:
- There was a moment on the beach military base level where you fight 2 women and many weak motorcyclers where you gave priority to killing the ladies and then there were many bikers to kill. Wouldn't it have been faster to focus on the bikers first?
Not really, the two Electras appear before, besides, if I hit them both towards the left, I can hit the bikers at the same time, which is useful to save time. One of my aims in this run, is to hit enemies the soonest possible, especially if they have a lot of health.
FODA wrote:
- I enjoyed the run, and I can't compare it to the published one, but I was turned down by the abuse of knee stomping on the last level, I was hoping for some variety there.
Yeah, but in some segments not using the Knee stomping (a.k.a. atomic drop) is an important waster, for instance, in some parts of the elevator in stage 7.
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Bestiajerules wrote:
Sorry dudes for the lack of information, this was my first submission and I had no idea what to put, is it possible to edit to add stuff?
Yes, go to http://tasvideos.org/2463S.html and click Edit over on the right (make sure you are logged in).
I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs
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Bestiajerules wrote:
Sorry dudes for the lack of information, this was my first submission and I had no idea what to put, is it possible to edit to add stuff?
Yes, log in and go to http://tasvideos.org/2463S.html You should see an edit button. Please at least put how much it improves the published movie. (Preferrably the number of frames).
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
Active player (278)
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I'll wait for a movie description before I vote.
Joined: 7/2/2007
Posts: 3960
Okay, I did some testing on the end-of-scene timing, and Bestiajerule is right. Either the scene ends the minute you kill the last enemy, or it ends at a preset time after you kill the last enemy. In either case, where you stand makes no difference as far as I could tell (without having a TASing emulator with a frame counter handy).
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
Joined: 10/16/2006
Posts: 174
I must admit I was a bit disappointed to see that this wasn't a 2 player run, but the run itself made up for that. Great stuff. Still...here's to hoping for a 2 player run!
Joined: 6/23/2009
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Wow... thank you for improving one of my favorite old runs on the site. At first, I was surprised that the movie wasn't improved any further (given that the first Streets of Rage got improved by 10 min), but I lost my doubts as I watched this. You routinely get in the middle of large crowds of enemies more than SprintGod did, which makes things really hectic and entertaining. I noticed a few boss fights were drastically improved, like the end boss of Stage 6 and Shiva in Stage 8. You also had a much larger variety of moves, and it made me chuckle every time you had Max flex or do a flying kick during fadeouts. Great job!
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. (http://tasvideos.org/2928M.html.) Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! (http://tasvideos.org/2001M.html) Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
Joined: 6/20/2008
Posts: 150
Faster AND less boring? You've got my vote.
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It's an improvement on the old run in both quality and entertainment, so the decision is pretty obvious. It's still a boring game to watch, though. Yes vote.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Currently I'm making the movie description, It'll be damn long but very useful By the way Derakon, could you tell me where is the part where a goon hits me unnecessarily?
Joined: 7/2/2007
Posts: 3960
It's right here: At around the 8:15 mark in sgrunt's encode. EDIT: man, I just noticed how wrong that image looks. Sorry, folks!
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
Joined: 6/24/2009
Posts: 34
.... I'm all for suggesting that as the screenshot for this run. :P
Stuffs. Yarr!
Scepheo wrote:
The chance of choosing the right door is 0, because laser-absorbing goats will brainwash you.
Joined: 11/4/2007
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If you can get an unfiltered version of that screenshot, I'll publish it with that, if, of course, the movie is accepted.
Joined: 6/24/2009
Posts: 34
Didn't optimize the PNG, but that can be done later. Frame # 29530, if you were curious. :P
Stuffs. Yarr!
Scepheo wrote:
The chance of choosing the right door is 0, because laser-absorbing goats will brainwash you.