
Hello, this is my first TAS of an entire game. I chose this game because it was an easy and simple game to Tas. The hardest part of the game might possibly be the Monster Movie Set level. It has 2 sections where there are 4-5 doors to chose from. Entering the wrong door will result in you having to do that section again. I purposely slowed down before going to the area with the doors so that I can mainuplate the first door to allow me to proceed. I took damage once on every stage to save time. I also tried to make the boss battles entertaining.
You can watch the run over here(part 1) and here(part 2).

Important Addresses

Address: Character State
00 - Stuck
01 - Not moving
02 - Walking
03 - Jumping
04 - Running
05 - Run+Jump
06 - Stop Running
07 - Kicking
08 - Jump+Kick
0A - Dizzy
0B - Doors
0C - Hurt
0D - Death
Address: Invincibilty Timer
00 - Vincible
01+ - Invincible


  • Fastest way to enter doors(walking):
Right, Let Go, Up
  • Fastest Way to Enter doors(Running):
Right, Left, Right, Let Go, Up,
  • Instant stop:
Right, Left, Right, Wait
  • Instant run and turn
Right,Left,Right,Wait, Down, Left
  • Run, Stop, Kick, Run:
Right, Left, B,Wait (3 Frames), Down, Right
  • Walk Thru Walls (Right):
Right, Left, Right, Left (Until you enter the wall)
  • Walk Thru Walls (Left):
Right + Left (Untill you enter the wall)


  • Take Damge to Lower your health Bonus -- Saves 50 Frames
  • Infinite Time glitch is detrimental as it makes you lose 100 frames per level.
  • Take Damage during boss fights to save more frames!!
  • Sometimes, the longer route is faster, as it avoids the carrots, which gives you 10 points each.
  • 1 point = 1 frame during the Countdown at the end of each stage.
  • Use Cheats to find out when the boss is vulnerable!

The Minigames:

Nothing special, expect the fact that winning the tug-o-war minigame is slightly faster than losing because of an unskippable cutscene if you lose.

The Bosses:

  • Cowboy Max:
    • I'm sorry. I'm really am. Why? Because I had to take damge in order to lower my health bonus by 50. I know it looks sloppy and bad, but this won't happen again.
  • Kabuki Max:
    • This time, I took damage to attack him as early as possible. Unfortunately, you HAVE to delay a bit before attacking him again, or else he mysteriosly vanish for 300 or so more frames.
  • Cyber Max:
    • Longest Battle Ever. I seriously hate this guy. He's not hard or anything, but it's just that in order to beat him quickly, you have to wait inside the top left pillar near where he spawns. I tried to do several tricks during the battle, but to me, it's still boring to wait thru the whole thing.
  • Franken Max:
    • Quickest Battle Ever. He's too predictable and can also be lured to the edge of the screen, allowing you to knock him out fast. I took damage so that I can attack him earlier without getting hurt again.
  • Montana Max.
    • I took damage in the middle of the final brawl with Max to execute a time-saving glitch that allows me to attack during his laser move.

mmbossman: Nice movie, especially from a newcomer! Congratulations on completing this, and on your first accepted movie.
OmnipotentEntity: Encoding.

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Location: Georgia, USA
Thanks for the encode! This looks like a pretty decent run of an average game. It's disappointing that Buster runs so slowly despite his "fast running cycle" animation. However, the music is generally pretty good, especially in Stage 3. (Btw, I liked your dancing around while waiting for Cyber Max to become vulnerable.) I was wondering: you mention that you can walk through walls, but you never use this except when fighting Cyber Max. I thought of a couple places where this glitch might be helpful though. First, in Stage 2, in the first room with water rising and falling, you fall down some collapsing platforms and then have to jump your way back up on the other side of the pipes. Couldn't you walk through the pipe at the top, rather than falling down? Also, in any of the rooms where you have to travel mostly vertically (the rising-water rooms in Stage 4 come to mind), would it be faster to get yourself in the right wall and jump upwards in that wall?
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. ( Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! ( Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
Skilled player (1734)
Joined: 9/17/2009
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Location: ̶C̶a̶n̶a̶d̶a̶ "Kanatah"
First, in Stage 2, in the first room with water rising and falling, you fall down some collapsing platforms and then have to jump your way back up on the other side of the pipes. Couldn't you walk through the pipe at the top, rather than falling down?
First, about stage 2's water room, I discovered that if you walk too far into the pillar, you'll get stuck. The same happens for every wall. Also, I did try to climb my way up by jumping inside the wall, but I got stuck.
Also, in any of the rooms where you have to travel mostly vertically (the rising-water rooms in Stage 4 come to mind), would it be faster to get yourself in the right wall and jump upwards in that wall?
That's the first thing that I tried to do when I first arrived at this room, but unfortunately, it won't work. First, certain bricks on the wall can't be walked thru. Second, the platforms sticking out of the walls prevent me from going higher.
Joined: 6/23/2009
Posts: 2227
Location: Georgia, USA
Ah, ok then, thanks for the response. Yes vote, especially since this game gets more interesting in the later stages, where it's clearly harder.
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. ( Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! ( Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
Editor, Expert player (2476)
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Location: Gone for a year, just for varietyyyyyyyyy!!
Nice run! Welcome to TASVideos, jlun2!
Joined: 6/20/2008
Posts: 150
This does look pretty solid. I presume it's just an optical illusion that it seemed to me that you were going faster during the top heights of some of those pretty high jumps. It also looks like you lose speed when you stomp something. Or maybe I'm just really sleep-deprived. Tangentially, this run does not seem to use the "manipulates luck" label in the submission text, although, really, I want to see a run on here that doesn't manipulate luck. Is that even possible?
Joined: 6/23/2009
Posts: 2227
Location: Georgia, USA
Priam, from what I could gather in the submission text, it manipulates luck in Stage 4 by delaying, so that the correct door in the maze is the first door. (I'm of the understanding that the correct door is determined randomly?) I did see the delays when I watched the run. Also, there was a pause when fighting the boss of stage 2... notice that the last bounce on the boss hit him pretty early in comparison to some other hits. It's debatable whether that manipulates luck or just takes advantage of boss patterns, though.... As for not manipulating luck, there are definitely some runs that do that. I forget exactly which games, but I know I read the submission comments for a game where nothing was randomly determined at all. When I search for "does not manipulate luck", I get that Aqfaq's run of The Immortal doesn't manipulate luck, for what it's worth. Also, Truncated's TAZ Mania.
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. ( Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! ( Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
Joined: 2/12/2008
Posts: 67
Location: San Francisco Bay Area, CA
Looks pretty good. It's not the most entertaining game in the world to TAS, because of the slow speed, but it's good enough, and technically it looks solid. Yes vote.
Skilled player (1734)
Joined: 9/17/2009
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Location: ̶C̶a̶n̶a̶d̶a̶ "Kanatah"
Also, there was a pause when fighting the boss of stage 2... notice that the last bounce on the boss hit him pretty early in comparison to some other hits. It's debatable whether that manipulates luck or just takes advantage of boss patterns, though....
If I hit him earlier in the other hits, he will mysteriously vanish for 300 more frames then usual. But if I hit him at the earliest possible moment at the last hit, he won't dissappear.
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I looked through the first two levels of this movie... When going past some enemies, you stop to kick which seems to lose you time. In many of these cases it seems that you could jump over the enemy instead. Would this be faster? And also: does jumping or landing from a jump cost any time? Sometimes it looks like there is a small pause when you land from a jump, but it's hard to tell when watching in full speed. Maybe it's just my imagination.
Skilled player (1734)
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Location: ̶C̶a̶n̶a̶d̶a̶ "Kanatah"
When going past some enemies, you stop to kick which seems to lose you time. In many of these cases it seems that you could jump over the enemy instead. Would this be faster?
If I jump over the enemies on the first stage that throws crates at you, I'll bounce on the crate, slowing me down. Some enemies are located in places where jumping over them because there are ceilings/blocks/walls/etc blocking my way, or that jumping will cause me to get hit. Some enemies are located in a place that if a jump over it, I might obtain a carrot, losing 10 frames.
Post subject: Movie published
Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15435
This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [1371] GB Tiny Toon Adventures 2: Montana's Movie Madness by jlun2 in 18:39.95