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???? i always thought you MUST land on both wheels always, or else you lose speed, has the world turned up side down? :) yes, i just tested it and if you make the bike do a second little jump that jump is at a slower speed, so you MUST land on both wheels. same goes for ramps, you must land on both wheels on ramps Hmm. Where do they say I must land on both wheels? Is it just a newbie FAQ you have read that? I will lose a lot of speed if I land on both wheels that is a fact. Wait to see my .fmv and you'll see how my landing technique works.
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nobody says, it's just my personal experience. ok i'll wait for your movie :P but i tried landing on the front wheel and it gives a big slow down
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Wow, that was pretty cool. Now that I know the secret, Ill beat you :p
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Wow, that was pretty cool. Now that I know the secret, Ill beat you :p There was no secrets. I know 2 places where to improve(not sure) but I don't have time to do it. That was my first attempt to record with famtasia. My best time for the first lap is 24:52(failed on the 2nd lap for an unknown reason) so make sure you beat that time too. And if you don't mind to improve the first track then do the tracks 2,3,4 and 5. I've never even tried them. Edit: Please do the rest of the tracks because they are missing.
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Don't worry. Ill make sure is as good as yours. The "seccret" I was talking about was the landing. Never imagined landing like that would be faster. Add Ill do the other ones.
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Someone once said that time attacks should be entertaining, well, this is one I found to be really entertaining. So nice, especially the final jump, warping from top to bottom. Looking forward to see track 2-5.
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i see, so the deal is not that you must jump on the front wheel, that is just a consequence of holding FORWARD as much as possible. you tap back for as minimum as possible when landing and then you keep on holding forward again. you should have said it that way, i would've understood :P good movie
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Bob Whoops wrote:
Don't worry. Ill make sure is as good as yours
I haven't heard of you for a long time. Any progress? I have been working all the summer so I haven't been able to make any time attacks. Today I tried the track 5 for the first time in my life and the time was 37:37 (The WR being 53:39?). I managed to do the same kind of ending as in the track1. I didn't record it and that's why I missed one big jump pad which could have saved 1-2 seconds or something ( I pressed quicksave button too eagerly and couldn't fix my earlier mistake.). Now that I know this track I can plan a route for it to make even faster times. I don't know if I can finish this track at all because I have too little time. I don't even know if bisqwit wants to publish another single track. I haven't played tracks 3 and 4 ever so I don't know how entertaining they are but this track5 seems to be as good as the track1. Earlier I tried to join 2 tracks togerther (track1 and track2) by joining FMVs together with the technique I explained here to make it easier to make time attacks for this kind of games but there is a little randomness in this game that I don't know about or I made a humane mistake and I didn't success.
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I could match your time all the way to the second lap, on the second of the small ramps that launch you very far. I can't get the timing or speed right as you go from the first one to the second one. So, I kind of put it on hold and haven't worked on it in a while. >_<
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Digging up this old post because I want to see the rest of the tracks being done. Couldn't someone (Player1?) play trough the rest of the tracks in one long movie, getting similarly fantastic times on all of them? I'd watch it at least. What do people think?
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Truncated wrote:
Digging up this old post because I want to see the rest of the tracks being done. Couldn't someone (Player1?) play trough the rest of the tracks in one long movie, getting similarly fantastic times on all of them? I'd watch it at least. What do people think?
Same here. Having just one track seems kinda pointless.
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My work takes 10 hours of my day and I have a life so I don't have time for time attacking right now. In 3 weeks I am going to study again so I can play 24:7 then and I am going to use some of that time for time attacks. I have a short list of games I am going to do but I am not going to publish it. In Excitebike, I have only tried levels 1,2(only 2 times for testing purpose) and 5, so I don't know the game very well. I managed to beat the WR of level 5 by 15 seconds, but I only used save states then and didn't record it. I think it was more interesting than the first track because there were more jumps. I will consider making the other tracks for this game, but there are a few problems: 1. Same levels are repeated after I have beaten them in Mode A and they only have few little changes (eg. more dirt on the track) that mostly doesn't slow me down so the tracks would be similar. 2. If I find something new for the previous track while playing the following one, I find there no easy way to cut-paste the levels so that they match each other. 3. There are more problems but I don't remember them anymore... So the problems are easily solved, but they are still problems. Mode B can also be possible, but I can't aim for the perfect time so easily then.
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i just happen to beat superninja's time by almost half second (his time being 40.67 and mine being 40.19). difference is i played on mode B and bashed 5 oponents on the first 20 seconds of race, which is a slow part of the movie, and i did so without wasting time, so entertainment value added there. This wouldnt have been possible if not for all the previous work by other players and fceu's frame advance ^^ i am willing to do the rest of the tracks though, should i submit it like this or do the other tracks as well? edit: forgot to mention that on the final jump i jump so high that the bike loops and actually land without falling back hehehehe
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Wohoo, finally someone willing to pick up this one. Please do the rest too if you can make the other tracks as fast as possible even though there are other bikes in the way. The previous video also looped at the last jump, if I remember correctly.
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FODA wrote:
i just happen to beat superninja's time by almost half second (his time being 40.67 and mine being 40.19). difference is i played on mode B and bashed 5 oponents on the first 20 seconds of race, which is a slow part of the movie, and i did so without wasting time, so entertainment value added there. <..> should i submit it like this or do the other tracks as well?
I would like you to submit it, unless the consequent tracks add clearly more challenge (than just N tracks more of the same kind).
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superninja's video doesnt loop, it jumps and then falls back. the tracks work like this: there are 5 distinct tracks: 1,2,3,4 and 5. but when you choose to start on track for example, it puts you on training version of track 1. after the training version is beaten, you will have to play the real track 1 before you can proceed to the next tracks. only the track you picked will have a training version. the rest will be unique. so the "route" looks like this: training 1 1 2 3 4 5 after track 5 is beaten it gets into level 5 chalenge mode, each time you beat track 5 it suggest shorter completion times. i dont know if that forever becauuse, well, eventually it will be impossible to complete it. i think a complete timeattack should be going untill its impossible to win (would they program a track impossible to win?) or if there's an ending, OR if the tracks completion times for 5 will start repeating at some point, play track 5 only once.
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I doubt that there is an ending in this game. The closest I think is the screen where it shows the .. uhm pillar where you get your medal or whatever. Anyways, this would be cool to see if you finish it, and for me it would be fine with just all 5 (6 with the training) tracks completed. It would be cool to see if it's impossible to beat after a few repeats but that's not that important. Atleast I think so.
/Walker Boh
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what about i design a track and play it, since its only for demonstration anyway, makes more sense than playing just track 1. i add lots of 'H' type ramps which will give orbital speeds to the bike.
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FODA wrote:
what about i design a track and play it, since its only for demonstration anyway, makes more sense than playing just track 1. i add lots of 'H' type ramps which will give orbital speeds to the bike.
This sounds interesting.
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after some speed the graphics get behind the actual place where the stuff is. so, its like playing on an invisible track with a false track visible. but at high speeds its also impossible to crash, as i've tried and couldnt, maybe because of the constant loops. i would go for making a very nice track that keeps speed bellow the graphics lags.
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I agree with Walker Boh mostly. Do the 5 tracks, not some track you made yourself. Unless you can replace the training track with it. Recognition and nostalgia is a big factor, with some random track it wouldn't be as fun.
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a quick note. when you beat 5 the first time, your time becomes the new time to beat. so if you did 5 perfect the first time, your second time would be identical and i think that puts you in first again so you can just cycle level 5 forever. (either that or it makes you #2 and you can go on to the next track as long as you rate 1-3 soooo...the game just loops forever at that point.
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I for one would like to see tracks 1 through 5 done once, as well as a demonstration video on a homemade track showing those "orbital speeds" and interesting glitches you talked about.
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Ok, finished the full run, here are my times: 0 = 40.19 1 = 45:42 2 = 50:25 3 = 51:02 4 = 46:64 5 = 36:64 it was very important to use the trick of entering a ramp going up to shorten the jump distance, and entering the ramp going down to lenghten it. that way i could fall more precisely where i wanted.
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Nice to see that you are doing all the tracks. Good luck. ps. I am in the army now...