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it may be possible at level 9 especially if we can manipulate ember to burn the cranidos or something like that, also IIRC there are machops near, just north of the town but they would probably be to low a level. however bunr does cost alot of frames. maybe if we used piplup overall. if ever we Needed speed we could just equip a quick claw. And with being overleveled due to the lucky egg it may be an option
Joined: 7/16/2006
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I've done more testing on the RNG, and it seems the number of RNG calls made for the wandering NPCs depends on the seed used for the RNG, and possibly the time of day as well. Needless to say, this presents a very complicated problem. So, instead of trying to work out the proper seed to get a good Chimchar, I'm just going to cheat and set the RNG to the proper seed to get a 31/31/31/31/31/28 Rash Chimchar. This can be set anytime between entering Verity Lakefront and selecting Chimchar as the starter. It is likely that this will be impossible to get in an actual TAS, but I suspect the only important things are Rash and 31/31 Atk/sAtk, which leaves a lot of room for adjustment. Using Piplup instead of Chimchar is a consideration. Empoleon has good attacking stats, and Surf/Blizzard/Grass Knot/Waterfall is a really nice moveset, being both a HM slave and a powerful attacker. It saves having to catch a water-type later. However, Empoleon is also really slow, meaning we will lose time when opponents get to attack. Additionally, I foresee Prinplup having problems with Gardenia, as I don't think it has any really good attacks to use there. Quick Claw/Guts Machop I think will end up being a bust. Gardenia presents a problem, as Grass/Poison resists fighting, and Crasher Wake's Gyarados will likely be a huge thorn in our side if we go by that route. Fantina only presents further problems.
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hmm, well if we get the lucky egg, asap, which i think is just before gardinia though i'm not sure, as we'll be such a higher level for crasher wake and that fighting lady that it shouldn't be too much of a problem, prinplup should have bubble beam and grass knot for fighting and water respectivly
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The Piplup Family would have an easier time speed running the game on Platinum because the enemies have slightly higher EXP and Piplup gets taught BubbleBeam earlier but Bide later.
grass knot for fighting and water respectivly
Grass Knot doesn't deal double damage to fighting types, but it's good against Water Absorb Quagsire and Gyarados (base power will be 120). Chimchar family would be handy if they get Hidden Power Electric & Grass Knot to defeat Crasher's team
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Best HP Electric combination: 31/31/31/30/31/31 (listing as HP/Atk/Def/SpA/SpD/Speed) If you need to set the SpD down a bit use 27 instead of 31, it will still give you HP Electric 70.
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The majority of you in this thread are already members of SDA, but I'll post the results of my test segmented run with the in-game trade Abra in Oreburgh. Trade can be made prior to first gym (battle style switch until evolution), or you can fight the gym with the Machop first. For TAS purposes, I'm wondering if a Guts sweep would be best... Fight the two optional trainers in the gym, and the guy with rock type only in the mine while you're down there. The Abra itself has a Quiet nature, but this only matters in two fights the entire game, both against the rival: Once against his Buizel (tied speed), and once against Floatzel The IVs are as follows: HP: 15 Attack: 15 Defense: 15 Special Attack: 25 Special Defense: 25 Speed: 20 You can obviously make use of teleport a bit before obtaining Fly. Kadabra is able to OHKO nearly everything early-game, exceptions being there was one pokemon (I do forget which) which needed a critical Confusion (pre-Psybeam), and then there was a stunky (which happened right after I learned Miracle Eye, so not a major issue). There was a Bronzor before shadow ball that needed a critical hit to OHKO, and the rest are contained in either the Commander Double battle with your ally, or in the Elite 4. Control is established after beating the second gym for a little while. However, control is lost again right after obtaining lucky egg on route 209, and not regained until beating Crasher Wake at level 34, or 37, I forgot. Control is then lost once more for part of the Byron battle. The moveset I used was Grass Knot/Psychic/Shock Wave/Shadow Ball for most of the game. Shock Wave was especially useful in the fog. During the Elite 4, Shock Wave was replaced with Charge Beam for the OHKO + boosted special attack factor in lieu of X-specials. PP was really not an issue much at all: I only used a leppa berry, an ether, and an elixer, IIRC. For the duration of the entire run, only one X item was needed (Commander fight with allied rival), and zero Rare Candies used. I also fought only the required fights, with the exception of the very first double battle in the game with the Grunts (before I discovered being able to skip them) The "rival" fight right before challenging the Elite 4 was fairly easy. Charge Beam OHKO + special up against two of his Pokemon (he leads them in the right order too, which is great) and then Psychic will OHKO Snorlax. Going into the Elite 4 with a level 76 Kadabra. Aaron's Drapion was mildly annoying, needing two charge beam power ups and a critcal hit. The rest of them are just laughable. Cynthia's Spiritomb even was really easy: Critical shadow ball does the trick. The final result was a level 83 Kadabra at the end of the Champion fight. Shadow Ball and Psychic offer very nice neutral coverage. Later in the game, you can get away with a few Grass Knot and Shock Wave neutral OHKOs too, but they are mostly there for SE OHKOs before Psychic is available. Then of course there was the fog too. I think there were only two fights in the fog? I forgot already. The Ponyta was OHKOed with Shock Wave, and I believe the other two pokemon I fought were Psychic OHKOs. Late game, when Charge Beam became needed for OHKOs, I was able to get away with some neutral OHKOs that were otherwise impossible (Shadow Ball against Cynthia's Roserade comes to mind) If I remember any more, I will list them here, but I think this is the full list of Pokemon that were more than OHKO (after evolving into Kadabra): That very first one that I mentioned before learning Psybeam (I really don't remember what it was, but I distinctly remember there only being one) Grunt's Stunky Random Bronzor before learning Shadow Ball Byron's Bronzor (Shock Wave/Shadow Ball or Critical SB) Byron's Bastiodon (2HKO Grass Knot/Critical hit Grass Knot) Commander Mars' Bronzor (atop Memorial Pillar or whatever it's called where you get Palkia/Dialga. This one can be OHKOed with variable damage) Commander Jupiter's Bronzor (same as above, but this one has different/higher special defenses and cannot be OHKOed without a critical hit) Commander Jupiter's Purugly (same as above) Commander Mars' Skuntank (issues due to Psychic immunity) Ally's Munchlax (same fight as above. All it does is screech, so if you KO it, his Infernape is actually capable of doing something useful) Palkia/Dialga (not important, but I guess worth mentioning) Victory Road Trainer's Blissey Rival's Snorlax (two upped special attacks, available via OHKO charge beam, makes up for this and enables a OHKO Psychic) Aaron's Drapion (this fucker is difficult...it might be worth it to switch in Palkia to take it down.) Lucian's Girafarig (Two Charge Beams, with stat ups each time) Lucian's Bronzong (Two Shadow Balls/ a critical SB, after the stat ups from above) Cynthia's Spiritomb (Charge Beam with a stat-up to SB) Cynthia's Garchomp (Problem eliminated with the Charge Beam from above) Cynthia's Milotic (See above) That's about all I have on the subject. If someone wants to help me get a good emulator and such, I could run a test TAS on it, or I can leave it to you guys. (you'll probably have better results if you do it yourselves, tbh)
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There's one interesting idea I was thinking about but this something a TAS run has never done before. Heracross can be caught from level 5 to level 15 and knows Guts or Swarm as an ability. The base attack is better than Machoke's and Speed is notably better (possibly less manipulation against the very slow Pkmn). The only problem is that you'll need to use Honey on a orange tree and you need to wait for a day to go pass. Basically: * Get the honey * Put it on a tree * Save the game ^ Then find a way to get to the DS menu and change the clock. (or day in this case). * Load the game (via DS menu, not the application emulation window) * You'll be able to capture a Wild Heracross at level 15 (at the most). The level up movepool is a bit better than R/S/E and Machop's family tree. Move Tutor: Night Slash Start: Horn Attack Level 13: Aerial Ace Level 19: Brick Break (reliable STAB move) Level 31: Take Down Level 37: Close Combat (powerful but if Guts Brick Break is decent, may avoid this). Level 55: Megahorn If there is an Facade TM in the main run, it's a good move to replace Horn Attack, Shadow Claw is a nice alternate to hit Bronzor/Zong and the Poison Bats hard. If UltimateDarius's strat is used, Turtwig can manipulate Quick Claw abuses which is first obtained in Jubilife and then abuse Critical hits to the max against Roark (with either Turtwig or a Machop that's ends up being traded for an Abra).
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The only thing I can say is that under TAS conditions, Machop is definitely the better choice: It gains 100% of the experience from the gym (compared to 75% if you switch in and out), meaning that the Abra should evolve sooner. Plus switching has got to be slower. I am not certain if Guts could be applied this early in the game or not, but it should be useful if it can be (with the exception of against Roark's Cranidos, due to Mold Breaker)
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UltimateDarius wrote:
I also fought only the required fights, with the exception of the very first double battle in the game with the Grunts (before I discovered being able to skip them)
How do you skip the Grunts?
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How do you skip the Grunts?
From the SDA Strategy Wiki 1.Avoiding Double Battles: If you only have one Pokemon on your team who is not KOed, all of the sets of double trainers will not battle you. This, however, does not apply to two seperate trainers who see you at the same time. The exception to this rule is atop the Pillar right before the Legendary, the two Galactic Grunts will force you away if you do not have a double partner. There's some battles that will have 2 Grunts next to each other.
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This may be handy for a TAS playthrough of the game: Abra's Hidden Power is Ice 34. Not fantastic, but workable enough to where you may be able to get away with not fighting any extra battles, as a critical hit will take out Roark's Geodude and Onix. (Cranados will probably need to be weakened by the starter and finished off by Abra, which works out well as far as setting up to skip the first double battle). Catching a level 8 Machop in the morning would be the best option, I'm sure. Later, hidden power should be able to take care of the double battle with the Grunts (the one where you ally with Rowan's assistant), as well as the Grunts later down the road in Floroma forest. Long story short, you should get to evolve before the fight with Commander Mars in Valley Windworks. The Purugly in this fight is the worst thing to fight in the entire game, as far as this same concept applies to a segmented non-TAS run. Hidden Power followed by a critical confusion should take it out, but I don't think it's possible to OHKO it. Also, it's faster than you (uncertain if quick claw is worth this fight alone), and knows Fake Out (not a TAS concern, as it will not always lead with this), Scratch (best attack it can use on you), and Faint Attack (nearly a OHKO).
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Sorry about the double post, nobody hate me! I was wondering if anyone here could run a test: find out if my trainer ID matches that of the traded Abra's Original Trainer's ID number (25643) will cause automatic obedience. If so, will it also negate the 1.5x multiplier to experience? If Yes to one and No to two, this would make my life a lot easier in the non-TAS world, and it might help a TAS run for less rerecords? I don't know. But if anyone could help, it would be greatly appreciated!
Joined: 1/11/2009
Posts: 44
UltimateDarius wrote:
Sorry about the double post, nobody hate me! I was wondering if anyone here could run a test: find out if my trainer ID matches that of the traded Abra's Original Trainer's ID number (25643) will cause automatic obedience. If so, will it also negate the 1.5x multiplier to experience? If Yes to one and No to two, this would make my life a lot easier in the non-TAS world, and it might help a TAS run for less rerecords? I don't know. But if anyone could help, it would be greatly appreciated!
I'm really not up on all the mechanics of the modern games, but if I recall correctly there are three factors that have to match for the game to count a traded Pokémon as your own: the trainer name, the ID number, and a normally unviewable five-digit number called the hidden ID. The chances of the latter two being the same on any two separate games are something like one in four billion. Basically, even if your name and trainer ID match, the chances of a traded Pokémon being recognized as your own are astronomical (outside of a TAS, of course). But if all the numbers do happen to line up, then yes, the Pokémon should obey you at the cost of the EXP multiplier.
Joined: 12/29/2007
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For obedience from a traded Pokemon: - The Trainer ID must match. - The Secret ID, an unviewable number from 0 to 65535, must match. - The Original Trainer name must match exactly. - The trainer must be the same gender. Chances for both IDs to match are 1 in 2^32, or 1 in 4,294,967,296. If everything matches, the game will recognize the traded Pokemon as your own and it will always obey and be able to be nicknamed.
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UltimateDarius wrote:
I am not certain if Guts could be applied this early in the game or not, but it should be useful if it can be (with the exception of against Roark's Cranidos, due to Mold Breaker)
Just a quick point here - that's not how Mold Breaker works. It just prevents any abilities from making you immune to Cranidos's attacks (like Levitate if he had EQ). Here's Smogon's page on the ability, for good measure.
Working on a mod of an old favorite in my spare time. PM for updates!
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If anyone would like the detailed list, I will post it later. For now, after the trade, I have counted a total of 231 Pokemon that must be KOed. Of those, there are 70 messages of some form. 7 Charge Beam Special Attack boosts 10 Critical Hits The remainder are unavoidable Super Effective or Not Very Effective messages...although a TAS playthough may be able to eliminate a few more of these (Max damage non-crit psychic against earlier Gyarados may OHKO, for example)
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The List, after Trade. I'm not going to bother listing effectiveness, because most of you should know what's SE, NVE, or neutral. This is the same as the SDA post, a couple of these SE attacks might be able to be tweaked to neutral attacks via max damage? Legend: (CH) = Critical Hit OHKO (VD) = Variable Damage OHKO HP Should be obvious, but = Hidden Power RS = Rock Smash (not Ruby/Sapphire!) PB = Psybeam GK = Grass Knot SW = Shock Wave SB = Shadow Ball CB = Charge Beam SpAtt ^ = Raised Special Attack Stat (via CB) Lxx = What Level Kadabra hits (when I started tracking it) Spaces inbetween sets are different fights, everything is OHKO unless specified otherwise. Oreburgh City: Optional fight in the mine: Worker Colin: Geodude: HP (CH) Onix: HP (CH) Youngster Darius (Second gym trainer, and very CLEARLY not Ultimate like myself), optional: Geodude: HP Onix: HP Youngster Johnathan (First gym trainer), optional fight: Geodude: HP Leader Roark: (battle style set to shift before this fight) Geodude: HP Cranados: Chimchar RS as needed until KOed (this fulfills the no double battle requirement), Abra finishes it off with CH HP. Onix: HP (L16) ABRA KADABRA! Teleport to Jubilife Jubilife Grunt Double Extravaganza! Zubat: HP Wurmple: HP Floroma/Windworks Valley Windworks Exterior Grunt: Glameow: Confusion Floroma Forest Grunt 1: Wurmple: HP Silicoon: Confusion Floroma Forest Grunt 2: Zubat: HP Commander Mars: Purugly (outspeeds you): CH Confusion (L19) Eterna Fores: Bug Catcher Jack/Lass Brianna Double: Silicoon: Confusion Wurmple: HP Beautifly: HP Pachirisu (tied speed at L19, will not OHKO until L20): Confusion (L21) Psychic Lindsay: Abra: CH HP Psychic Elijah: Abra: CH HP (L22) Eterna Gym Lass Caroline: Cherubi: Confusion Roselia: Confusion (L23) Aroma Lady Jenna: Budew x3: HP Aroma Lady Angela: Turtwig: Confusion Beauty Lindsay: Roselia: Confusion Leader Gardinia: Cherubi: PB Turtwig: PB Roserade: PB (VD) (L26) Eterna Galactic Building Grunt: Zubat: Confusion Glameow: Confusion Grunt: Wurmple: Confusion Cascoon: Confusion (L27) Grunt: Wurmple: Confusion Zubat: Confusion Silicoon: Confusion Scientist Travon: Kadabra: PB (VD) Commander Jupiter: Zubat: Confusion Skunktank: Miracle eye--> Confusion Ponyta: Confusion (L29) Pachirisu: PB Hearthome City Rival: Starly: Confusion Ponyta: Confusion Prinplup: PB Roselia Confusion OBTAINED LUCKY EGG APPLIED ONE CALCIUM Route 215 Ruin Maniac Calvin: Bronzor: CH GK (GK x2) Shieldon: CH GK (Confusion --> GK) Ace Trainer Maya: Glameow: Confusion (L32) Kadabra: GK Ace Trainer Dennis: Monferno: PB Gyarados: SW (L34) Veilstone City Black Belt Rafael: Meditite: SW (VD) Leader Mabeline: Meditite: PB Machoke: PB Lucario: CH PB (SW-->PB) (L36) Veilstone Grunt Double Extravaganza!! Lucas/Dawn's Clefairy: SW, Grunt's pokemon will finish it off. (S)he will send out Kadabra. Beautifly: SW (L37) Stunky: SW Other two are OHKOs by the other Kadabra, both SE messages, but still faster than dealing with Clefairy. (L38) Route 212 (Rain) NOTE: Plant a Leppa Berry here to ignore caring for it and to max harvest. PKMN Ranger Jeffrey: Prinplup x2: PB PKMN Ranger Allison: Aipom: SW (L39) Marill PB Pastoria City Sailor Damian: Wingull x2: PB Tuber Caitlyn: Azurill: PB (L40) Marill: PB Sailor Samson: Shellos x2: PB Wingull: PB Crasher Wake: Gyarados: Psychic (VD) (L41) Floatzel (Tied Speed): PB Quagsire: PB (L42) Rival: Starly: PB Ponyta: SW Prinplup: PB (L43) Roselia: PB HEALED AT HOTEL COUNTER Fleeing Grunt: Glameow: SW In the fog No names Ponyta: SW (L44) Grotle: PB Machoke: PB Hoothoot: PB Noctowl: Psychic (L45) Celestic Town Grunt: Beautifly: SB Crogagunk: SW (VD) (L46) Hearthome Gym Leader Fantina: Drifloon: Psychic Mismagius: SB (L47) Gengar: Psychic Canalave City Rival: Staravia: Psychic Heracross: Psychic (L48) Ponyta: SW Prinplup: Psychic Roselia: SB Black Belt Ricky: Steelix: GK Ace Trainer Cesar: Skorupi: SW (L50) Steelix: GK Worker Gerardo: Onix x2: SB (L51) Black Belt David: Onix: SB Steelix: GK Leader Byron: Bronzor: CH SB (SW-->SB) Steelix: GK Bastiodon: CH GK (SW-->GK) (L52-53) Lake Valor Commander Saturn: Kadabra: GK Bronzor: SB Toxicroak: Psychic (L54) Lake Verity Grunt: Glameow: SW Grunt: Silicoon: SW Golbat: SB Glameow: SW Grunt: Stunky: SW Glameow: SW Commander Mars: Golbat: SB Purugly: Psychic (L56) Bronzor: SB Route 217 Ace Trainer Dalton: Raichu: SB Hippopotas: SB Pelipper: SB (L57) Ace Trainer Olivia: Roselia: SB Seaking: Psychic Snowpoint Gym Leader Candice: Snover: Psychic (L58) Sneazel: CH SB (SB-->SW) Obamasnow: Psychic Medicham: Psychic (L59) Galactic HQ Grunt: Dustox: SB Bronzor: SB Grunt: Golbat: SB Silicoon: SW USED FULL HEAL BED Grunt: Crogagunk: SW (L60) Stunky: SW Glameow: SW Grunt: Stunky: SW Crogagunk: SW Cyrus: Murkrow: SW Golbat: SB (L61) Sneazel: CH GK (GK x2) Commander Saturn: Kadabra: GK Bronzor: SB Toxicroak: Psychic Mt. Coronet Grunt: Bronzor: SB Glameow: SW Grunt: Bronzor: SB Golbat: SB Grunt: Golbat: SB (L63) Glameow: SW Bronzor: SB Spear Pillar Grunt Double: Stunky: SW Glameow: SW Crogagunk: SB Dustox: SB Commander Double: Bronzor (Right side): SB (VD) Purugly: Psychic (L64) Golbat: SB Bronzor (Left side) SB (VD) Golbat: SB Skunktank: CH SW (SW x2) (L65) (Rival full heals you) Cyrus: Honchkrow: SW Weaville: CH SW/GK (SW/GK x2) (L66) Crobat: SW Gyarados: SW Route 222 Sailor Luthor: Feebas: SB Gastrodon: Psychic (L67) Machoke: SB Sunnyshore Gym School Kid Tiera: Pachirisu: SB School Kid Forrest (Gump): Mr. Mime: GK Guitarist Jerry: Luxio: GK (L68) Ace Trainer Destiny: Kadabra: GK Raichu: SB Guitarist Preston: Luxio: GK Bibarel: Psychic Ace Trainer Zachery: Steelix: GK (L69) Medicham: Psychic Leader Volkner: Raichu: Psychic Ambipoim: Psychic Luxray: CH Psychic (GK-->Psychic) Octillery: Psychic (L70) Route 223 Swimmer Oscar: Mantyke: SB Hemoroid: SB Mantine: Psychic (L71) Victory Road (Nameless trainers again ) Golduck: CB SpAtt^ Blissey: CH Psychic (Psychic x2) Rapidash: SB (VD) Caravine: SB (L72) Ramaridos: SB Clefable: Psychic Torterra: GK (L73) Machamp: GK (VD) Chingling: CB SpAtt^ Chimecho: CB Gabite GK Tentacruel: Psychic (L74) Golem: SB Empoleon: CB (VD) Gible x2: GK Gyarados: Psychic (L75) Pokemon League Rival: Staraptor: CB SpAtt^ Heracross: SB Roserade: SB (VD) (L76) Snorlax: Psychic (VD) Empoleon: CB Rapidash: SB Aaron: Dustox: Psychic (L77) Beautifly: SB Vespiquen: Psychic (VD) Drapion: CB SpAtt^, CB (L78) Heracross: SB Bertha: Quagsire: Psychic Sudowoodo: Psychic Hippodawn: GK (L79) Golem: GK Wishcash: GK Flint: Rapidash: Psychic Drifblim: Psychic (VD) (L80) Infernape: Psychic Lopunny: Psychic Steelix: GK (L81) Lucian: Mr. Mime: SB Girafarig: CB SpAtt^ x2 Bronzong: SB (MAX damage?) Medicham: Psychic Alakazam: GK (L82) Cynthia: Spiritomb: CB SpAtt^+GK Roserade: SB (VD) Garchomp: Psychic (VD) (L83) Gastrodon: Psychic Lucario: Psychic Milotic: GK (L84)
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I got an idea!! Since it is now possible to mainipulate the Trainer's id and Secret id, then maybe we could make it so that the ids will generate a perfect starter at a low frame so that it'll be much easier than to try out every frame. .......... Also, by studying the game's.....code? we can alter the void so that it'll qiuckly warp us to the Hall of Fame Is that a good idea? Edit: If that doesn't work, or it takes too long, then I think you could use the void to warp to the Pastoria Gym. You can get to the void as shown in the video like this(seriously, these voids should be explored with savestates! After all, maybe they can lead to the Hall of Fame!)
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The problem is that the voids require the Explorer's kit and the emulator doesn't support local Wifi too well. The glitch is like A Link to the Past but much longer and more boring. Ultimate Darius's In-game trade Abra tactic clears the game in 6:05. A run with the void could aim for sub 3:30 but I (or even anyone) wouldn't watch a run that has a player running in a void for over 70 minutes :(.
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But is it still possible to mainipulate perfect pokemon using the RNG Method/Abuse like those videos on youtube? Because if we can, then it'll save alot of time because instead of, for example, check every frame for a good natured Chimchar with 31 iv's in attack, we could just start the game at the right time to get one instead. Edit: Oh, and you don't need to find out about the SID(Secret ID) by catching a shiny, just check the game's addresses/codes/memory instead.
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GreenaLink wrote:
The problem is that the voids require the Explorer's kit and the emulator doesn't support local Wifi too well. The glitch is like A Link to the Past but much longer and more boring. Ultimate Darius's In-game trade Abra tactic clears the game in 6:05. A run with the void could aim for sub 3:30 but I (or even anyone) wouldn't watch a run that has a player running in a void for over 70 minutes :(.
Remember too, Greenalink, that my test run was not on emu, so required saving literally at every trainer. Also I did not have the route 100% perfected yet. And I fell asleep once, as well as was testing it out amongst doing other things (making dinner, watching a movie with the family, etc.) A TAS with this method would likely hit the sub 3:30 mark as well.
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Good News!! It seems that a youtube member found a way to battle Cynthia IN the Void!! And I think I found a way to get to the void without explorer's kit, but I need see if it works. I'll try later as I got a Black Screen when rying to save at the Pokemon League/Place where the Elite 4 is fought/Building past Victory Road. If it works, then maybe we can catch Giratina early and use him for the entire run??
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i imgur com/QiCaaH8 png
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arflech wrote:
battle Cynthia IN the Void!!
Uh...Sorry about that, I fixed the link. But was the video nice?
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http://projectpokemon.org/wiki/Notable_Breakpoints A list of handy dandy memory addresses that will be immensely useful for finding the initial IV/nature seed and other things. I don't know if the combat RNG has been analysed yet, that will be the next most useful thing to discover for a TAS. As for the starter itself, there are a few possibilities. We can leave the initial seed as it is on start up, or find some way to change the address so it gives us a high enough IVed starter when we reach it. We don't really need x/31/x/31/x/31 IVs if we are just going to drop the starter after the first gym, after all. We will need the IVs reasonably high though, so some rigging of the initial seed will be helpful.
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