Ho hmm. Castlevania time AGAIN!
Boy do I feel stupid. I messed around with the game today and sort of "found" a new shortcut. I knew about it before but I was so sure it wouldn't save time. I was wrong.. After that everything went fine and thus I'm ready with a new version :P I didn't got stuck for hours trying to perform a single fall-through.
The good thing though, and the reason why I could do this third version so fast, is that I was able to resume my previous version in Mansion 3, right when I fall into oblivion. This was good because I found out I could jump when falling! I did tried this in my previous version but obviously at the wrong frames.
Also I got the fall-through on my way out to work which made me happy because it looks cooler than the fake wall.
I learned a couple of new things today while testing the shortcut. You actually MUST have the red crystal to enter Castlevania and also the bum (or whatever) in the fifth Mansion gives you four (!) laurels.
There is a minor delay in Mansion 3 on my way up. This is good for two reasons. First, to manipulate those gargoyles upstairs so I could get hit bu their shots and thus not die. Second, because of this I was able to perform the fall through and reveal another book. I tried to do it without that delay but then it was impossible. The ground was solid as <input the strongest material you know here>
I lose some time in the fifth Mansion because I don't have the flame whip there. I have to kill some enemies to reduce lag because that's both boring and time consuming and also the crying mask took a bit longer.
Forth Mansion was faster though because I had the flame whip there.
I'll explain the falling-through-floor glitch yet again, and why it's so hard to perform.
  • First, find a ledge which is exactly 2 blocks higher than the level beneath you. Then walk over the edge and hit air with your whip. If done correctly you will fall through the floor!
  • Second, Simon (the hero) can be in two forms when he starts to fall. Either he stands tall or he is sort of crouching. He MUST be in this crouching form, else it won't work. This is good to know when testing it.
  • Third, it either works or does not work. If it works it's really easy to perform, if it doesn't work it's really frustrating.
  • Forth, if it doesn't work the first try and if done correctly, try something else, like toss a bottle or hit air with your whip.
  • Fifth, anyone can do this basically anywhere where there is a 2 block-higher-than-ground-beneath. The hard thing is to time attack with it since you only have one try.
I still couldn't do the fall-through in Castlevania. I rather have it this way than to jump up and down 2 or more times just to get it to work..
The time in game is now reduced to: 03:01:17
  • FCEu was used
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Manipulates luck
  • Manipulates enemy pattern
  • Uses a warp! (Not Deborah warp though)
Well, that's it for now I think.
/Walker Boh

Bisqwit: processing... Done.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #517: Walker_Boh's NES Castlevania II: Simon's Quest in 32:35.57
Post subject: Re: #517: Walker Boh's NES Castlevania II - Simon's Quest in
Editor, Player (91)
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You're obviously nearing a ninja level up.
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Very very impressive!
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So, if not the Deborah Cliffs warp, which warp did you use?
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The one at a cemetary between red crystal town and Morning Star town. I don't know if it's Camilla's cemetary or some other one.
/Walker Boh
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OK, watching the video I see it. That's cool that you skipped the Deborah Cliffs thing entirely.
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Whoa, you did it again! That's awesome. I wonder if it'll eventually go below 30 minutes ...
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Walker Boh wrote:
The one at a cemetary between red crystal town and Morning Star town. I don't know if it's Camilla's cemetary or some other one.
Camilla cemetary is the one to the left side of the huge swamp you briefly visit.
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At David Wonn's site he says that where I warp is Camillas cemetary. But I also think it's to the left of the swamp, or to the right of blue crystal town. I think the only way now to get it under 30 minutes is to get the darn Deborah glitch to work. I will try some more eventually.
/Walker Boh
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Hah! When I didn't think it wasn't getting any better until Deborah's cliff warp was pulled off, this shows up. Awesome mate! A yes vote indeed. One small question though. When you travel on that raft with the woman which you shows the crystal. Would it save time to stand closer to the screen ending in order to get the the new screen faster? Or even jump into the new screen and re-spawn on the raft? We're only talking frames here so it's nothing big. I was just wondering.
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I've been working on a time attack for this game for a few months, but after seeing your updates, I think I'm going to stop, because you are so much better at it. In this current run, would you save time if you skip the morning star and flame whip, but get the golden knife? Killing the grim reaper would slow you down, but the mask would die faster, and it should be faster killing creeps. Also, you get the morning star on day 2, so you save all of that time. (In contrast, to reply to the previous post, saving frames at the river doesn't actually save you time, since you still have to wait for daylight.) Also, I use the floor glitch at the very beginning to collect the 50 hearts by killing the purple lizards on the left. You get the hearts faster, with the only penalty being that you take damage. If anyone wants to try it, the floor glitch works here by making two jumps with a whip while moving to your left. When making these jumps, hold down the jump button for three frames, and then press the whip button in the next frame. Visually, you press the whip button in the frame after Simon begins the jump. The second jump should land you on the ledge, and now, if you time the glitch correctly, you will fall through the floor. Finally, you don't lose any time by buying laurels in the town with the blue crystal, and there are a few places where having laurels saves you time. The fastest way I've found to earn money is in the screen to the right of the first bridge. On top of the hill, if you go back and forth, you can get two skeletons to appear together, allowing you to earn 12 hearts in about 17 minutes of game time. Nicely done!
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Highness wrote:
One small question though. When you travel on that raft with the woman which you shows the crystal. Would it save time to stand closer to the screen ending in order to get the the new screen faster? Or even jump into the new screen and re-spawn on the raft? We're only talking frames here so it's nothing big. I was just wondering.
WalkerBoh intentionally wastes time there - it decreases the time he has to spend in the next town waiting for morning. It's a "here or there" situation. Also, jumping would drown Simon. The boat will not appear on the next screen unless Simon is standing on it.
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Thanks for all comments! Now for some answers.
Whiskey wrote:
In this current run, would you save time if you skip the morning star and flame whip, but get the golden knife?
I doubt I would save time by doing this. It would save me a few screens to not buy the morning star but it's very handy from the moment I get it. And since I still MUST have the red crystal to complete the game I will not earn a whole night by doing that.
Whiskey wrote:
Also, I use the floor glitch at the very beginning to collect the 50 hearts by killing the purple lizards on the left. You get the hearts faster, with the only penalty being that you take damage. If anyone wants to try it, the floor glitch works here by making two jumps with a whip while moving to your left. When making these jumps, hold down the jump button for three frames, and then press the whip button in the next frame. Visually, you press the whip button in the frame after Simon begins the jump. The second jump should land you on the ledge, and now, if you time the glitch correctly, you will fall through the floor.
Nice idea but unfortunately it won't work. This is because it's impossible to reach blue crystal time within the first day, even if you skip everything and just run for it. I have tested it. Thus it doesn't really matter what you with your free time during the night. Same goes for red crystal town. It's impossible to run all the way from blue crystal town to red crystal town within a day. Therefor I must "waste" some time.
Whiskey wrote:
Finally, you don't lose any time by buying laurels in the town with the blue crystal, and there are a few places where having laurels saves you time. The fastest way I've found to earn money is in the screen to the right of the first bridge. On top of the hill, if you go back and forth, you can get two skeletons to appear together, allowing you to earn 12 hearts in about 17 minutes of game time.
I do lose time by buying laurels. This is because the clock in-game stops when inside Mansions, houses or Castlevania. And when I found out that the dude in Mansion 5 gives me 4 laurels it eliminated all needs for extra ones.
Whiskey wrote:
Nicely done!
Thank you very much kind sir ;)
Highness wrote:
One small question though. When you travel on that raft with the woman which you shows the crystal. Would it save time to stand closer to the screen ending in order to get the the new screen faster? Or even jump into the new screen and re-spawn on the raft? We're only talking frames here so it's nothing big. I was just wondering.
Yes, you are right. It is faster to stand very close to the screen. But as Bisqwit explained (thanks) it's useless because it's night and I need to waste some time. One alternative had to be 1-3 more zombies defeated in red crystal town.. So, yet again, where time can be saved is INSIDE mansions/houses and Castlevania. On almost all other places I have to play after the clock (time day and night right that is). Also, after getting the red crystal I don't have to wait for anything. So after that point it's just to run to the end. I didn't stop more then needed. And that is on 2 places. First, to manipulate the blob to be able to warp and second, to get the flame whip. Thanks again for comments.
/Walker Boh
Post subject: Re: #517: Walker Boh's NES Castlevania II - Simon's Quest in
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Nesvideos wrote:
Walker Boh got a ninja level up! STR + 1 SPD + 3 DEX + 2 LIFE - 2
Heh, I can't believe you made a third version that quick. And it was good too. Some questions I should have asked already for the previous version: - The first werewolf thing you kill while continuing to move forward. Other times (6400, 6600) you stop to kill them by using the water while standing. - The first night you kill most skeletons with whip+water. However, one skeleton later on dies to water only, I think (9500). Is he special, or could you have killed all the skeletons with one bottle of water?
Post subject: Re: #517: Walker Boh's NES Castlevania II - Simon's Quest in
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Monsters have different strength on daytime and nighttime. Also, Simon gets levelups (which refill his HP), although I didn't think levelups affect the strength of the bottles.
Post subject: Re: #517: Walker Boh's NES Castlevania II - Simon's Quest in
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Truncated wrote:
Nesvideos wrote:
Walker Boh got a ninja level up! STR + 1 SPD + 3 DEX + 2 LIFE - 2
Woo! I didn't know about this! Thanks alot! *flattered*
Truncated wrote:
Heh, I can't believe you made a third version that quick. And it was good too.
Thank you ;)
Truncated wrote:
[ Some questions I should have asked already for the previous version: - The first werewolf thing you kill while continuing to move forward. Other times (6400, 6600) you stop to kill them by using the water while standing.
Yeah, I figured tossing the bottle is actually a few frames faster. 2-5 or something. However, this doesn't matter outdoors as long as I get the timing right (again the towns). Where it does matter is inside the first 2 mansions because there the enemies are still vulnerable to bottles. Thus I try to kill them with bottles as much as possible. Jumping skeletons is hard though. Also, I think it looks more varied to use the bottle every now and then ;)
Truncated wrote:
- The first night you kill most skeletons with whip+water. However, one skeleton later on dies to water only, I think (9500). Is he special, or could you have killed all the skeletons with one bottle of water?
He's special. I don't know wether I messed him up or something but I did it twice (loaded to fix something and then did it again). This means all other enemies can't be kill with the bottle alone.
/Walker Boh
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Walker Boh wrote :
Nice idea but unfortunately it won't work. This is because it's impossible to reach blue crystal time within the first day, even if you skip everything and just run for it. I have tested it. Thus it doesn't really matter what you with your free time during the night. Same goes for red crystal town. It's impossible to run all the way from blue crystal town to red crystal town within a day. Therefor I must "waste" some time.
As far as I can tell, it is impossible to get the blue crystal on day 0. I proposed this as a way of getting more hearts when you reach the town with the blue crystal, allowing you to buy more laurels. I didn't realize the clock stops in houses, though, so it is doubtful this would save you time. My reason for suggesting this is because laurels help you traverse swamps faster and they allow you to avoid damage, and damage eats up time when you level up. I don't remember if you reach level 3 in this run, but avoiding level-ups would save time. Another thing you can do with this extra time is get the sacred flame. I've never found a way to make the sacred flame a useful time-saver, though.
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Whiskey wrote:
As far as I can tell, it is impossible to get the blue crystal on day 0. I proposed this as a way of getting more hearts when you reach the town with the blue crystal, allowing you to buy more laurels. I didn't realize the clock stops in houses, though, so it is doubtful this would save you time. My reason for suggesting this is because laurels help you traverse swamps faster and they allow you to avoid damage, and damage eats up time when you level up. I don't remember if you reach level 3 in this run, but avoiding level-ups would save time.
Yeah, it was a good idea but unfortunately I can't win any time with it. Avoiding level up can be a good idea but there are a few places where I must take damage. First is in Mansion 2 when I fall down and talk to the dude with the oak stake again. Next is the eye in the cave. The next one after that is the first swamp, which I personally like because of the levelup at the right place ;) Next again should be in Mansion 3, before falling into oblivion. This was the only way I found to make the glitch work there and with no delay as in my first version. Also, taking damage saves minor times here and there and thus it's not all bad to get levelups. Better than to rest in churches I suppose.
Whiskey wrote:
Another thing you can do with this extra time is get the sacred flame. I've never found a way to make the sacred flame a useful time-saver, though.
If I'll ever get it to work I'll show this in my currently-not-working-out-as-it-should-Deborah glitch run. Taking it would waste time though because the dialog will pop up.
/Walker Boh
Joined: 1/1/2022
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Yeah, I figured tossing the bottle is actually a few frames faster. 2-5 or something. However, this doesn't matter outdoors as long as I get the timing right (again the towns). Where it does matter is inside the first 2 mansions because there the enemies are still vulnerable to bottles. Thus I try to kill them with bottles as much as possible. Jumping skeletons is hard though.
The whip sequence is 20 frames (usually), and the holy water sequence is 14 frames, so you save 6 frames by using the holy water.
Next is the eye in the cave. The next one after that is the first swamp, which I personally like because of the levelup at the right place ;) Next again should be in Mansion 3, before falling into oblivion. This was the only way I found to make the glitch work there and with no delay as in my first version.
You can get past the eye without taking damage. This requires you moving backwards to kill the eyes that fly towards you.
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Whiskey wrote:
The whip sequence is 20 frames (usually), and the holy water sequence is 14 frames, so you save 6 frames by using the holy water.
Yup, but this is "only" important in the first two mansions. After that the enemies get's stronger and can't be killed smoothly with the water. They can be delayed if needed though.
Whiskey wrote:
You can get past the eye without taking damage. This requires you moving backwards to kill the eyes that fly towards you.
This is true, but I kinda like the way it is now, and since im outdoors it doesn't really matter.
/Walker Boh
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [290] NES Castlevania II: Simon's Quest by Walker_Boh in 32:35.57
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bisqwit, looks like you're the dude to ask if a guy's got a question about a video game...wow i just discovered your site a few days ago looking for a place to download Castevania II. Cool video with you whuppin drac-ass in like half an hour too, brought back alot of memories of me playing the game non-stop living in the lonely one horse town i grew up in. There is something that's always bugged me about CV2, though...and i'm sure it's nothing at all, but have to know for sure before i die. When you go into the castle beneath the lake that you kneel by with the blue crystal, there is a wall at the edge of the screen, 2 blocks wide by like 5 blocks tall. I've never figured out what it's purpose is, if there is one. If i had to guess, it would seem that it's GOT to be there for some other reason than to bug the sh*t out of me...
Post subject: Re: question
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samplank wrote:
When you go into the castle beneath the lake that you kneel by with the blue crystal, there is a wall at the edge of the screen, 2 blocks wide by like 5 blocks tall. I've never figured out what it's purpose is, if there is one. If i had to guess, it would seem that it's GOT to be there for some other reason than to bug the sh*t out of me...
Which one? Rover mansion, perhaps? Have a look at the maps at this page. http://www.gamewinners.com/nes/Castlevania2SimonsQuest.htm
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It must be the second mansion since I don't kneel to get to mansion 5. This wall is surely here because it's not meant to go further to the right. It would be cool though to see what's on the opposite side of it but I doub't that is possible.
/Walker Boh
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Walker Boh wrote:
It would be cool though to see what's on the opposite side of it but I doub't that is possible.
Very likely there's nothing but dark there, just like in Mansion 3 (Brahm) where you fall through the floor, exposing the darkness. Edit: Oh, did the original poster mean *outside* the mansion? Hmm.