(ok first of all, if this kind of topic is not appreciated here... any moderator is welcome to tell me and close it)
A few simple rules.
1. Whoever guesses the correct answer (first) is expected to post the next one.
2. New cap must be submitted within 24 hours after confirmation of being correct. (else, anybody can post the next cap)
3. Cap must be from a movie or game (no music-videos and whatnot)
4. On confirming someone's answer, update the scoreboard (simply a list of ppl with their points being post over and over)
5. Try not to, but if really nessecary one could obscure part of a caption to avoid it being really easy (e.g. cut out the main character/actor)... if so, make it clear which parts are edited
6. 1 cap at a time
note: try not to leave any hints in the name, tags, etc of an image
note 2: making it harder is more fun by having a hard caption of a well-known game rather than simply using some obscure B-movie/game that no-one knows.
I'll start with an easy one