Jawohl! (or so AngerFist said)
Megaman X Zero 5 8-Boss TAS by Angerfist & Atma.


  • Make things explode
  • Never wound something with a gunshot
  • Prevent a Colony Drop
  • Beat all stages
  • Plays hardest difficulty

Plugins used:

  • TAS Soft Graphics Plugin 0.2
  • TAS Sound Plugin 0.2/Pete's MIDAS Audio Driver 1.7
  • N-Rage Plugin 0.95 (seriously, why isn't this bundled with pcsx? the default one bundled now is shit!)
  • TAS ISO Plugin 0.2/TAS CD-ROM Plugin 0.2
This is a TAS of Megaman X Zero 5 on XTREME difficulty, that defeats all 8 mavericks at some point in the game. Now, with that out of the way, let's get down to some stage by stage commentary!

Intro Stage

This is pretty much identical to the version used in the low% run, since it came from this to begin with. The only real difference is that the boss fight is faster, as is the followup text as the cannon isn't fired immediately afterwards.


There are quite a few waiting points in the first half of this stage, which all have to do with the lava flows that destroy the walls. In the second half of this stage, the lower route through the lava is faster than the upper route above it, partially because there are a few waiting portions, a boss type door, and a miniboss to kill that way. The ride armor attacks cause the same type of delay as zero's jump slashes/3rd hit combo slashes, so damage is taken where the knockback and followup invulnerability is faster than the alternative of killing everything in the way.

Grizzly Slash

A fairly straight forward stage. The newly gained move of Quake Blazer from defeating Mattrex makes ridiculously short work of the trucks. At the ladder after the last truck destroyed, doing the down stab is just as fast in terms of downward movement as regularly dropping, so it was done instead. Not much else to say


Time for the comic relief boss. He goes down horribly fast. After this battle, but before Zero teleports out, the final text advance is delayed by a short amount of time (something like 15 frames, it's been a while since I checked) in order to manipulate the following event.

Cannon Firing Time!

Yeah, this was fun. We were lucky enough to have such a minor delay as mentioned above in order to make it successfully destroy the colony on the first attempt. This opens up access to the virus stages, and also removes any further cutscenes from the stage menu (there's at least one cutscene skipped, which details Zero being declared a danger as the virus doesn't affect him).

Duff McWhalen Duffman

Hooray for the longest stage in the game being an autoscroller!. We tried to make this entertaining, but you're kinda limited when you've only got so much available and such a long stage. The second miniboss has 3 parts which actually take damage, and 2 of which can be hit with a SDC, which is why it went down so fast. The section that follows up on this has a single frame after the text disappears in which gravity/whatever is still set to being underwater, which allows zero to jump all the way across and up the wall in a single leap. Not much else to say about this one, apart from "Duffman can't breathe! OH NO!"

Axel the Red

Prior to this stage, we equip the hyper dash part, which speeds up movement considerably, and also forms the basis of the new form of movement used regularly from this point onwards. A fair portion of the run was redone when it was found out that this form of movement was actually faster than a hyperdash or a hyperdashjump, and conveniently provides invulnerability to most things aswell. Gripping on each vine is faster than jumping past multiple vines at once, as you get the maximum jump velocity from each one. At the longer vines, the airdash is used a couple of times to avoid damage, and reduce the amount of time required to proceed along them. That's about it really for this one.

Squid Adler

This was probably the (second?) most annoying stage in the game to do. I'd estimate that it was almost completely redone about 7 times (the bike part only twice). By using the newly acquired move from Axel, Twin Dream, most instances of killing things and causing damage are now hitlag free, since Twin Dream doesn't cause it. The switches are almost exclusively hit with Twin Dream to stop hit lag (with the exception of one that's in a bad position), and as a result, there's a lot less lag than there initially was. Squid goes down relatively fast, but he has a phase where you stays in the air until a certain amount of damage has been dealt.

Dark Dizzy

This stage was weird. There's apparantely a black hole in the background or something that makes everything move slower and just makes it seem laggier than it actually is. The autoscoller-ish section of this level kinda sucks, so we tried to at least make it more entertaining than just standing still waiting for the platform to catch up. The second half of this level hsa Twin Dream make its first real battle appearance, as it decimates essentially everything that gets in the path of Zero. When it comes to dizzy himself, he just kinda sits there until he dies.


Time for another round of golf with Dynamo, but before this, two new parts were equipped. The W-Energy Saver, which doubles weapon capacity, and the Z-Saber Plus, which causes additional saber damage. The additional saber part allowed Dynamo to be dealt with in a timely manner, and had his final appearance for the game be a quick one.

Virus Blue

There isn't really much to say about this stage, it's pretty short, has laser beams of death, and a familiar blob at the end. At the request of Nach from way back, the pre-fight waiting period was made more entertaining to watch. The timestopper did nothing, it was just added to waste some time before.

Virus Purple

This stage was painful to do, but with the added arsenal of weapons and abilities, it was made short work of. It was interesting to find out that using the E-Blade to reach the vertical wire was faster than any of the alternatives, and also looked cooler too. The boss was a pain, and a slower kill than I had hoped, since it turned out that the C-Sword was the green eye weakness. Damage was avoided being taken here to lower rank, simply because it would've looked silly.

Izzy Glow

This stage was a pain in the ass. Combined with tight spaces, and oddly timed path blocking spike things, it took a few tries to get something that worked. In this stage, we encountered the first instance of a "slow down man, you're moving too fast for me!" situation. Delaying for a few frames allowed us to proceed in a timely manner. Izzy himself was a bit of a pain, as he warps all over the place. The MMH rank given by the previous stage also raises his HP a bit more than a PA rank, but instances of this happening were ignored, since it didn't really matter to us.
This stage could've been done sooner, but the attempts that were made to do it after Dark Dizzy were failed, as the timing for the path blocking spike things was considerably different and unworkable, so it was left where it is.

Virus Red

This was a fairly quick stage, and there isn't really much to say other than "damn spike pit, why must you cockblock us?" since we were a matter of pixels too short to make it over the pit successfully from a walljump without an airdash. Another MMH from the stage, since it's so short.


Ah, Skiver. Why is your stage is 2/3rds autoscroller? Not much to say about the intro, or the end. In the bossfight, the giga attack is used instead of killing Skiver which costs 22 extra frames, simply to maintain a MMH for the final level (to give the best endgame rank). This was actually doable by killing significantly less during the autoscroller section, but given that explosions make for good entertainment in an autoscrolling segment, the proposal of reducing the amount of things killed and explosions that occur was rejected.

Final Stage

This stage was fairly straight forward. The boss refights were, however, not quite so much. Due to Skiver's newly obtained weapon, a new form of SDC had to be devised. A few iterations were tried, until a solution was reached. As it turned out, this solution was very slightly suboptimal, but still managed to beat 3 of the first 4 bosses faster than the optimal solution (Dark Dizzy was able to be beaten 4 frames faster, but that completely screwed up the Izzy Glow refight, and would have cost nearly 30 frames). Duffman, Grizzly, Axel, and Skiver all went down satisfyingly fast, which left only Sigma to go.
Unlike the low%, the energy refill wasn't required to be picked up prior to fighting Sigma, as he did as he was told on the first try. His second form took a satisfying beat down thanks to Twin Dream, which while being his weakness, only gave him the normal 30 frame invulnerability period. Needless to say he got a solid beatdown. Just like the low% run, this has a ridiculously skewed ingame timer result of 18:01, and ends with a B rank for X, and a MEH rank for Zero.

With that, we'd like to thank FractalFusion, for pointing out that a stupidly long alia message can be skipped if no orbs are collected on the bike portion of Squid's stage, and ShinyDoofy for providing an encode and uploading it for us.

Nach: Although a faster run for this game already exists, this one doesn't skip any stages. Highly entertaining. Accepting.

Joined: 7/1/2008
Posts: 272
Damn this is good. Awesome job. I especially liked using HyperDash+Hisuisho to move around, and the new SDC for the ravey final stage. I spotted some things that looked like errors, but they're very few in between. Despite Zero's rank at the end is MEH, I vote yes.
Skilled player (1412)
Joined: 5/31/2004
Posts: 1821
It would be nice if the game had a little less text and cutscenes, but the TAS was very nice, good job.
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Cremator wrote:
Amazing TAS all around. There was lots of stuff I didn't know about and I liked it a lot.
Think much, if any of it. would be useful to the speedrunning community?
But say... did killing Dizzy when you did instead of later net you anything?
It gave us the necessary stage completion to get the Z-Saber+ part Doing the virus stage before this resulted in not enough damage being done to kill the blob before it change locations/form due to its higher level.
Was that time stopper of any actual use before Glow and Skiver, or was it just for the show?
that was just for show, as there was time to kill before doing the next action.
I was thinking if changing order was possible.
I'm guessing something like this? Intro > no delay cannon fire > virus blue > grizzly > virus purple > virus red > axel > dynamo > duff > kraken > dizzy/izzy > izzy/dizzy > dynamo > mattrex > skiver > final I have no idea on whether that'd turn out better or worse, but in a realtime run it could possibly prove to be interesting. Perhaps swapping grizzly for axel would made axel's stage and virus purple/red slower, but would also speed up every kill from that point, though probably not at an ideal tradeoff.
X-Stigma wrote:
well, but without X it's not the same thing, hmm... if you guys do another X5 TAS, I suggest a run for Hunter Class Rank MEH for X and Zero, that's really a challenge, you likely have to collect the armor parts for X to go through in time in some stagies or equip parts to go faster, X deserves some credits this time.
I forgot to get back to this earlier. Unfortunately, compared to X6 or X4, where X has his own merits and uses, and not all bosses can be sdc'd, in X5 X is essentially useless. In order to make X even remotely useful, but still nowhere near as useful as Zero, you'd need to get his rank up, or have zero do a large portion of the stages in order to get parts to have X then beat stages. You'd also need to do the intro level with X to get his Armor, which means a significantly slower intro stage. Unlike X4 (and maybe X6), in X5, X's shots do damage as such: Uncharged: 1 damage Level 1 charge: 1 damage Level 2 charge: 5 damage (4 with no armor, 5 with plasma shot, didn't check gaea/falcon) Bosses have a 30ish frame invulnerability period to non-weakness weapons. It takes something like 92 frames to charge a level 2 shot. 3 damage/92 frames vs (4)5 damage/92 frames vs 46(69) damage/92 frames for with sdc prior to getting skivers weapon. The closest you'll get to it being more efficient is: - Extremely well placed giga attacking against walls (which is unlikely) - Possibly the ultimate buster, depending on how many frames it is between shots - Grizzly's charged attack shield thingy, which does a decent amount of damage per hit (I think it was 5, might vary) and can hit 4 or 5 times with the 30 frame window against anyone but duff and grizzly himself . So yeah. X is completely useless in this game.
Joined: 7/1/2008
Posts: 272
Atma wrote:
Think much, if any of it. would be useful to the speedrunning community?
HyperDash+Hisuisho definitely would help. As would using Denjin on the last part of Zero Space Purple. For the rest, I'm not sure.
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Satoryu wrote:
HyperDash+Hisuisho definitely would help.
Actually, no, it wouldn't. That would actually cost you more time trying to pull it off, as it's essentially a single frame window between it being faster than a hyperdash jump, and being slower than a hyperdash jump (you ned a grand total of 2 pixels over a hyperdash jump in the period of frames) . Hyperdash alone is what I would recommend for a speedrun, combined with twin dream and C-Sword for killing stuff in your way
As would using Denjin on the last part of Zero Space Purple. For the rest, I'm not sure.
This however probably would save you a handful of frames if you didn't screw it up. The main thing to be wary of for this is not being shot at by the ride armor enemy just to your upper right. If you were to use Zero for the final area, I'd probably recommend the black armor for insurance purposes, as nothing would suck more than dying after killing lots of bosses, requiring an entire segment redo. Then again, I probably wouldn't recommend Zero for the final area in a normal run as pulling off the sdc used in this run is significantly more difficult and dangerous than the old one as you move toward your enemy as you do it, causing you to take damage if you aren't careful. I'd probably suggest X with an ultimate buster or quick charge, and ultimate armor with hyper dash.
Joined: 7/1/2008
Posts: 272
Wasn't aware of that frame window. Oh well. I already knew using Zero in the final stage w/o SDC is a terrible idea. The method you used doesn't seem too easy to pull off either. And 8boss and 100% both get plenty use out of Ultimate X. Though I don't think I'll be going back to X5 any time soon.
Joined: 10/17/2007
Posts: 63
Speaking of things that would be useful for non-assisted running, that jump at the end of Dizzy part 1 gave me a wonderful idea. Using that jump & Nova Strike & Wind Shredder makes that part a hell of a lot faster than "levitating" across like we do now. No doubt it'll be useful. I was thinking if this was useful for the TASers, too, but I scrapped that idea due to the various trade-offs you have to make to get the armor & wind shredder, even if the Ultimate Armor is a lot faster than Zero for that stage. Of course, if you can Nova Strike under the spiked platform and grab the other side mid-air without needing to lift oneself (and without dying), it'd be considerably faster than the current method, probably enough so to warrant getting the Ultimate Armor and fight Zero as X (special weapons & charged shots could possibly do damage a bit faster than just charged shots). I'm sure there are lots of other things that can be used. The Duff McWhalen fight, for instance, could work. Like I said, there's a lot of new stuff in this TAS. A lot of new stuff to try out. What's the advanced SDC technique used in the last stage? It may not be doable without tools, but I'd like to know so I can try it out. How precise do you need to be?
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Posts: 803
Cremator wrote:
Speaking of things that would be useful for non-assisted running, that jump at the end of Dizzy part 1 gave me a wonderful idea. Using that jump & Nova Strike & Wind Shredder makes that part a hell of a lot faster than "levitating" across like we do now. No doubt it'll be useful.
You'll need to use 2 wind shredders to get enough height to grab the edge, one only gives you enough height to hit the spikes and die.
I was thinking if this was useful for the TASers, too, but I scrapped that idea due to the various trade-offs you have to make to get the armor & wind shredder, even if the Ultimate Armor is a lot faster than Zero for that stage. Of course, if you can Nova Strike under the spiked platform and grab the other side mid-air without needing to lift oneself (and without dying), it'd be considerably faster than the current method, probably enough so to warrant getting the Ultimate Armor and fight Zero as X (special weapons & charged shots could possibly do damage a bit faster than just charged shots).
Out of sheer curiosity, I actually just tested this. Admittedly, I used the ultimate armor code to start with it as opposed to going through the virus stages, but anyway. Doing Skivers stage before Dizzy could possibly screw up Izzy's stage, unless it were done with the changed sdc in mind, or manipulation was done in such a way that timestopper wasn't needed. However, the amount of time saved from using X over Zero was no small amount, at roughly 28 seconds (1678 frames). It would probably take somewhere in the range of 850-950 frames to get the ultimate armor. Zero doesn't actually appear to have a weakness unless it's the wind shredder. He takes 5 damage/hit from a charged buster (no armor). Basing damage off of this movie, Zero would have around 67HP, and with quick charge, that equates to about 620 frame length fight, unless he had the buster up and it did additional charge shot damage, which would bring it down to around 500 frames (compared to about 85). And then you have the additional length of the Dizzy fight itself. So all up, it'd end up overall slower to do it, though it probably would look cooler.
I'm sure there are lots of other things that can be used. The Duff McWhalen fight, for instance, could work. Like I said, there's a lot of new stuff in this TAS. A lot of new stuff to try out.
I wouldn't have thought the duff fight would be of much use, it's a pain in the ass to do honestly. the extra damage to the tail part would probably be the only thing that'd actually help I would think. The main point I'd think would be useful probably doesn't actually affect time in an ingame time run, that being twin dream to avoid copius amounts of hitlag against switches and enemies.
What's the advanced SDC technique used in the last stage? It may not be doable without tools, but I'd like to know so I can try it out. How precise do you need to be?
There were two types used, the first which I found after 3 different attempts, the second which angerfist evolved from the first. The first is something like this (facing right): slash, down, left, right, slash, down, right, slash, down, left, right, slash (repeat). It varied sometimes based on lag or enemy attacks. It was used for the first 4 of the refights, since it still turned out equal or faster. The second is much simpler to perform, but would still be useless in realtime: slash, hold right, down, let go of down and wait a frame, slash, down, wait a frame, slash (repeat). This one edges you towards your enemy at a far faster rate than the first, but also causes damage at a faster rate unless you're inside the enemy.
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The scrolling stages and the predictable boss fights really killed a lot of my interest in this run. Everything was super speedy, but even then I was still skipping segments of stages. I'm really on the fence between Yes and Meh, but I figure I'll just go with the latter for now. Good run, but the involvement levels took too much of a nose dive. Meh.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
Joined: 10/17/2007
Posts: 63
Heh, the first SDC technique sounded simple enough, but in practice I just couldn't do it, it's really hard. I need to figure out how to position my arms to do the second technique. I just can't imagine myself doing that very fast, at least longer than short bursts. If only there was another way to elevate oneself midair in addition to Wind Shredder... ah well. I was also wondering if it was possible (or rather, feasible) to achieve level 8 (or whatever was needed to get items from bosses) from intro and virus blue alone (or that and 1 game over in case of non-assisted segmented running). It would probably make a big difference from the current 100% route I used back in 2006. Probably works out... Anyway, thank you for the information. I appreciate it.
Former player
Joined: 9/1/2005
Posts: 803
Cremator wrote:
I was also wondering if it was possible (or rather, feasible) to achieve level 8 (or whatever was needed to get items from bosses) from intro and virus blue alone (or that and 1 game over in case of non-assisted segmented running). It would probably make a big difference from the current 100% route I used back in 2006. Probably works out...
Actually, it wasn't until a while after I had posted that, that I remembered that it isn't possible with virus blue alone. You'd need to do virus purple also, which kinda screws it up a little. So it'd take a bit more thought before working out a theoretical better route.
Anyway, thank you for the information. I appreciate it.
No problems.
Joined: 4/23/2009
Posts: 1283
Here is an encode (points to the fixed audio version): http://www.archive.org/download/AngerfistAtmasPsxMegamanX5In4404.43/megamanx5-tas-angerfistatma.mp4 http://www.archive.org/download/AngerfistAtmasPsxMegamanX5In4404.43/megamanx5-tas-angerfistatma.mkv Here is Daily Motion links: Playlist: http://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x16hbd_Aktanusa_mmx5-440443-angerfist-atma Part 1: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xbkonh_psx-megaman-x5-in-440443-by-angerfi_videogames Part 2: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xbkn0q_psx-megaman-x5-in-440443-by-angerfi_videogames Part 3: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xbkgsu_psx-megaman-x5-in-440443-by-angerfi_videogames Edit: Part 3 is having problems, reuploading, and the encode is almost done. Edit 2: Added links to part 3 and actual encode. Edit 3: Part 3 still messed up, removing for now. Edit 4: Finally part 3 is up. Edit 5: Fixed filename in download links. Edit 6: Added Playlist link. Edit 7: Fixed the audio in the encodes (finally!). Fixed audio Daily Motion links coming up. Edit 8: Updated Daily Motion links to point to the new fixed version.
Emulator Coder
Joined: 1/12/2007
Posts: 95
This fits both the goal of speed(under the all-bosses subset), and entertainment. I don't see why it wouldn't be accepted.
Joined: 8/27/2006
Posts: 883
Very nice run ;) That was entertaining. When are you planning on doing a Megaman run :P
Post subject: Movie published
Joined: 8/3/2004
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [1395] PSX Mega Man X5 "All Stages" by AngerFist & Atma in 44:04.43
Joined: 6/20/2008
Posts: 150
Goals: * Never wound something with a gunshot
According to the fish at the beginning of Duff's stage, this goal was not met. Obviously this can be improved in future submissions, but I think it can be overlooked for this movie. Afterall, the 2P Battletoads runs have a whole stage with just one player, right?